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Can Zantac Cause Prostate Cancer

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Q: Does Zantac Cause Cancer

UPDATE: Zantac (Ranitidine) Recall and Cancer Lawsuit

A:Yes, Zantac can cause cancer. Zantacs active ingredient, ranitidine, produces high levels of N-Nitrosodimethylamine . The U.S. Food and Drug Administration , the Environmental Protection Agency , and the World Health Organization classify NDMA as a cancer-causing chemical. The ranitidine molecule contains both a nitrite and a dimethylamine group. These combine to form NDMA.

What Are Your Chances Of Getting Cancer From Zantac

NDMA exposure is suspected to increase the risk of several different cancers, including tongue, esophagus, lung, pancreas, liver, kidney, and bladder cancers. You should discuss your concerns about getting cancer from the use of Zantac with your doctor. There is no formula to determine what your risk might be. However, through animal testing, it is known that the higher doses and the longer exposures to NDMA increase the risk of test animals getting cancer. The incidence of liver tumors increased, and survival rates decreased in a dose-dependent manner when studied in lab rodents.

What Kind Of Cancer Does Zantac And Ranitidine Cause

Regardless of the debate around safe levels of exposure, NDMA is listed as a probable carcinogen, meaning that it is shown to increase the risk of certain cancers in humans. In this particular instance, the risks of cancer associated with Zantac, ranitidine, and NDMA are gastric, or stomach, cancers such as gastric adenocarcinoma or Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors. Again, the risk of these cancers is rare and is still up for debate in terms of exposure to levels of NDMA present in these medications.

In addition to stomach cancers, there are concerns that Zantac, ranitidine, and the associated presence of NDMA may also cause colorectal cancers or possible bladder cancers. If you had been taking Zantac and were diagnosed with any of the following conditions, you should speak with an attorney:

  • Stomach Cancer
  • Nasal/Throat Cancer
  • Thyroid Cancer

The levels found in testing results are similar to levels found in a variety of foods that humans eat on a daily basis with little known increase of cancer. However, Zantac has been recalled in the United States and is no longer available.

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What Is The Zantac Cancer Risk

A growing number of patients are coming forward with claims of Zantac cancer risk caused by the impurity known as NDMA, an abbreviation for N-Nitrosodimethylamine. NDMA is a byproduct of numerous industrial processes, including the manufacture of jet fuel. NDMA is also found in a number of food products , tobacco and certain pesticides. A potent hepatotoxin , NDMA has been shown to cause tumors in several organs of the body. NDMA is considered a probable human carcinogen, or substance capable of causing cancer in humans.

What Legal Options Do People Who Used Zantac Have

Zantac Lawsuit Alleges More Than 20 Years of Ranitidine ...

Individuals who have developed cancer after taking Zantac can opt to participate in a class-action lawsuit. Miller & Zois are medical malpractice lawyers who also specialize in personal injury and special class action suits such as the infamous Zantac lawsuit. These legal experts can explain the process and outline what legal options you have. You are eligible for a free consultation to discuss your potential claim. Class action lawsuits typically involve no upfront legal fees, which means that the lawyers who pursue the case are only paid a percentage of the settlement if the verdict is in their favor.

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Zantac and other ranitidine products have been withdrawn from the market by the Food and Drug Administration because of its association with NDMA . Prevailing scientific evidence concludes that NDMA is a probable carcinogen or cancer-causing agent. Prostate cancer is one of the cancers associated with this dangerous contaminant.

The NDMA Basics

NDMA is an organic chemical that occurs during both natural and industrial processes. NDMA is a member of a chemical class known as nitrosamines that are considered powerful carcinogens. While NDMA is no longer produced in pure form in the United States other than for scientific research it was formerly used in the production of rocket fuel and lubricants. This usage was discontinued when the water, air, and soil around manufacturing plants was determined to have been contaminated. NDMA, however, can be produced unintentionally as a result of its chemical instability, which may play a role in why NDMA levels in people who regularly take ranitidine are often so elevated.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is generally a slow-growing cancer that is initially confined to the prostate gland and is one of the most common cancers in men. There are, however, more aggressive forms of prostate cancer that are far more dangerous and more difficult to treat. While men often dont experience symptoms in the early stages of the disease, there are several symptoms associated with more advanced stages, including:

What Is Ranitidine And Which Products Are Affected

Ranitidine is available both over the counter and by prescription. It belongs to the class of drugs known as H2 blockers. OTC ranitidine is commonly used to relieve and prevent heartburn. Prescription strengths are also used to treat and prevent more serious ulcers in the stomach and intestines. Multiple companies sell generic versions of both the OTC and prescription products.

So far, only Novartis/Sandoz and Apotex have recalled products. Ranitidine distributed by other companies remains on store shelves.

Health Canada, a federal department within the Canadian government, has asked all companies to stop distributing ranitidine drugs there, indicating that “current evidence suggests that NDMA may be present in ranitidine, regardless of the manufacturer.” France has taken the step of recalling all ranitidine products.

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What Are The Chances Of Getting Cancer

So far, there is only limited evidence that NDMA in ranitidine causes cancer, and scientists havent come up with an absolute risk value.

A study under review conducted by researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center found an increased risk in the odds of developing certain cancers, according to a 2020 article by Richard H. Adamson and Bruce A. Chabner in The Oncologist.

The European Medicines Agency estimated that the cancer risk for valsartan, another medication contaminated with NDMA, ranges from 12 to almost 30 cases per 100,000 people for those taking 320 mg of valsartan with 3.7 micrograms of NDEA and 24.1 micrograms of NDMA every day for four years, according to Adamson and Chabner.

NDMA contamination poses a potential carcinogenic risk of undetermined effect at present for those taking ranitidine, valsartan, or related medications on a regular basis.

What Type Of Cancer Does Zantac Cause

Ranitidine: (Zantac): Can it cause cancer?

Home » Practice Areas » Personal Injury » Drug Injury » Zantac » What Type of Cancer Does Zantac Cause?

Zantac is a medication that adjusts the amount of stomach acid that your stomach produces. This protects multiple organs from being damaged by the acid. However, Zantac is now voluntarily recalled by the FDA because its main ingredient, Ranitidine, breaks down into NDMA . Long-term exposure to NDMA is expected to cause cancer to develop in different parts of the body. As a result, the type of cancer caused by Zantac can vary from person to person, although there are several types that are more common.

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When Do You Need To Hire A Zantac Cancer Lawyer

If you believe your cancer was caused by Zantac or ranitidine you may need the help of a Zantac Cancer Lawyer. In order to pursue your case, your Zantac lawyer will help you to prove 3 things:

  • That you used Zantac or ranitidine. Those who are interested in pursuing compensation for cancer caused by Zantac will of course have to first prove that they actually took the medication Zantac or ranitidine. The easiest way to prove this would be to contact your doctor or pharmacy to get records of your prescriptions. If you bought the medication over-the-counter, it may be a little hard to prove that you took the medication but, through the help of your lawyer, it can be done using receipts and statements from your doctor.
  • That you have cancer. Zantac and ranitidine are most commonly known to be harmful in the sense that they could cause cancer. So in order to file a claim, you will not only have to prove that you have cancer but that the type of cancer you have is linked to NDMA. These two stipulations can easily be achieved with the help of your lawyer, doctors, and medical experts.
  • The Damages Caused By Zantac Cancer

    Those that have developed cancer as a result of taking Zantac typically contend with particularly severe damages. Cancer is one of the most damaging kinds of illnesses that one can suffer from with each different kind inflicting its own specific brand of harm that can change a personâs life. Regardless of the type of cancer one develops as a result of Zantac use, there are several damages that one will likely be able to claim in a product liability lawsuit regarding this dangerous drug.

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    How Much Ndma Is In Zantac

    There is no NDMA in the new formula of Zantac made with famotidine, and only Zantac made with ranitidine was found to have NDMA. Levels of the toxic chemical vary across batches of recalled Zantac products. These can increase over time during storage, especially if exposed to above normal room temperatures.

    In September 2019, the pharmacy Valisure tested samples of ranitidine and found as much as 3,000,000 ng of NDMA per tablet, far above the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations acceptable limit of 96 ng. In April 2020, FDA confirmed that its lab tests showed that time and temperature raise the level of NDMA in some ranitidine products above 96 ng.

    Common Zantac Cancer Symptoms

    Zantac And Prostate Cancer

    If you or someone you love takes Zantac or did in the past, it is crucial to be aware of cancer symptoms. Knowing these symptoms can potentially save your life.

    Common Zantac cancer symptoms include:

    • Unintentional weight loss
    • Bloody or tarry stools
    • Light-colored or greasy stools
    • A change in bowel habits
    • Symptoms of anemia such as fatigue, dizziness, and weakness
    • New abdominal pain unrelated to heartburn
    • Back pain
    • Yellowing of the skin or eyes
    • Dark urine
    • Painful urination
    • Itchy skin

    If you are experiencing any of these Zantac cancer symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible. Additionally, you will want to consult a product liability attorney if you have a history of prescription or over-the-counter use of Zantac or ranitidine.

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    Symptoms Of Cancer Caused By Zantac

    If you or a loved one has a history of taking Zantac or other over the counter ranitidine drugs, it is important to stay alert for the following symptoms, which may be symptoms of cancer caused by NDMA in the medication:

    • Uncontrolled weight loss
    • Black, greasy, or tarry stool
    • Fatigue, weakness, or dizziness
    • Dark or bloody urine

    Valisure Study: How Zantac Produces Ndma

    In 2019, Valisure conducted batch testing for Zantac using FDA-recommended protocols. Valisure found NDMA levels as high as 3,267,968 ng per Zantac tablet, more than 34,000 times higher than the FDA limit of 96 ng or .096 mcg .

    Wondering if the increased heat of the testing process may have contributed to these results, Valisure decided to test ranitidine under conditions that simulated those found in the stomach . NDMA levels, while not as high, were still extraordinary, ranging from 23,600 ng to 304,500 ng, over 3,100 times the FDAssafe limit.

    Valisures testing reveals NDMA levels so high that the nitroso for NDMA likely comes from no other source than the ranitidine molecule itself.

    Valisure Citizen Petition on Ranitidine, September 9, 2019

    Valisure also points to a third mechanism that could lead to NDMA production after Zantac is ingested an enzyme, dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase , that can react with ranitidine to liberate DMA from ranitidine, making it available to combine with nitrite from the ranitidine molecule, nitrite circulating in the body, or other potential pathways particularly in weak acidic conditions such as that in the kidney or bladder. This mechanism, according to Valisure, could generate millions of nanograms of NDMA throughout the body.

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    Whats Going On With The Zantac Lawsuit

    Several people have filed Zantac cases and ranitidine cases arguing that these drugs contained high levels of NDMA-a known carcinogen. They say this led them to develop cancer or have a higher risk of getting cancer. NDMA contamination can affect your stomach, bladder, liver, and other parts of the human body.

    Despite the potential side effects of using Zantac, not all people experience adverse problems. Furthermore, in many cases, those who do suffer from these symptoms are able to return to their normal functioning if they stop taking this medication or switch it for another one with fewer risks attached.

    However, there are still some serious health issues that may result from long-term use including neurological conditions such as seizures and Parkinsons disease damage or failure of your liver other gastrointestinal diseases like Crohns disease and primary pulmonary hypertension among others

    Zantac Prostate Cancer Lawsuit Filed Against Makers Of Recalled Heartburn Drug

    Zantac (Ranitidine) Recall and Cancer Lawsuit

    A growing number of Zantac lawsuits are being filed nationwide over side effects of the recalled heartburn drug, indicating that the manufacturer poisoned consumers for decades, as the active ingredient produced high levels of cancer-causing chemicals.

    In a complaint was filed on December 17 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Jack Rhoda indicates that he developed prostate cancer in 2019, after using Zantac for more than eight years.

    The lawsuit names Sanofi, Sanofi-Aventis, Chattem, Inc, and Boehringer Ingelheim as defendants, claiming that the drug makers knew or should have known for decades that Zantac exposed users to N-Nitrosodimethylamine , a known carcinogen.

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    Seeking Damages In A Zantac Cancer Lawsuit

    Each case is different. You should know that no law firms can guarantee that you will recover damages. However, our legal team is dedicated to pursuing financial recovery for clients who have been injured or disabled through no fault of their own. Recoverable damages may include:

    • Cancer-fighting treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy
    • Palliative care

    Other People Are Bringing Cases Against Zantac

    Lots of people like you are discovering that they have been injured after taking Zantac ranitidine. Through the breadth of these claims, we may know more soon about what kinds of cancer this drug exposes you to as well as what kind of payout you might expect after NDMA overdosing.

    As of November 15, 2021, there were nearly 1,800 Zantac cases pending in federal courts. We expect this number to grow even more in the coming months and years. If you have cancer caused by Zantac, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

    Since most of the claims are the same or at least very common, and Zantac is the only defendant, all of their cases so far have been pooled into a Multidistrict Litigation action in Florida. It is being presided over by Judge Robin Rosenberg. You can learn all about it right here:

    This federal claim will tell us a lot about NDMA actions and ranitidine cases. In particular, it should show you what kind of harm you must have suffered in order to bring this lawsuit. Also, it will give you insight into the extent and kind of recovery available to Zantac cancer victims.

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    What Is The Case Plaintiffs’ Lawyers Are Making In The Zantac Lawsuits

    Plaintiffs lawyers in the Zantac cases are making a lot of allegations of negligence and bad conduct. But, at core, the claim is that Plaintiffs claims can be, at best, distilled into allegations that the design of Zantac/ranitidine is inherently defective due to the risk of formation of NDMA. Accordingly, there should have been a warning telling doctors and patients of this risk.

    Ndma Discovered In Zantac And Generic Ranitidine

    Does Zantac Cause Prostate Cancer?

    Online pharmacy Valisure regularly tests the products it sells. In June 2019, the pharmacy notified the FDA that it had discovered NDMA in every batch of Zantac and generic ranitidine medication tested. The FDA did not take any action at that time, but the agency had already been researching NDMA in blood pressure pills like valsartan and losartan and had overseen the recall of several of those medications.

    On September 9, 2013, Valisure sent a citizens petition to the FDA urging it to recall all forms of ranitidine from the market. Authors David Light, CEO, and Kaury Kucera, Chief Scientific Officer, wrote: Valisure tests all batches of all its medications for quality and consistency issues and through such tests detected extremely high levels of N-Nitrososdimethylamine, a probable human carcinogen, in every lot tested, across multiple manufacturers and dosage forms of the drug ranitidine.

    Valisure urged the FDA to request a recall and suspend the sale of all lots of all products found to contain ranitidine. The company also suggested the FDA investigate the manufacturers processes and inform the public of the problem.

    Valisure went on to say that the NDMA in ranitidine was not the result of contamination or manufacturing errors, as had been the case with blood-pressure drugs, but was the product of the instability of the ranitidine molecule itself.

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    Zantac Lawsuits Cancer From Ndma Exposure

    Health experts have indicated that short term cancer risk of high NDMA levelsin Zantac or ranitidine medications may be low but longer-term exposure is notwell defined. In industrial use, NDMA has been clearly shown to be a potentialcarcinogen.

    Cancers that may be related to NDMA exposure include:

    • Bladder cancer
    • Breast cancer
    • Prostate cancer

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