Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Reduce Prostate Swelling Naturally

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Learn How To Shrink The Prostate Naturally A Personal Guide To Prostate Health

An Inflamed Swelling of the Prostate is difficult but Very Possible to Deflate.   Your Prostate is also an Extremely Annoying issue among slightly older guys to older guys.  So, we will discuss in detail just how to Shrink the Prostate Naturally for better Prostate Health.  From the constant night-time bathroom trips to the feeling of not being able to even Go.   First, I will explain what the Prostate is and Why it does what it does abnormally holding in that urine.  It can become an interruption to our very Life Style.  Then we will dive right into how we can approach the Natural Prostate Treatment, Possible Cures, and remedies.  Lets Stop this abnormal enlargement of this organ.  Caution !  Patience.  It takes a while, guys.  Persistence should pay off.

Medications Aren’t The Only Answer

If you’re one of the millions of men who’ve been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate , you may have been prescribed medications to treat this issue. But did you know there are natural ways to ease BPH and boost prostate health as well? In this slideshow, we look at some foods, herbs, and supplements that studies suggest may help improve prostate health.

What Does The Procedure Involve

During the TURP procedure, your surgeon will remove a portion of your prostate. You will likely be placed under general anesthesia, so youll be unconscious and unable to feel pain. Or you may receive spinal anesthesia, which numbs the nerves in your lower body so you wont feel pain.

Your surgeon will use a long thin scope, called a resectoscope, which will allow them to see your prostate gland. They will insert it through the end of your penis. Then they will insert a surgical tool through the scope to remove a portion of your prostate. The amount removed will depend on the shape and size of your prostate.

Once your surgeon removes the scope, they will insert a catheter into your penis to allow urine to flow following surgery. It will also help remove any blood clots that may form.

The entire procedure typically lasts one hour.

Natural Home Remedies For Bph

An enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia , is a disorder that generally tends to affect men as they age. With age, the cells of the gland begin to multiply, leading to an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate is problematic because it presses on the urethra, creating difficulties with urination and weakening the bladder. BPH will produce symptoms such as weak or interrupted urine stream, inability to urinate, difficulty starting or holding urination, and the need to frequently urinate, especially at night.

Ignoring prostate problems, as some men tend to do, isnt a smart idea. If left untreated, an enlarged prostate can block the flow of urine out of the bladder, leading to other complications such as urinary retention and kidney damage. Below are some natural remedies you can try at home to ease symptoms of BPH.

No 5: Try Supplements

How to reduce prostate swelling naturally

There are many prostate supplements that can benefit an aging prostate and support normal urinary health. When shopping for supplements, look for formulations that include ingredients that can help with overall prostate health. As already mentioned, there are several supplements that help support hormone regulation. One of them, pygeum, has also been found in studies to be useful in reducing BPH symptoms. While studies have not found that pygeum actually shrinks the prostate, it does help offer relief of urinary symptoms. Curcumin is another supplement that can help regulate the inflammatory processes that support health of the prostate. Saw palmetto is a well-researched supplement that studies have found as effective as popular drugs for BPH without causing the scary side effects of prostate drugs.

Natural Remedies For An Enlarged Prostate

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a common problem that men experience as they age.

Men over 50 have a 50 percent chance of having BPH, while men over 80 have a 90 percent chance of developing the condition.

It occurs when the prostate enlarges to twice or even three times its size, pressing against the urethra and resulting in restricted/ obstructed urine flow.

As a consequence of this obstructed flow, lower urinary tract symptoms manifest.

How To Treat Enlarged Prostate

As you get older, your prostate will continue to get biggerits the only organ that never stops growing with age. This is why enlarged prostate tends to affect more older men and rarely occurs in men under 30. For some, this growth is slow and causes no side effects. For others, enlarged prostate brings about a number of urinary problems and inconveniences. Many scientists believe that this continued growth is due to specific hormones and the natural hormonal cycles that occur in men, however there isnt enough scientific evidence to conclusively state why the prostate never stops growing. Regardless, enlarged prostate, also referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia, can cause uncomfortable symptoms. The best way to reduce these symptoms is to find an effective treatment option. In this article, well explore how to treat enlarged prostate.

Tests Used To Check The Prostate

This first step lets your doctor hear and understand the “story” of your prostate concerns. You’ll be asked whether you have symptoms, how long you’ve had them, and how much they affect your lifestyle. Your personal medical history also includes any risk factors, pain, fever, or trouble passing urine. You may be asked to give a urine sample for testing.

The Genesis Of Abnormal Prostate Development

signs of prostate problems

As men age, the body perceives hormonal changes that often cause an imbalance in estrogen hormone production, which is more potent in females. This hormone has showcased its effectiveness in enhancing prostate cell development. Estrogen production is usually because of low production of testosterone hormone, which eventually leads to estrogen escalation. This, in turn, triggers DHT accumulation, which may distort the function of the prostate gland.

There are also speculations that abnormal prostate enlargement could be associated with a BPH history in the family. BPH is widely known as a precursor to prostate cancer.

Other factors such as medical conditions like obesity, circulatory diseases, and lack of physical exercise are also associated with excessive prostate enlargement. This is due to the buildup of fat in the body, leading to the inflammation and abnormal growth of the prostate.

Natural Remedies For Enlarged Prostate

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The prostate grows

The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that wraps around the , the tube that urine flows out of. The prostate is part of the male reproductive system. One of its main jobs, along with other organs, is to add fluid to semen. This is the fluid that carries sperm.

The prostate gland starts out small and has two main phases of growth. It doubles in size during the teenage years, then continues to grow again after age 25 throughout the rest of a mans life.

An excessively enlarged prostate results in a disease known as benign prostatic hyperplasia . Eventually, an enlarged prostate can clamp down on the urethra and restrict the flow of urine from the bladder. This leads to problems such as:

Composto Para Manter Prstata Saudvel

O que é o Composto para manter prostáta saudávelContém:Pygeum africanum ext seco:Urtiga: Licopeno: Saw palmeto:Indicações do produto: 

Dicas para auxiliar na prevenção do câncer de próstata: * Dieta rica em frutas, verduras, legumes, grãos e cereais integrais e com menos gorduras;* Consumir tomate;

A Complete Diet For Prostate Health

Vegetables and Fruits are first on my List.  Second is Healthy Fats for Prostate Protection such as Salmon containing Omega-3 fatty acids.  Omega-3s Prevents and Reduces inflammation within the body.  After all, the Prostate has to be Inflammed for it increases in size through swelling.

Aside from Specific foods, Researchers and Dietitians emphasize an entire Healthy Eating Habit.Recommended by the Pros is this New Way of Eating LifeStyle:

The Good

  • Four to five servings of Fruits and Vegetables Daily. Red Colors in Fruits have more Lycopene for Effectiveness.
  • Select Whole-Grain bread, not White.  Buy Whole-Grain cereals and Pasta.  Although I stay clear of any Sort of Pasta.
  • Healthier fats are in Olive Oil, Nuts .
  • Choose healthful fats, such as Olive Oil, Avocados, and Nuts , and avocados.
  • Alternately, choose Fish and Beans for Healthier Sources of Protein.
  • The Bad

  • Stay Away from saturated fats from dairy and animal products.  Avoid that are in packaged and fast foods.
  • Red meat, beef, lamb, pork, or goat is definitely Out.  Processed meats like hot dogs and Bologna are a no go.    Eggs and Skinless Poultry maybe but I have had negative effects on those.
  • Fruit Juices in containers have too much sugar.  Avoid any Sugar-sweetened drinks and Sodas.  Have Sweets very, very Occasionally.
  • No Salt or very little by reading and comparing labels to the amounts of Sodium in them.  Cut way down and Limit frozen, processed, and canned foods.
  • What Foods Are Good For Shrinking The Prostate

    Reduce Prostate Enlargement and Swelling Naturally [Top 10 ...

    When it comes to all avenues of health, diet has a significant impact. The same can be said about prostate health. Some foods have been found to contain estrogenic chemicals.

    These chemicals can further increase estrogen production and lead to increased production of . DHT is an active form of testosterone, and the increased production of it can irritate the prostate and an increased risk of prostate problems

    That being said, research shows that certain food can help to combat prostate inflammation and help to improve urinary symptoms. Foods to add to a prostate friendly diet include:

    Vitamin D Deficiency: Health Complications

    Additionally, vitamin D deficiency can increase cardiovascular risk factors. Some of them increases the risk of BPH. These parameters are inversely related to prostate volume. In other words, as obesity or hypertension becomes worse, the prostate gland tends to increase.

    Another vitamin D deficiency risk that causes prostate enlargement is oxidative stress. In an environment with excess free radicals, the structures of the molecules start to change. The prostate tissue undergoes changes as well and starts to grow in response.

    Thats why a recent study evaluated all of these associations, and the authors gave their opinion. They suggest that vitamin D deficiency counts as an independent risk factor for BPH. In other words, you can have normal health, but vitamin D deficiency alone will cause BPH. The authors of this study published in the journal Urology recommend vitamin D as a therapeutic target and a potential marker of BPH .

    Similarly, other studies have evaluated the effect of vitamin D levels in the incidence of prostate cancer. The authors report that vitamin D levels are lower in patients with BPH. However, they are still lower in patients with prostate cancer. As vitamin D levels were reduced, the Gleason score and the aggressiveness of cancer increased .

    Stay Active To Support Prostate Health

    In addition to eating a healthy diet, you should stay active. Regular exercise pares down your risk of developing some deadly problems, including heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer. And although relatively few studies have directly assessed the impact of exercise on prostate health, those that have been done have concluded, for the most part, that exercise is beneficial. For example:

  • Based on questionnaires completed by more than 30,000 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, researchers found an inverse relationship between physical activity and BPH symptoms. Simply put, men who were more physically active were less likely to suffer from BPH. Even low- to moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking regularly at a moderate pace, yielded benefits.
  • Using data from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, researchers also examined the relationship between erectile dysfunction and exercise. They found that men who ran for an hour and a half or did three hours of rigorous outdoor work per week were 20% less likely to develop ED than those who didn’t exercise at all. More physical activity conferred a greater benefit. Interestingly, regardless of the level of exercise, men who were overweight or obese had a greater risk of ED than men with an ideal body mass index, or BMI.
  • Get more information and the latest news about prostate health at .

    What Foods Are Bad For Your Prostate

    • Red meat: A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology reveals that men who eat a lot of red meat are 12 percent more likely to develop prostate cancer. And 33 percent of these men are likely to develop an advanced and aggressive stage.
    • Dairy: Dairy is high in estrogen, and consuming dairy products can further increase estrogen levels.
    • Sugar: Processed sugars tend to have inflammatory effects on body tissues in general, thereby contributing to prostate inflammation and enlargement over time.
    • Soy: Soy is one of the highest sources of isoflavones in the diet. is similar molecularly to 17-beta-estradiol, an estrogenic compound and the fear has been that any estrogenic influence on the prostate will make the prostate cells mutate or cause enlargement of the gland.

    Natural Home Remedies Reduce Prostate Swelling Naturally

    An enlarged prostate is a non-malignant swelling in the size of the prostate. The medical term for an enlarged prostate is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia .

    • Benign means non-cancerous
    • Prostatic means to do with the prostate
    • Hyperplasia means an increase in size. Hyperplasia is an increase in the number of cells, which further causes the prostate to grow.

    It is also known as benign prostatic enlargement .


    The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland inside a male body that is wrapped around the urethra . One of the major jobs of the prostate is to add semen to sperm for reproduction. Although the gland is small in young age, it tends to increase in size as Man age. An abnormal increase in its size leads to a condition called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia . Generally, all aged males face this abnormal enlargement of the prostate.

    An enlarged prostate can press down on the urethra, inhibiting urine flow from the bladder. This leads to many problems such as frequent urination, difficulty in voiding, urinary leakage, urinary tract infections, etc.


    Various treatment options are available for an enlarged prostate. BPH patients can take alpha-blocker drugs to help prostate muscles to relax, or even antibiotics for chronic prostatitis .

    In addition, prostate swelling can also be reduced naturally.

    Ways To Reduce Prostate Enlargement Naturally

    It is essential to know some effective practices to reduce prostate enlargement naturally, especially if you want minimal side effects. Some of the reliable methods of attenuating prostate enlargement naturally are:

    • Diet Changes. Certain kinds of foods reduce prostate enlargement naturally. These foods may also prevent further prostate enlargement, which may lead to adverse results.

      It is recommended that individuals with this condition incorporate a diet with anti-inflammatory contents to heal damaged prostate tissues. The consumption of fruits and vegetables is also recommended to help reduce enlargement naturally.

    • Lifestyle Changes. Regular checks on your lifestyle to prevent conditions such as weight loss are essential in restoring the prostate glands functions. This is because more weight reciprocates inflammation of the prostate glands. Thus, you should engage in exercise activities to burn out fats.

      More fluid intake is also considered one of the natural remedies for enlarged prostate. However, it is essential to avoid ingesting fluids such as juice close to the time you go to bed.

    • Using Natural Herbs and Plants. It would be best if you considered using some naturally occurring medicine such as saw palmetto, pygeum, stinging nettle, Gokshura, among others. They are essential in eradicating the signs of prostate problems while enhancing the kidney and reproductive systems functions.

    How Effective Is Saw Palmetto

    Early studies showed that saw palmetto might help reduce BPH symptoms. However, when researchers repeated the studies, they didnt get the same results. Even so, many men continue to use saw palmetto in an attempt to reduce BPH symptoms.

    Early studies started with doses of 320 milligrams of saw palmetto every day. Researchers in a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association investigated whether doubling and then tripling that dose increased effectiveness. Even at higher doses, saw palmetto remained ineffective. In fact, the study found no difference over placebo. Some evidence suggests that saw palmetto improves nocturia in men, which is a frequent urge to urinate at night, but any noted improvement has been modest.

    According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine , a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, people use saw palmetto to treat a variety of other conditions. Even though there isnt sufficient evidence to show that it works for any of these conditions, people use it to treat:

    • alopecia, or hair loss
    • prostate cancer
    • pelvic pain

    Its not just men who use saw palmetto. Some women have tried using it to enlarge their breasts, according to the Mayo Clinic. Scientific evidence hasnt shown it to be effective.

    According to the University of Michigan Health Service, people used to think saw palmetto increased sperm production and sex drive in men, but that hasnt been shown to be true.

    What Is It Exactly

         The term is called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia OR Enlarged Prostate.  It is a Noncancerous Increase in the Size of the Prostate.

    • Frequent Urinations especially at night.  Instead of the Normal Sleeping through the night Freely, We have to Go 2 to 5 times depending on the Severity.
    • Trouble Starting to Urinate or Longer wait times to Begin. 
    • Inability to Go until a Later time.  The Urethra Canal is being Pinched.  So, more Fluid has to build up to break through the Swollen Prostate that is Clamping down on the Pathway for Liquid to Flow.
    • Weak Stream from the normal Full Flow.

    How To Reduce Prostate Inflammation

    6 Natural Home Remedies reduce prostate swelling naturally ...

    Max. D Gray

    An enlarged prostate or Prostatitis is a common condition in men over 40 years of age. This condition, that generates annoying symptoms, must be diagnosed and monitored by a urologist who will determine if it is bacterial prostatitis or of a chronic nature. Changes in diet as well as some changes in lifestyle habits and the intake of certain home remedies can help to shrink the prostate and improve the quality of life of patients. At oneHOWTO we explain in detail how to reduce prostate inflammation and improve your health.

    Home Remedies for Prostate Enlargement

    An enlarged prostate is a condition that must be diagnosed and monitored by a urologist as it is necessary to determine the cause of this condition to then find the ideal treatment. In addition to medical recommendations that should be strictly followed there are some changes in lifestyle habits are also important to take to promote a reduction of the prostate.

    The first step is to have a diet which is rich in fibre in order to improve the intestinal transit and prevent constipation, a condition that may increase the symptoms and discomfort of patients with an enlarged prostate. Fruits, vegetables and grains are essential to achieve this and should be consumed daily, while avoiding high-fat ingredients that can hinder digestion.

    If you want to read similar articles to How to Reduce Prostate Inflammation, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

    What Ingredients Are Actually In These Prostate Supplements To Reduce An Enlarged Prostate My Top 10 Then Some Other Very Useful Ones

    Studied the Best and Most Frequently Used Supplement Ingredients to treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Or an Inflamed Prostate are the Following:

    1.  Stinging Nettle Known for Centuries to Treat Painful Muscles and Arthritis.Currently, Urinary Issues with Prostate enlargement orBPH has been very Effective.  Increases Testosterone so the more testosteronethe less occurrence of Prostate size.

    2.  Beta-Sitosterol Beta-Sitosterol commonly used to Lower cholesterol ANDImprove Symptoms of an Enlarged Prostate.  Found in Plants and some say it Doesnt affect Prostate Size but relaxesthe Urethra and empties the bladder better to give stronger urine Flow.However, others say it contributes to the Reduction of a Swelling Prostate.  It mayimprove other Prostate Symptoms as well.

    3.   Saw Palmetto From the Palm Species we have an increase in Testosterone,Reduction in Inflammation prevents hair Loss, and Enhances Urinary Tractfunction.

    4.  Rye Grass   Symptoms of the noncancerous enlarged Prostate may be greatly Reduced when taking Rye Grass PollenExtract.  Getting up at Nightime fewer and fewer times to Urinate are the resultsof some guys that take Rye                Grass.

    5.  Pygeum Bark   The Bark of this Tree is used as a Medicine.  Particularly for EnlargedProstate Treatments and for Cancer of the Prostate.  Many other uses includePain from Inflammation and Urinary Problems.

    10.  L-Citrulline   Improves Blood Flow and possibly some Vascular for better Circulation.

    Some other Useful Foods & Ingredients :

    Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer

    Some risk factors have been linked to prostate cancer. A risk factor is something that can raise your chance of developing a disease. Having one or more risk factors doesn’t mean that you will get prostate cancer. It just means that your risk of the disease is greater.

    • Age. Men who are 50 or older have a higher risk of prostate cancer.
    • Race. African-American men have the highest risk of prostate cancerâthe disease tends to start at younger ages and grows faster than in men of other races. After African-American men, prostate cancer is most common among white men, followed by Hispanic and Native American men. Asian-American men have the lowest rates of prostate cancer.
    • Family history. Men whose fathers or brothers have had prostate cancer have a 2 to 3 times higher risk of prostate cancer than men who do not have a family history of the disease. A man who has 3 immediate family members with prostate cancer has about 10 times the risk of a man who does not have a family history of prostate cancer. The younger a man’s relatives are when they have prostate cancer, the greater his risk for developing the disease. Prostate cancer risk also appears to be slightly higher for men from families with a history of breast cancer.
    • Diet. The risk of prostate cancer may be higher for men who eat high-fat diets.

    Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate

    What is transurethral resection of the prostate ?

    If your prostate becomes too large, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure known as transurethral resection of the prostate . It can help relieve the uncomfortable or painful symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate.

    The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that produces seminal fluid in men. It surrounds your urethra, a tube that connects your bladder to the outside of your body. As you age, your prostate may become enlarged and squeeze your urethra, making urination more difficult. This is a condition known as benign prostatic hypertrophy , or enlarged prostate. Its common among older men.

    National Institutes of Health , BPH affects one in five men between the ages of 50 and 60. Its even more common among older men. An estimated 70 percent of men over the age of 70 have prostate problems.

    If you have symptoms of an enlarged prostate, your doctor may prescribe medication or other treatments. If those treatments dont work, they may recommend surgery. The TURP procedure may be necessary if:

    • you have slow urination
    • your bladder never feels empty
    • you feel an increased need to urinate at night
    • you experience frequent urinary tract infections
    • you experience bleeding from your prostate
    • you have a history of bladder stones
    • you develop kidney damage

    Potential complications of surgery include:

    • blood loss
    • confusion
    • agitation

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