Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How Big Should A Prostate Be

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The Prostate Produces Seminal Fluid

How Often Should You Ejaculate to Avoid Prostate Cancer?

Semen is produced by both the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles, a pair of glands attached to the prostate.

The fluid produced by the prostate gland mixes with the sperm and produces semen. During sex, the muscles of the prostate contract and ejaculate the prostate fluid and sperm into the urethra.

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What Are Benign Prostate Conditions

The prostate gland lies underneath the bladder and in front of the rectum deep in the male pelvis. It surrounds the urethra, the tube that transports urine from the bladder. The prostate is normally the size of a walnut and functions to secrete fluid that nourishes sperm. Common benign conditions that can affect the prostate gland are benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis.

Treatments Options For High

The prostate is a walnut-sized organ that is part of the male reproductive system. It sits in front the bladder and above the rectum. The prostate is responsible for the production and supply of fluid that helps nourish sperm in the ejaculate. The urethra, where urine travels from the bladder to the penis, runs through the prostate.

As a result of family history, lifestyle, diet, and natural hormonal changes, the prostate begins to grow in size as men age, starting in their mid-30s. When the prostate becomes more enlarged over time, it might press against the urethra and block urine flow . This condition is called benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH.

Enlarged prostates differ in size. The size can be estimated on digital rectal exam or prostate imaging like an ultrasound. People with very enlarged prostates have several treatment options. However, size is not the only factor used to choose a treatment.

When doctors evaluate the prostate, symptoms are just as important as size. In addition, size and symptoms don’t always correspond. For example, one person might have a mildly enlarged prostate with noticeable symptoms, while another person could have a very large prostate with no symptoms.

All of this information is the basis of a personalized treatment plan. Here are the options for patients with very enlarged prostates, with or without symptoms.

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How Is Benign Prostate Enlargement Diagnosed

If your GP suspects that you have an enlarged prostate, you’ll be asked to complete a questionnaire to assess your symptoms.

Each question has five possible answers that carry a score, and your overall score indicates the severity of your symptoms.

Your GP will also want to rule out other conditions that cause similar symptoms to prostate enlargement.;

You may have a number of standard tests, such as urine tests, plus some more specific tests, such as a;blood test that measures PSA.

Generations Of Men Underwent Prostate Cancer Tests During An Aggressive Screening Regimen Then The Screenings Stopped Now Doctors Are Reevaluating Just How Worried Men Should Be About Their Prostate

Men should not ignore signs, symptoms of prostate cancer ...

by Michael J. Mooney

Its tucked deep within the body, nestled between the bladder and penis, an elusive gland roughly the size of a Ping-Pong ball. Many people dont know what, if any, purpose the prostate serves most of what we hear about it revolves around the problems it can cause, especially later in life. But without it, there might not be any life at all.;

In some ways, the male prostate gland is equivalent to the female mammary glands. Mammary glands are responsible for nourishing a child in the early stages of life; the prostate is responsible for protecting the sperm even earlier. It does this by producing an enzyme called prostate-specific antigen , which liquefies the semen, essentially freeing it from the seminal coagulum. PSA also gets credit for neutralizing the cervixs blocking enzyme, which allows sperm to freely enter the uterus and, hopefully, penetrate the egg.;

The prostate gland, small as it is, is like a multifaceted diamond: every time you look at it from a different angle, under a different light, you see a different aspect of it, find a new scientific challenge, unresolved mysteries, says urologist Dr. Claus Roehrborn, who specializes in prostate diseases and has chaired the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Department of Urology since 2002. His work is at the forefront of current innovations in treating and diagnosing prostate cancer.;

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Prostate Health: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

What is benign prostatic hyperplasia?

The prostate gland is only in men. It is about the size of a walnut, and sits just below the bladder in front of the rectum. The urethra runs through the prostate. The role of the prostate gland is to manufacture a fluid that is part of the semen .

As men reach their 40s, the prostate gland begins to enlarge through a process called cell multiplication, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia:

  • Benign means noncancerous,
  • Prostatic refers to the prostate, and
  • Hyperplasia is defined as excess cell replication.

This overgrowth occurs in the central area of the prostate, unlike prostate cancer, which develops in the outer region where most of the glandular tissue is located.

What are the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia?

When the prostate enlarges, it begins to block the flow of urine. Men may have difficulty urinating, either in starting urination or completing it. Men are often unable to empty their bladder completely and need to urinate frequently. This is the most serious complication and requires medication attention. Nocturnal urination is common. Men may also have unpredictable leakage, or they experience pain or irritation when urinating. The need to urinate becomes more urgent over time. Small veins of the urethra may burst when a man strains to urinate, and this can cause blood to appear in the urine.

What causes benign prostatic hypertrophy?

What are the risk factors?

Is benign prostatic hypertrophy serious?

How Is Each Condition Diagnosed

Youll see a specialist called a urologist to diagnose BPH or prostate cancer. Doctors use many of the same tests to diagnose both of these conditions.

  • Prostate-specific antigen test:This blood test detects PSA, a protein your prostate gland makes. When your prostate grows, it produces more of this protein. A high PSA level can only tell your doctor that your prostate has grown. It cant tell for sure that you have BPH or prostate cancer. Youll need more tests to confirm the diagnosis.
  • Digital rectal exam : Your doctor will insert a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum. This test can show if your prostate is enlarged or abnormally shaped. Youll need more tests to find out if you have BPH or prostate cancer.

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Questions You May Want To Consider Asking Your Doctor Include:

  • What type of prostate problem do I have?
  • Is more testing needed and what will it tell me?
  • If I decide on watchful waiting, what changes in my symptoms should I look for and how often should I be tested?
  • What type of treatment do you recommend for my prostate problem?
  • For men like me, has this treatment worked?
  • How soon would I need to start treatment and how long would it last?
  • Do I need medicine and how long would I need to take it before seeing improvement in my symptoms?
  • What are the side effects of the medicine?
  • Are there other medicines that could interfere with this medication?
  • If I need surgery, what are the benefits and risks?
  • Would I have any side effects from surgery that could affect my quality of life?
  • Are these side effects temporary or permanent?
  • How long is recovery time after surgery?
  • Will I be able to fully return to normal?
  • How will this affect my sex life?
  • How often should I visit the doctor to monitor my condition?
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Large Prostate With Significant Symptoms

3 Easy Ways To Shrink An Enlarged Prostate Naturally

For patients who have moderate or severe symptoms that have failed medical therapy from very enlarged prostates, the optimal treatment is often surgery. For very enlarged prostates, there are four main surgical options:

  • Open prostatectomy – The surgeon makes an incision and removes some of the enlarged prostate. This is done rarely today because less invasive surgeries through the urethra work well with fewer side effects.;
  • Transurethral resection of the prostate – Going in through the urethra, with the aid of a small camera, the surgeon removes tissue to open up the channel, which can help the urine flow and take some of the pressure off the bladder. Tissue is removed with bipolar energy that shaves off pieces of the prostate. While this method is less invasive than open prostatectomy, it still can have side affects, such as bleeding, infection, need for repeat resection, erectile dysfunction, and scarring.;
  • Transurethral laser ablation of the prostate – This is where the urine channel is opened up using a high-powered holmium laser to vaporize the prostate tissue. Like TURP, the procedure can help urine flow and symptoms from enlarged prostate. The use of the laser may decrease the need for a catheter or reduce bleeding after the procedure. A high-powered laser that uses “Moses effect” pulses has the potential to remove the tissue more efficiently, so the procedure time can be shortened.;
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    Isnt Ejaculation The Same Thing As Orgasm

    Most people refer to ejaculation and orgasm as one in the same, but they are actually two separate physiological events.

    Orgasm includes the pelvic contractions and intense pleasure and release you feel when you come. Ejaculation is the expulsion of semen from the penis.

    An orgasm is just part of the sexual response cycle, which happens in stages. Every body is different, so the duration, intensity, and even order of the stages can vary from one person to another.

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    How Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treated

    Patients who have mild symptoms may not require treatment other than continued observation to make sure their condition doesn’t get worse. This approach is sometimes called “watchful waiting” or surveillance. There are a number of treatment options available if your symptoms are severe.


    Finasteride and dutasteride work by decreasing the production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone , which affects the growth of the prostate gland. These appear to be most beneficial for men with larger prostates.

    Drugs that relax the muscle in the prostate are more commonly used. These include terazosin , doxazosin , tamsulosin , alfuzosin , and silodosin . The most common side effects are lightheadedness, weakness and retrograde ejaculation.

    Medications are sometimes combined to help treat symptoms and improve the flow of urine. One such medication is dutasteride and tamsulosin .


    Several different types of surgery can be used to remove the prostate tissue that blocks the flow of urine, including:

    Minimally invasive treatments

    Minimally invasive treatments include:

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 03/10/2020.


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    Is It Easy To Orgasm This Way

    Lets say it may take some practice and patience.

    Actual clinical research on prostate-induced orgasms is seriously lacking, so we dont know how common it is or if its possible for everyone with a prostate to have this type of orgasm.

    Every body is different, so some experimenting to see what feels good is in order. If you do manage to have one, reproducing it will be easy.

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    How Do You Achieve A Prostate Orgasm

    Total Men

    As with any new sexual activity, learning how to have a prostate orgasm takes preparation and practice. Here are some expert-approved tips, techniques, and other important things to know.

    Learn where your prostate is.

    If youre new to anal play, the first step is finding your prostate. The walnut-sized gland is located underneath the bladder and in front of the rectum, and you can stimulate it by putting fingers or toys about three inches into your butt.

    Try it on your own first.

    Kenneth Play, sex educator and creator of the Sex Hacker Pro Series, suggests experimenting with yourself before trying with your partner. I recommend masturbation rather than partner play to start this exploration because you have a direct feedback loop,” he says. “Without having to instruct someone else or worry about being comfortable, things are much simpler and more effective.”

    Know that there are two ways to achieve a prostate orgasm: through internal and external stimulation.

    Now, we know you might be scratching your head in confusion, wondering how there can be an external prostate orgasm when the prostate is located inside your anus. But heres a quick bio lesson: an external prostate orgasm is when you stimulate your prostate externally, by applying pressure between your anus and your testicles, Saynt explains . No insertion required.

    Internal orgasms, on the other hand, involve massaging your prostate .

    Massage your perineum.

    If you’re going up the butt, clean out beforehand.

    Don’t Miss: Does An Enlarged Prostate Affect A Man Sexually

    What Is The Prostate

    The prostate is a part of the male reproductive system, which includes the penis, prostate, seminal vesicles, and testicles. The prostate is located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is about the size of a walnut and surrounds the urethra . It produces fluid that makes up a part of semen.

    As a man ages, the prostate tends to increase in size. This can cause the urethra to narrow and decrease urine flow. This is called benign prostatic hyperplasia, and it is not the same as prostate cancer. Men may also have other prostate changes that are not cancer.external icon

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    What Size Of Prostate Requires Surgery

    Prostate enlargement presents with lower urinary tract symptoms that range from mild to severe. Some of the men with severe symptoms may require surgery to manage the condition.

    Prostate size rarely dictates the type of treatment offered by clinicians. This situation is related to the fact that men with similar prostate sizes will have variable levels of symptoms.;;

    Therefore, the decision for surgical treatment derives from the type and extent of your symptoms . Invasive treatments are recommended for patients whose symptoms are not controlled or those who experience severe side effects .

    Transurethral resection of the prostate and open prostatectomy are the standard methods for treating lower urinary tract symptoms caused by prostate enlargement. Your doctor may recommend surgery if you have severe bph symptoms, including partial blockage of the urethra with repeated urinary tract infection, kidney damage, or severe side effects from medicines .;

    Surgery can help some men whose symptoms impact their quality of life but have an increased risk of side effects . The side effects of both traditional procedures mentioned above led to the development of several minimally invasive techniques . Although the newer surgical therapies reduce the risk of treatment complications, they have higher clinical failure rates requiring further treatment .

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    Tips For Relieving Bph Symptoms

    Four simple steps can help relieve some of the symptoms of BPH:

  • Some men who are nervous and tense urinate more frequently. Reduce stress by exercising regularly and practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation.
  • When you go to the bathroom, take the time to empty your bladder completely. This will reduce the need for subsequent trips to the toilet.
  • Talk with your doctor about all prescription and over-the-counter medications you’re taking; some may contribute to the problem. Your doctor may be able to adjust dosages or change your schedule for taking these drugs, or he or she may prescribe different medications that cause fewer urinary problems.
  • Avoid drinking fluids in the evening, particularly caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. Both can affect the muscle tone of the bladder and stimulate the kidneys to produce urine, leading to nighttime urination.
  • For more on advances in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate diseases, read;the;Annual Report on Prostate Diseases;from Harvard Medical School.

    Prostate Massage: How It Is Done And What It Is Used For

    What Should the PSA be After Prostate Cancer Surgery? | Ask a Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

    Prostate massage, how to do it, techniques, benefits and contraindications: what to know about the practice, useful both in the medical and sexual fields.

    The prostatic massage represents one of the techniques more in demand in recent years, both for the treatment of some disorders of medical origin and simply as a practice for the male intimate pleasure. Despite having very ancient origins, the treatment has achieved a certain popularity in the last decade, also thanks to the information quickly circulated on the Net. But what is prostate massage in fact, how is it performed, which are the best techniques and which benefits can it bring to the body?

    Before entering into the merits of the practice, it is however necessary to remember how prostate is a very delicate male gland, subject to the action of external agents and infections due to its position. For this reason, in the event of ailments, pains, changes in urination or sexual difficulties, the first step is always to examine the opinion of the attending physician or, again, of theurologist andandrologist of trust.

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    Tips For Coping With An Enlarged Prostate

    When a man reaches about age 25, his prostate begins to grow. This natural growth is called benign prostatic hyperplasia and it is the most common cause of prostate enlargement. BPH is a benign condition that does not lead to prostate cancer, though the two problems can coexist.

    Although 50% to 60% of men with BPH may never develop any symptoms, others find that BPH can make life miserable. The symptoms of BPH include:

    • a hesitant, interrupted, weak urine stream
    • urgency, leaking, or dribbling
    • a sense of incomplete emptying
    • more frequent urination, especially at night.

    As a result, many men seek treatment. The good news is that treatments are constantly being improved. Patients and their physicians now have more medications to choose from, so if one doesn’t do the trick, another can be prescribed. And thanks to some refinements, surgical treatments are more effective and have fewer side effects than ever before.

    But there are some things men dealing with BPH can do on their own. When symptoms are not particularly bothersome, watchful waiting may be the best way to proceed. This involves regular monitoring to make sure complications aren’t developing, but no treatment. For more troubling symptoms, most doctors begin by recommending a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. Often this will be enough to relieve the worst symptoms and prevent the need for surgery

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