Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Cum From Prostate

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What Would You Tell Men Who Are Opposed To Having Things Put In Their Rear End

Fred: Without being too forward or rude, just grow up and give it a go. The stigma around it is so incredibly strong, mostly because it goes against the masculine trend of only putting your dick in things, but seriously itll change your life. Youll never wanna orgasm any other way again.

Alan: While its certainly valid and not everyones favorite cup of tea, the sensations offer a wider range of pleasure to bring into the bed with yourself or with your partner. If you are searching for something new to try, this is a sensation that all people with a prostate can enjoy.

Evan: I would say to men who are reticent to put things up their ass that they are probably fearful because of societal pressures/expectations. They need to look at their prostate as an important part of their body and sexuality to explore.

Drew: I would say you’re really missing out! Take some time to reflect on why you’re not open to exploring this amazing pleasure center. Does it rub up against your ideas of masculinity and what it means to be a man? Do you have anxiety related to the other fluids and substances that might be down there? Are you afraid of exploring this with your partner and what they might think? If any of these are coming up I would recommend starting small and solo: small size toys, or preferably your own finger. The prostate is a gift, celebrate and cherish it!

*Name has been changed to allow subject to freely on private matters.

How To Give A Prostate Massage

Start with fingers, Young advises, but also put a glove on. Lewis says that if your partner is feeling anxious about cleanliness, you can also use a small prostate toy to begin with. Prostate toys are crafted specifically for that purpose so theyre very streamlined, he says. It minimizes the second partys issues around dirt or it not being so hygenic.

Both agree that lube is absolutely necessary. Lots and lots and lots and lots , Lewis says. The best thing to do is to take the lube and put it around the anus and inside the anus. You and your partner can both do this to loosen them up and relax them, before dousing either a toy or your finger in lube.

Then, once theyre feeling relaxed and ready, you can slowly insert it in them. In the first 30 seconds to a minute, let the receiver just get used to the sensation of having something up there, Lewis says. Start moving once the receiver is a little more used to the feeling.

Young also recommends asking your partner to push down onto you, rather than you pushing up. Whoever is receiving the anal penetration is the one who is in charge, she explains, adding that being able to control the depth of penetration also helps to relax the person receiving.

“Dont get overexcited yourself, its not about youits about your partner.”

What Will I Learn By Reading This

When you have treatment for your prostate cancer, you may have erectile dysfunction also known as impotence. Erectile dysfunction is a very common side effect . Side effects from prostate cancer treatment are different from one man to the next. They may also be different from one treatment to the next. Some men have no erectile dysfunction. The good news is that there are ways to deal with erectile dysfunction. In this booklet you will learn:

  • What erectile dysfunction is
  • Why prostate cancer treatment can cause erectile dysfunction
  • What can be done about erectile dysfunction
  • How erectile dysfunction may affect your sex life
  • What your partner can expect

It is important for you to learn how to deal with erectile dysfunction so that you can continue to have a satisfying intimate relationship.

What To Expect During A Prostate Massage

A prostate massage is a lot like a digital rectal exam . Urologists routinely use DREs to check the prostate for lumps, changes, or other signs of possible cancer. Your doctor may perform a DRE to obtain an expressed prostatic secretion that can be further examined for signs of prostatitis, infection, or other disorders.

During a prostate massage, the person performing the massage will insert a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum. Theyll gently press on, or massage, the prostate for several minutes. If this massage is painful, tell the person preforming the massage. The massage might be uncomfortable for a few moments, but it shouldnt be painful.

How frequently you have a prostate massage is up to you and your doctor or the treating professional. You can expect to attend several sessions each week for at least a month. Then, you may be able to reduce the number of visits.

How About Giving A Prostate Massage With A Toy

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If youre using a sex toy, only opt for one that is specifically made for anal play, meaning it has a flared base or some other feature that makes it so that nothing can go in that cannot come back out. You might try something like the Booty Bling Plug , but there are also toys made specifically for prostate play. The Hugo Prostate Massager is a sleek toy with two motors for pressure and vibration, and the Duke Vibrating Prostate Massager has a unique shape that targets prostate stimulation along with perineum pressure and is meant to create a real feeling of fullness. Even if you dont grab a toy specifically for prostate play, please dont use random things lying around your house to explore prostate pleasure. Every physician whos ever worked in the ER has a story of a household anal sex toy gone awry, Hong warns. If you can imagine it, its probably been up the rectum.

If this is all feeling good to your partner, they may orgasm from the stimulation. Dont be nervous if theres a climax that doesnt involve ejaculationaccording to Brown-James, that can happen during prostate play. As long as you and your partner are enjoying yourselves, the journey is way more important.

So Will He Orgasm Immediately

So a spontaneous on-the-spot orgasm? Maybeâ but maybe not. But by all accounts prostate stimulation seems to be a very, very quick and pleasurable route to orgasm for most men, especially if combined with other sex acts. If you guys are feeling experiential or interested, it’s definitely worth talking about it and giving it a go. Just take it slowly. And remember the lube thing? Remember the lube thing.

Want more of Bustle’s Sex and Relationships coverage? Check out our video on sex positions to make him last longer:

Images: rocketclips/Fotolia; Giphy

Pain During Erection Or Ejaculation

Some men find that erections and ejaculating is painful after surgery, or during and after their course of radiotherapy.

Painful erections following surgery could be due to internal bruising caused by the operation. The tube which carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body  gets inflamed by the radiotherapy treatment.

This side effect should disappear a few weeks after you finish radiotherapy or as you recover from surgery. Talk to your specialist nurse for specific advice. If masturbation and sex is important to you, its important to keep stimulating the penis to keep it healthy. On the other hand, if erections are very painful, you might need to avoid ejaculation for a while and try again later.

The penile injections to stimulate an erection can cause painful erections in some men. This pain might lessen with continued treatment.

What Have I Learned By Reading This

You learned about:

  • Why prostate cancer treatment can cause erectile dysfunction
  • What can be done about erectile dysfunction
  • How erectile dysfunction may affect your sex life
  • What your partner can expect

If you have any questions, please talk to your doctor or health care team. It is important that you understand what is going on with your prostate cancer treatment. This knowledge will help you take better care of yourself and feel more in control. It will also help you manage any side effects you may have from your treatment.

How Do You Give A Prostate Massage With Your Fingers

If, after talking through a few specifics, youre still not sure where to start, Brown-James has some techniques. Bring your pointer, middle, and ring fingers together, then push up into , Brown-James explains. Stimulating this area with gentle but firm strokes also stimulates the prostate. It’s basically a playground down thereBrown-James recommends techniques like rubbing clockwise for 810 strokes, then going counterclockwise, stroking toward the scrotum or touching the penis while you massage your partners perineum. Even though youve hopefully discussed what youd both like beforehand, you and your partner should talk about what you think you might each like to do and feel and then, if you agree to test things out, try that next, making sure youre each being open about what feels good and what doesnt feel so good in the moment.

Who Has A Prostate

Technically, everyone! If you’ve got a vagina, you will have Skene’s glands that are located near the lower end of your urethra. This group of glands is roughly similar to the prostate, although it doesn’t serve any sperm-related function. For the purposes of this article, however, we’re talking about stimulating the type of prostate that’s buried in you or your partner’s asshole.

How Soon After Prostate Cancer Treatment Can I Be Sexually Active Again

This will depend on what type of treatment you have had and how you feel. It could be several weeks, for others it may be a lot longer for erections to return. Some men will never be able to keep an erection without the help of artificial methods like medicines or medical devices . If you were having problems having erections before treatment, this will not get better after treatment.

How To Milk Your Prostate

Prostate massage or milking can be prescribed to men for a wide range of issues, such as prostatitis and erectile dysfunction. Though the evidence of its benefits is mostly anecdotal, prostate massage is becoming a more and more widespread treatment method.

Proper education and preparation are of key importance, as bad technique and poor hygiene can cause great damage to the area and bring numerous medical complications. Keep reading to find out how to milk your prostate in a safe and healthy way.

Method 2 Of 2:identifying Potential Prostate Problems

Prostate milking

  • 1Watch for urination-related symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Many men, especially age 50 and older, experience an enlarged prostate . In most cases, its not caused by cancer, and many men have no symptoms. If you do experience symptoms like the following, however, contact your primary care doctor:XResearch source
  • Weak flow during urination.
  • Do You Also Ejaculate When You Have A Prostate

    Fred: Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Occasionally Ill shoot when Ive gone through a prostate orgasm, but usually, if I ejaculate, I dont even notice.

    Alan: Most of the time I do ejaculate with a prostate-induced orgasm, but the first time I didnt. Its how I learned I could climax without an ejaculation.

    Drew: I generally cum from p-spot orgasms, but it’s more drawn out and less of a “shooting my load” type situation. The cum oozes out during the drawn-out orgasm and is usually accompanied by some really lovely spasming of my hole.

    Marcus: Oh boy, do I ever. I have been told on multiple occasions that I need to do adult film work with the amount that I ejaculate when my prostate is stimulated. Fountain, hose, shower, drain spoutjust a few of the words that humans have used to describe my cumshot when something is up my rear end.

    Daniel: Many times when I’m enjoying prostate stimulation it’s difficult to keep an erection. I get lost in the waves of pleasure and just lose it. Other times, I can maintain my erection and will masturbate while being penetrated or stimulated. I can time my prostate orgasm with my penile one causing a massive surge of energy and triggering dopamine to leak in my brain.

    Dominus: I practice Tantra and can have multiple body orgasms that aren’t ejaculatory, and prostate play can get me to that state. Now if I want to ejaculate at the same time, at my age, this is the only time I really shoot like I did in my teen years.

    What Does A Prostate Orgasm Feel Like

    P-spot orgasms are said to feel similar to penile orgasms, only way more intense and felt through the entire body.

    There are reports of people having super orgasms, which are a stream of fast, continuous orgasms that cause the body to shudder.

    Not everyone ejaculates during a prostate orgasm, but some release a dribble of milky fluid from the urethra.

    A little bit of prep can help make the experience a good one whether youre flying solo, or on the giving or receiving end of things.

    What To Expect After The Enema Is Complete

    Once the bag is emptied and the tube is removed, continue lying on your side until you feel the need to use the restroom. This typically takes a few minutes, but you should carefully get up and go to the toilet as soon as you feel the urge.

    In some cases, your healthcare provider may instruct you to perform a retention enema. This requires you to hold the fluid for 30 minutes or more. This may help increase the odds of success.

    If you dont have specific instructions, move to a toilet the moment you feel the need to relieve yourself. Stay near the bathroom for the next few hours. You may find yourself needing to use the restroom several times.

    If you dont pass an impacted stool within the next few hours, or if you start to have significant related symptoms, contact your provider.

    You should be able to return to normal activity within 24 hours.

    Other Names For Prostate Orgasm

    The prostate is sometimes called the male g-spot, or the p-spot, a reference to the area inside the vagina, called the g-spot, that may lead to orgasm.

    Some people use the phrase âprostate milkingâ instead of prostate massage. 

    âProstate massage,â âprostate orgasm,â and âprostate milkingâ are often used interchangeably. However, some use âprostate milkingâ to describe only orgasms from internal, rather than perineal, massage.

    Wait Do Men Really Enjoy P

    A lot of biological men of all gender identities and sexual orientations do find direct or indirect pressure on their prostate to be really pleasurable. Some apprehension is understandable because anal penetration remains taboo, especially for many heterosexual men.

    Never do anything that you dont want to. But if youre interested in giving it a try, talk to your partner openly and take it slow. Dont go for finding the P-spot on your first anal expedition. 

    Instead experiment with having your partner touch your anus from the outside, and, if it feels good, maybe ask them to insert their finger just a little tiny bit. Or, you might want to do all of this experimentation on your own while masturbating, and then share your discoveries with your partner later.

    Either way, always do whats best for you and your partner. Sex is supposed to be fun and intimate and beautiful, remember? 

    What To Do If You Experience Pain

    Discomfort may happen. Pain should not. Pain may be the result of hemorrhoids or tears in the rectal lining.

    If you experience pain when inserting the enema tube or pushing the fluid into your colon, stop the enema immediately and call your healthcare provider or local medical services.

    If you know that you have hemorrhoids, tears, or other sores, wait for them to heal before administering an enema.

    Descriptions Of The Male Orgasms

    Unlike the female orgasm, where a number of competing descriptions for induced orgasms exist , those for the male are limited . Surprisingly, neither Masters and Johnson , Zilbergeld , Margolis , or Bancroft in their books on human sexual arousal mention those obtained from prostate stimulation in the male while even in the book on orgasm by Komisaruk et al. has only a single, very short paragraph of but two sentences.

    Is Female Ejaculation A Thing

    Just had my first prostate orgasm... It felt amazing....

    Yes! And its a fairly common thing.

    The most recent cross-sectional study on female ejaculation found that more than 69 percent of participants experienced ejaculation during orgasm.

    Ejaculation occurs when fluid is expelled from your urethral opening during orgasm or sexual arousal.

    The ejaculate is a thick, whitish fluid that resembles watered-down milk and contains some of the same components as semen.

    How To Use The Male G

    When you’re preparing for any internal G-spot touching, “the receiving partner should use the bathroom prior to this sexual encounter and make sure to clean the area with water well,” Suwinyattichaiporn says. 

    If this is your first time using the G-spot, “communicate in advance that you want to try something new so that both partners know what’s going on and can remain open-minded,” Suwinyattichaiporn says.

    Once you’re ready, there are many ways you can use the male G-spot for extra pleasure during sex:

    • If your partner has a penis, you will often get G-spot stimulation through anal sex. If they don’t have a penis, using a strap-on dildo can work as well.
    • While receiving oral sex, your partner can use one hand to press on your perineum or use a finger to reach into your anus and touch your rectal walls.
    • You can also stimulate your internal G-spot using certain sex toys like a butt plug or dildos and vibrators specifically designed for anal play.

    What Happens When Your Astronaut Drifts Away

    According to Dr. Carla Cork, a physician in Indiana, men may gain sexual gratification by having their prostate massaged or stimulated externally or internally. If you need proof, see exhibit No. 1: guys who ejaculate during their prostate exams. Prostate stimulation is fun and recommended for those willing to try but of course, there are risks to consider if you play recklessly. 

    That is, you should get a handle on it. Literally.

    Self-stimulation with inanimate objects can often result in the inability to retrieve the object from the rectal cavity, Cork continues, explaining methadone_cyclones astronaut metaphor and the reason for articles like 22 Objects People Have Actually Lost in Their Ass

    Cork says when things get lost up there, medical personnel must perform some type of active methodology to remove the object. That can be tough: According to WebMD, one of the big problems with trying to remove an object from the rectum is that there is a strong suction between the object and the rectum walls. Thus, generally, patients who require intervention are sedated before removing the object via placing a tube between the object and the wall of the rectum to try to equalize the pressure, or full-on surgically removing the object in the operating room. 

    After surgery, doctors will perform a sigmoidoscopy, which is basically sticking a camera up your anus to make sure you didnt tear or infect anything, which can lead to further and much more dangerous issues. 

    If Youre The Receiving Partner

    Youll want to be as relaxed and aroused as possible, because itll make the experience easier and more enjoyable.

    The whole poop-comes-out-of-the-butt thing gives some people a case of the heebie-jeebies even when its their own butt.

    Remedy this by taking a shower and paying a little extra attention back there to get it squeaky clean. Some people like to use an enema before engaging in butt play, but it isnt necessary.

    Use the bathroom before getting started. Prostate stimulation can make you feel like you need to pee, and anal penetration can cause the sensation of needing to poop.

    Even though you wont actually do either, worrying that you might can interfere with your ability to let go and enjoy yourself. Knowing your bladder and bowels are empty can help.

    Getting used to the sensation of having your prostate touched can help, too. Practice with an anal sex toy, like a butt plug, or your fingers.

    Be sure to set the mood so that youre turned on and primed for action. Light candles, watch porn, or engage in some good old-fashioned masturbation or foreplay to get there.

    Finally, be sure to lube up real good. Applying a water-based lubricant will allow for easier penetration and make for some easy gliding if stimulating your prostate externally.

    How Can I Incorporate My P

    Whether youve found your P-spot and really like what happened next, or youre still actively looking, there are certain things you can do to incorporate prostate massage into sex. You can continue to use fingers they remain the best tool for the job. 

    Experiment until you find the best spot, the perfect amount of pressure, and the right moment . 

    With a little creativity and flexibility, you can combine this fingering with any number of other activities from masturbation to blow jobs to penis-in-vagina sex.

    If you find that P-spot sex is your new favorite thing, you might want to invest in some sex toys such as anal beads, anal vibrators, butt plugs or strap-ons. 

    Just remember that not everything is appropriate for anal penetration  your boyfriends toothbrush or your wifes vibrator can actually get lost in your anus and require a trip to the emergency room to remove it.  Stick with toys that are specifically designed for anal play.

    No one is debating whether the prostate exists, but whether it can function as a magical, orgasm-inducing, pleasure zone is really a matter of personal opinion. 

    If youre up for some exploration, great. If it sets your world on fire, thats fantastic; keep finding new ways to stimulate your P-spot. But dont feel bad if you try it and dont really like it. Some men find prostate massages to be boring, or even irritating, and thats okay too. 

    Why Does Erectile Dysfunction Happen With Prostate Cancer Treatment

    To help you understand why prostate cancer treatment may cause you to have erectile dysfunction, it is good for you to learn how your body may be changed by your treatment. Usually when a man is sexually aroused :

  • The brain sends a message telling the blood vessels in the penis to get wider.
  • This causes more blood flows to the penis.
  • When this happens, the penis gets bigger and hardens. This causes an erection . Some prostate cancer treatments may affect the nerves, muscles, or blood vessels that let you have an erection. Other prostate cancer treatments may affect your libido .

    Radical Prostatectomy

    The prostate is a gland that is about the size of a walnut. It sits around the urethra like a donut. The urethra is the tube that carries urine and semen to the outside of your body. Located near the prostate gland are the nerves, blood vessels and muscles needed to have an erection and to control your bladder. When you have a radical prostatectomy, you have surgery to remove your prostate gland. These nerves, blood vessels, and muscles may be weakened when you have surgery for your prostate cancer.

    Radiation Therapy

    Radiation therapy may damage the nerves near your prostate gland that help you have erections. Over time, you may notice that you are not having as many erections as you used to. Some men start having erectile dysfunction six months or more after their radiation therapy. If this happens, the erectile dysfunction usually does not improve.

    Hormone Therapy

    Alternative Orgasms: 20 New Ways To Hit The Spot

    Everyone wants to feel good. But not everyone agrees on what feeling good means. With orgasm, we generally know which brain chemicals are involved, but the range of orgasm is still a mystery, one shrouded in antiquated thinking and norms.

    For most of its history, sex science has been a male-led field, subject to the biases, privileges, taboos, and hetero-centric standards that modern sex therapists have to do away with. We still dont know everything about orgasm for humans with vaginas and clitorises, which are described in countless different ways by those who have them. People with penises are led to believe their orgasms are simple  buildup, ejaculation, and youre done  and as a person with a penis, I disagree.

    When I was little, I didnt know how to masturbate, so for years I just rubbed myself against the bed. I never achieved ejaculation, or the standard orgasm for cisgender men, but I still liked the feeling. Later, I was taught how to jack off but it never became a big thing for me. As an adult, I dont masturbate every day, and in sex, I never have to come. Other types of orgasms are more powerful for me.

    Here are 20 alternative orgasms you should explore right now.

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