Thursday, July 25, 2024

Greenlight Laser Procedure For Prostate

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Common Questions About Greenlight Laser Treatment

GreenLight Laser Therapy Patient Education Video

How long is the stay in the hospital after a GreenLight procedure?

Usually one night after the procedure, but this may vary according to your general health and any other medical conditions.

Where is the procedure performed?

Nick Brook performs this procedure at Flinders Private Hospital.

Will the GreenLight Laser treatment treatment affect my sexual function?

How long before my symptoms improve?

Most patients experience rapid relief of symptoms and improvement in urine flow within 24 hours of the procedure. However, medical history, health conditions, and other factors can influence treatment and recovery.

Will I continue to need BPH medications after the GreenLight Laser treatment?

As with any medication, ask your doctor what is appropriate for you. Most patients are able to stop taking their BPH medications within a few weeks after GreenLight.

How soon can I return to work and other normal activities?

Most patients can resume normal activities within a couple of days. Strenuous activities can be resumed within 2 weeks. Nick Brook will discuss this and your specific condition with you during your consultation.

How long do the results last?

Clinical studies show that GreenLight laser treatment offers lasting symptom relief for at least 5 years.

Is GreenLight treatment covered by insurance?

Medicare and private insurance plans cover the procedure.

Will I need to have a catheter?

Will I have discomfort after the procedure?

What Do Patients Say

GreenLight Laser Therapy has helped more than 1 million men around the world relieve the symptoms of BPH.1 And get back to life.

Guys dont typically talk about things like BPH. Even with their partners, friends, family or personal doctor. Until it starts getting in the way. Of work, sleep, sex, everything. Hear firsthand from men who battled BPHuntil this innovative treatment gave them new hope. And a better life.

Details Of The Procedure

A small urethral catheter is inserted at the end of the procedure. This is left in place overnight only. After removal of the catheter, men go home once they have successfully passed urine and emptied their bladder.

Follow-up takes place 12 weeks after the prostate laser surgery to confirm symptomatic improvement.

The Prostate Clinic

The Prostate Clinic, located in Australias Gold Coast, specialise in minimally invasive surgery and treatments, for the prostate and prostate cancer.

Dr. Charles Chabert carries out medical therapy and procedures such as robotic prostate surgery and UroLift, to GreenLight laser prostate surgery or laser prostate surgery. These treatments are aimed at patients with prostate cancer, those seeking enlarged prostate treatment, erectile dysfunction and/or urinary incontinence.

Contact The Prostate Clinic to arrange an appointment to discuss your diagnoses and plan your way forward.

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What Is Greenlight Laser Prostatectomy

In greenlight laser prostatectomy, laser energy is passed through a thin tube called a cystoscope to vaporise and remove excess prostate tissue in conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia .

This helps to alleviate constriction in the urethra and restore the normal flow of urine from the bladder.

Recovery After The Procedure:

Urology Products

After, the patient is observed in the recovery area and can be typically discharged on the same day or within hours from the procedure. For patients that had severe symptoms or had prior bladder damage, catheterization for an extended period may be required, and they may need to stay longer or perhaps overnight.

Generally mild discomfort including slight burning with urination, frequency, or the sudden urge to urinate can occur. One may notice a small amount of blood in the urine and shouldnt be alarmed by this, as this is expected during the first week post- procedure. Patients will notice a dramatic improvement in urine flow, and relief of symptoms within a day or two post-procedure. Men with multiple health issues may not experience improvement quite as quickly as those who are relatively healthy.

Men can expect to return to normal activity approximately 3 days post GreenLight procedure. Patients should avoid strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, or pushing, and avoid equipment that vibrates for about 2 weeks. These types of activities may aggravate the urogenital region and can cause bleeding.

If you would like more information, or believe you are candidate for this procedure, please contact us.

  • Ease and comfort of urinary flow
  • Quick symptom relief
  • Complications are infrequent, and mild if they do occur
  • Post-operative impotence has not been associated with this procedure

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How Is Bph Diagnosed And Whos A Candidate

We typically diagnose BPH after hearing of a patients symptoms, most commonly the frequent or urgent need to urinate. We often ask patients to complete questionnaires to measure the extent to which their symptoms bother them, as well as the strength of their urine stream. Ultimately, if a man has problems urinating, we determine if its BPH by measuring the size of their prostate via an ultrasound and evaluate the appearance of their prostate with a cystoscopy, a procedure that uses a small camera to identify signs of BPH, such as the narrowing of the urethra where it passes through the prostate gland.

Green Light Laser Prostate Surgery Is A Big Boon

Prostate enlargement is a deadly infection experienced by most of the men that brings discomfort in their life. It is caused due to growth of prostate gland due to which urethra is compressed.

As such the follow passage for urine is obstructed and this results in increased bothersome urinary symptoms like irritation, strained, slow, discontinuous and frequent urine. Among many treatments to cure this infection, green light laser therapy is one of the best treatments for this infection as it involves the use of modern technology of lasers.

Since long this treatment has set of new standard care for treating enlarged prostate symbols. You might have heard about the surgery with the name PVP, which stands for photoselective vaporization of the prostate. Green light laser therapy has received FDA clearance in May 2001.

Basically laser surgery uses high energy lasers to destroy prostate tissue. Following procedure is followed in green light laser surgery. The patient is first given general or spinal anesthesia. The doctor then passes the thin laser fiber through the passage called urethra into the prostate using cytoscope, cytoscope is a camera that allows doctor to examine bladder and prostate, and delivers bursts of energy. Each burst lasts for 30 to 60 seconds. The high energy of lasers destroys prostate tissue by vaporizing them and prostates are thus removed.

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Green Light Laser Surgery For Prostate Benefits And Side Effects

Are you dealing with the annoying urinary difficulties due to benign prostate hyperplasia? Are you looking into the possibility of getting a green light laser prostate surgery that will put an end to your sufferings? But remember this surgery, like any other, comes with potential side-effects that you need to remember. Lets explore the most common and rarer side-effects of the green light laser surgery on prostate!

How Long Does Green Light Laser Surgery Last

Green Laser Surgery

Most patients experience relief of symptoms and improvement in urine flow within 24 hours of the procedure. However, medical history, health conditions, and other factors can influence treatment and recovery. How long will symptom improvements last? GreenLight Laser Therapy has proven durability out to 5 years.

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Greenlight Laser Therapy Animation

Signs of BPH are:

  • urgent or frequent need to urinate during the day and at night
  • a slow or weak urinary stream
  • difficulty completely emptying the bladder
  • difficulty or delay in starting urination
  • a urinary stream that starts and stops

When medical management of BPH symptoms is ineffective or the side effects of medications cannot be tolerated, men may choose a surgical procedure to correct the problem.

Immediately Relieve Bph Symptoms With Greenlight Laser Surgery

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or seek care at an emergency room.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia , or an enlarged prostate, affects many men as they age. In fact, about 50 percent of men ages 50 to 60 and 90 percent of men over 80 have BPH. Because BPH is so common, its vital that people receive quality treatment such as GreenLight laser surgery that can help alleviate their symptoms.

GreenLight laser surgery relieves BPH symptoms that often interfere with mens everyday lives, such as:

  • Difficulty beginning urination
  • Frequent or urgent need to urinate
  • Urinary retention, or the inability to completely empty the bladder
  • Waking up throughout the night to urinate
  • Weak urine stream or a stream that stops and starts

The procedure is also less invasive than other BPH treatment options, so patients typically recover quicker.

LISTEN: Dr. Marchalik discusses GreenLight laser surgery for BPH in the Medical Intel podcast.

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Where To Get Treatment For Complications From Greenlight Laser Surgery In Nyc

At New York Urology Specialists, we offer specialized treatment for enlarged prostate for men. Same-day virtual video appointments and in-person appointments are available.

Call/text today: or make an appointment online.

We perform a cystoscopy, urodynamic testing, prostate and bladder ultrasound in our office. We offer Urolift procedure, Rezum water-vapor procedure in our office, and laser enucleation of the prostate in a hospital setting. We treat urinary and erection problems. We offer confidential appointments.

Our appointment costs are affordable with or without insurance. We offer free insurance verification.

Details Of The Greenlight Laser Prostate Surgery

Recovery Time After Green Light Laser Prostate Surgery

A small urethral catheter is inserted at the end of the procedure. This is left in place overnight only. After removal of the catheter, men go home once they have successfully passed urine and emptied their bladder.

Follow-up takes place 12 weeks after the prostate laser surgery to confirm symptomatic improvement.

The Prostate Clinic

The Prostate Clinic, located in Australias Gold Coast, specialise in minimally invasive surgery and treatments, for the prostate and prostate cancer.

Dr. Charles Chabert carries out medical therapy and procedures such as robotic prostate surgery and UroLift, to GreenLight laser prostate surgery or laser prostate surgery. These treatments are aimed at patients with prostate cancer, those seeking enlarged prostate treatment, erectile dysfunction and/or urinary incontinence.

Contact The Prostate Clinic to arrange an appointment to discuss your diagnoses and plan your way forward.

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Medium And Long Term Side Effects

Patients usually resume everyday activities within a month of surgery and ongoing treatment is seldom required with this long-term solution. Its safe to drive after a couple of days, although a catheter may be needed. Side effects can include the uncomfortable passing of urine/blood and the frequent urge to urinate erection strength or quality may be impacted and you should abstain from sexual activity for at least two weeks.

Understanding Greenlight Laser Therapy

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

  • Urgency, sudden urge to urinate
  • Retention, inability to urinate

Medical Management

In many instances these symptoms can diminish or resolve with the use ofmedications. Typically, an alpha blocker such as Flomax or Doxasozin isused in combination with an alpha reductase inhibitor such as Proscar orAvodart for maximal medical management. These are safe medications thatmany men stay on for years without difficulty. But often these medicationslose their efficacy or don’t relieve the symptoms well and furthertreatment is necessary. Surgical intervention is the next step.

GreenLight Laser Therapy


Your surgery will be performed under general anesthesia and typically takes1-2 hours. A foley catheter will be left inplace and you will stay one night in the hospital. The catheter is usuallyremoved prior to discharge the next day. In rare instances some men may gohome with a catheter for a couple of days and return to the hospital tohave it removed. You will be given pain medication and stool softner’s togo home with.


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Urinary Retention After Greenlight Pvp Surgery

Infrequently, men might have persistent urinary retention after Greenlight PVP surgery. In this situation, re-evaluation is necessary. Some men have poorly functioning bladder muscles. Treatment for non-obstructive urinary retention using Interstim sacral neuromodulation may be useful. Some men have persistent obstruction. Re-operation may be necessary if obstruction persists. Infrequently, bladder neck contracture or urethral stricture may block urine flow, and these require prompt treatment.

Frequent Urination And Urgency After Greenlight Laser

GreenLight XPS PhotoVaporization of the Prostate (PVP) Animation

Frequent urination and urinary urgency after Greenlight laser often occur immediately after surgery. These symptoms should dissipate fairly soon, typically in the first 4-8 weeks. The persistent or worsening urinary frequency may indicate incomplete bladder emptying or underlying partial urinary retention. Persistent or worsening urinary symptoms may also indicate the presence of urethral stricture. In men who had a large median lobe these symptoms may be a result of irritability of the bladder trigone that can occur after surgery.

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What Is Green Light Vaporization Of Prostate

GreenLight laser prostatectomy is a procedure in which the excess prostate tissue is removed to relieve constriction of the urethra, allowing easy passage of urine. During the procedure, which is also known as photoselective vaporization of the prostate , the patient is sedated.

How is prostate laser performed?

At what size of prostate requires surgery?

The EAU guidelines, based on grade A evidence, recommends TURP for prostates between 35 and 80 ml. Over that limit, open surgery seems to remain the only option for treating BPH, according to available clinical evidence.

Which is better TURP or laser?

There was no difference between the two procedures in terms of hospital stay or complications. However, men in the TURP group achieved a faster urinary flow rate . TURP was also slightly more cost-effective and faster to perform than the laser procedure.

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What To Know About Bph

BPH describes theenlargement of the prostate gland that sits beneath your bladder. This enlargement is common in men as they get older.

The urethra, the tube that channels urine from your bladder and out of your body, passes through the center of the prostate. When the prostate becomes swollen or enlarged, it can press on the urethra and block the flow of urine.

This pressure can lead to persistent discomfort and symptoms like:

  • Difficulty urinating
  • Sudden or frequent urge to urinate
  • Frequent urinary tract infections

You might also notice you have to urinate more often during the night.

In addition to aging, BPH can be the result of diabetes, heart disease, or obesity. If you have a family history of BPH, you might be at increased risk for having the condition, too.

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Recovery After Greenlight Laser Surgery

Please note that these recommendations apply to patients who undergo Greenlight Laser prostatectomy at New York Urology Specialists. Other surgeons may have different recommendations. Please contact your surgeon for instructions.

Patients can have a regular diet after the Greenlight laser of the prostate. For patients who undergo Greenlight laser prostatectomy at New York Urology Specialists, you may drink alcohol socially within reason once youre not taking medications.

You also may engage in regular nonstrenuous activities such as walking. Men should avoid sexual activity for 3-4 weeks after the Greenlight laser procedure to allow the prostate to heal. Similarly, biking and strenuous running should be avoided for 3-4 weeks after the procedure as it may provoke bleeding.

Enlarged Prostate Laser Surgery: Recovery Side Effects And Natural Treatment

Green Light Laser Vaporization Of Prostate Cpt Code

Prostate enlargement is a common feature in males over fifty years of age. Prostate is a gland at the base of the urinary bladder and around the urethra. It is in a size of large chest-nut. Most common enlargement of prostate is benign enlargement of prostate. It is non-cancerous and usually causes obstruction of urine outflow, increase in frequency of urination especially in night and dull pain below umbilical region. Cancerous enlargement is dangerous and can spread to surrounding organs.Enlargement can be due to exposure to cold and chill, infectious diseases, excessive sexual excitement, constipation etc. Prostate problems affect many men, especially those in their senior years.

The laser procedure has its fair share of advantages and disadvantages. Still, in most cases, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. This is especially true if the procedure is done by a trained and licensed medical professional using FDA approved laser equipment.

Laser surgery is minimally invasive thus the chances of bleeding are minimal. This means that the procedure can also be done on those who are taking blood thinners and those who have bleeding disorders. Laser surgery can correct an enlarged prostate.

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Why Choose New York Urology Specialists For Treatment Of Enlarged Prostate Problems

  • All treatment is performed by a board-certified urologist experienced in treating men with symptoms of frequent urination, urinary urgency, urinary incontinence, and bladder pain using medical therapy, minimally invasive therapies, lasers, and open surgery.
  • We are one of the few practices in the region to offer a full range of options for the treatment of urinary problems caused by an enlarged prostate in men.
  • We offer treatment options for enlarged prostate, overactive bladder, UTI, and urinary incontinence in our office, which avoids the risks, costs, and recovery from general anesthesia.
  • Extensive experience: Thousands of men have been treated successfully using medical therapy, surgery, and minimally invasive procedures such as Urolift procedure, Rezum surgery, Botox for overactive bladder, Interstim for frequent urination, and tibial neuromodulation.
  • We also offer laser surgery for BPH , Bipolar TURP, traditional TURP, open suprapubic prostatectomy, robotic suprapubic prostatectomy for BPH.
  • We offer diagnostic testing in our office, which avoids hospital costs.
  • Confidential and Understanding Care. We understand that most of our patients desire privacy. We see patients with a variety of urological problems. Your reason for visiting us is entirely confidential.
  • We are conveniently located within a 30-60 minute commute to men who are seeking BPH treatment in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, Long Island, Bronx, and New Jersey.

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