Friday, July 26, 2024

Radio Wave Treatment For Prostate Cancer

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Surgically Removing The Prostate Gland

Using sound waves to destroy cancer | Christine Gibbons | TEDxDetroit

A radical prostatectomy is the surgical removal of your prostate gland. This treatment is an option for curing prostate cancer that has not spread beyond the prostate or has not spread very far.

Like any operation, this surgery carries some risks, such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

In extremely rare cases, problems arising after surgery can be fatal.

It’s possible that prostate cancer can come back again after treatment. Your doctor should be able to explain the risk of your cancer coming back after treatment, based on things like your PSA level and the stage of your cancer.

Studies have shown that radiotherapy after prostate removal surgery may increase the chances of a cure, although research is still being carried out into when it should be used after surgery.

You may want to ask your doctors about storing a sperm sample before the operation so it can be used later for in vitro fertilisation .

About Your Prostate Ablation Procedure

Prostate ablation is a procedure used to treat prostate cancer. During a prostate ablation procedure, energy is used to kill the cancer cells. The energy may also destroy some of the surrounding normal prostate tissue.

Youll get anesthesia before your procedure unless your healthcare provider tells you otherwise. Once youre asleep, youll be positioned on your back with your legs supported and raised above your hips with your knees bent.

Your healthcare provider may place a cystoscope through your urethra to your prostate and bladder after youre asleep, before your ablation. This is to check for anything that might affect your procedure.

Prostate ablation can be done with a needle ablation or with high-frequency ultrasound energy. Your healthcare provider will talk with you about which type of ablation is best for you.

Firstlet Me Give You A Sample Of What You Will Get With This Incredible Solution

1. Your enlarged prostate or your prostate gland will be corrected and restored to its original healthy state2. You will never have to wake up frequently at night to urinate again which means you will enjoy a peaceful sleep always.3. The difficulty you experience when urinating will finally stop4. You will be able to fully empty your bladder at a go and the dribbling will finally stop.5. If youre already experiencing blood in urine or youve developed a urinary tract infection due to poor treatment of the enlarged prostate, this ProHealth Pack will also help you treat these conditions successfully.6. Your performance life and vitality will be restored and come back to life.7. Most importantly, youll become healthy once again and thus prolong your life. So even if youve tried other treatments in the past with little or no result, POTENT PROSTATE PACK could be the answer, as it works very successfully for 99% of men, my uncle included.

Containing 25 natural phytoceutical extracts, proven to reverse and cure Prostate Enlargement and other prostate symptoms.

THE POTENT PROSTATE PACK is the most comprehensive Prostate Pack and general mens products nowThe system includes 4 specially formulated components that work in harmony with your body to achieve rapid results.However, they are individual results and results do vary.

POTENT PROSTATE PACKhas no known side effects. Its a complete, easy to use Program for correcting enlarged prostate.

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Stop Taking Nonsteroidal Anti

Stop taking NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen , 2 days before your procedure. NSAIDs can cause bleeding.

If your healthcare provider gives you other instructions, follow those instead.

For more information, read Common Medications Containing Aspirin, Other Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs , or Vitamin E.

How Is Prostate Cancer Treated

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Lorenzo asked his doctors about survival and side effects and talked to friends and family members before deciding on treatment. He shares his story in this blog post.

Different types of treatment are available for prostate cancer. You and your doctor will decide which treatment is right for you. Some common treatments are

  • Expectant management. If your doctor thinks your prostate cancer is unlikely to grow quickly, he or she may recommend that you dont treat the cancer right away. Instead, you can choose to wait and see if you get symptoms in one of two ways:
  • Active surveillance. Closely monitoring the prostate cancer by performing prostate specific antigen tests and prostate biopsies regularly, and treating the cancer only if it grows or causes symptoms.
  • Watchful waiting. No tests are done. Your doctor treats any symptoms when they develop. This is usually recommended for men who are expected to live for 10 more years or less.
  • Surgery. A prostatectomy is an operation where doctors remove the prostate. Radical prostatectomy removes the prostate as well as the surrounding tissue.
  • Radiation therapy. Using high-energy rays to kill the cancer. There are two types of radiation therapy
  • External radiation therapy. A machine outside the body directs radiation at the cancer cells.
  • Internal radiation therapy . Radioactive seeds or pellets are surgically placed into or near the cancer to destroy the cancer cells.
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    The Grade Group And Psa Level Are Used To Stage Prostate Cancer

    The stage of the cancer is based on the results of the staging and diagnostic tests, including the prostate-specific antigen test and the Grade Group. The tissue samples removed during the biopsy are used to find out the Gleason score. The Gleason score ranges from 2 to 10 and describes how different the cancer cells look from normal cells under a microscope and how likely it is that the tumor will spread. The lower the number, the more cancer cells look like normal cells and are likely to grow and spread slowly.

    The Grade Group depends on the Gleason score. See the General Information section for more information about the Gleason score.

    • Grade Group 1 is a Gleason score of 6 or less.
    • Grade Group 2 or 3 is a Gleason score of 7.
    • Grade Group 4 is a Gleason score 8.
    • Grade Group 5 is a Gleason score of 9 or 10.

    The PSA test measures the level of PSA in the blood. PSA is a substance made by the prostate that may be found in an increased amount in the blood of men who have prostate cancer.

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    Considering Complementary And Alternative Methods

    You may hear about alternative or complementary methods that your doctor hasnt mentioned to treat your cancer or relieve symptoms. These methods can include vitamins, herbs, and special diets, or other methods such as acupuncture or massage, to name a few.

    Complementary methods refer to treatments that are used along with your regular medical care. Alternative treatments are used instead of a doctors medical treatment. Although some of these methods might be helpful in relieving symptoms or helping you feel better, many have not been proven to work. Some might even be harmful.

    Be sure to talk to your cancer care team about any method you are thinking about using. They can help you learn what is known about the method, which can help you make an informed decision.

    Good Prostate Cancer Care

    Prostate Cancer – RIFE Frequencies Treatment – Energy & Quantum Medicine with Bioresonance

    Your MDT will be able to recommend what they feel are the best treatment options, but ultimately the decision is yours.

    You should be able to talk with a named specialist nurse about treatment options and possible side effects to help you make a decision.

    You should also be told about any clinical trials you may be eligible for.

    If you have side effects from treatment, you should be referred to specialist services to help stop or ease these side effects.

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    Clinical Experience With Intrabuccal Administration Of Amplitude

    After having successfully identified tumor-specific frequencies in 163 patients with cancer, Barbault et al. offered compassionate treatment to 28 of these patients with advanced cancer and limited therapeutic options. Treatment was administered with a portable device built with the same high precision frequency synthesizer as that used for the identification of tumor-specific frequencies. They chose the 27.12 MHz carrier frequency, as it is universally approved for medical use. The 27.12 MHz signal was amplitude-modulated at the specific frequencies identified in patients diagnosed with cancer. The frequencies were emitted sequentially, each for 3 s from the lowest to the highest frequency, and the cycle was continuously repeated for 1 h. Treatment was administered 3 times a day, i.e., for a total of 3 h until disease progression or death. Intrabuccal administration of 27.12 MHz RF EMF with the TheraBionic device results in a whole body absorption of very low levels of EMF . The maximum specific absorption rate of the applied RF averaged over any 10 g of tissue is estimated to be less than 2 W per kg.

    Delivery of intrabuccal radiofrequency electromagnetic fields .

    Patient receives low levels of EMF that are minimally absorbed and distributed systemically with the body acting as an antenna. Yellow indicates the regions of the body receiving the greatest exposure.

    Long-term follow-up in a patient with recurrent, biopsy-proven thyroid carcinoma.

    There Are Three Ways That Cancer Spreads In The Body

    Cancer can spread through tissue, the lymph system, and the blood:

    • Tissue. The cancer spreads from where it began by growing into nearby areas.
    • Lymph system. The cancer spreads from where it began by getting into the lymph system. The cancer travels through the lymph vessels to other parts of the body.
    • Blood. The cancer spreads from where it began by getting into the blood. The cancer travels through the blood vessels to other parts of the body.

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    Remission And The Chance Of Recurrence

    A remission is when cancer cannot be detected in the body and there are no symptoms. This may also be called having no evidence of disease or NED.

    A remission can be temporary or permanent. This uncertainty causes many people to worry that the cancer will come back. Although there are treatments to help prevent a recurrence, such as hormonal therapy and radiation therapy, it is important to talk with your doctor about the possibility of the cancer returning. There are tools your doctor can use, called nomograms, to estimate someone’s risk of recurrence. Understanding your risk of recurrence and the treatment options may help you feel more prepared if the cancer does return. Learn more about coping with the fear of recurrence.

    In general, following surgery or radiation therapy, the PSA level in the blood usually drops. If the PSA level starts to rise again, it may be a sign that the cancer has come back. If the cancer returns after the original treatment, it is called recurrent cancer.

    When this occurs, a new cycle of testing will begin again to learn as much as possible about the recurrence, including where the recurrence is located. The cancer may come back in the prostate , in the tissues or lymph nodes near the prostate , or in another part of the body, such as the bones, lungs, or liver . Sometimes the doctor cannot find a tumor even though the PSA level has increased. This is known as a PSA recurrence or biochemical recurrence.

    Standard Prostate Cancer Treatments Have Their Drawbacks

    Liquid Biopsy Test Helping Select People with Advanced Prostate Cancer ...

    Standard treatments include removing the gland or exposing the entire prostate to radiation. These can cause collateral damage to surrounding sensitive tissues like the nerves, muscles, urine passage, bladder, and rectum. They also carry a risk of long-term urinary problems and erectile dysfunction of up to 30 and 60 percent, respectively.

    Prostate cancer strikes one in every eight men during their lifetime. It is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths among American men, only behind lung cancer. It usually develops slowly, so there may be no signs someone has it for many years.

    SWNS writer Mark Waghorn contributed to this report.

    Recommended Reading: Nccn Guidelines Prostate Cancer 2021

    Prostate Cancer Is A Disease In Which Malignant Cells Form In The Tissues Of The Prostate

    The prostate is agland in the malereproductive system. It lies just below the bladder and in front of the rectum . It is about the size of a walnut and surrounds part of the urethra . The prostate gland makes fluid that is part of the .

    Prostate cancer is most common in older men. In the U.S., about 1 out of 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.

    Warning: Not All Natural Prostate Remedies Are Created Equal

    Be careful, there are a lot of bogus products on the market.There are none that I am aware of that work like this one, that has been researched and scientifically proven to effectively correct enlarged prostateWith POTENT PROSTATE PACK , you obtain your goals with ease in no time. You CAN stop wondering what to do about your enlarged prostate, once and for allYou never ever have to go back to being unhappy with your aging appearance or feeling less than anybody else ever again

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    External Beam Radiation Therapy

    In EBRT, beams of radiation are focused on the prostate gland from a machine outside the body. This type of radiation can be used to try to cure earlier stage cancers, or to help relieve symptoms such as bone pain if the cancer has spread to a specific area of bone.

    You will usually go for treatment 5 days a week in an outpatient center for at least several weeks, depending on why the radiation is being given. Each treatment is much like getting an x-ray. The radiation is stronger than that used for an x-ray, but the procedure typically is painless. Each treatment lasts only a few minutes, although the setup time getting you into place for treatment takes longer.

    Newer EBRT techniques focus the radiation more precisely on the tumor. This lets doctors give higher doses of radiation to the tumor while reducing the radiation exposure to nearby healthy tissues.

    Radiopharmaceuticals That Target Psma

    What happens after your prostate radiotherapy treatment

    Prostate-specific membrane antigen is a protein that is often found in large amounts on prostate cancer cells.

    Lutetium Lu 177 vipivotide tetraxetan is a radiopharmaceutical that attaches to PSMA, bringing radiation directly to the prostate cancer cells.

    This drug can be used to treat prostate cancer that has spread and that has already been treated with hormone therapy and chemotherapy. The cancer cells must also have the PSMA protein. Your doctor will order a PSMA PET scan before you get this drug to make sure the cancer cells have PSMA.

    This drug is given as an injection or infusion into a vein , typically once every 6 weeks for up to 6 doses.

    Possible side effects

    Some of the more common side effects of this drug include:

    This drug can lower blood cell counts:

    • A low red blood cell count can cause tiredness, weakness, pale skin, or shortness of breath.
    • A low blood platelet count can lead to bleeding or bruising more easily than normal, or bleeding that is hard to stop.
    • A low white blood cell count can lead to an increased risk of infections, which might show as a fever, chills, sore throat, or mouth sores.

    This drug might damage the kidneys. Your doctor or nurse will likely advise you to drink plenty of fluids and to urinate often before and after getting this drug, to help protect the kidneys. Tell your doctor or nurse if you start to pass less urine than is normal for you.

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    After You Leave The Hospital

    • Follow your healthcare providers instructions for taking your antibiotics and tamsulosin .
    • Dont shower for the first 24 hours after your procedure. After 24 hours, you can go back to showering as usual. Dont take a tub bath or submerge your lower body in water for 2 weeks after your procedure.
    • Dont lift anything heavier than 20 pounds for at least 48 hours after your procedure. Your healthcare provider will tell you if you need to wait longer than 48 hours.

    A Study Of Radiofrequency Ablation To Treat Cancer In The Prostate Gland

    Please note – this trial is no longer recruiting patients. We hope to add results when they are available.

    Cancer type:


    This study is looking at treating prostate cancer with radiofrequency ablation using a new device called Encage. Radiofrequency is a type of electrical energy. Ablation means destroying completely. The electrical energy heats up the tumour and kills the cancer cells. You have RFA through a probe that goes through your skin into the cancer.

    If prostate cancer has not spread outside the prostate gland it is called localised prostate cancer. In this situation, there are different treatments that men can have, such as surgery or radiotherapy. But treatment to the whole prostate gland often causes side effects such as problems getting an erection, urinary problems, diarrhoea and pain or bleeding from the back passage.

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    What Can Be Expected After Treatment Using Focal Therapy

    Patients treated with focal therapy still need to be actively monitored afterwards. This includes watching for disease that may have gone undetected, has returned, is spreading, or is appearing for the first time. If follow-up tests show that some of the treated cancer still remains, additional ablation, surgery, or radiation may be needed.

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