Friday, July 26, 2024

Is No Shave November For Prostate Cancer

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Men With Prostate Cancer Show Their Support Too

“No Shave November” raises awareness about cancer

The real face of Movember, are men like Lee Byrd, who was diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer at age 56 after years of putting off his regular check-ups.

Two things men dont like to do is go to the doctor and ask for directions, so thank God for wives and GPS, said Byrd, a partner at a commercial real estate firm in Raleigh.

After an operation and radiation therapy, his prostate cancer returned. Byrd felt he was out of options, but found hope at Duke under the care of Armstrong, who offered him alternatives for treatment. 

Once you find out you have cancer, its the type of thing you dont share with the world.” But if being part of this effort “can help in some way, somebody might be going to the doctor earlier, then its been a good days work, he said. 

So What Is No Shave November

There is another event that takes place in November each year.

No Shave November encourages participants to stop shaving for a month in order to create awareness for cancer.

No Shave November started as a Facebook trend in 2009. The original purpose of the event was to get participant to donate the money they would spend on shaving and grooming products to the American Cancer Society.

No Shave November is a global event. Anyone can participate by stopping shaving for a month and by either donating to cancer research or raising awareness for this cause. No Shave November currently supports the Prevent Cancer Foundation, Fight Colorectal Cancer and the St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital.

Its Important To Understand Your Risk Factors

Knowing your risk factors for prostate cancer and talking about them with your doctor can help you make more informed lifestyle and health care choices. Risk factors for developing prostate cancer include age, family history, and ethnicity. Learning more about prostate cancer risk factors and discussing them with your doctor at your annual physical exam can help with early detection.

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What Is Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men after skin cancer. More than 174,650 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, according to Benign cancers in the prostate are usually not life threatening and can be easily treated. More serious prostate cancers, such as malignant tumors require additional, specialized care to remove them. The good news is that the 5-year survival rate for most men with local or regional prostate cancer is almost 100%. Doctors arent sure why some men get prostate cancer, while others do not.

Movember Vs No Shave November Whats It All About

31 best No Shave November images on Pinterest

Recently you may have noticed some of the clean-shaven men in your life becoming fuzzier as their staches, goatees, Fu Manchus, mutton chops and other furry face-warmers sprout predominantly over the brisk month of November. These sudden changes to their features foster a conversation about their noble goal: raise awareness and money for cancer research.

Movember and No Shave November are actually two separate movements with a common theme. Movember asks men to participate in growing out a mustache and focuses primarily on mens prostate and testicular cancer. No Shave November asks that men and women save the money they would regularly set aside for grooming , and instead pledge that money to the American Cancer Association. Both groups have a worthy goal, and participation can be a lot of fun!

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer with over 200,000 new cases a year in the United States alone. Testicular Cancer is rarer, with the still sizable number of over 8,000 new cases a year. Routine check-ups may help to identify cancers early, and aid with keeping the loss of life to a minimum.

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Prostate Cancer Or All Mens Health Issues

Movember focuses its charitable contributions on four particular Mens Health issues: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health, and physical inactivity. Prostate and testicular cancer are considered the two most common cancers among men, while around one in four adults suffers from a mental health issue and over half of men do not meet federal guidelines for physical activity. Since its inception in 2003, the Movember Foundation has raised around $650 million that has helped fund more than 1,000 programs focusing on these four issues that affect men everywhere.  

No Shave November also focuses its efforts on benefiting cancer research, but they open it up to all cancers as opposed to just prostate and testicular. This web-based, non-profit organization, which has partnered with the American Cancer Society, Prevent Cancer Foundation, and St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, donates no less than 80 percent of the donations it receives to participating charities. Participants are asked to donate the money they would otherwise spend on grooming, like razors and trips to the barber shop.

Life After Prostate Cancer

Because prostate cancer has such a high survival rate, theres a lot of information available about what its like to live in remission. Typically, men can live healthy, happy lives after recovery. There are some common side effects, however, that sometimes dont fade with time.

  • Erectile dysfunction: ED, or the inability to get or keep an erection, is a common symptom of prostate cancer treatments. Nerves that help the penis react to sexual stimuli surround the prostate and can be damaged in treatment. If a patient experiences long-term issues with ED, they should speak with a doctor who can work on a treatment plan. They might recommend pelvic floor exercises like Kegels, or prescribe a medication that improves blood flow to the genitals. Both can improve erectile function and lead to a healthy sex life post-cancer treatment.
  • Incontinence: After surgery, men might face the inability to hold their urine due to the prostates connection to the bladder. If a patient experiences moderate leakage more than a few weeks post-op, there are several forms of treatment to address the issue. These range from Kegel exercises to meditation and even surgery. If concerned about their level of incontinence, men should speak with their doctor about proper next steps.

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Knowing The Symptoms Promotes Early Detection

Not everyone experiences symptoms of prostate cancer. Many times, signs of prostate cancer are first detected by a doctor during a routine check-up. Some men, however, will experience changes in urinary or sexual function that might indicate the presence of prostate cancer. It is important to be aware of all possible signs and symptoms of prostate cancer, so that you can speak with your doctor right away if you notice any changes. The American Cancer Society also recommends an annual physical with your primary care physician.

Introduction & Story Of No Shave November:

No Shave November for Prostate Cancer Awareness

No-Shave November has been a tradition for many years, but it wasnt until the fall of 2009 that members of the Chicagoland Hill family decided to use it as a means to raise money for charity. It was a project that held special meaning to the eight Hill children after their father, Matthew Hill, passed away from colon cancer in November 2007.

Participants in No-Shave November have always been willing to ditch their razors and, more recently, donate to cancer fighting foundations. But what started as an easy way for a few followers on Facebook to donate their hard-earned money has turned into a nationwide celebration. Every November for the past six years, these No-Shavers have donated the cost of grooming and helped our organization raise over $2 million dollars to date. As a family run, web-based organization, No-Shave November has grown exponentially since 2009. Our goal is to keep raising money for cancer prevention, education, and research and to let that hair grow in the process! We want every participant to embrace their hair for the many cancer patients that lose theirs due to vigorous treatments. We believe that together, anything is possible, and well get closer to eradicating cancer one whisker at a time!

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Movember Is The Month Of November

This month is set aside to raise awareness and support cancer and mental health isseus. Men are facing a health crisis. Too many men are dying too young. The Movember Foundation is the only global charity focused solely on mens health. The Movember Foundation partners with the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Their vision: To have an everlasting impact on the face of mens health. During Movember, men are challenged to grow a moustache, and men and women can be physically active and move or host a fundraising event. Commonly referred to as No Shave November as well. The Movember Foundation has raised almost 50 million dollars throughout the years to support prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mens mental health, and mens suicide.

Modukes At Duke University

For the past three years, Dukes department of urology has been participating in Movember, and trying to raise funds in a silo, said Ferrandino. This year, Duke doctors are amplifying their participation by including the entire campus. 

Their fundraising effort — MoDukes — now includes Duke athletics, Duke undergraduates and graduate students, fraternities, residency programs, Duke University Hospital and the Duke Cancer Center. In addition to awareness, they hope to raise money for prostate cancer research through events and rafflesand their efforts have paid off. The 200 members of Duke Healths Movember campaign have far surpassed the $1,500 they raised last year, collecting nearly $10,000 so far. 

Michael Granieri, MD, a urology resident who spearheaded the MoDukes effort with Armstrong, spoke to the fun side of the Movember campaign. Everybody grows out mustaches at different paces, or has different colored mustaches. Other people cant grow mustaches at all. We can poke fun at each other. 

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Treatment For Testicular Cancer

The good news about testicular cancer is that it is highly treatable. Nearly all cancerous testicles are surgically removed using minimally invasive techniques. Sometimes in addition to surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy may be used to destroy cancer cells. You can rest assured knowing that the Saint Johns Cancer Institute Urology and Urologic Oncology Center has experts in laparoscopic and robotic-assisted cancer surgery to treat both prostate and testicular cancers.

What Is No Shave November Vs Movember

No Shave November Raising Prostate Cancer Awareness

October 8, 2020 By Derma Beard Roller

Last Updated on October 8, 2020 by Derma Beard Roller

People most of the time use these terms interchangeably but we are going to explain what they are and how they are different from each other

In 2003 two friends met in a bar in Melbourne, Australia.  One of their friends mothers was battling breast cancer at the time and it gave them inspiration to start their own foundation to help raise awareness about mens health causes.

Specifically they wanted to focus on generating a mens specific disease prostate cancer.

Since then, the Movember Foundation now helps to generate awareness for testicular cancer along with mental health and suicide prevention.

Statement by Movemeber:

Our work in mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer has never been more important and weve never needed you more.

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First Lets Talk About Movember

It began in Australia in 2003. The founders, Travis Garone and Luke Slaterry, were thinking about trying to bring mustaches back into style one day while talking in a bar in Melbourne, but they didnt know exactly how. Nevertheless, their nostalgia gradually became an all-out effort to find 30 men willing to let their beard grows and they were successful.

And then what? Their proactive skill in generating dialogue inspired them and other participants to aim higher. So they created TheMovember Foundation. The name comes from combining the words mustache and November. 

From day one its purpose has been to promote conversations about prostate and testicular cancer, as well as about suicide prevention and mental health.

To this end, each year the foundation encourages men to grow a mustache and turn into a kind of walking billboard for mens health.

Another important task in the movement is to collect funds for scientific research on prostate and testicular cancer. According to the official website, 800 scientific projects to date have been supported.

If you want to join in, remember to let your mustache grow from November 1st to the 30th. You can also visit the official website to get to know more about other causes the organization supports or to join the conversations on social networks. Upload your photo with a mustache, whether its real or fake, by using the hashtags #movember, #mobrother or #mosister, the names of the campaigns promoters. 

Being Proactive About Your Testing Options Is Critical

The purpose of testing is to detect prostate cancer at its earliest stages, before the disease progresses. There are two common tests for initial detection, a digital rectal exam and a PSA blood test. The American Cancer Society recommends that men learn as much as they can about their prostate cancer screening options and make an informed decision with their primary care physician about whether to be tested for prostate cancer, beginning at age 50. However, other guidelines point to getting tested as early as age 40. In general, all men should work with their doctor to create a proactive prostate health plan that is right for them.

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Prostate Cancer: What You Should Know This No

Although prostate cancer affects about 1 in 9 men in their lifetimes, not many people fully understand it. Its a disease thats often stigmatized as solely a mens issue or private concern. In reality, prostate cancer should be a widely-discussed problem, as it can affect any of our male friends, family members, or loved ones.

But, with organizations like No-Shave November, which encourages men to grow facial hair in support of mens health issues like prostate cancer, gaining in popularity, the word is starting to spread and with it, the stigma is starting to fade. People are becoming more educated about the importance of prevention and treatment of prostate cancer and the support of those living with it.

Heres everything you need to know about prostate cancer so you can participate in No-Shave November well-informed and able to spread the word about the importance of education for this disease.

The Goal Of The Movember

No Shave November comes to an end

The campaign is to spread awareness by men growing out their hair and letting it grow wild and free. This being something cancer patients do not have the opportunity to do.

Two Most Common Cancers in Men

Testicular Cancer and Prostate Cancer are seen to be the two most common cancers among men. The No Shave November campaign has risen over $650 million helping fund over 1,000 programs on these issues affecting men. The campaign also focuses on benefiting all cancer research.

No Shave November Facts

This is a web-based, non-profit organization, devoted to raising cancer awareness and raise money to support cancer prevention, education and research. Partnered with; St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, Prevent Cancer Foundation and the American Cancer Society.

Men who participate in Movember are encouraged to donate the money they would have spent on razors, shaving utensils and barber shops.

Make your appointment today at our Westland Medical clinic to schedule your exam. Spread awareness of Mens health and the most common cancers in men, encourage the men in your life to see their doctor.

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Colon Cancer Awareness No

Its that time of the year again! Time to grow out your facial hair for a great cause. Though Colon Cancer Awareness month is actually in March, it has additional publicity in November due to the No-Shave November campaign.

What is No-Shave November?

The event has been a long-standing tradition, but it was not until 2009 that it officially began as an initiative to raise money and awareness for cancer. It was organized by the Hill family whos eight children lost their father, Matthew Hill, in 2007 to colon cancer. Together these siblings created the No-Shave November 501.

As is tradition, the No-Shave November campaign is as simple as it sounds with participants encouraged to not shave during the month of November as a way to raise awareness for cancer with the main goal of using facial hair to spark conversation. The organization has already raised over $300,00 dollars this year so far.

Is this event only for colon cancer awareness?

While popularly associated with colon cancer, the campaign has also been used to raise awareness for prostate cancer as well as other types of cancer. In general, the main purpose of the campaign is to start conversations around cancer as a way to encourage people you care about to receive the screenings they need.

Why should I receive a screening for colon cancer?

What can I do to lower my risk of colon cancer?

The CDC recommends a few basic tips to follow to help lower your risk of colon cancer:

Treatments For Prostate Cancer

Treatment options for prostate cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hormone therapy. You may receive one treatment or a combination of treatments depending on the grade of the tumor, where it is located and whether it has spread to other parts of your body.

Sometimes instead of immediate treatment, your doctor might suggest a watch and wait approach to monitor the prostate.

If your doctor does recommend removing all or part of the prostate, he or she may recommend robot-assisted minimally invasive prostate surgery using the da Vinci Surgical System or Focal One, the worlds most advanced high intensity focused ultrasound technology.

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Risk Factors And Prevention

Most risk factors for prostate cancer are uncontrollable: age, race, and family history play a large part in developing it. Older men are much more susceptible to it; in fact, by age 80 about 80% of men have cancer cells in their prostate. Men who have a father or brother who have had prostate cancer as twice as likely to develop it. And black men in America have a higher chance of developing it than white men, while Hispanic men have a lower chance than either of these two groups.

That’s not to say that environmental factors are not involved. Studies suggest that poor dietary habits and lack of exercise play a part in the development of prostate cancer. Although no conclusive link has been proven, prostate cancer rates increase in countries where meat and dairy products are major dietary components, and have also shown an increase in urbanized areas of countries with typically low rates.

Doctors suggest the following changes to decrease your general cancer risk:

  • Heathy diet: avoiding high-fat foods and eating more fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
  • Weight loss: obesity is linked to many types of cancer.
  • Increased exercise: 2 1/2 hours of moderate exercise weekly.
  • Avoid or quit smoking.

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Movember And No

No Shave November. Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Card ...

This is why you’re seeing baby-faced male co-workers today.

Mustache Guide from A to Z

— Welcome to November, the month where all your male friends and co-workers show up clean-shaven and baby-faced on Nov. 1 and look like western-movie villains or grizzly bears by Thanksgiving.

Growing out one’s facial hair for 30 days is called “Movember” or “No-Shave November,” and it’s meant to raise awareness for cancer. It’s also a chance for dudes to show off their ‘staches, goatees, Fu Manchus, mutton chops and other furry face-warmers.

Here’s your guide to the mustachioed month-long event:

What is Movember?

Movember began in Australia in 2003 to raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancers, according to the Movember Foundation, a nonprofit that raised nearly $21 million in 2013.

“We are all about the mustache and only the mustache,” said Movember’s U.S. Director Mark Hedstrom. “What we’re asking them to do is participate by changing their appearance. What that fosters is a conversation.”

From there, Hedstrom said men can explain why they’re growing a mustache and start talking about men’s health.

Now, it has campaigns in 21 countries, according to the organization. This year, the U.S. Movember campaign will also include men’s mental health and men’s fitness, Hedstrom said.

What is No-Shave November?

No-Shave November is a different organization that encourages people to donate what they would otherwise spend on hair grooming to the American Cancer Society.

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‘no Shave November’ Faceoff To Raise Money For Cancer Foundation

Arkansas Prostate Cancer Foundation Executive Director Chris Collier has put his 35-year-old beard at stake in a friendly faceoff with Arkansas Municipal League’s Mark Hayes in a contest to see who can raise the most money for the foundation during “No Shave November.”

“As the executive director of the Arkansas Prostate Cancer Foundation, and a self-proclaimed beard aficionado, No Shave November is a special month for me,” Collier, a Hot Springs native, said in an APCF Facebook video. “Seeing so many others growing facial hair, donating money and raising awareness about our mission to support improved education and outreach in prostate cancer, is extraordinarily important.

“With this No Shave November, I’m actually facing off with my good friend Mark Hayes in a stache to stache competition to see who can raise more money for the Arkansas Prostate Cancer Foundation. I’m never one to back down from a challenge, so Mark and I are making it interesting: The loser of this competition must shave their mustache and beard completely off.

To encourage early screening for the disease, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson proclaimed September as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in Arkansas on Sept. 1 during a virtual APCF news briefing.

“Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the United States, and the second leading cause of cancer deaths,” Hutchinson said.

What Is Movember And No

In November, leaves fall and mustaches grow.

We’re all familiar with what happens each year as the weather cools: Pumpkins adorn doorsteps, radio stations start playing holiday tunes and mustaches appear on upper lips. You’re probably familiar with this yearly occurrence known as No-Shave November, or Movember. Maybe someone in your household participates or you yourself participate. 

I thought No-Shave November was just a silly, quirky thing people did for fun. Until I started writing this article, I never knew all those mustaches, beards and armpit tufts grew out for a cause. 

Well, I’ll be darned — turns out, No-Shave November and Movember aren’t just themed months. They’re both charitable organizations dedicated to raising awareness about men’s health issues and they raise a substantial amount of money each year. While both organizations support the bold embracement of body hair and charitably support men’s health, they are not one and the same, despite the common interchange of names. 

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If you feel as lost as I did, don’t worry. I’m here to clear up any confusion about Movember versus No-Shave November, including how they both started, what causes they donate to and how you can become a bold, mustachioed participant .  

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Keep Talking About It

Discussing cancer and suicide prevention can be uncomfortable, but its important to normalize these issues by talking about them. Prostate cancer isnt exactly a light dinner conversation topic, but we should be able to talk about it as openly as any other cancer. Let the power of awareness be the cure.

Fun Mustache Facts Just Because

Shave Off Event Last One Before No Shave November

I don’t write about mustaches often. Actually, this is my first time writing about mustaches, unless you count the many texts to my mom and best friends about how I wish my fiance would shave his off . 

To commemorate this first and hopefully offer you a chuckle and inspire you to share this article to continue raising awareness, I decided to research some fun mustache facts — here goes.

1. The longest known mustache is 14 feet long and belongs to Ram Singh Chauhan, according to Guinness World Records. Chauhan began growing out his mustache in 1982 and was awarded the world record in 2010. I wonder how long it is now. 

2. Facial hair is built-in sun protection. One study found that a beard can prevent a man’s risk of UV damage to the skin underneath by up to a whopping 95%, depending on how thick the beard is.

3. There is such a thing as The World Beard and Moustache Championships. It’s held every two years in locations all around the world. 

4. American actor Burt Reynolds passed away in 2018, but a still has more than 3,000 fans.

5. “Pogonotomy” sounds like a weird torture word, but it just means “the cutting of beards; shaving,” according to Merriam-Webster. And it’s something you can do on Dec. 1. 

Happy Movember, everyone. 

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