Friday, July 26, 2024

Enlarged Prostate And Frequent Urination

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What Are The Treatments For Bph

New Treatment for Enlarged Prostate Restores Normal Urination

Not everyone needs treatment for BPH. Treatment options depend on how much your symptoms bother you, your health, age, and the size of your prostate:

  • Lifestyle changes may improve mild symptoms. They include:

  • Drinking less before bedtime or going out
  • Avoiding or cutting back on beverages with caffeine and alcohol
  • Bladder training and exercising the muscles that control urine flow
  • Preventing or treating constipation
  • Medicines can help mild to moderate symptoms by:

  • Stopping the prostate from growing
  • Shrinking the prostate
  • Relaxing muscles to improve urine flow
  • Sometimes combining 2 types of medicine helps more than taking just one type of medicine.

  • Medical procedures can help improve moderate to severe BPH symptoms when medicines don’t help enough. There are several different types of procedures. They all use an instrument inserted into the urethra to either:

  • Widen the urethra
  • Destroy part of the prostate with heat
  • Surgery may be helpful when symptoms are severe, other treatments haven’t helped, or you have another problem, such as bladder damage. Different types of surgery are used to:

  • Remove part or all of the prostate
  • Make cuts in the prostate to take pressure off the urethra
  • Most BPH surgery is done with tools inserted into the urethra.

    Your provider can explain the possible benefits and side effects of your treatment options so you can decide what’s best for you.

    Surgical Treatment For Enlarged Prostate

    • Transurethral resection of the prostate . In this surgery, the inner portion of the prostate is removed. Used 90% of the time, this is the most commonly used surgical procedure for BPH.

    • Open prostatectomy .The surgeon makes an incision and removes the enlarged tissue from the prostate.

    • Laser surgery –Laser surgery uses laser energy to destroy prostate tissue and shrink the prostate.

    • Transurethral incision of the prostate .This surgery does not involve removing prostate tissue. A few small cuts are made in the prostate gland to reduce the prostate’s pressure on the urethra, making urination easier.

    How Is Bph Diagnosed

    To find out if you have BPH, your provider will:

    • Ask about your medical history. Be sure to tell your provider about all the medicines you take, because certain medicines can make BPH symptoms worse.
    • Ask about your family health history.
    • Examine you. The exam may include a digital rectal exam of your prostate. In a DRE, your provider inserts a gloved finger into your rectum to check if your prostate is large, tender, or irregular in any other way.
    • Order medical tests, if needed, such as:
    • A PSA blood test .
    • Urodynamic testing to see how well you can hold and release urine.
    • Cystoscopy to look inside your urethra and bladder.
    • Ultrasound pictures of your prostate and urinary tract.
    • A prostate biopsy to diagnose or rule out prostate cancer.

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    When To Seek Medical Care

    A person may have urinary symptoms unrelated to prostatitis that are caused by bladder problems, UTIs, or benign prostatic hyperplasia. Symptoms of prostatitis also can signal more serious conditions, including prostate cancer.

    Men with symptoms of prostatitis should see a health care provider.

    Men with the following symptoms should seek immediate medical care:

    • complete inability to urinate

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    Diagnosis Of Enlarged Prostate Gland And Urinary Problems

    Enlarged Prostate (BPH) Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

    If you are troubled by urination problems, see a doctor no matter what your age. If your doctor agrees that your symptoms need further evaluation and treatment, you may need to undergo a few tests.These may include:

    • general examination medical history and review of any health conditions including obesity, diabetes, obstructive sleep apnoea, depression and erectile dysfunction. A rectal examination may be done to check the size and shape of your prostate gland
    • a urine check to ensure the prostate is not infected
    • a flow-rate check to estimate the speed with which you pass urine
    • an ultrasound examination to assess if the bladder is emptying completely and to examine your kidneys
    • urodynamics a series of tests on the bladder to see how your urinary system is functioning may be recommended in some circumstances.

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    If You Cant Urinate After Taking A Cold Medication

    If youve taken a cold medication and cant pee, stop the cold medication immediately, and call your healthcare provider. Sometimes the problem will resolve on its own, but this does not always occur. Your healthcare provider may suggest that you go to the emergency room so that a catheter can be used to drain your bladder until the effects of the drug wear off. If you are experiencing extreme discomfort, go to the emergency room right away.

    If youve just had some minor problems with urinating after taking a cold or flu medication, make an appointment to see a urologist. Your symptoms may just be the warning sign you need to seek treatment for a prostate problem.

    An Introduction To Frequent And Urgent Urination

    One of the most common symptoms of an enlarged prostate is a frequent need to urinate. Often this symptom occurs very suddenly, leaving you running for the toilet frequently throughout the day. This is often referred to as urinary urgency.

    This symptom can manifest in a number of ways: urinating frequently and urgently, and having the feeling that you need to urinate when you dont. This can be an annoying, even debilitating symptom, as it can interrupt daily life and make going out and socialising difficult. It can also interrupt sleep, leaving the sufferer tired and irritable.

    It is important to be sure that your symptoms really are the result of an enlarged prostate. Take our enlarged prostate symptom checker, and if you still think this is the cause of your frequent and urgent urination, it is important you see a GP to rule out any other more serious prostate problems.

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    Why Choose New York Urology Specialists For Treatment Of Enlarged Prostate Problems

    • All treatment is performed by a board-certified urologist experienced in treating men with symptoms of frequent urination, urinary urgency, urinary incontinence, and bladder pain using medical therapy, minimally invasive therapies, lasers, and open surgery.
    • We are one of the few practices in the region to offer a full range of options for the treatment of urinary problems caused by an enlarged prostate in men.
    • We offer treatment options for enlarged prostate, overactive bladder, UTI, and urinary incontinence in our office, which avoids the risks, costs, and recovery from general anesthesia.
    • Extensive experience: Thousands of men have been treated successfully using medical therapy, surgery, and minimally invasive procedures such as Urolift procedure, Rezum surgery, Botox for overactive bladder, Interstim for frequent urination, and tibial neuromodulation.
    • We also offer laser surgery for BPH , Bipolar TURP, traditional TURP, open suprapubic prostatectomy, robotic suprapubic prostatectomy for BPH.
    • We offer diagnostic testing in our office, which avoids hospital costs.
    • Confidential and Understanding Care. We understand that most of our patients desire privacy. We see patients with a variety of urological problems. Your reason for visiting us is entirely confidential.
    • We are conveniently located within a 30-60 minute commute to men who are seeking BPH treatment in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, Long Island, Bronx, and New Jersey.

    Problems With Enlarged Prostate Gland

    Enlarged Prostate Signs & Symptoms (& Why They Occur)

    Benign enlargement of the prostate gland is more common as men get older. It can cause troublesome symptoms, although it doesnt always.

    The urethra passes through the prostate gland, so men may have problems urinating if the enlarged gland restricts the flow of urine. If the flow stops completely, a catheter is required to empty the bladder. It is rare for this form of acute urinary retention to cause kidney damage.

    An enlarged prostate doesn’t always cause urinary problems. Studies indicate that the size of a man’s prostate gland has little influence on the type or severity of his urination problems. BPH is just one possible cause of urinary symptoms.

    Another cause of urinary symptoms can be changes to the muscular wall of the bladder, which may cause spasms of the bladder or weaken the bladder, causing problems passing urine.

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    How Is Benign Prostate Enlargement Diagnosed

    If your GP suspects that you have an enlarged prostate, you’ll be asked to complete a questionnaire to assess your symptoms.

    Each question has five possible answers that carry a score, and your overall score indicates the severity of your symptoms.

    Your GP will also want to rule out other conditions that cause similar symptoms to prostate enlargement.

    You may have a number of standard tests, such as urine tests, plus some more specific tests, such as a blood test that measures PSA.

    How Do I Know If My Prostate Is Enlarged

    If your prostate is enlarged, it may not be a sign of cancer, but it is something that you should discuss with your doctor. Many of the symptoms of an enlarged prostate tend to relate to urination. If you are concerned about an enlarged prostate, here are 7 symptoms to look for:

  • Difficulty starting urination. The enlarged prostate alters the pressure of your bladder to pass urine. This can have damaging effects on your kidneys.
  • Weak urine stream. As the urethra becomes constrained, urine passes at a much slower rate.
  • Urgent need to urinate. You may go from not needing to urinate to suddenly needing to go because of how the bladder gets constrained.
  • Issues with sleeping. Pressure from the enlarged prostate can interfere with nerve signaling in the middle of the night. This leads to you thinking you have to urinate when you dont.
  • Feeling unable to completely empty your bladder. You may not be able to completely empty your bladder, which can lead to Urinary Tract Infections and stone issues.
  • Urinary tract infection. A UTI is caused by the urine that sits in your bladder which you cant fully empty, creating an environment for bacteria to thrive.
  • Bladder stones. The leftover urine in your bladder can also crystallize to create bladder stones.
  • Also Check: How To Detect Prostate Cancer Early

    Why Choose New York Urology Specialists For Treatment Of Urinary Retention Caused By Enlarged Prostate

    • All treatment is performed by a Board-certified urologist experienced in treating men with symptoms of BPH using medical therapy, minimally invasive therapies, lasers and open surgery.
    • We are one of the few practices in the region to offer a full range of options for treatment of BPH.
    • We offer BPH treatment options under local anesthesia which avoids the risks, costs, and recovery from general anesthesia. Most men are able to return to office work and other normal activities the next day.
    • Extensive Experience: Hundreds of men treated successfully using medical therapy, Urolift, lasers for BPH , Bipolar TURP, traditional TURP, open suprapubic prostatectomy, robotic suprapubic prostatectomy for BPH.
    • We treat men with BPH who have heart problems , renal failure on hemodialysis, men on blood thinners such as aspirin, Lovenox, Coumadin , apixaban, rivaroxaban .

    When it comes to experience and innovation New York Urology Specialists are a step ahead. Better Science Means Better Care. We specialize in minimally invasive highly effective treatment for symptoms of enlarged prostate and BPH. Many treatment procedures are performed in the convenience and privacy of office settings under local anesthesia.

    Medicare and major insurances accepted. We offer .

    What Are The Symptoms

    Prostate UroLift System

    An enlarged prostate is the most common cause of urinary problems in men as they get older. Possible symptoms include:

    • a weak flow when you urinate
    • a feeling that your bladder hasnt emptied properly
    • difficulty starting to urinate
    • dribbling urine after you finish urinating
    • needing to urinate more often, especially at night
    • a sudden urge to urinate you may sometimes leak before you get to the toilet.

    You may not get all of these symptoms, and some men with an enlarged prostate dont get any symptoms at all. These symptoms can also be caused by other things, such as cold weather, anxiety, other health problems, lifestyle factors, and some medicines. If you have any symptoms, visit your GP to find out what may be causing them.

    Blood in your urine may be a symptom of an enlarged prostate. But this is rare and is usually caused by something else. Tell your doctor if you have blood in your urine.

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    Treatment Options For Men With Urinary Symptoms After Radiation For Prostate Cancer

    Many men benefit from medical treatment to help them with urinary symptoms during IMRT, CyberKnife, proton beam, or brachytherapy. These medications include alpha-blockers such as Flomax, alpha-reductase inhibitors such as finasteride or Proscar, and anticholinergic medications such as Detrol, or Vesicare.

    When medical treatment does not provide sufficient benefit or of the symptoms persist, other treatment options offered at New York Urology Specialists include Urolift procedure, Rezum procedure, iTind for prostate, Greenlight laser of the prostate, Botox injections in the bladder, and TURP.

    It should be noted that men with urinary symptoms after radiation therapy for prostate cancer should have a cystoscopy at a minimum to exclude urethral stricture disease and bladder tumors. Some men may also benefit from a urodynamic evaluation.

    Did you know?Dr. Shteynshlyuger has performed over 1,000 surgeries and procedures for enlarged prostate, including Rezum, Urolift, prostate enucleation, laser ablation of the prostate, and TURP. He performs over 100 prostate procedures a year.

    Early Warning Signs Of Bladder Cancer

    Blood in the urine : This is typically the first sign of bladder cancer. It may be present on a regular basis or disappear and reappear over the course of days or weeks. Sometimes blood is present in such a small amount that it cant be seen with the naked eye, called microscopic hematuria, buta urine test may be able to detect it.

    Even a small amount of blood may cause the color of urine to change to orange, pink or, rarely, dark red. When blood causes urines color to change, its called gross hematuria.

    Early-stage bladder cancer doesnt usually cause pain or other symptoms besides bleeding. But blood in the urine doesnt always mean theres a tumor in the bladder. Its more likely to be caused by a less serious condition, such as an infection. kidney stones, bladder stones, or noncancerous tumors or kidney diseases.

    Its also important to note that blood from menstruation may show up in a womans urine test, which may cause a false-positive test result. In this case, doctors may recommend repeating the test.

    Urination changes: Changes in urination are more commonly a sign of a less serious condition, such as a benign tumor, infection, urinary tract infection, bladder stones, an overactive bladder or, in men, an enlarged prostate. But they also may be another early sign of bladder cancer symptoms. These changes may include:

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    Painful Or Frequent Urination In Men

    Painful or frequent urination is a common problem, especially in older men. Urinary tract infections, kidney stones and prostate problems can all produce these symptoms. Frequent urination without pain also can be a side effect of certain medications, or a symptom of diabetes.

    Most men who experience new problems with painful or frequent urination should see their doctor. This guide is intended to provide helpful information while you are awaiting further evaluation, or can add to what you may have already learned after your visit with a doctor.

    Please keep in mind that this information cannot replace a face-to-face evaluation with your own health care provider.

    Pain or burning during urination and frequent urination can be caused by the same medical condition. However, its helpful to focus on one symptom or the other.

    Choose which symptom is presently bothering you the most.

    Pain or burning can be a sign of a several different medical conditions, including

    • a urinary tract infection

    • a prostate problem, such as a prostate infection

    • a sexually transmitted disease

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    What Is An Enlarged Prostate

    Urinary Frequency, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

    An enlarged prostate is when your prostate gland becomes larger than normal. It’s also called benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH for short. Benign means not cancer. And hyperplasia means too much cell growth. BPH isn’t cancer and it doesn’t increase your risk of getting prostate cancer.

    Usually, the prostate gland continues to grow during adult life. That’s why BPH is the most common prostate condition in people over age 50. As the prostate gets bigger, it may press against the bladder and pinch the urethra. This can slow or block the flow of urine out of your bladder.

    Over time, the bladder muscle may become weak from trying to pass urine through a narrow urethra. When this happens, your bladder may not empty completely when you urinate. A narrowed urethra and weak bladder cause many of the urinary problems you may have with BPH.

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    What Are Your Options When Medication Does Not Work

    Most men stop getting taller around age 18, but after 40, they often begin growing elsewhere particularly in their prostate gland. Benign prostatic hyperplasia , also known as an enlarged prostate, affects about 50 percent of men ages 51 to 60 and up to 90 percent of men older than 80.

    As the prostate grows, it presses on the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body . For about half of men with BPH, this causes urination problems. Common issues include a hesitant, interrupted, or weak urine stream dribbling after urinating a feeling the bladder does not completely empty and more frequent urination. Some men also experience urinary tract infections or urinary incontinence, the involuntary discharge of urine.

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