Friday, May 3, 2024

Does Prostate Cancer Cause Frequent Urination

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What Should You Do If You Have The Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Enlarged Prostate Signs & Symptoms (& Why They Occur)

If you are presenting one or more of the warning signs of prostate cancer, then it would be wise to promptly consult with a qualified physician. Your symptoms may indicate another, less serious condition and even if you do receive a diagnosis of prostate cancer, it is much easier to treat this disease when detected early on.

To learn more, contact our team of medical professionals at Care New England today.

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When Is Frequent Urination A Problem

Frequent urination is a problem if it affects your quality of life. And its essential to know the cause so that youll know how it will be treated.

If your symptoms are due to a chronic condition like diabetes insipidus or diabetes mellitus, then you should take medications that lower blood sugar levels.

You should also avoid some foods that increase blood sugar and monitor your intake of fluids.

Frequent urination in men can also be indicative of prostate problems such as an enlarged prostate. Men with this condition often experience an annoying trip to the bathroom every night.

This comes with trouble starting a stream of urine, leaking, or dribbling. Even though an enlarged prostate is a natural by-product of getting older, it still needs to be managed.

Are There Prostate Cancer Risk Factors To Consider

Cancer researchers have identified several factors that could increase a mans risk of developing prostate cancer. In considering whether any of these risk factors apply to you, remember that having one or more of them does not mean you will get the disease. However, you should be sure to get all the prostate cancer screenings your physician recommends. It is also important to know that men without these risk factors may also have prostate cancer.

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Common Urinary Problems After Imrt Cyberknife Proton Beam And Brachytherapy For Prostate Cancer

It is not uncommon for men to experience urinary problems during or after radiotherapy for prostate cancer. In most men, urinary symptoms improve spontaneously after the completion of radiation. In some men, the symptoms persist or become worse. For these men, treatment options are available to help them with urinary symptoms after radiation therapy for prostate cancer.

Most commonly urinary symptoms during radiotherapy for prostate cancer include the following:

  • Frequent urination
  • urinary retention

Pregnancy Concerns And Fertility Problems

Human Genome Project: What Are Signs Of Prostate Cancer

If you have diabetes and plan to become pregnant, its important to get your blood glucose levels close to your target range before you get pregnant. High blood glucose can harm your baby during the first weeks of pregnancy, even before you know youre pregnant.

If you have diabetes and are already pregnant, see your doctor as soon as possible to make a plan to manage your diabetes. Working with your health care team and following your diabetes management plan can help you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Conditions such as obesity and polycystic ovarian syndrome that are linked to diabetes can make it harder to conceive a child. Talk with a health care professional, such as a gynecologist or a fertility specialist, if youre having problems conceiving a child.

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Prostate Cancer: Signs Symptoms And Risk Factors

Typically, prostate cancer presents no symptoms in its early stages. However, with later stages of prostate cancer, men may experience the following prostate cancer warning signs:

  • Urinary symptoms can be a warning sign of developing prostate cancer. These urinary symptoms are often the same as the ones men experience with benign prostatic hyperplasia , except with prostate cancer the symptoms appear more abruptly.
  • Weak or interrupted urine flow
  • Pain or burning with urination
  • Difficulty urinating or stopping
  • Blood in urine
  • Frequent urination
  • If the cancer has invaded the nerves beside the prostate, the man may experience erectile dysfunction or a decrease in the firmness of erections.
  • Sometimes the first symptoms are severe back, hip or chest pain, which can mean prostate cancer has spread to bones.
  • Numbness or weakness in legs or feet, or loss of bladder control .
  • The good news is that fewer men are initially diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer because of widespread PSA screening .

    Where To Get Treatment For Urinary Problems After Radiation Therapy In Nyc

    At New York Urology Specialists, we offer specialized treatment for enlarged prostate for men. Same-day virtual video appointments and in-person appointments are available.

    Call/text today: or make an appointment online.

    We perform a cystoscopy, urodynamic testing, prostate and bladder ultrasound in our office. We offer Urolift procedure, Rezum water-vapor procedure in our office, and laser enucleation of the prostate in a hospital setting. We treat urinary and erection problems. We offer confidential appointments.

    Our appointment costs are affordable with or without insurance. We offer free insurance verification.

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    What Are The Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer

    Some of the greatest risk factors for prostate cancer include:

    • Age. Prostate cancer is very rare in men younger than 40 years of age. In contrast, approximately 60% of prostate cancer cases occur in men that are older than 65.
    • Race. African-American men tend to be at greater risk for prostate cancer compared to non-Hispanic whites, whereas Asian-Americans and Hispanic/Latino men are less susceptible to this disease.
    • Location. Prostate cancer is most common in North America, Europe, Australia, and the Caribbean. It is rarer in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. This may be because of more intensive screening procedures for the disease in certain countries, although lifestyle factors such as diet could also play a key role in the difference.
    • Family history. In many cases, there is a strong hereditary factor associated with the emergence of prostate cancer. In fact, men who have a father or brother with prostate cancer have a much higher risk of developing it themselves.

    Other possible risk factors could include a dairy-rich diet, obesity, smoking, and exposure to harmful chemicals.

    Dealing With Prostate Cancer

    Prostate Cancer Myths | Ask a Prostate Cancer Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

    Being diagnosed and living with prostate cancer can change how you feel about life. If you or your loved one is dealing with prostate cancer you may feel scared, stressed or even angry. There is no right way to feel and everyone reacts differently.

    Visit our wellbeing hub for information to help support you in looking after your emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. If you are close to someone with prostate cancer, find out more about how you can support someone with prostate cancer and where to get more information.

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    Can You Prevent Urinary Frequency

    Yes, it can, depending on the underlying problem.

    If the cause is diabetes, then you should avoid foods that increase blood sugar levels. You should also monitor your fluid intake, and make sure that youre not drinking too much caffeine and alcohol.

    For men with an enlarged prostate, regular exercise helps reduce PSA levels and stress-related inflammation. Whether you run, swim, or do yoga, exercise can help a lot.

    Pelvic floor exercises such as Kegel exercises and bladder training are helpful if you have an overactive bladder.

    These strengthen pelvic floor muscles, urethra, and bladder control. The aim is to train the bladder to hold urine longer and urinate less often, and you do this gradually over two to three months.

    Diagnosis And Treatment For Prostatitis

    The diagnosis is clinical involving a few tests that help in identifying the cause and guide in the management of the problem, said Dr Bivek Kumar, Urologist, Andrologist and Uro- Surgeon, Apollo Spectra, Koramangala, Bangalore. Diagnostic tests might include the following:

    • Ultrasound
    • Urine and prostate fluid tests
    • Expressed Prostatic Secretions
    • PSA Levels
    • Cystoscopy a detailed look into the urethra, prostate, and bladder with a cystoscope which is a long, thin telescope with a light at the end.
    • Urodynamics

    A detailed clinical examination and a questionnaire can help identify the severity of the symptoms and guide in treatment.

    Treatment is highly individualised as every scenario is different, hence, the history and examinations are very important to guide the therapy. Treatment options may include:

    • Antibiotics which are specific for the region
    • Alpha-blockers
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

    Prostatic massages and specialised physiotherapy may help relax the nearby muscles. In very rare cases, surgery on either the urethra or prostate may be needed which gives instant relief.

    Care after treatment

    A regular follow-up is warranted. Prostatitis is not easy to treat. Antibiotics, if used, may have trouble reaching and killing bacteria deep in the prostate. Hence, individualised medication protocol is necessary as every persons case is different, added Dr Kumar.

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    How To Treat Frequent Urination

    Treating frequent urination is focused on treating the underlying cause. This will vary based on the problem. Some treatments and coping strategies include:

    • Frequent urination related to nerve problems may require lifestyle changes, drugs or surgery.
    • A UTI may require treatment with antibiotics.
    • An enlarged prostate may require surveillance, medication, or surgery.
    • Vaginitis may require treatment with medication in the form of a cream, tablet, or suppository.
    • If frequent urination is accompanied by incontinence, it may be helpful to protect clothes by wearing an incontinence pad. You may also protect bedding with a pad.
    • Avoiding too much fluid just before bed and avoiding alcohol and caffeine may also help.

    There is a stepwise plan for managing overactive bladder with incontinence with frequency or urgency . This includes dietary changes, medications such as Oxytrol or Gemtesa , and other interventions.

    Urge incontinence is differentfrom stress incontinence which has different management.

    Signs And Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

    30 Days Natural Solution For EnLarged Prostate And Frequent Urination ...

    Most prostate cancers are found early, through screening. Early prostate cancer usually causes no symptoms. More advanced prostate cancers can sometimes cause symptoms, such as:

    • Problems urinating, including a slow or weak urinary stream or the need to urinate more often, especially at night
    • Blood in the urine or semen
    • Trouble getting an erection
    • Pain in the hips, back , chest , or other areas from cancer that has spread to bones
    • Weakness or numbness in the legs or feet, or even loss of bladder or bowel control from cancer pressing on the spinal cord

    Most of these problems are more likely to be caused by something other than prostate cancer. For example, trouble urinating is much more often caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia , a non-cancerous growth of the prostate. Still, its important to tell your health care provider if you have any of these symptoms so that the cause can be found and treated, if needed. Some men might need more tests to check for prostate cancer.

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    Why It Happens Here Are The Major Reasons Of Frequent Urination In Men:

    There can be various reasons behind frequent urination in men. They are listed below-

    Diabetes: There are two types of diabetes . Type 1 and Type 2 and both of them effect the urination. Medicines taken by patients of high blood pressure may sometimes cause result in excessive fluid build-up in the kidneys leading to frequent urination.

    Prostate Conditions: An enlarged prostate gland, a phenomenon that is known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH also makes the walls of the urinary bladder irritated causing frequent urination in men.

    Infection in the urinary tract can also be a major cause of frequent urination in men.

    Overactive Bladder Syndrome: This is another major cause of frequent urination is caused by involuntary contractions of the urinary bladder even if it is not full.

    Excessive intake of alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners citrus foods irritate the walls of the urinary bladder causing frequent urination.

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    What If My Prostatitis Is Not Caused By Infection

    Because we do not understand what causes prostatitis without infection, it can be hard to treat. Your doctor might try an antibiotic to treat a hidden infection. Other treatments are aimed at making you feel better. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, and hot soaking baths may help you feel better. Some men get better by taking medicines that help the way the bladder or prostate gland work. These medicines include oxybutynin, doxazosin, prazosin, tamsulosin and terazosin.

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    What Causes Prostate Cancer

    Put simply, prostate cancer is caused by changes in a person’s genetic code or DNA. There are two important types of genes that may play a role in the development of prostate cancer:

    • Genes that help cells grow, divide, and stay alive are called oncogenes.
    • Genes that keep cell growth under control, repair mistakes in our DNA, or trigger cellular death at the right time are called tumor suppressor genes.

    If either gene type changes , then it can result in cells growing out of control e.g., cancer.

    Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

    What Causes An Enlarged Prostate? | BPH Explained

    Prostate cancer may not cause any signs or symptoms in its early stages. Signs and symptoms often appear as the tumour grows and causes changes in the body such as changes in bladder habits. Other health conditions can cause the same symptoms as prostate cancer.

    The signs or symptoms of prostate cancer include:

    • more frequent urination , especially at night
    • a strong or sudden urge to urinate
    • difficulty starting the flow of urine
    • weak or slow urine stream
    • interrupted urine stream
    • being unable to empty the bladder completely
    • having difficulty controlling the bladder , which can cause urine to leak and dribble
    • blood in the urine or semen
    • burning or pain during urination
    • discomfort or pain when sitting, caused by an enlarged prostate
    • painful ejaculation
    • trouble getting an erection
    • pain or stiffness in back, hips or pelvis that doesn’t go away
    • fatigue

    In rare cases, prostate cancer can cause paraneoplastic syndrome. This is a group of symptoms including high blood pressure, fatigue and weight loss that may happen when substances released by cancer cells disrupt the normal function of nearby or distant organs or tissues.

    In some cases, prostate cancer can cause serious problems. These cancer-related emergencies are uncommon but need to be treated right away and are usually a sign of advanced cancer:

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    Advanced Prostate Cancer Symptoms

    Men with advanced prostate cancer may experience additional symptoms. Thats because the cancer has spread from the prostate to other parts of the body, such as the bones or lymph nodes.

    Signs of metastatic prostate cancer may include:

    • Swelling in legs or pelvic area
    • Numbness or pain in the hips, legs or feet
    • Bone pain that persists or leads to fractures

    A wide range of treatment options are available for managing advanced cancer. These treatments kill cancer cells, but they may also help patients manage pain.

    Prostate cancer treatment: The care you need is one call away

    Your multidisciplinary team will work with you to develop a personalized plan to treat your prostate cancer in a way that fits your individual needs and goals.

    Treatment Options For Urinary Frequency Caused By Bph

    Frequent urination in men is often accompanied by slow urine flow which is most commonly a result of prostate growth caused by benign prostatic hypertrophy . Symptoms of constant urination in men with an enlarged prostate are most effectively treated with medications for enlarged prostate such as Flomax and Proscar. If medications are not sufficiently effective or patients have side effects to medications, procedures such as Urolift and Rezum can be performed in the office.

    If a patient has high postvoid residual or urine retention, a procedure such as a laser enucleation of the prostate, Greenlight laser, bipolar TURP and Holmium laser of prostate very effective in resolving urinary frequency caused by BPH. These procedures are very effective for patients for whom medications do not work or if Urolift did not help. Aquabeam aquablation procedure for an enlarged prostate has also shown good efficacy for men with an enlarged prostate, as recent studies reported. Newer treatments such as i-Tind for BPH and Butterfly for BPH also show promise but are not yet available in the United States.

    For some men with frequent urination, medications to relax the bladder muscle such as Vesicare, Myrbetriq, oxybutynin, and Detrol may be helpful to decrease frequent urination.

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    Causes Of Frequent Urination

    Numerous factors might cause frequent urination, and some are more common than others.

    Common causes of frequent urination include:

    In neurogenic bladder, nerves to the bladder have been damaged due to illness or injury. This may cause the muscles in the bladder not to work properly. In some cases, the muscles are overactive and squeeze the bladder too frequently. This results in more frequent urination. It can be due to issues with the bladder muscle directly or may be related to spine issues.

    A urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria that enter the urethra and then the bladder. This can cause an urge to urinate often, even if the bladder has just been emptied. It may also be accompanied by cloudy or bloody urine and pain with urination.

    Caffeine is one of many potential bladder irritants. This can cause an increased urinary frequency.

    An enlarged prostate can cause problems with the bladder. If the prostate is too big, it may block or irritate the bladder, causing increased urine frequency. This can sometimes cause urination every two to three hours.

    Vaginitis causes the vagina or vulva to become swollen or irritated. This can cause pain and the desire to urinate more frequently.

    Other possible causes of frequent urination include:

    • Swelling or infection of the urethra
    • Anxiety

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