Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Beginning Signs Of Prostate Cancer

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What Should You Do If You Have The Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

10 Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

If you are presenting one or more of the warning signs of prostate cancer, then it would be wise to promptly consult with a qualified physician. Your symptoms may indicate another, less serious condition and even if you do receive a diagnosis of prostate cancer, it is much easier to treat this disease when detected early on.

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Warning Signs Of Early Cancer In Men

For men, recognizing and getting tested for early symptoms of cancer can significantly improve their chances of long-term survival. This is especially critical for men as the National Cancer Institute has stated that men are more likely to die from this disease than women are.

As a prostate cancer surgeon, I want men to not only be aware of early symptoms of prostate cancer, but of all cancers that afflict men. However, the only way to know for sure is to know early cancer warning signs, get tested and if diagnosed with cancer, get treated as soon as possible.

Below are possible warning signs of cancer in men. Any man with any of these symptoms should schedule a visit with their primary care physician right away:

Prostate Cancer Treatment In India

India could be the destination for your prostate cancer treatment, which not only offers advanced treatment alternatives but also world class medical infrastructure and expert surgeons that too at an affordable price. In the recent past, India has become a globally recognized, low-priced medial tourism destination with high quality standards of medical care. People from across the World visit India as their preferred location to seek treatment for complex surgeries.

Prostate cancer treatments including surgery and prostatectomy are fast developing in India along with the increasing patients for this deadly disorder. The medical infrastructure in India is at par with its western counterparts comprising of advance surgical instruments and trained surgeons specializing in prostate cancer.

  • The average price of prostate cancer procedure varies from individual to individual that depend on a persons overall health and disease profile such as hypertension, diabetes, age etc. Cost of prostate cancer surgery in India is around US$ 5,000, which includes diagnosis and price of the procedure.
  • The cost of robot-assisted prostatectomy surgery begins from US$ 6,500 in India, which could vary with choice of the hospital, doctor and other parameters.

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About Dr Dan Sperling

Dan Sperling, MD, DABR, is a board certified radiologist who is globally recognized as a leader in multiparametric MRI for the detection and diagnosis of a range of disease conditions. As Medical Director of the Sperling Prostate Center, Sperling Medical Group and Sperling Neurosurgery Associates, he and his team are on the leading edge of significant change in medical practice. He is the co-author of the new patient book Redefining Prostate Cancer, and is a contributing author on over 25 published studies. For more information, contact the Sperling Prostate Center.

Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer / Shepard Medical

Nobody Google Ads Early Signs of Prostate Cancer Prostate Cancer ...

Of course, your specialist is the main person whose advice you should follow but it doesnt do anyone harm. Part of what makes colon cancer so deadly is that it often goes relatively unnoticed because of a lack of early symptoms. Roughly 21,000 women a year are diagnosed with ovarian ca. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed in men. The earlier the detection of prostate cancer, the better the patients chance of survival is.

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What Is Prostate Cancer

Cancer in the prostate gland is termed prostate cancer, which is quite common in men around the age of 50 or above.

Some of the symptoms of prostate cancer are frequent urination, interrupted urine flow or pain in the pelvis area etc.

These types of symptoms are described further in this article.

But before that let us know a little more about the prostate gland.

The prostate is a small gland that is found in men, present near the urinary bladder.

The prostate gland is one of the important parts of the male reproductive organs which produces seminal fluid.

These seminal fluids work as lubricants for the sperms and help them to travel through the urethra.

Any abnormal growth in the prostate can be benign or malignant .

Benign growth is not life-threatening and can be cured through surgery or other treatment.

Whereas malignancy in the prostate can be dangerous and can grow back even after treatment.

Hence, it is advised to go under early diagnosis if a patient suspects their condition.

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What Is Psa And Psa Test

A PSA test is one of the most frequently used testing tools when it comes to prostate cancer screening. It is simply a blood sample test which will detect the levels of PSA circulation inside your body. Other than being a common approach to diagnose prostate cancer, it is also used to keep track of cancer treatments, including radiations, chemo, hormone therapy, and so on. An escalation in the levels of PSA may also be a signal to conditions which are not necessarily cancerous, such as inflammation or augmentation of the prostate gland.

For the past practices so far, a level reading 4ng/ml or less has been rated normal. Those men who have their results notifying values above the standard may have prostate cancer and would usually be advised to get a biopsy for confirmation. Research has shown that men who developed prostate cancer may have lower levels of PSA. On the other hand, the ones who did not have cancer can show a higher level of PSA. One out of four men with higher levels of PSA will be confirmed to have prostate cancer.

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What Is The Prostate Cancer Survival Rate

Prostate cancer can be successfully treated when caught early on. The survival rate for this cancer depends on the stage of cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, men with localized and regional prostate cancer have a nearly 100% 5-year relative survival rate. This means that men with prostate cancer are nearly 100% as likely as men without cancer to live for at least five years following their diagnosis. Localized cancer is cancer confined to the prostate, while regional cancer is cancer that has spread outside the prostate to nearby tissues or lymph nodes.

The 5-year relative survival rate for distant prostate cancer is 30%. Distant prostate cancer is aggressive cancer that has spread to other parts of the body far from the prostate, such as the liver or lungs.

Posted on by Southwest Diagnostic Center for Molecular Imagingin Cancer Screening, Prostate Cancer

Do you know that prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in American men next to skin cancer? Do you know that the prostate is a vital part of a mans reproductive system? Do you know men can have both benign and cancerous growths in the prostate gland? Most importantly, do you know the five warning signs of prostate cancer? Every man should know when to take action.

Recurrent Prostate Cancer Symptoms

What are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer that returns after treatment is considered recurrent. When it returns to the area around the prostate, the disease is classified as a local recurrence. If the cancer is found in another part of the body, the recurrent cancer is considered metastatic. If the cancer metastasizes outside the prostate, it most likely develops in bones first. Metastatic prostate cancer most often spreads to the liver, bones and lungs.

After initial treatment for prostate cancer, PSA levels are expected to drop dramatically. The first sign of recurrent prostate cancer may be a rise in the PSA level. Other symptoms of recurrent cancer may depend on whether and where the cancer has spread. Symptoms include:

  • Blood in the urine
  • Difficulty breathing

Patients should discuss any symptoms with their doctor and ask about scheduling regular PSA tests after treatment.

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Painful Or Difficult Urination

Dysuria means painful or difficult urination. With this symptom, you may find it difficult to urinate even if your bladder feels full or be able to urinate but with mild to severe pain in the pelvic area.

Dysuria is an important symptom because it can indicate that something may be pressing against urinary tract, most likely an enlarged prostate, a symptom of prostate cancer. directly consult a good doctor who knows prostate cancer treatment guidelines.

The 10 Most Relevant Signs & Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most fearsome types of cancer in men as it grows silently and manifestations only arise when the tumor is big enough to start causing problems. Different from benign prostatic hyperplasia, cancer usually grows opposite to the urinary bladder, and the first clinical manifestations are detected through a rectal exam. But we should take extra care at certain signs and symptoms, especially after 40 years of age. These signs and symptoms are not necessarily caused by prostate cancer, but they should serve as a warning to look for professional medical advice and perform the appropriate tests to rule out this fearsome disease.

The most relevant signs and symptoms of prostate cancer are as follows:

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So What Are The Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer

Unfortunately, there usually arent any early warning signs for prostate cancer. The growing tumor does not push against anything to cause pain, so for many years the disease may be silent. Thats why screening for prostate cancer is such an important topic for all men and their families.

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In rare cases, prostate cancer can cause symptoms. Contact your doctor for an evaluation if you experience any of the following:

  • A need to urinate frequently, especially at night, some- times urgently
  • Difficulty starting or holding back urination
  • Weak, dribbling, or interrupted flow of urine
  • Painful or burning urination
  • Difficulty in having an erection
  • A decrease in the amount of fluid ejaculated
  • Pressure or pain in the rectum
  • Pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, pelvis, or thighs

Remember: urinary symptoms dont necessarily mean you have cancer. Prostatitis or BPH are benign diseases but can cause similar symptoms and are very common.

What about difficulty in having an erection? Again, this is most likely not caused by cancer but by other factors such as diabetes, smoking, cardiovascular disease, or just plain getting older.

That said: Symptoms are symptoms, and no matter whats most likely to be causing them, you should get them checked out by a doctor.

Download or order your free copy of the Prostate Cancer Patient Guide now with COVID-19 Appendix.

Early Signs Of Prostate Cancer Never To Ignore

5 Early Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer

Early-stage prostate cancer usually has very few or no warning signs at all. Cancer could only raise concern if the tumor happens to press on the urethra and cause changes to your urine flow. Early signs of prostate cancer may not be visible and their undetectable nature can lead to cancer progression.

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Symptoms Of Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Recurrent prostate cancer is the state where cancer returns after its treatment. It may occur around the prostate and refer to local recurrence. In case it is found in the other part of the body, it is also referred to as metastatic. Certain symptoms will let you get an idea about it. These are as follows:-

  • There is blood in the urine
  • Difficulty in urination

If It Spreads Advanced Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

As we discussed before, this type of cancer has malignant properties, and due to close proximity to the gland where it is formed with other organs, it can spread in severe cases. The metastatic tumor can grow and spread to bones or even the spine thrusting on the spinal nerves. The signs of severity may show through the following:

  • Swollen legs and the pelvic
  • Numbing of the hips, feet, and legs
  • Pain in feet, hips, or legs
  • Mulish ache in bones which can also cause fractures.

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What Are Prostate Tests And How Is Prostate Cancer Diagnosed

Prostate Cancer: Signs & Symptoms

Tests which check for prostate cancer include:

  • A digital rectal exam . In this exam, your provider feels your prostate for lumps or anything unusual by inserting a lubricated, gloved finger into your rectum.
  • A prostate-specific antigen blood test. A high PSA blood level may be a sign of prostate cancer. But many other things can cause high PSA levels, too.
  • Imaging tests. These tests may use ultrasound or MRI to make pictures of your prostate.

If these tests show that you might have prostate cancer, the next step is usually a prostate biopsy. A biopsy is the only way to diagnose prostate cancer.

During a biopsy, a doctor uses a hollow needle to remove some prostate tissue. The tissue is studied under a microscope to look for cancer cells.

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Does Prostate Cancer Have Any Symptoms

Most men with early prostate cancer dont have any signs or symptoms.

One reason for this is the way the cancer grows. Youll usually only get early symptoms if the cancer grows near the tube you urinate through and presses against it, changing the way you urinate . But because prostate cancer usually starts to grow in a different part of the prostate, early prostate cancer doesnt often press on the urethra and cause symptoms.

If you do notice changes in the way you urinate, this is more likely to be a sign of a very common non-cancerous problem called an enlarged prostate, or another health problem. But its still a good idea to get it checked out. Possible changes include:

  • difficulty starting to urinate or emptying your bladder
  • a weak flow when you urinate
  • a feeling that your bladder hasnt emptied properly
  • dribbling urine after you finish urinating
  • needing to urinate more often than usual, especially at night
  • a sudden need to urinate you may sometimes leak urine before you get to the toilet.

If prostate cancer breaks out of the prostate or spreads to other parts of the body , it can cause other symptoms, including:

  • back pain, hip pain or pelvis pain
  • problems getting or keeping an erection
  • unexplained weight loss.

These symptoms can all be caused by other health problems. But its still a good idea to tell your GP about any symptoms so they can find out whats causing them and make sure you get the right treatment, if you need it.

Genetic Testing For Prostate Cancer

You may hear a lot about genetics or genomics. Both terms are related to genes and cell DNA, but they are different. These tests are being used to learn more about the DNA of cancer cells, and link DNA mutations with treatments. In the future, genetic testing may be the first step doctors take when diagnosing prostate cancer.

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Testing Options For Prostate Cancer

There is no one age for prostate cancer testing, but the American Cancer Society makes recommendations about prostate cancer screenings. According to the ACS, patients in any of these groups should consider asking their doctor about testing:

  • Men age 50 or older who have an average risk of prostate cancer and a life expectancy of at least 10 more years
  • Men age 45 or older with a high risk, including African-American men and those with a first-degree relative who had prostate cancer before age 65
  • Men age 40 or older who have a higher risk, such as more than one first-degree relative diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age

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Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

For many men, the first sign of prostate problems involves urination changes.

Some men may begin to notice increased frequency, slowing of their stream, and getting up at night to empty their bladder, says Dr. Chodak. Urinary troubles can often signal a noncancerous gland enlargement, which is called benign prostatic hyperplasia, a condition that is common in men over 40. Virtually every guy over 70 has some prostatic enlargement, says Edward Geehr, MD, the chief medical officer of ILinkMD Corporation.

In its advanced stages, prostate cancer can cause leg swelling and bone pain as the cancer spreads to other areas of the body.

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Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer

Because prostate cancer tends to not show symptoms in its early stages, risk factors are another useful tool to identify candidates for screening. The Mayo Clinic notes that risk certainly increases as you grow older, and obese men may be more likely to have prostate cancer that is aggressive or difficult to treat.

For unknown reasons, black men are also at a greater risk of prostate cancer than men of other races. Not only are they more likely to get prostate cancer, but the risk of prostate cancer being aggressive or advanced is also higher.

Finally, your family history or genetics can also help determine your prostate cancer risk. For example, men with close relatives who had prostate cancer are more likely to get it. Also, a family history of breast cancer or the presence of the genes BRCA1 or BRCA2 within the family also raises the likelihood of a man developing prostate cancer.

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