Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Vitamin C Good For Prostate

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Vitamin C And K In Prostate Cancer

Choosing Supplements For Prostate Cancer: Part Two

Reviewed by: Paul Anderson, NMD

This post originally appeared on Emerson Ecologics

Reference: Tareen B, A 12 Week, Open Label, Phase I/IIa Study Using Apatone® for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer Patients Who Have Failed Standard Therapy. International Journal of Medical Sciences. ISSN 1449-1907, 2008 5:62-67.

Design: Human Trial

Trial information: The use of Vitamin C and Vitamin K-3 have been written about and postulated about in the treatment of cancer for many years. In years of teaching IV therapy, we used to commonly teach an IV Vitamin C with IV Vitamin K-3 protocol for cancer patients. The basis of this will be described below, but this practice has largely been abandoned in recent years due to frequent side effects during the IV such as temporary pain.

To clarify the agents used in this trial it is important to look at the forms of Vitamin K commonly known as Vitamins K1, 2 & 3.

Phylloquinone, also referred to as vitamin K1, is a compound present in all photosynthetic plants and is the primary dietary source of vitamin K.

Menadione is referred to as Vitamin K3. It is an organic compound and an analog of 1, 4-naphthoquinone with a methyl group in the 2-position.

Vitamins K1 and K2 are generally antioxidant and K3 generally pro-oxidant. Vitamin K3 has been used in oncology research as mentioned in this paper and shown to be chemo sensitizing and as having other positive potential effects in many cancer cell lines.

Summary of oral C-K3:

Does Vitamin C Reduce Your Risk Of Prostate Enlargement

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a typical ailment in older men. The prevalence of an enlarged prostate is as high as 50-60% in men in their 60s. But, the odds of prostate enlargement can increase to 80-90% for those older than 70.

Many patients who struggle with prostate troubles are looking for natural alternatives to curb the discomfort. But, will vitamin C prostate do the trick?

Since vitamin C inhibits HIF-1alpha expression in different malignant tumors, experts evaluated its therapeutic potential in prostatic hyperplasia.

Adequate vitamin C supplementation inhibits testosterone-induced HIF-1alpha expression. Experts believe it can prevent prostate enlargement. The findings from these animal clinical trials suggest that vitamin C might be further developed in a clinical setting to be used as an anti-BPH agent.

Another research in American men showed similar results. Based on reports, nutrients packed with antioxidant components or that impact cell growth and differentiation could decrease the risk of prostate enlargement.

Consumption of veggies and fruits rich in vitamin C, lutein, or -carotene, were inversely linked to an enlarged prostate. By rising the vitamin C intake from foods, men had lower odds of having prostate enlargement. So, a diet rich in this vitamin could curb the occurrence of prostate troubles from this particular ailment.

Dietary Treatment Of Prostate Cancer

Ornish et al showed that in men with early, low-grade prostate cancer, lifestyle intervention consisting of a vegan diet supplemented with antioxidants, aerobic exercise, and stress-management techniques can lower prostate-specific antigen levels by a modest 0.25 ng/mL . However, a reduction in PSA production does not always mean that the cancer cells have become inactive.

One of the most interesting, and possibly underappreciated, observations from the Ornish trial is that dietary changes alone appeared to reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels as much as a low to moderate dose of a statin. Indeed, cardiovascular health could be tantamount to prostate health.

Dietary modifications, coupled with exercise and lifestyle modifications, may affect cancer growth rates. These measures can be used in concert with accepted therapy.

Relying on diet alone to treat prostate cancer is unrealistic, but using diet to improve overall quality and length of life, especially in regard to the leading cause of mortality in men and women, is realistic and should be constantly encouraged and embraced. With dietary supplements and cancer prevention, the current mantras of first do no harm and less is more appear to make more sense. There appear to be more supporting data for using individual dietary supplements to reduce specific side effects of cancer treatment, such as taking American ginseng to reduce cancer-related fatigue .


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Can Vitamin C Help Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a widespread malignancy. The rates spike after the age of 50 and are the highest in men over 90.

To amplify the results of prostate cancer treatment, many are looking to use natural alternatives for prostate cancer. Can vitamin C be of use and mitigate the prostate cancer risk?

One meta-analysis indicates that consuming vitamin C from your diet might be inversely associated with the risk of prostate cancer.

Experts found a 9% reduction in risk of prostate cancer for each 150 mg/day increment. This suggests that vitamin C from food could prevent the onset of prostate carcinoma. But, more data is necessary to evaluate the role of this vitamin on cancer cells.

Another case report showed a beneficial impact of high doses of vitamin C for the treatment of prostate adenocarcinoma. Earlier reports of IV vitamin C stated that this vitamin improved the symptoms of cancer. And prolonged life in terminally ill patients.

Further data indicate that after 10 months of IVC therapy, the vascular tumor present on the left section of the prostate was no longer detectable with ultrasound. Although data on IVC treatment on total cancer is limited, this evidence might indicate that vitamin C has some anti-tumor activity.

According to 2018 reports, experts didnt find an association between vitamin C consumption and overall prostate cancer. Based on these findings, the vitamin doesnt seem to have the potential for prostate cancer prevention.

Superfoods For A Healthy Prostate

Best Vitamin C Prostate Cancer

A balanced diet may reduce your risk for prostate problems.

The prostate, which is part of the male reproductive system, is a gland that surrounds the bladder and urethra. It is about the size of a walnut and grows throughout a mans life. As you age, its important to maintain a healthy prostate. The gland can become enlarged, and prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men.

Theres no definitive evidence that good nutrition can prevent prostate problems, but eating a healthy balanced diet may reduce your risk. Building a meal and snack around veggies and fruit is a smart idea for health in general, and particularly a healthy prostate, says Chris Mohr, PhD, RD, nutrition expert for New York Times bestseller LL Cool Js Platinum Workout and advisory board member for Mens Fitness magazine.

Here are six foods you can eat to boost your prostate health.

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Vitc Monotherapy In Palliative Care And Quality Of Life

In palliative care, high-dose VitC is currently gaining ground due to its highly safe and tolerable profile. Not only is high-dose VitC known to relieve pain in cancer patients , vast clinical evidence suggests that it has a significant positive impact on patientsâ well-being . This might be due to the frequent hypovitaminosis and VitC deficiency in cancer patients , which are commonly enhanced by anti-neoplastic treatments .

For instance, a retrospective, multicentre, epidemiological cohort study showed amelioration of appetite, fatigue, depression and sleep disorders in breast cancer and terminal cancer patients suffering from a wide variety of cancer types that received complementary 7.5âg IVC while being treated by respective standard regimens. More recently, a single-center, parallel-group, single-blind interventional study also in breast cancer patients showed a similar and significant reduction of symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, tumor pain and loss of appetite by administering 25âg of IVC per week in addition to their current standard treatment. Favourably, no new side effects were reported after initiation of IVC treatment.

Moreover, another retrospective study showed that patients with radiotherapy-resistant bone metastasis did not only have less pain and better performance measures when given high-dose VitC, they had a median survival time of 10 months as compared to the 2 months median survival time within the control group .

Vitamin D For Prostate Health

Vitamin D is usually associated with bone health because it promotes the absorption of calcium and facilitates bone growth and remodeling. But vitamin D has important prostate health benefits as well, as it has an effect on an enlarged prostate, prostatitis and prostate cancer.

Vitamin D Basics

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, requiring fat to be properly absorbed and used by the body, and is stored in fatty tissue. It is available in a limited number of foods, added to some items and comes in a variety of supplement forms. Vitamin D also is produced by the body when ultraviolet rays from the sun strike the skin.

Vitamin D needs to undergo a transformation in the body to become active. First, the liver converts vitamin D to 25-hydroxyvitamin D then the next change occurs mainly in the kidneys, where the active form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D is produced. Because 25D stays in the body much longer than does the other form, it is the level that should be measured when you have your vitamin D levels verified.

How much vitamin D do you need each day? The Institute of Medicine lowered the vitamin D blood level believed to be sufficient from 30 nanograms per milliliter to 20 ng/mL in November 2010. Other expert organizations, however, such as the Vitamin D Council, say a healthy level is about 50 ng/mL.

Vitamin D And Prostate Health

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Polyphenols Coffee And Pomegranate

Polyphenols are found in varying amounts in most fruits and vegetables, as well as in green tea and red wine. These agents act via antioxidant, antiproliferative, and antiangiogenesis pathways and have proapoptotic effects.

Some of the more popular polyphenols have been the catechins in green tea, which have been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth in animal and epidemiologic studies. Epigallocatechin , which is a principal ingredient in green tea leaves, interferes with biochemical reactions associated with cellular proliferation and enhances apoptosis. EGCG is a potent inhibitor of the carcinogenic heterocyclic amines , which are produced from overcooked or charred meat.

Some preliminary epidemiologic data support increasing green tea and/or EGCG consumption to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. In addition, some preliminary research also suggests that coffee consumption may help to prevent prostate cancer or aggressive prostate cancer. Still, the question remains whether these low-caloric beverages have tangible anti-cancer properties or are just markers of overall healthy behaviors that could cumulatively be responsible for a lower prostate cancer risk. This will be difficult to answer any time soon, but consuming low-caloric beverages to help maintain or achieve a healthy weight is a reasonable recommendation.

Aids In Neurological Protection

Ask Dr. Nandi: Killing cancer with Vitamin C

Another epidemic health problem we face around the world today relates to the decline in cognitive function. This concern is evident in individuals with Parkinson disease, dementia and other neurological degenerative diseases.

One clinical study presented findings that people with low levels of the active form of vitamin D had reduced neuroprotection and loss of brain development. Adequate vitamin D levels are essential to optimal detoxification processes including support for promoting the antioxidant glutathione and also decreasing levels of nitric oxide in the brain and overall support for the survival of cells.

Another study released in 2010 showed that people who have vitamin D deficiency were at an increased risk by 42% to have cognitive impairment. Those individuals who were classified as severely deficient in vitamin D were at an increased risk of 394% and more likely to present with symptoms of impaired cognitive function. A study analyzing the cognitive performance of more than 3,100 men throughout eight European countries found evidence that men with low vitamin D levels showed impaired thought processing speed .

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Complementary And Alternative Therapies

Be sure to tell your doctors about any herbs or supplements you take, or any alternative therapies you use. Some herbs, supplements, and alternative therapies may interfere with conventional medicine. Work with a doctor who is experienced in complementary and alternative therapies to find the combination of treatments that is right for you.

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Questions And Answers About Calcium

  • What is calcium?

    Calcium is a mineral that is needed for basic blood vessel, muscle, and nerve functioning, for sending signals from cell to cell, and for releasing hormones. It is the most common mineral in the body. The body stores calcium mainly in bone tissue.

  • How is calcium given or taken?

    The main sources of calcium are in foods and dietary supplements. About one-third of dietary calcium comes from milk and milk products like cheese and yogurt. Vegetable sources include Chinese cabbage, kale, and broccoli. Foods may have calcium added, such as fruit juices and drinks, tofu, and cereals.

    Most research about calcium and prostate cancer risk has studied calcium in the diet and not calcium in supplements.

  • Have any laboratory or animal studies been done using calcium?

    See the Laboratory/Animal/Preclinical Studies section of the health professional version of Prostate Cancer, Nutrition, and Dietary Supplements for information on laboratory and animal studies done using calcium.

  • A 2005 review found a possible link between an increased risk of prostate cancer and a diet high in dairy products and calcium.
  • A review of studies published between 1996 and 2006 found that milk and dairy products in the diet increased the risk of prostate cancer.
  • A 2008 review of 45 studies found no link between dairy products and the risk of prostate cancer.
  • Population studies

    Studies must meet the following criteria for the two pathways addressed in the review.

    Vitamin D-testosterone criteria

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    The Role Of Intravenous Vitamin C

    In a study published in the journal anticancer drugs in 2012, results of high-dose vitamin C induced cytotoxicity in five of the six tested prostate cancer lines. The mechanism of action seems to be through the production of hydrogen peroxide that causes cancer cell death.

    This opens up a possible pathway of care for patients facing the diagnosis of early prostate cancer, especially if they have other medical conditions that would make surgery, radiation or chemo therapy more risky.

    A functional approach including high-dose intravenous vitamin C, nutritional and supplement therapy, has the potential to blunt cancer progression while delivering enhanced quality of life.

    This approach certainly is not for everybody. Careful consultation should be undertaken with a Doctor specialized in intravenous cancer therapy, as well as with your conventional physicians. Ultimately, some patients just are psychologically incapable of living with the knowledge that there are a few cancer cells in their body. For others, who are enlightened to the fact cancer cells are generated on a regular basis, only to be defeated by our bodies immune system, a progressive nonsurgical approach may be worth considering.

    Fortunately, prostate cancer is typically a slow moving affair. This gives you time to think, reflect and consider all options before your final decision.

    Questions And Answers About Vitamin E

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  • What is vitamin E?

    Vitamin E is an antioxidant that may help protect cells from damage. Vitamin E also affects how signals are sent within cells and how the cell makes RNA and proteins.

    There are eight forms of vitamin E: four tocopherols and four tocotrienols . Alpha-tocopherol, the form of vitamin E used in dietary supplements, is found in greater amounts in the body and is the most active form of vitamin E. Most vitamin E in the diet comes from gamma-tocopherol. Food sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils, nuts, and egg yolks.

    • Vitamin E and selenium.

    SELECT results published in 2011 showed that men taking vitamin E alone had a 17% increase in prostate cancer risk compared with men who did not take vitamin E.

    Several factors may have affected study results, including the dose of vitamin E.

    Clinical trials

  • Have any side effects or risks been reported from vitamin E?

    In the Physicians Health Study II and the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group, there was a higher number of strokes caused by a broken blood vessel in the brain in men who took vitamin E than in men who took a placebo.

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    Vitamin D3 And Prostate Health

    A new study published by the journal Clinical Cancer Research , suggests that low blood levels of vitamin D may be linked to more aggressive and advanced cases of prostate cancer.The study suggests that vitamin D may play an important role in how prostate cancer starts and spreads, although it does not prove a cause-and-effect relationship. Researchers arent yet sure exactly how it comes into play or even if taking extra vitamin D might keep prostate cancer in check.

    We really dont know, for certain, what role vitamin D plays in cancer . . . either the genesis or beginning of cancer . . . or in defining how aggressive the cancer may be, he said. Further research has to be done.

    What is known is that vitamin D plays several critical roles in how cells develop and grow.

    It seems to regulate normal differentiation of cells as they change from stem cells to adult cells. And it regulates the growth rate of normal cells and cancer cells. said study author Dr. Adam Murphy, an assistant professor of urology at Northwestern Universitys Feinberg School of Medicine, in Chicago.

    Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin because skin makes it when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D levels tend to drop with advancing age, and deficiency is more common in seasons and regions that get less sunlight and in people with darker skin, which naturally blocks the sun.

    What about the vitamins possible relationship to cancer?

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