Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Is The Natural Cure For Prostate Cancer

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Tips For Nutrition During Cancer Treatment

Natural Herbal Remedies For Treatment Of Prostate Cancer, Prostatitis & Enlarged Prostate
  • Maintain a healthy weight. For many men, this means avoiding weight loss by getting enough calories on a daily basis. For men who are overweight and are obese, this may mean losing some weight. If you are trying to lose weight, it should be moderate, meaning only about a pound a week.
  • Get essential nutrients the body needs, such as protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, such as carotenoids, and water. Not only will your body function better, you will feel better.
  • Be as active as you can, such as taking a daily walk. If you sit or sleep too much, you may lose muscle mass and increase your body fat, even if you are not gaining weight.

If you are struggling to eat enough or are eating too much, nutrition counseling may help you get essential nutrients, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals into your diet and maintain a healthy body weight. Ask your health care team for a referral to a registered dietitian or nutritionist. Dietitians and other members of the health care team work with people to meet their nutritional needs.

What Is The Prostate Gland

The prostate is a small gland that is an integral part of the male reproductive system. It surrounds the urethra and is situated between the penis and bladder and is responsible for producing a fluid which is one of the primary components of semen. The gland is susceptible to becoming enlarged, particularly in more mature males where a reduction in testosterone is thought to be a trigger. This is also when prostate cancer becomes a factor.

Questions And Answers About Vitamin D

  • What is vitamin D?

    Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin found in fatty fish, fish liver oil, and eggs. Vitamin D may also be added to dairy products.

    Vitamin D has many actions in the body, including the following:

  • See the Laboratory/Animal/Preclinical Studies section of the health professional version of Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Dietary Supplements for information on laboratory and animal studies done using vitamin D.

  • Have any studies of vitamin D been done in people?

    Population studies and clinical trials have been done to study the effects of vitamin D on prostate cancer. The results of these studies have been mixed. Some studies have shown a link between Vitamin D levels and prostate cancer, and others have not. There is not enough evidence to know whether giving vitamin D can prevent prostate cancer.

    Combined studies

  • A 2008 review of 45 studies found no link between taking vitamin D and prostate cancer risk.
  • A 2009 study found that men with low levels of sun exposure had an increased risk of prostate cancer and advanced disease.
  • A 2011 review of 25 studies found no link between either vitamin D in the diet or blood levels of vitamin D and the risk of prostate cancer.
  • Population studies

    Clinical trials

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    Selenium Vitamin E And Other Antioxidants

    The concept that antioxidants can prevent malignant transformation or treat established malignancy has been reported for many years and previously reviewed . Briefly, this concept is based on the idea that free radicals are able to induce DNA damage that may ultimately lead to mutations that predispose cells to malignant transformation . In humans, the most common free radical is the hydroxyl radical and the term reactive oxygen species is commonly used to encompass all oxygen-containing free radicals.

    There are multiple preclinical models in prostate and other malignancies to suggest that antioxidants can prevent malignant transformation and/or delay progression . Antioxidants such as selenium and vitamin E have long been touted, and until quite recently, commonly used by PCa patients with both preventive and therapeutic intent.

    How To Add More Fish To Your Diet

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    Adding more omega-3s to your diet can be as easy as cracking open a can of sardines or tuna. Not everyone is so enthusiastic about fish, though. Plus, it can also be expensive.

    If you havent enjoyed fish in the past, try a different type. Each one has a unique flavor. The flavor is also milder if the fish is fresh, so you may enjoy fish more if you buy it from a fish counter and make it that day.

    Cod, flounder, and trout have milder flavors. Try topping your fish with a lemon sauce or adding it to another prostate-friendly food. For example, you could try baked cod in a tomato sauce.

    To stretch your dollar, you can also add fish to dishes like pasta, soup, salad, or sandwiches. That way you wont need as much fish to make a complete meal.

    You can also ask your healthcare provider about taking omega-3 supplements.


    Fatty fish, such as salmon and mackerel, contain healthful omega-3 fatty acids. These compounds may help keep the prostate healthy, though more studies are needed.

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    Maintaining Good Nutrition During And After Treatment

    Maintaining a healthy diet can help you prepare for and recover after cancer treatment. It may also help to prevent the prostate cancer from coming back.Watching your weight may also reduce your risk of dying from prostate cancer. Recent studies have indicated that the risk of dying from prostate cancer is more than double in obese men diagnosed with the disease compared with men of normal weight at the time of diagnosis. Obese men with local or regional disease have been shown to have nearly four times the risk of their cancer spreading beyond the prostate or metastasizing.

    Prostate cancer treatment may affect your appetite, eating habits, and weight, but it is important for you to maintain a healthy weight, get essential nutrients, and remain as physically active as possible.If you have difficulty eating due to side effects from treatment, there are ways to make eating more comfortable. Working with a registered dietitian/nutritionist can help make sure you are getting the nutrition you need.

    Unfortunately it is possible for the side effects of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy to cause you to lose your appetite, eat less and lose weight. On the other hand, some treatments, such as androgen deprivation therapy may cause weight gain for some men.

    , Prostate Cancer and Nutrition featuring Margaret Martin, RD, MS, LDN, a nutrition educator from PearlPoint Nutrition Services.

    Naturopathic Methods For Treating Cancer

    • Anti-oxidant intake:;Anti-oxidants are the agents which decrease the concentrations of free radicals in body. Use of plant based diet containing lipoic acid, vitamin C and E can also serve as good source of anti-oxidants.
    • Reduction in the rate of inflammatory processes:;Inflammation in tissues is known to increase the progression to cancerous cells. Reduction in internal inflammation of cells and tissues can serve as a good measure to treat prostate cancer.
    • Detoxification:;Removing toxins from the body can help in slowing the progression to cancer as toxic compounds serve as a good source of nutrition source for invasive cancers. Detoxification can be achieved by eating hygienic foods, maintaining regular bowel movements, and ensuring adequate tissue hydration etc.
    • Environmental toxins
    • Limit the intake of food sprayed or treated with pesticides
    • Avoid smoking and alcohol intake
    • Reduce red meat intake
    • Cancer killing agents: Turmeric which contains curcumin, vitamin D, and modified citrus pectin are the natural agents which are effectively used for killing prostate cancers cells.

    It is imperative to mention that not all the cases of prostate malignancy are ideal candidates for natural treatment. Speak to your primary care provider to discuss possible options and recommended solutions.

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    Can Certain Foods Kill Prostate Cancer

    There is no particular food or recipe that can directly kill prostate cancer cells. Research is underway to discover the foods that may help prevent prostate cancer and aid the complete recovery of prostate cancer patients. It must be noted that the scientifically proven therapies for prostate cancer are crucial for treatment and should not be replaced by other means, including dietary supplements. Some of the foods that are suggested by studies to help in recovery or prevent prostate cancer relapse include

    A balanced diet that includes these foods may promote an overall sense of well-being and help limit prostate cancer. Drinking plenty of water helps to flush out the wastes and toxins from the body and keep the metabolism at optimum levels. Avoid sugary drinks and foods, red meat, barbecued or deep-fried foods and processed foods , get ample rest and perform regular physical activities as per the doctors advice.

    Side Effects And Nutrition

    Natural Remedies for Prostate Enlargement & Prostate Cancer Prevention

    Cancer treatment often causes side effects, such as nausea, mouth sores, and taste changes that may make it difficult to eat or drink. Follow these tips to help you get the nutrition you need:

    • If water tastes unpleasant to you, take in more liquid though items such as soup, tea, milk or milk substitutes such as almond milk, or a sports drink. Or, flavor your water by adding fresh cut fruit.
    • If food tastes bland, try seasoning it with flavorful spices such as garlic, cayenne, dill, and rosemary.
    • Eat several small meals throughout the day instead of trying to eat large amounts of food at one time.
    • Enhance your protein intake with protein from foods such as fish, egg whites, cheese, beans, or high protein smoothies.
    • Suck on mints, chew on gum, or try fresh citrus fruits if you have a metallic taste in your mouth. Brushing your teeth before eating, using plastic utensils, and cooking in glassware can also help.
    • If you have mouth sores or a gum infection, use a blender to make vegetables and meats smooth. Try juicing or making smoothies.Some side effects are often treated with medication, so talk with your doctor or another member of your health care team for more information.

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    Which Men Are At Risk For Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among men in the United States. It is thought that virtually all men with circulating androgens will develop microscopic prostate cancer if they live long enough. In fact, when prostatic tissue is scrutinized under a microscope after surgery , cancer is found in 50% of men older than age 70. And it’s found in virtually all men over age 90.

    What About Lycopene For Prostate Cancer

    Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant. It’s found in abundance in some fruits and vegetables, particularly cooked tomatoes. Some studies show that people who eat diets high in tomatoes and other fruits high in lycopene have lower cancer rates, and some researchers even believe lycopene may retard the growth of prostate tumors. However, results of several studies have not been consistent.

    Lycopene is found in large quantities in foods normally consumed. No side effects have been noted or precautions suggested when this “super nutrient” is eaten as part of a balanced diet.

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    How To Prevent Prostate Cancer

    There is no known way to prevent most prostate cancers as the main cause is a genetic predisposition.

    There are lifestyle decisions you can make to lower the risk of developing prostate cancer, including maintaining a healthy weight by being active and eating a healthy diet: vegetables; fruits; whole-grain bread, pasta, and cereals; fish; poultry; and beans. Also, you should limit processed meat and red meat.

    The immune system contains many different types of cells, however, only a handful of these white blood cells actually kill cancer cells. It should be the intent of a person with cancer to focus on treatments that quickly increase the count of the cancer-killing white blood cells.

    How Does Diet Impact Prostate Cancer

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    Diet may account for about one-third of cancers of the prostate, large bowel, and breast. All of these cancers are more common in the Western world than in Asian countries such as Japan and China. Although cancer is influenced by both hereditary and environmental factors, studies show that Japanese men and those who eat a vegetarian diet have the lowest rates of prostate cancer. One possible explanation is the low fat content of the Asian diet. Another is that certain nutrients in the foods in these diets may help reduce the cancer risk.

    A healthy diet rich in nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables may reduce your risk of prostate cancer.

    Vitamin D3 has shown promise as a treatment for advanced prostate cancer, but is still under study.

    If you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer, listen to your conventional medical doctor. Your doctor will guide your treatment regimen using the latest proven cancer therapies. Some alternative treatments for prostate cancer may be harmful when used with standard cancer treatments. So, always check with your health care provider before using any natural herb or supplement. That way you can avoid drug-herb interactions.

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    How To Cure Prostate Cancer

    Medically reviewed by

    Last Updated: May 25, 2021References

    This article was medically reviewed by . Dr. Litza is a board certified Family Medicine Physician in Wisconsin. She is a practicing Physician and taught as a Clinical Professor for 13 years, after receiving her MD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health in 1998.There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 15,796 times.

    Prostate cancer is the leading cancer among men and an estimated of 220,000 men are diagnosed with the condition in 2015. In men, prostate cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death after lung cancer. However, with an aggressive treatment regimen and healthy lifestyle habits, the disease can be treated.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Cancer SocietyNonprofit devoted to promoting cancer research, education, and supportGo to source

    Lycopene And Other Components

    One study randomly assigned 79 men before prostatectomy to a nutritionalintervention with tomato products containing 30 mg of lycopene daily; tomato products plus selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, soyisoflavones, grape/pomegranate juice, and green/black tea; or a control diet for 3 weeks. There were no differences in PSA values between the intervention and control groups. However, a post hoc exploratory analysis found lower PSA values in men with intermediate-risk prostate cancer who consumed the tomato products and in men with the highest increases in lycopene levels.

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    Prostate Cancer Nutrition And Dietary Supplements Health Professional Version

    On This Page

    This cancer information summary provides an overview of the use of various foods and dietary supplements for reducing the risk of developing prostate cancer or for treating prostate cancer. This summary includes the history of research, reviews of laboratory and animal studies, and results of clinical trials on the following foods or dietary supplements:

    Each type of dietary supplement or food will have a dedicated section in the summary, and new topics will be added over time. Note: A separate PDQ summary on PC-SPES is also available.

    Prostate cancer is the most common noncutaneous cancer affecting men in the United States. On the basis of data from 2014 to 2016, it is estimated that 11.6% of U.S. men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetimes.

    Many studies suggest that complementary and alternative medicine use is common among prostate cancer patients, and the use of vitamins, supplements, and specific foods is frequently reported by these patients. For example, the Prostate CAncer Therapy Selection study was a prospective study that investigated mens decision-making processes about treatment following a diagnosis of local-stage prostate cancer. As part of this study, patients completed surveys regarding CAM use, and more than half of the respondents reported using one or more CAM therapies, with mind-body modalities and biologically based treatments being the most commonly used.

    Prognosis If You Have Prostate Cancer

    Natural Cures For Cancer.How To Cure Cancer.Cancer Prevention Diet.Prostate Cancer Treatment

    A high percentage of cases of prostate cancer are found in the early stages. When this is the case, the 5-year survival rate is close to 100%. The earlier the prostate cancer is found, the better the prognosis.

    A Gleason Score is used to indicate the aggressiveness of cancer. Scores range from 2 to 10 . A score of under 7 indicates a more favorable prognosis; a 7 indicates a moderate prognosis; a score over 7 indicates a less favorable prognosis.

    T1 and T2 tumors are indicative of a better prognosis than T3 and T4 tumors which have metastasized.

    Conventional medicines main types of treatment for prostate cancer include:

    • Surgery

    American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute, Cancer Research UK, Canadian Cancer Society

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    Questions And Answers About Soy

  • What is soy?

    The soybean plant has been grown in Asia for food for hundreds of years. The soybean can be made into products, such as soy milk, miso, tofu, soy flour, and oil.

    Soy foods contain phytochemicals that may have health benefits. Isoflavones are the most widely studied compounds in soy. Major isoflavones in the soybean include genistein, daidzein, and glycitein.

    Isoflavones are phytoestrogens that attach to estrogen receptors found in prostate cancercells. Genistein may affect some processes inside prostate cancer cells that are involved in the growth and spread of cancer.

  • How is soy given or taken?

    Soy may be eaten in food or taken in dietary supplements.

  • Have any laboratory or animal studies been done using soy?

    See the Laboratory/Animal/Preclinical Studies section of the health professional version of Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Dietary Supplements for information on laboratory and animal studies done using soy.

  • Have any studies of soy been done in people?

    Population studies and clinical trials have been done to find out if soy can prevent or treat prostate cancer. The results of these studies have been mixed. Some studies have shown a lower risk of prostate cancer or a change in prostate-specific antigen level, and others have not. The results may be mixed because the number of men participating in the studies is small and different types and doses of soy products were given for varying lengths of time.

    Combined population studies

  • Clinical trials

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