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Why Do Men Have A Prostate

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Enlarged Prostate – What You Need To Know
  • The prostate gland is a male reproductive organ that produces fluids to feed and protect sperm cells.
  • Many men experience urinary changes as they age. In many cases, these changes do not need specific treatment.
  • When urinary changes cause problems, they can be treated successfully by lifestyle changes, medication, surgery or a combination of the three.
  • For problems such as blood in the urine, pain on urination, inability to urinate or uncontrollable urine flow, see your doctor promptly.

What Is The Prostate

The prostate is a small gland in men that helps make semen. Located just below the bladder in front of the rectum, it wraps around the tube that carries urine and semen out of the body. It tends to grow larger as you get older. If your prostate gets too large, it can cause a number of health issues.

How Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treated

Treatment options for benign prostatic hyperplasia may include

  • lifestyle changes
  • minimally invasive procedures
  • surgery

A health care provider treats benign prostatic hyperplasia based on the severity of symptoms, how much the symptoms affect a mans daily life, and a mans preferences.

Men may not need treatment for a mildly enlarged prostate unless their symptoms are bothersome and affecting their quality of life. In these cases, instead of treatment, a urologist may recommend regular checkups. If benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms become bothersome or present a health risk, a urologist most often recommends treatment.

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How The Prostate Changes As You Age

Because the prostate gland tends to grow larger with age, it may squeeze the urethra and cause problems in passing urine. Sometimes men in their 30s and 40s may begin to have these urinary symptoms and need medical attention. For others, symptoms aren’t noticed until much later in life. An infection or a tumor can also make the prostate larger. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have any of the urinary symptoms listed below.

Tell your doctor if you have these urinary symptoms:

  • Are passing urine more during the day
  • Have an urgent need to pass urine
  • Have less urine flow
  • Feel burning when you pass urine
  • Need to get up many times during the night to pass urine

Growing older raises your risk of prostate problems. The three most common prostate problems are inflammation , enlarged prostate , and prostate cancer.

One change does not lead to another. For example, having prostatitis or an enlarged prostate does not increase your risk of prostate cancer. It is also possible for you to have more than one condition at the same time.

Prostate Specific Antigen Testing

Why men don

Prostate Specific Antigen is a protein made by the cells in your prostate. Your PSA levels can be measured using a blood test and give an indication of your prostate health.

A PSA test isnt a test for cancer. Higher levels of PSA might indicate prostate cancer, but a high reading could also be caused by other conditions. It is also possible to have low level readings and have prostate cancer. This means that a PSA test isnt enough to definitively diagnose or rule out prostate cancer. Your PSA levels can vary, so your doctor might run this test a few times to compare your results and help determine your risk of prostate cancer.

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Surgical Treatment For Enlarged Prostate

  • Transurethral resection of the prostate . In this surgery, the inner portion of the prostate is removed. Used 90% of the time, this is the most commonly used surgical procedure for BPH.

  • Open prostatectomy .The surgeon makes an incision and removes the enlarged tissue from the prostate.

  • Laser surgery –Laser surgery uses laser energy to destroy prostate tissue and shrink the prostate.

  • Transurethral incision of the prostate .This surgery does not involve removing prostate tissue. A few small cuts are made in the prostate gland to reduce the prostate’s pressure on the urethra, making urination easier.

What Are The Symptoms Of Prostate Problems In Trans Women

Most early prostate cancer doesnt usually have any symptoms, but some people might have urinary problems. These can also be a sign of a benign prostate problem, such as an enlarged prostate or prostatitis.

Trans women who have had feminising hormones and therefore have a smaller prostate might be less likely to have symptoms but if they do have symptoms they might be similar to those of cis men. Read about the possible symptoms of prostate problems in cis men.

Genital reconstructive surgery can cause urinary symptoms and pain so this could be confused with symptoms of prostate problems.

If you have any urinary symptoms as a trans woman or non-binary person assigned male at birth you should speak to your doctor so that they can find out whats causing them.

Also Check: Does An Enlarged Prostate Make It Hard To Poop

Other Factors That May Affect Prostate Cancer Rates

Of course, a persons ethnicity and environment arent the only factors that increase prostate cancer risk. Here are some other possible causes.

1. Family history

A persons family history, first of all, might decide whether hes likely to develop the disease. One study shows that it is a factor that African-American men use to decide if they should get screened.

2. Exercise

Also, a person will cope better with this illness if he exercises. Research has proven that it helps him manage some of its side effects.

3. Age

Finally, the risk of prostate cancer increases as a person ages. The site shares that men over the age of 50 are more likely than younger ones to develop the illness.

What Does The Prostate Do Can You Live Without It And What Happens When You Have It Removed

4 Things to Avoid if You Have an Enlarged Prostate – Dr.Berg

All men have a prostate, yet many know little about what it does or what happens if it is removed. Here’s the lowdown…

  • 9:25, 20 Mar 2018

THE prostate is a male reproductive organ which surrounds the neck of the bladder which releases a fluid component of semen.

All men have a prostate, yet many know little about what it does or what happens if it is removed. Here’s the lowdown…

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What Is The Actual Purpose Of Prostate In Female Body

Many experts believe that prostate in female body use to release some kind of fluid. This fluid appears thick, scanty and has whitish color while containing PSA. Note that, female ejaculation is actually not a part of orgasm and frequency of this has be estimated somewhere around 10 to 54 percent.

During few recent years, medical professionals have taken help from MRIs to detect the presence as well as functionality of female prostate. However, the research should be continued ahead to make ideas more clear but the basic understanding have obtained a boost with this initiative. You might be aware of the fact that prostate gland in males use to store infections inside body. Several studies around the world reveal that Skenes glands also serve the similar kind of function.

Now, it is already clear that skenes glands use to release some fluid during sexual activity and it use to be of watery in appearance. As per one detailed study published in 2007, this fluid that is excreted into the tract from Skene s Duct use to be consistent with the prostate fluid but it is not observed to have consistency with urine.

What Is Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is common among American men. Your chance of getting prostate cancer may be affected by your:

  • Age. Men age 50 and older run a greater risk.
  • Race. Prostate cancer is most common among African-American men.
  • Family history. If your father or brother has had prostate cancer, you are more likely to have it, too.
  • Diet. Eating high-fat food with few fruits and vegetables may raise your risk.

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When Is Hormone Therapy Used

Hormone therapy may be used:

  • If the cancer has spread too far to be cured by surgery or radiation, or if you cant have these treatments for some other reason
  • If the cancer remains or comes back after treatment with surgery or radiation therapy
  • Along with radiation therapy as the initial treatment, if you are at higher risk of the cancer coming back after treatment
  • Before radiation to try to shrink the cancer to make treatment more effective

Can You Live Without A Prostate

Ask a Doc: Prostate Cancer Screening

You can live without a prostate, though there are some side-effects.

The prostate is removed to prevent the spread of prostate cancer, while it might also be removed because it has enlarged through normal ageing and is putting pressure on the uretha .

A prostatectomy is the removal of all or part of a prostate, with the most common procedure being the transurethral resection of the prostate .

Laser prostatectomies are also performed which is the least invasive type of removal.

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What Is Intermittent Adt

Researchers have investigated whether a technique called intermittent androgen deprivation can delay the development of hormone resistance. With intermittent androgen deprivation, hormone therapy is given in cycles with breaks between drug administrations, rather than continuously. An additional potential benefit of this approach is that the temporary break from the side effects of hormone therapy may improve a mans quality of life.

Randomized clinical trials have shown similar overall survival with continuous ADT or intermittent ADT among men with metastatic or recurrent prostate cancer, with a reduction in some side effects for intermittent ADT .

Are There Any Natural Methods To Prevent It

There is good news for men who dont like medication. There are natural ways to prevent prostate cancer. Any man can use them, regardless of his race.

1. Ginger

First of all is ginger, an amazing antimicrobial herb. It reins in cancerous cells when taken regularly. You can drink it as a raw juice or with honey.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes may also prevent cancer. They have the antioxidant Lycopene, which stops it in its tracks. Of course, you can use them in many dishes.

3. Pomegranate

Furthermore, there is a pomegranate. Researchers have found that pomegranate extracts can stop cancerous cells from growing.

4. Soy

Another essential ingredient that curbs the spread of cancerous cells is soy. Soyfoods contain phytoestrogens which prevent the release of testosterone. This male hormone is whats responsible for cancerous cells growing in the prostate.

The Cancer Council in Australia states that scientists found that people in Asia eat more soy. They went on a quest to find out if there were links between eating soy and prostate cancer. Men in Asian countries, who generally ate more soy, had lower rates of the disease. This study has the same findings.

5. Green Tea

Green tea is another ingredient that can help in checking this cancer. It has polyphenols that stop cancerous cells from growing. Note that prostate cancer rates in Japan, where green tea is a staple, is 67% less than in America.

6. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

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Does Female Prostate Cancer Really Exist

Yes and no. Technically, you cannot develop prostate cancer without an actual prostate. However, the Skene glands have been known to foster cancerous growths, adversely affecting your reproductive system, urethra, and bladder.

Skene glands produce an ejaculate protein called prostate-specific antigen , which, when found at elevated levels in men, could point to the presence of cancerous cells. This explains why the PSA hormone also shows up in women diagnosed with breast cancer. Once they receive radiation therapy, their PSA levels drop. As a result, many doctors closely monitor PSA levels during cancer treatment.

Thats why the answer to Can women get prostate cancer? is somewhat contradictory. Cancer in the Skene glands can mimic prostate cancer in men. Fortunately, this disease is extremely rare and comprises only 0.003% of female genital cancers. It typically affects older, post-menopausal women and produces very small tumors. Treatment might include radiation therapy and removal of the glands.

What Are Prostate Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Beverages to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Some prostate cancer treatments can affect the bladder, erectile nerves and sphincter muscle, which controls urination. Potential problems include:

  • Incontinence: Some men experience urinary incontinence. You may leak urine when you cough or laugh, or you may feel an urgent need to use the bathroom even when your bladder isnt full. This problem can improve over the first six to 12 months without treatment.
  • Erectile dysfunction : Surgery, radiation and other treatments can damage the erectile nerves and affect your ability to get or maintain an erection. Some men regain erectile function within a year or two . In the meantime, medications like sildenafil or tadalafil can help by increasing blood flow to the penis.
  • Infertility: Treatments can affect your ability to produce or ejaculate sperm, resulting in male infertility. If you think you might want children in the future, you can preserve sperm in a sperm bank before you start treatments. After treatments, you may undergo sperm extraction. This procedure involves removing sperm directly from testicular tissue and implanting it into a womans uterus.

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In Men Over : Bph May Be The Cause Of High Psa

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlargement of the prostate gland, but its not prostate cancer. “BPH means more cells, so that means more cells making PSA,” explains Dr. Castle.

BPH is the most common prostate problem in men over age 50. It may not need to be treated unless its causing frequent or difficult urination.

Your primary care doctor may be able to tell the difference between BPH and prostate cancer by doing a digital rectal exam, but commonly this will require evaluation by a urologist and further testing, such as a biopsy or imaging studies.

It Could Be Nothingor It Could Be Dangerous

The prostate thats normally the size of a walnut has a tendency to enlarge at some point in most mens lives: prostate gland. An enlarged prostate gland is not uncommon, particularly after the age of 40. This gland which surrounds the urethra has the important function of secreting a fluid that helps to nourish sperm. The urethra is a tube that carries urine from the bladder out through the tip of the penis. If the prostate gland begins to enlarge, it may press on the urethra causing problems with urination, such as urinary tract infections, and can result in bladder or kidney damage.

It is important for men to be aware of these reasons and to inform his physician at any time he notices any bodily changes that may be the sign of an enlarged prostate.

The three possible reasons for an enlarged prostate are:

BPH Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The basic definition of BPH is an enlarged prostate, and its a benign or non-cancerous condition. During a mans life, the prostate will go through two main growth phases. The first occurs during puberty when the prostate doubles in size. The second begins around age 25 and will continue throughout the remainder of a mans life, making BPH very common in older men. With age, the prostate tends to enlarge. BPH does not appear until the second phase when the prostate begins to press on the urethra causing urinary issues.


Prostate Cancer

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Will My Prostate Be Removed During Genital Reconstructive Surgery

The prostate is not removed as part of genital reconstructive surgery because of the risk of side effects such as urinary problems and damage to nerves.

The diagram below shows where the prostate is in someone who has had genital reconstructive surgery that includes the formation of a vagina .

Where is the prostate in a trans woman after vaginoplasty?

I didnt know what prostate cancer was. I knew I had a prostate although I wasnt told about it during transition. I have met many trans women who believe that the prostate is removed with genital reconstructive surgery, but it isnt. A personal experience

If You Are A Trans Woman

Prostate Cancer: A Guide for Aging Men

If you are a trans woman and have had genital-gender affirming surgery as part of your transition, you still have a prostate. It is important to talk to your GP or nurse if you are worried about prostate cancer or have symptoms.

Prostate cancer UK have detailed information about trans women and prostate cancer.

The LGBT Foundation can also give you confidential advice and support. You can also talk to one of our cancer support specialists.

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Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

In its early stages, prostate cancer doesnt necessarily cause symptoms. Men with prostate cancer might experience some of the following symptoms:

  • needing to pee frequently or suddenly
  • finding it difficult to pee, including trouble getting started or maintaining a strong or steady flow
  • feeling like you havent completely emptied your bladder after going to the toilet
  • pain, burning or discomfort when peeing
  • blood in pee or semen
  • or pain in the lower back, upper thighs, hips or chest
  • feelings of weakness or numbness in the legs or feet
  • unexplained weightloss
  • feeling tired, short of breath or dizzy
  • a rapid heart beat
  • pale skin.

Youll notice a lot of these symptoms are similar to symptoms of other conditions, including an enlarged prostate or prostatitis, which is why its important to always see your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms or changes.

Four Key Mistakes To Avoid If You Are Diagnosed With Low

Here are key mistakes Dr. Hu has identified

  • Mistake: Automatically opting for treatment when you have low-risk prostate cancer. Even though treatment for low-risk prostate cancer is generally not recommended, in the recent study, more than 85% of the men with low-risk prostate cancer chose to have some sort of treatment. The most common treatment was radiation therapy , and the second most common was surgery . Just 15% opted to skip treatment. The good news is that, as the study went on, there was a trend toward a greater percentage of men opting for active surveillancea trend that has accelerated according to recent surveys. However, Dr. Hu thinks too many men are still missing out on this proven approach.
  • Mistake: Choosing active surveillancebut not doing follow-up tests. According to the results of this study, fewer than 5% of the men who skipped treatment complied with recommended monitoring. They had fewer office visits, and fewer repeat PSA tests, compared with men who had some form of active treatmentand only 13% underwent a second biopsy within two years, as recommended.

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