Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does Viagra Cause Prostate Cancer

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How Does Hormone Therapy Work Against Prostate Cancer

Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction | Prostate Cancer Staging Guide

Early in their development, prostate cancers need androgens to grow. Hormone therapies, which are treatments that decrease androgen levels or block androgen action, can inhibit the growth of such prostate cancers, which are therefore called castration sensitive, androgen dependent, or androgen sensitive.

Most prostate cancers eventually stop responding to hormone therapy and become castration resistant. That is, they continue to grow even when androgen levels in the body are extremely low or undetectable. In the past, these tumors were also called hormone resistant, androgen independent, or hormone refractory however, these terms are rarely used now because the tumors are not truly independent of androgens for their growth. In fact, some newer hormone therapies have become available that can be used to treat tumors that have become castration resistant.

Chemotherapy Targeted Therapy And Immunotherapy Effects On Erections

Other types of treatment for other types of cancer sometimes affect sexual desire and erections because certain drugs slow down testosterone output. Whether chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy drugs cause problems with erections depends on the type of cancer being treated and the type of drug or drugs being given. Some of the medicines used to prevent nausea during chemo can also upset a mans hormone balance. But hormone levels should return to normal after treatment ends.

How Important Is Nerve

The short answer is very. All men in these studies had some form of nerve-sparing performed during their surgery so this review was not able to assess the effect of nerve-sparing on subsequent recovery of erections as there was no control group to compare to. Previous studies have convincingly demonstrated the critical nature of nerve-sparing . The decision to undertake nerve-sparing is made in advance by the surgeon and depends on the extent of cancer. Robotic surgery has allowed more precise and meticulous surgical dissection of the surrounding layers of the prostate. Indeed, 80% of UK prostatectomies are now completed with a da Vinci robot, the remainder split evenly between laparoscopic and open surgery. The outer layers of the prostate are a bit like an onion with several layers. The layer containing the nerves is like the brown skin on the onion and the surgeon can choose to cut inside this layer to leave the brown skin in place.

The outer layers of the prostate are a bit like an onion with several layers. The layer containing the nerves is like the brown skin on the onion and the surgeon can choose to cut inside this layer to leave the brown skin in place.

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Where Does Sperm Go After Prostatectomy

You no longer ejaculate semen if you have had a radical prostatectomy. This is because the prostate gland and 2 glands called the seminal vesicles are removed. The seminal vesicles make the liquid part of the sperm. Your testicles will still make sperm cells but they will be reabsorbed back into your body.

Psychological Effects Of Cancer Treatment On Erections

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Many men report disappointment, fear, and distress when they have trouble with erections. They report they feel that something important is missing. Men may report a general unhappiness with life and depression when they have problems with erections. These feelings are a natural part of coping with erection problems. And most men, if they are able find effective treatments to help with their erections, will start to feel better. If these feelings are severe or persist, most men find it very helpful to see a mental health professional who specializes in sexual issues or a psychiatrist who can help address these feelings.

Worries about self-image and performance can sometimes lead to erection problems, too. Instead of letting go and feeling excited, a man may focus on whether he will be able to function, and fear of failure might make it happen. He may blame the resulting problem on his medical condition, even though he might be able to have an erection if he were able to relax.

A therapist or mental health professional who specializes in helping patients with sexual issues can often assist in the treatment of erection problems caused by anxiety and stress. Any treatment for an erection problem should be based on the results of a thorough exam, which should include both medical questions and certain medical tests.

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Predicting Sexual Outcomes After Prostate Cancer Treatment

Information about a mans baseline characteristics and prostate cancer treatment plan can help predict erectile function after treatment.

In order to provide men with more personalized assessments of their risk of erectile dysfunction, researchers have assessed how several patient and treatment characteristics affect sexual outcome after treatment. The primary outcome of interest was whether the patient had functional erections suitable for intercourse. This outcome was assessed two years after treatment with prostatectomy, external radiation therapy, or brachytherapy.

Viagra Improves Urinary Tract Symptoms In Men With Erectile Dysfunction

Northwestern University
Viagra , known for improving erectile dysfunction , also effectively treats the prostate and lower urinary tract symptoms associated with prostate enlargement that often occur with ED, a Northwestern University study has found.

Viagra® , known for improving erectile dysfunction , also effectively treats the prostate and lower urinary tract symptoms associated with prostate enlargement that often occur with ED, a Northwestern University study has found.

Kevin V. McVary, M.D., professor of urology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, led the study, which he presented at a meeting of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America on Nov. 21 in New York.

McVary and members of the clinical trial conducted the 12-week, double-blind, placebo -controlled study of Viagra in men aged 45 years and older who had ED and LUTS associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia , an enlargement of the prostate gland that causes an obstruction in the flow of urine through the urethra.

Study participants were assessed for changes in erectile function, self-esteem, LUTS associated with BPH, quality of life and maximum urinary flow rate. Results of the study showed that men who took Viagra experienced a significant improvement in erectile function, self-esteem and quality of life, with a concomitant decrease in both the irritative and obstructive symptoms of BPH.

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Nerve Damage From Radiation

Some men who get radiation will notice that their erections change for the worse over the first year or so after treatment. This change most often develops slowly. Some men will still have full erections but lose them before reaching climax. Others no longer get firm erections at all.

As with surgery, the older you are, the more likely it is you will have problems with erections. And men with heart or blood vessel disease, diabetes, or who have smoked heavily seem to be at greater risk for erection problems. This is because their arteries may already be damaged before radiation treatment. Doctors are looking at whether early penile rehabilitation could help after radiation therapy, too.

Are These Erections Lost For Good

Erectile Dysfunction from Prostate Cancer Treatment | Prostate Cancer Staging Guide

Theres pretty good evidence to show that men can continue to recover erectile function up to two years after prostatectomy surgery , which we believe is partly because it takes time for the bruising and scar tissue after surgery to settle down. But if spontaneous erections do not recover by this point then it is unlikely that they will do so thereafter. Conversely, there is good evidence that drugs such as Viagra can be used to enhance erections after surgery and that, even if such drugs do not work for example if the nerves have been removed to maximise cancer clearance mechanical devices such as vacuum pumps, cavaject injections into the side of the penis or MUSE therapy are effective.

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What Are The Possible Side Effects Of Viagra

VIAGRA can cause serious side effects. Rarely reported side effects include:

  • an erection that will not go away . If you have an erection that lasts more than 4 hours, get medical help right away. If it is not treated right away, priapism can permanently damage your penis
  • sudden vision loss in one or both eyes. Sudden vision loss in one or both eyes can be a sign of a serious eye problem called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy . Stop taking VIAGRA and call your healthcare provider right away if you have sudden vision loss in one or both eyes
  • sudden hearing decrease or hearing loss. Some people may also have ringing in their ears or dizziness. If you have these symptoms, stop taking VIAGRA and contact a doctor right away
  • The most common side effects of VIAGRA are headache flushing upset stomach abnormal vision, such as changes in color vision and blurred vision stuffy or runny nose back pain muscle pain nausea dizziness rash.

In addition, heart attack, stroke, irregular heartbeat, and death have happened rarely in men taking VIAGRA. Most, but not all, of these men had heart problems before taking VIAGRA. It is not known if VIAGRA caused these problems.

Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away.

These are not all the possible side effects of VIAGRA. For more information, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

Sildenafil And Dox Co

Immunoprecipitation with a CD95 antibody and immunoblotting with an active caspase-8 antibody showed showed an increase in the active form of caspase-8 after DOX treatment as compared to control and sildenafil alone .6). Sildenafil co-treatment with DOX further stimulated the active form of caspase-8 with enhanced recruitment of FADD with CD95 in DISC formation .

Sildenafil and DOX co-treatment increases recruitment of FADD with CD95 in DISC formation and activates caspase-8

Following 48 hr of treatment with Sild and/or DOX , total protein of DU145 cell was subjected to immunoprecipitated with rabbit CD95 antibody. The amount of co-immunoprecipitating caspase 8 was determined after SDS-PAGE and Western blotting with mouse caspase 8 and FADD antibodies. Abbreviations: doxorubicin DOX Sildenafil Sild.

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Tips For Talking With Your Partner

Feeling less of a desire to have sex or having trouble getting an erection may affect your relationship. Try to be as open with your partner as you can. Here are some tips:

  • Bring your partner with you to doctors visits. Being part of the conversation may help them understand what youre experiencing.
  • Listen to your partners concerns, too. Remember that this issue affects both of you.
  • See a therapist or a sex therapist to help you work out any issues that are affecting your sex life.
  • If sex is a problem right now, its possible to fulfill each other sexually in other ways. Cuddling, kissing, and caressing can also be pleasurable.

Viagra Use And Potential For Melanoma

When Should I Take Viagra After Prostatectomy  Overview ...

In 2000, 25,848 male participants were questioned about the use of sildenafil and risk factors for developing melanoma as part of the Health Professionals Follow-up Study.

Self-reported questionnaires included inquiries as to the mens sexual health, use of Viagra, and history of sun exposure, as well as their hair color, family history of skin cancer, number of severe sunburns, and history of moles.

The authors of the study concluded that erectile dysfunction itself was not a factor associated with a higher risk of melanoma. Additionally, the study did not reveal any link between sildenafil use and other skin cancers, including squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma .

Overall, it was determined that the use of sildenafil for ED was associated with an increased risk of the subsequent development of melanoma. The authors of the study stated that the findings cannot prove cause and effect, nor were they sufficient to alter current clinical recommendations about Viagra use. They noted the importance of a cautious interpretation of the results and the need for a longer follow-up and more detailed assessment.

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Connection Between Ejaculation And Prostate Cancer

The amount of ejaculations included those from sexual intercourse, masturbation and nocturnal emissions . The one study found that men who ejaculated 21 or more time a month had a 33% decreased chance of developing prostate cancer compared to those who ejaculated 4-7 times a month. The second study showed that men who averaged 4-7 ejaculations a week showed a 36% decreased chance of developing prostate cancer, before the age of 70, as compared to men who ejaculated less than 2-3 times a week.

It’s not known how this increased rate of ejaculation leads to a decreased risk of prostate cancer. The theory behind it is that ejaculation expels potentially harmful or irritating substances from the prostate, thereby decreasing the chances of the occurrence of a malignancy.

How Can I Ensure That I Wont Get Switched To A Generic Substitute

Your prescription may have been filled with a generic version instead of brand-name VIAGRA. Follow the steps below to help ensure you receive the brand name your doctor prescribed and, if eligible, save on your prescription.

  • Ask Your Doctor.Ask your doctor to prescribe brand-name VIAGRA and to indicate DAW or the language used in your stateon all of your VIAGRA prescriptions.
  • Get a Savings Card. and, if eligible, you may save 50% on up to 12 prescriptions of brand-name VIAGRA per year.*
  • Also Check: What Happens After Chemo For Prostate Cancer

    Nerve Damage From Surgery

    The most common way surgery affects erections is by removing or causing injury to the nerves that help cause an erection. All of the operations listed above can damage these nerves. The nerves surround the back and sides of the prostate gland between the prostate and the rectum, and fan out like a cobweb around the prostate, which makes it easy to damage them during an operation.

    When possible, nerve-sparing methods are used in radical prostatectomy, radical cystectomy, AP resection, or TME. In nerve-sparing surgery, doctors carefully try to avoid these nerves. When the size and location of a tumor allow for nerve-sparing surgery, more men recover erections than with other techniques. But even if the surgeon is able to spare these nerves, they might still be injured during the operation and need time to heal.

    Even when the nerves are spared, research has shown that the healing process takes up to 2 years for most men. We dont know all the reasons some men regain full erections and others do not. We do know that men are more likely to recover erections when nerves on both the left and right sides of the prostate are spared.

    Myth: Viagra Causes Erections That Wont Go Away

    What Is a Normal PSA for a Man Without Prostate Cancer? | Ask a Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

    Another common myth surrounding Viagra is the belief that it can trigger erections that last for hours. But this condition, known as priapism, typically only occurs if you take too much Viagra or use it in combination with other treatments, such as penile injection therapy.

    When you follow Dr. Singhs instructions, you can expect an erection achieved with Viagra to fade shortly after engaging in sexual intercourse. And, while your erection wont last for hours, a single dose of Viagra makes it easier to achieve another one quicker for up to four hours.

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    What Is The Dosage Of Flomax And Viagra

    Flomax dosage instructions

    • The recommended starting dose is 0.4 once daily about 30 minutes after the same mealtime each day.
    • When taken on an empty stomach, more of the medication is absorbed.
    • This could cause a greater effect and potentially a drop in blood pressure.
    • The dose may be increased to 0.8 mg once daily after 2 to 4 weeks if the response is not adequate.
    • The capsules should not be crushed, chewed, or opened.

    Viagra dosage instructions

    • The usual recommended dose is 25 to 100 mg 1 hour before sexual activity.
    • The maximum dose is 100 mg daily.
    • The elderly should start at 25 mg before sexual activity.
    • Sildenafil is rapidly absorbed. Maximum observed plasma concentrations are reached within 30 to 120 minutes of oral dosing in the fasted state. When sildenafil is taken with a high fat meal, the rate of absorption is reduced, with an average delay in the time to maximal concentration of 1 hour.

    What Current Options Exist To Treat Erectile Dysfunction After Radical Prostatectomy

    Options include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions. Pharmacotherapies include the oral PDE-5 inhibitors , intraurethral suppositories , and intracavernous injections . Non-pharmacologic therapies, which do not rely on the biochemical reactivity of the erectile tissue, include vacuum constriction devices and penile implants .

    Men who have undergone nerve-sparing technique should be offered therapies that are not expected to interfere with the potential recovery of spontaneous, natural erectile function. In this light, penile prosthesis surgery would not be considered an option in this select group, at least in the initial 2 year post-operative period, until it becomes evident in some individuals that such recovery is unlikely.

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    Can You Take Viagra If You Have An Enlarged Prostate

    Posted by Men Style Fashion | Apr 18, 2020 | Nutrition, Sex

    Viagra has been associated with a perfect substance that immediately improves mens sexual performance. The blue pill works almost on demand usually within 20 minutes after you take it and allows for on average two hours of erection. Sildenafil, which is the proper name of the substance, is therefore used widely and sometimes excessively. There are many contraindications to viagra use, and the list of its side effects is long, especially when you combine it with other medication or medical conditions. But, surprisingly, doctors estimated that viagra could help to treat some diseases and dysfunctions. One of them is an enlarged prostate.

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