Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Prostate Cancer Spread To The Brain

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Prognosis And Predictive Factors

Prostate Cancer Treatment (03): Patterns of Spread

As in other locations, prognosis in prostatic involvement by leukemia/lymphoma is dependent on the subtype.

The majority of cases are low grade, predominantly chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma . As such, the prognosis in these cases is generally favorable. In a large consecutive series with follow-up data, which showed predominantly low-grade leukemia/lymphoma, only one patient had died from disease at follow-up.

In contrast, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma , which is often primary, carries a considerably less favorable prognosis. In a large series of primary prostatic lymphomas to date, which notably included numerous high-grade secondary prostatic lymphomas in survival analysis, 5-year lymphoma-specific survival was only 33%.

  • Terris MK, Hausdorff J, Freiha FS. Hematolymphoid malignancies diagnosed at the time of radical prostatectomy. J Urol. 1997 Oct. 158:1457-9. .

  • Chu PG, Huang Q, Weiss LM. Incidental and concurrent malignant lymphomas discovered at the time of prostatectomy and prostate biopsy: a study of 29 cases. Am J Surg Pathol. 2005 May. 29:693-9. .

  • Warrick JI, Owens SR, Tomlins SA. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the prostate. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2014 Oct. 138 :1286-9. . .

  • Gajendra S, Sharma R, Sahoo MK. Triple cancer: chronic lymphocytic leukemia with bladder and prostate carcinoma. Malays J Pathol. 2015 Aug. 37 :159-63. . .

  • What Will Happen In The Last Few Days

    It can help to know what is normal in the last few days of life so that you know what to expect. You might not be aware of these changes when they happen because you may be drowsy or unconscious.

    If youre supporting someone who is dying, read about what you can do to help and how you can get support.


    Many people worry about being in pain when they are dying. Some people do get pain if their prostate cancer presses on their nerves or makes their bones weak. But not everyone dying from prostate cancer has pain. And if you are in pain, there are things that can help to reduce and manage pain.

    You should tell your doctor or nurse if youre in pain or if your pain gets worse. They can talk with you about how best to manage your pain and can help keep it under control.

    You may find sitting or lying in some positions more comfortable than others, so ask if you need help getting into a different position.

    Your doctor can give you medicines to help manage pain. The type of medicines they give you will depend on what is causing the pain and which medicines are suitable.

    Your doctor will monitor how the pain medicines are working and may change the type of medicine or the dose. If youre still in pain or get pain in between taking medicines, its important to tell your doctor or nurse.

    Sleeping and feeling drowsy

    Changes in skin temperature or colour

    Changes in breathing

    My Dad Has Advanced Prostate Cancer Metastatized To Bone


    I’ve come here because I’m not sure where else to go. I’ve just found out in the past week that my Dad has prostate cancer, which has metasised to his pubic bone. His PSA levels were extrremely high, 164, and his Gleason score is 10. He’s 72, but you wouldn’t think it. He is so fit and healthy and he only went to the doctors in the first place because he had a pain in his leg, which we now know is because it spread to his bone. I am an only child, I’m 26, I live near my parents and have been staying over since we find out.

    My Dad is mostly postive, he has started his hormone therapy and in July he will have 6 rounds of chemo. They can manage but they can’t cure. They said it’s really agressive cancer, but they can keep him going, but for how long? I can’t bear to watch my Dad go through this pain, he’s the kindest, sweetest most generous man. And my Mum, my Dad is my mums world, she just keeps asking me “how are we going to cope” – she’s imagining herself all alone in this home they built together, and to be honest, so am I. I am trying to be strong and resume normality but this has changed everything. I thought my Dad would live to see me get married, go far in my career. I want him to be there, to watch me grow. I don’t want him to leave Mum all alone. I don’t have any siblings to share this with – my friends are supportive and my boyfriend too but, I just feel so hopeless. Would be reassured to hear of anyone else in the same boat.

    Thank you

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    Is It Time To Let A Dog With Cancer Go

    Our canine companions are a member of our family, making a cancer diagnosis extremely devastating. Not only is it difficult to hear the words, but many owners struggle with understanding the process of their disease and when its actually time to let them go. In this article we will help you understand the diagnosis of cancer in dogs.

    What Is Metastatic Disease

    What Is Cancer?

    Prostatecancer can spread to other organs or lymph nodes outside the pelvic area. This is called metastatic disease. The tumours in other organs or lymph nodes are called metastases. Your doctor may recommend treating metastatic disease with hormonal therapy.

    It is important to realise that metastatic disease cannot be cured. Instead, your doctor will try to slow the growth of the tumour and the metastases. This will give you the chance to live longer and have fewer symptoms.

    If prostate cancer metastasises, it usually spreads to the bones or the spine. At a later stage, prostate cancer may also spread to the lungs, the liver, distant lymph nodes, and the brain . Most metastases cause a rise in the level of prostate-specific antigen in your blood.

    Metastases in the spine can cause symptoms like severe back pain, spontaneous fractures, or nerve or spinal cord compression. They can also be asymptomatic. In rare cases, lung metastases may cause a persistent cough.

    Imaging can be used to detect metastases. Bone metastases can be seen on a bone scan. A CT scan may be recommended to get more detailed information about bone metastases, or to detect metastases in the liver, the lungs, or the brain.

    This section addresses different types of hormonal therapy, which you should discuss with your doctor.

    This is general information, which is not specified to your individual needs. Keep in mind that individual recommendations may depend on your country and health care system.

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    The Symptoms Of Delirium Are A Lot Like Symptoms Of Depression And Dementia

    Early symptoms of delirium are like symptoms of depression and dementia. Delirium that causes the patient to be inactive may appear to be depression. Delirium and dementia both cause problems with memory, thinking, and judgment. Dementia may be caused by a number of medical conditions, including Alzheimer disease. Differences in the symptoms of delirium and dementia include the following:

    • Patients with delirium often show changes in how alert or aware they are. Patients who have dementia usually stay alert and aware until the dementia becomes very advanced.
    • Delirium occurs suddenly . Dementia appears gradually and gets worse over time.

    Older patients with cancer may have both dementia and delirium. This can make it hard for the doctor to diagnose the problem. If treatment for delirium is given and the symptoms continue, then the diagnosis is more likely dementia. Checking the patients health and symptoms over time can help diagnose delirium and dementia.

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    Can Prostate Cancer Spread

    Medically Reviewed by: Dr. BautistaUpdated on: November 18, 2019

    Like other cancers, prostate cancer can spread if the cancer cells grow out of control. At ITC, we treat all different types of cancer and know that patients often have a lot of questions surrounding their diagnosis.

    We often are asked what is prostate cancer? Can prostate cancer spread? How is it diagnosed? And more. At Immunity Therapy Center, we know that each diagnosis is unique and every patient is different which is why we focus on a holistic approach to prostate cancer. And we believe that when patients have the knowledge, theyre more likely to take control of their health.

    To give you the knowledge to prepare, lets take a closer look at prostate cancer, what symptoms to look for, and how it can spread.

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    Symptoms That Happen When The Cancer Spreads

    When bone metastases occur, there may be new symptoms, like weak bones, spinal cord compression, high blood calcium levels, and stiffness, or pain in the hips, thighs or back. These symptoms can cause extreme feelings of pain and discomfort, such as nerve damage and muscle weakness brought on by spinal cord compression, numbness in the arms, or legs and loss of bladder or bowel control. High levels of calcium can mean vomiting, dehydration, confusion, or abdominal discomfort.

    If you experience these symptoms, its important to talk to your doctor about them. Natural remedies or holistic treatment for prostate cancer are options and offer a way to gain control of your health and thrive.

    Prostate Cancer That Spreads To The Brain

    Can Prostate Cancer Metastasis Be Stopped Before It Starts?

    ByDavid Smidev | Submitted On March 05, 2010

    Cancer of prostate develops in the prostate gland and typically develops slowly. Advanced prostate cancer could extend to the brain or other body parts. The brain is one of the most common sites of metastasis from solid tumors.

    When symptoms of metastatic cancer take place, the type and frequency of the symptoms will rely on the size and location of the metastasis. For instance, cancer that extends to the bones is probable to lead to pain and can cause bone fractures. Cancer that extends to the brain can lead to various symptoms including headaches, seizures and unsteadiness. Shortness of breath might be a sign of lung involvement.

    Prostate cancer typically causes no symptoms until it achieves an advanced stage. Sometimes, symptoms close to those of benign prostatic hyperplasia develop, including difficulty urinating and a necessity to urinate recurrently or urgently. However, these symptoms do not enlarge until after the cancer develops large enough to compress the urethra and partly block the flow of urine. Afterward, the cancer might lead to bloody urine or a sudden incapability to urinate.

    Metastatic brain tumors are classified relying on the precise site of the tumor in the brain, kind of tissue involved, original site of the tumor, and other factors. Rarely, a tumor could extend to the brain, yet the original location or site of the tumor is unknown. This is named cancer of unknown primary origin.

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    Liver Bile Duct Pancreatic And Gallbladder Cancers

    Any cancer that interferes with the bile ducts can lead to obstruction and the consequent build-up of bile salts in the skin. With pancreatic cancer specifically, this is most common with cancers located in the head of the pancreas. Other symptoms may include jaundice, abdominal pain, ascites , and abdominal pain.

    Finding Out If The Cancer Has Spread

    To find out if cancer has spread outside of the prostate, doctors may perform the imaging tests listed below. Doctors are able to estimate the risk of spread, called metastasis, based on PSA levels, tumor grade, and other factors, but an imaging test can confirm and provide information about the cancers location.

    Imaging tests may not always be needed. A CT scan or bone scan may not be necessary for those with no symptoms and low-risk, early-stage prostate cancer, as determined with information from the PSA test and biopsy. Learn more about when these tests are recommended to find out if the cancer has spread.

    For people with advanced prostate cancer, ASCO recommends that 1 or more of the imaging tests below be done to provide more information about the disease and help plan the best treatment. This includes when there is a newly diagnosed, high-risk cancer if metastasis is suspected or confirmed if the cancer has returned following treatment or when the cancer grows during the treatment period. Learn more about this guideline on the ASCO website.

    Magnetic resonance imaging . An MRI scan uses magnetic fields, not x-rays, to produce detailed images of the body. An MRI can be used to measure the tumors size, and a scan can focus specifically on the area of the prostate or on the whole body. A special dye called contrast medium is given before the scan to create a clearer picture, which is injected into a patients vein.

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    Prostate Cancer Brain Metastases

    Hi ime so sorry i cant cant realy add much to bens advice .are you worried that you may have the cancer gean .if yes you may be able to get tested for it you may want to contact your gp over that he may refer you for testing but dosnt mean you will have it . If you smoke or drink stop now its not the gean so much as what sets it off .i can tell you thoe this rotton disease has no order to it and it does leave us with questions if your trying to figure out cancer forget it you just cant it has no order and can take the healthiest .when we loose a loved one it makes us worry about our own mortality if its getting at you go see your gp he will put your mind a rest . My partner was taken by two types of cancer her daughter was worried but the oncolygist said it was caused by lifes lifes choises meaning liz smoked and drank we are baby boomers and when we were young we were brainwashed into thinking it was cool to smoke they didnt know then how canver was caused so try not to look for answeres because there arnt any years ago i worked for an agricultural spraying company i used to get coverd in the stuff its all banned now and ime still here by all acounts i should be riddled with cancer . I empathise with your loss though its a painfull thing.paul

    Hi, thanks for the replies.

    Prostate Metastasis That Has Gone Into Bones Spine And Brain

    Metastatic Lung Cancer: Symptom, Diagnosis and Treatment ...

    My dad is 63 years old and has terminal prostate cancer which has spread to the brain leptomeningeal carcinomatosis its called he went down hill the other day and was admitted to hospital very confused he had a water infection but they scanned his brain and found cancer had spread the doctor has now told us it’s a matter of weeks he has left but they have put my dad on 16mg of steroids and he’s starting to be more like himself so now he thinks he’s getting better he’s now in a hospice it breaks my heart thinking my dad thinks there’s still a chance when doctors have told us otherwise can steroids cure the brain cancer or not? X

    Hi Kellie,

    I am so sorry to hear about your dad. My dad is also 63 and he has advanced prostate cancer in his bones and lymph nodes. We just found this out a month ago. I am not sure how the steroids work in this situation, but I just wanted you to know you aren’t alone in dealing with this. If you need to chat I am here!

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    Prostate Cancer Can Cause Pain In Many Areas And Not Just Because Of Bone Spread But Also Due To Other Features Of The Disease

    It can feel different ways depending on the nature of the cause.

    Curable early stage prostate cancer usually does not cause pain, says Sean Cavanaugh, MD, Chief of Radiation Oncology, Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southeastern Regional Medical Center.

    That is the most important message do not use pain as a primary screening mechanism for prostate cancer.

    Most pain associated with prostate cancer is from bone metastases in stage IV disease.

    For example, men with bone metastases to their spine may have pain in their back.

    Prostate cancer can spread to the ribs , pelvis and femur .

    Even shoulder and arm pain are possible when a metastatic tumor is pressing against the spine.

    Bone metastases occur in approximately 80% of patients with advanced prostate cancer, says the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

    When prostate cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it almost always goes first to the bones.

    Bone pain from prostate cancer can feel like a dull ache or feel like a toothache in the bones, or you may feel a sharper sensation.

    Can worsen with movement

    May come and go or be constant

    Prostate Cancer And The Lymphatic System

    The lymphatic system helps protect us from infection and disease. It also drains lymph fluid from the tissues of the body before returning it to the blood. The lymphatic system is made up of fine tubes called lymphatic vessels that connect to groups of lymph nodes throughout the body.

    Lymph nodes are small and bean-shaped. They filter bacteria and disease from the lymph fluid. When you have an infection, lymph nodes often swell as they fight the infection.

    If prostate cancer cells spread to the lymph nodes, they usually go to the nodes close to the prostate. You may have a scan to check if the cancer has spread to these nodes.

    In early prostate cancer, the cells have not spread to the lymph nodes. Locally advanced prostate cancer may have spread to these nodes. In advanced prostate cancer, there are usually cancer cells in the lymph nodes close to the prostate and in lymph nodes further away.

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