Friday, July 26, 2024

Is It Ok To Ejaculate After Prostate Biopsy

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Persistent Ejaculation And Prostatitis

When is it Safe for Sex after Prostate Cancer?

One study has found a connection between persistent ejaculations and the occurrence of chronic prostatitis, which is inflammation of the prostate over a period of time longer than 3 months.

Symptoms and signs of chronic prostatitis include the following:

  • Post-ejaculatory pain is a hallmark of the condition.
  • Perineal or pelvic pain without any evidence of a urinary tract infection, which lasts longer than 3 months.
  • Pain can be present in the perineum, testes, tip of the penis and the pubic or bladder area.
  • Pain which radiates to the back and rectum and makes sitting down uncomfortable.
  • Arthralgia.
  • Constant burning pain in the penis.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Erectile difficulties.
  • Sexual dysfunction.

The reason for this is because persistent ejaculation causes buildup of lactic acid and free radicals. These products are not cleared properly by the liver because its activity is suppressed by stress hormones released during the ejaculatory process. The buildup of these products then leads to inflammation of the prostatic tissue.

Masturbation and testicular size

Testicular size can be negatively affected by the following issues:

There are literally over a hundred conditions that can cause testicular atrophy but masturbation is really one activity that one shouldn’t worry about causing this issue.

Other Cancer Treatment Effects On Ejaculation

Some cancer treatments reduce the amount of semen thats produced. After radiation to the prostate, some men ejaculate less semen. Toward the end of radiation treatments, men often feel a sharp pain as they ejaculate. The pain is caused by irritation in the urethra . It should go away over time after treatment ends.

In most cases, men who have hormone therapy for prostate cancer also make less semen than before.

Chemotherapy and other drugs used to treat cancer very rarely affects ejaculation. But there are some drugs that may cause retrograde ejaculation by damaging the nerves that control emission.

Cancer Treatments And Erectile Dysfunction

Following surgery, many men experience erectile dysfunction , but for many, the disruption is temporary. Nerves damaged during surgery may result in erectile dysfunction. A nerve-sparing prostatectomy may reduce the chances of nerve damage. Another factor is the surgeons skill level for performing the nerve-sparing technique, which if done correctly, may improve patients likelihood of retaining erectile function, says Dr. Shelfo.

Prostate cancer may also be treated with various types of radiation therapybrachytherapy, external beam radiation or stereotactic body radiation therapy. Each type of therapy causes somewhat different side effects. About half of all prostate cancer patients who undergo any of these types of radiation therapy are likely to develop erectile dysfunction, according to a 2016 article published in Advances in Radiation Oncology.

When you compare surgery with radiation, both may affect erections, says Dr. Shelfo. Surgery is usually more immediate, and sexual dysfunction has the potential with time to improve. With radiation, erections are usually less affected in the beginning, but over timemonths or, sometimes, yearssexual dysfunction may develop. Both treatments may affect sexual function, resulting in no ejaculate or the ability to attain erections.

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What Are The Causes Of Blood In The Semen

Blood in semen can be caused by many conditions affecting the male genitourinary system. Areas affected may include the bladder, urethra, the testicles, the tubes that distribute semen from the testicles , the epididymis , and the prostate gland.

Blood in the semen is most commonly a result of a prostate gland biopsy. A majority of men who undergo a prostate biopsy may have some blood in their semen that persists for three to four weeks. Likewise, vasectomy can lead to bloody semen for about one week after the procedure.

In men with hematospermia who have not had a recent prostate biopsy or vasectomy, a number of benign and malignant conditions of the male genital system may be the cause. In many situations, no definitive cause is found.

The following conditions have been reported in association with hematospermia:

  • Benign or malignant tumors of the prostate, bladder, testes, or seminal vesicles
  • Tenderness in the testes and/or scrotum
  • Swelling in the testes and/or scrotum
  • Swelling or tenderness in the groin area

How To Have A Terrific Sex Life After Prostate Cancer

Structured Investigation of Outpatient Transperineal ...

When patients learn they have prostate cancer, they often fear that impotence is inevitable. In almost all cases, fear of impotence is totally unwarranted. It is true that the old surgical cure for prostate cancer left 60 to 80 percent of patients impotent since surgery damaged the vital nerve bundles that make erection possible. Today, however, the majority of men who undergo treatment for prostate cancer will still be able to enjoy an active sex life after treatment. Heres how you can have a terrific sex life after prostate cancer.

Get Diagnosed Early

The most essential aspect of ensuring the preservation of normal life expectancy and a high quality sex life is the early diagnosis and prompt treatment of the prostate cancer. Early diagnosis of prostate cancer has an extremely high success rate of restoring prostate health and sexual function. If a prostate cancer has not extended beyond the prostate, prompt, early treatment offers a high percentage of disease-free survival. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should seek an immediate urologic consultation:

  • A weak or interrupted urinary stream
  • Difficulty starting the urinary stream
  • The need to urinate frequently, especially throughout the night
  • Blood in the urine
  • Persistent pain in the lower back, pelvis, or lower abdomen

Consider a Nerve-Sparing Prostatectomy

Seek Help if You Need It

Recommended Reading: What Happens To The Prostate Later In Life

Treating Blood In Semen

The treatment your GP or urologist recommends will depend on what they think is the underlying reason for the blood in your semen.

In many cases, particularly if you have no other symptoms or the blood in your semen was an isolated incident, no treatment is necessary and the problem will usually resolve on its own.

If a clear reason is identified, the treatment youre offered will depend on the specific cause.

For example, you may be given antibiotics to treat an infection and cysts may need to be drained with a needle.

If theres a serious underlying cause, such as a blood clotting disorder or cancer, youll be referred to an appropriate specialist for any necessary treatment.

Page last reviewed: 18 July 2019 Next review due: 18 July 2022

Tips For Talking With Your Partner

Feeling less of a desire to have sex or having trouble getting an erection may affect your relationship. Try to be as open with your partner as you can. Here are some tips:

  • Bring your partner with you to doctors visits. Being part of the conversation may help them understand what youre experiencing.
  • Listen to your partners concerns, too. Remember that this issue affects both of you.
  • See a therapist or a sex therapist to help you work out any issues that are affecting your sex life.
  • If sex is a problem right now, its possible to fulfill each other sexually in other ways. Cuddling, kissing, and caressing can also be pleasurable.

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Why Is A Prostate Biopsy Done

A prostate biopsy is done to screen for prostate cancers. This is to confirm whether cancer is present, or if a prostate cancer diagnosis is aggressive. In a prostate biopsy, small samples of the prostate are removed and then observed under the microscope. Doctors usually recommend a biopsy of the prostate gland based on certain findings.

  • If prostate-specific antigen blood test results are higher than the average age
  • If the doctor detects signs of a prostate problem during a digital rectal exam
  • If a biopsy is the only method to confirm the cancer

A prostate biopsy involves:

  • Collecting minute samples of the prostate gland. A computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scan is also used to guide them through the procedure.
  • A prostate biopsy takes about 10 minutes and is usually done in the doctors office. The samples will be sent to a lab and will be looked at under a microscope to see if they contain cancer cells.
  • If cancer is detected in the patient, it will also be assigned a grade. The results are available after one to three days, but it can sometimes take longer.

A prostate biopsy may be done in several different ways which may include:

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After prostate biopsy exam, how long should one wait to …

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Chemotherapy & Hormone Therapy

  • Chemotherapy does not often cause erectile dysfunction, though it may affect the desire for sexual activity. Your desire may fluctuate over the course of treatment.
  • Hormone therapy for prostate cancer is designed to decrease testosterone levels or prevent your body from using testosterone. This can result in loss of desire for sex, erectile dysfunction, and difficulty achieving orgasm, which tends to develop slowly over the first few months of hormone therapy.

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Is There Any Reason To Control Your Ejaculation Frequency

Theres an old Taoist belief that controlling how often you ejaculate helps you preserve whats believed to be a finite amount of energy. Abstaining from ejaculation is thought to allow the energy contained in sperm to return to the brain and supply it with energy.

This practice is the origin of the 24 times a year idea. In fact, some Taoist teachers recommend that you only ejaculate 20 to 30 percent of the times you have sex. That translates to 2 or 3 times out of every 10 sessions.

But these ideas arent backed by any hard science. And many Taoists teachers urge people to focus on personal feelings of strength and refreshment after ejaculation rather than specific figures.

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Can Regular Prostate Biopsy Cause Erectile Dysfunction

If your doctor asks you to get multiple prostate biopsies in a defined time period, what will be the risk of developing temporary or permanent erectile dysfunction? A study published in the Journal of Urology, reported the findings in 231 males with prostate cancer and on active surveillance for more than 10 years. All of them had 10-12 core prostate biopsy at least once and were also advised for biopsy every year. Participants were asked to complete SHIM and I-PSS questionnaires.

The results indicated that SHIM scores significantly declined over the years based on the number of biopsies done, for example the decline in the SHIM scores of men who had the biopsies thrice or more was much worse than those who had 2 or less biopsies. Men who never faced erectile dysfunction before the prostate biopsy had their SHIM scores much lower when they undergo 3 or more biopsies in comparison with those who faced erectile dysfunction before having the biopsy.

If you are one of those men who are advised to get prostate biopsy, or more than one biopsies over time then be prepared to face erectile dysfunction on temporary basis. Keep the word temporary in mind, as the risk of experiencing erectile dysfunction increases with the increase in the number of prostate biopsies you are going to have. However, researchers also argue that other factors may also contribute for example:

What Are The Tests For Blood In The Semen

Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness May Be Underestimated ...

Your doctor will want to ask you about your symptoms. They will want to know if you have noticed any other symptoms, such as blood in your urine or pain on ejaculating.

They will do a physical examination, including looking at your genitals. They may take your blood pressure and temperature. They will want to check your prostate by a rectal examination, where the doctor inserts a gloved finger into your bottom.

The doctor will ask you to give a urine sample, so that they can check for blood, which may only be visible under the microscope, and for signs of a urinary tract infection. They may do a blood test. You may also be asked for a semen sample.

If you are aged over 40 years, the doctor will probably suggest you have a PSA test. This a blood test that can help to detect prostate cancer and other prostate problems.

If you are referred to a urologist, there are other tests and investigations that may help in diagnosis. These include ultrasound of the prostate or scrotum, MRI or CT scans of the pelvis, and cystoscopy .

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Can Prostate Surgery Affect Penis Size Or Sensitivity

Prostate surgery is very unlikely to affect penis size. The only likely case this would occur if an individual underwent surgery for ED after prostate surgery. Implants will often cause a slight shortening of the penis.

Sensitivity, however, is an issue. In order to allow men to urinate, they have to operate on the prostate.

Its right next to the bundle of nerves that relay the sensation to the brain, causing a lot of the physical pleasure that men experience during sex.

It used to be the case that a prostatectomy would almost always damage those nerves, causing a permanent decrease or even loss of sensation. It would often be 8 months to a year before men reported any sense of sexual desire after the surgery.

However, nerve-sparing surgeries, particularly robotic prostatectomies, can avoid that nerve group far more effectively.

Its never a guarantee, but a majority of men who have undergone a nerve-sparing procedure can expect to regain the majority of the sexual desire and sensation they had before the operation.

For less-involved surgeries, men can expect to regain their sexual function a lot sooner. TURPs, ReZum, Aquablation or various other novel surgeries are all less likely to damage nerves and have faster recovery periods.

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Surgery Effect On Ejaculation

Surgery can affect ejaculation in different ways. For example, if surgery removes the prostate and seminal vesicles, a man can no longer make semen. Surgery might also damage the nerves that come from the spine and control emission . Note that these are not the same nerve bundles that pass next to the prostate and control erections . The surgeries that cause ejaculation problems are discussed in more detail here.

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Risks And Complications Associated With Biopsies

It is normal to expect some minor bleeding after needle biopsy, because the needle has entered areas that contain small veins. Blood in the urine, semen, and with bowel movements may occur intermittently for a few days and possibly for a few weeks. The two primary risks of needle biopsy are severe bleeding and infection of the prostate gland or urinary tract. These risks are very rare, occurring in less than one percent of patients.

Figure : Anatomy Of Hematospermia

Prostate cancer questions and answers, After the prostate is removed, what will ejaculation be like?

Inflammation and infection, an obstruction, a tumor, vascular abnormalities, systemic factors, medical procedures, and trauma may cause bleeding that shows up in semen, a condition called hematospermia, or hemospermia. Any of the organs, glands, or ducts shown here may be the source of the bleeding, though the cause and source of the bleeding often cant be determined. Note that only a portion of the vas deferens, which transports sperm from the epididymis to the seminal vesicles, is shown.

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Prostate Biopsy Specimens: Ask For Meticulous Labeling

The way that prostate biopsy samples are handled varies among hospitals. The samples, or cores, are put onto glass slides to be examined under a microscope for signs of cancer. Find out if the physician doing the biopsy will place each core in a separate, labeled container. If cancer is discovered, its location in the prostate gland can affect decisions about further testing and possible treatment.

Individual labeling of biopsy cores is more expensive, and not all hospitals provide this level of service. If all of the samples from the right and left side of the prostate gland are processed together, as opposed to individually, consider having the biopsy done elsewhere, Dr. Garnick says.

What Does My Prostate Do

The prostate is beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. Itâs a walnut-shaped gland that surrounds part of the urethra. . Hereâs what it does:

  • It produces fluid for semen, which includes sperm produced in the testicles.
  • It prevents urine from being included during ejaculation.

If it gets too big, your prostate can block pee from passing through the urethra and out the penis.

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Prostate Surgery And Erectile Dysfunction

The short answer is yes prostate surgery is very likely to cause erectile dysfunction.

A prostatectomy, even though modern surgeries are nerve-sparing is likely to cause months of issues to a mans sex life.

Less invasive procedures that avoid the bundle of nerves and seminal vesicles next to the prostate will still likely cause ED, even if its a shorter-term issue.

Other surgeries are less likely to cause lasting damage, but the fact is that sexual dysfunction is a complicated issue. Men have to grapple with the mental side of it as well.

A cancer diagnosis can weigh heavily on a mans mind, which can impact both his sex drive as well as his ability to maintain an erection.

Theres also the fact that as we age, men experience a natural reduction in sex drive and are likely to be less able to get and maintain an erection.

The likelihood is that any surgery would just exacerbate the underlying issue.

Around 1 out of every 4 men over the age of sixty will experience some form of erectile dysfunction. Thats also the most likely group to undergo surgery, which is why the two are often linked, but not necessarily the sole cause.

If you have some pre-existing medical condition that impacts your floor muscles, sexual function or urine/ urinary function than you might find that the side effects of the surgery are more severe.

You should talk with your Urologist about any pre-existing medical conditions and how they might affect the treatment.

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