Friday, July 26, 2024

What Causes An Enlarged Prostate In A Young Man

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What Are Common Prostate Problems What Are The Symptoms And Signs

The Enlarged Prostate: What every man needs to know | Nicholas Donin, MD | UCLA Health

Here are some examples of non-cancer prostate problems:

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, means your prostate is enlarged, but is not cancerous. It is very common in older men. An enlarged prostate may make it very difficult to urinate or cause dribbling after you urinate. You may feel the need to urinate a lot, often at night. See your family doctor for an exam. Treatments for BPH include:

  • Watchful waiting, also called active surveillance. If your symptoms are not too bad, your doctor may tell you to wait before starting any treatment to see if the problem gets worse. Your doctor will tell you how often you need to return for checkups. You can start treatment later if your symptoms worsen.
  • Medications. There are medicines that can help shrink the prostate or help relax muscles near your prostate to ease your symptoms. Talk with your doctor about possible side effects.
  • Surgery. If nothing else has worked, your doctor may suggest surgery to help urine flow. There are many types of BPH surgery. Talk with your doctor about the risks. Regular checkups are important after surgery.
  • Other treatments. Sometimes radio waves, microwaves, or lasers are used to treat urinary problems caused by BPH. These methods use different kinds of heat to reduce extra prostate tissue.

Natural Remedies For Enlarged Prostate In Young Men

While appropriate medical attention is an absolute necessity in treating enlarged prostate, there are quite a few natural remedies that one can try to control symptoms of enlarged prostate in y9oung men. These home remedies are:

Time Voids: It is quite an effective natural remedy to control the symptoms of enlarged prostate. Even if you do not feel an urge to void try going to the bathroom every half an hour to try to void. This will not only control urinary urgency but will also release pressure from the bladder and urethra quite significantly.

Void Whenever the Need Arises: Do not try to control the urge for urination. This causes extra stress to the bladder and urethra especially in cases of enlarged prostate. Thus, voiding whenever you feel the urge to do so is a natural remedy to control urinary urgency due to enlarged prostate in young men.

Drink Plenty of Water: Drinking lot of water eliminates bacteria from the urethra and also soothes the bladder and hence is quite an effective natural remedy for controlling the symptoms of enlarged prostate in young men.

Exercise Regularly: This is also quite an effective natural remedy for enlarged prostate. It not only eases the pressure in the urethra but also helps with symptoms of Enlarged Prostate in young men. The best exercise for this condition is known as the Kegel exercise. This exercise goes a long way in calming down the inflammation of the prostate gland and treat enlarged prostate in young men.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Enlarged Prostate In Young Men

The symptoms of enlarged prostate in young men may begin with difficulty with urination in the early stages of the disease condition and if not appropriately diagnosed and promptly treated different types of complications may arise based on the extent of the inflammation and the severity of the condition. Enlarged prostate in young men may not be evident clearly but gradually advances over a period of time which may be months to years before an individual can actually feel the symptoms. Some of the common symptoms which may point towards an enlarged prostate in young men are:

Poor Urinary Stream: An individual with an Enlarged Prostate will have symptoms of poor urinary stream. This is due to the urethra being strangled by the Enlarged Prostate. Not only will the individual have a poor urinary stream, he will also feel that he has not completely emptied the bladder and will also have pain with urination.Incomplete Bladder Emptying: Since Enlarged Prostate causes the urethra to get strangled and under a lot of pressure not all the urine that is collected in the bladder is able to flow through the urethra resulting in incomplete voiding. This results in an individual to go to the bathroom more times than normal and still have a sensation that he has not completely emptied the bladder.

Pain with Urination: Enlarged Prostate causes pain when urination and is a common symptom of this condition.

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What Is An Enlarged Prostate

The prostate is an essential gland in the male reproductive system. It contributes to the semen volume and synthesizes a substance that supports sperm cells.

This gland is below the urinary bladder, surrounding the urethra. In the bladder neck. Thus, as it grows, it can put pressure over the urethra or the urinary bladder. However, what is an enlarged prostate? Is it the same as prostate cancer?

An enlarged prostate is simply a gland that increased in size. It is not caused by cancer. Another medical term is benign prostatic enlargement, where benign means theres no cancer. Another name is benign prostatic hyperplasia .

When we talk about hyperplasia, we refer to an increase in number and not size. Thus, in prostatic hyperplasia, there are more prostate cells . However, they remain the same size as normal prostate tissue. Such an increase in the number of cells causes an enlarged prostate. It usually starts in men after the age of 40. But they typically find out when they are near their 50s .

In some cases, an enlarged prostate grows evenly. In other instances, prostate growth is more irregular. When the overgrowth is near the center, it presses the urethra on the outside.

As a result, the urethra becomes narrow, compromising the urine flow. As a result, 1 out of 3 men over 50 years old report urinary symptoms. In the majority of cases, they are caused by an enlarged prostate gland .

Seeking Medical Help For Urinary Hesitancy

Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

If youre experiencing persistent or recurring urinary hesitancy, visit your doctor. They can help determine the cause of your condition and recommend treatment to help relieve your symptoms.

In some cases, urinary hesitancy may be a sign of an emergency medical condition. You should seek immediate help if you have trouble urinating along with:

To diagnose the underlying cause of urinary hesitancy or other problems with urination, your doctor will likely start by taking your medical history. For example, theyll want to know:

  • how long youve been experiencing urinary hesitancy
  • if it developed gradually or suddenly
  • if your urine flow is weak
  • if anything seems to relieve or worsen your symptoms

They may also ask you about other symptoms that youve experienced. Be sure to mention any other medical conditions that youve been diagnosed with and any medications or supplements that youre taking.

Your doctor may also order one or more tests to help determine the cause of your symptoms. For example, they may collect a sample of your urine for analysis.

They may swab the inside of your urethra. In some cases, they may need to insert a small flexible tube, known as a catheter, into your urethra. This allows them to collect a sample of urine directly from your bladder.

Your doctor may also conduct one or more of the following urodynamic studies:

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The Most Common Prostate Problem Among Men Over Age 50 This Condition Can Cause Embarrassing Urination Issues

While BPH does not increase your risk of getting prostate cancer or having sexual problems, it can affect quality of life, specifically by causing annoying and embarrassing urination problems.

“Since prostate enlargement happens gradually, men often think more frequent trips to the bathroom are a natural part of aging,” says Dr. Howard LeWine, chief medical editor at Harvard Health Publishing and an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “But a little medication can help relieve symptoms, meaning less urinary urgency and fewer nighttime awakenings to use the bathroom.”

Lets Come To The Signs & Symptoms Of Prostate Enlargement

Some of the most common symptoms of BPH are:

  • Hesitancy and straining in the urine stream
  • Weak flow or decreased strength of the urine stream
  • Feeling that the bladder is not completely empty
  • Dribbling after urination
  • A sudden, uncontrollable urge to urinate
  • Mid-night urination
  • Needing to urinate more often
  • Blood in the urine
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    Causes And Symptoms Of Swollen Prostate Gland

    There are a number of reasons why young men can have enlarged prostate gland and some of these are:

    • Bacterial infection in the prostate gland
    • The presence of stones in the prostate glands
    • Allergies or allergic reactions toward certain food and drinks
    • Uric acid disorders
    • Other types of infections

    Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate In Young Men

    It is very important to detect prostate problems as early as possible before the whole of the prostate glands are damaged and normal function is compromised. To do this, it is important to watch out for the following symptoms:

    • Effect on the sexual health and enjoyment. This is so because pain is experienced while ejaculation
    • Enlargement of the urinary bladder which can be painful
    • Difficulty while urinating
    • Increased frequency of urination but with little amounts of urine only
    • Formation of lump in the prostate gland
    • The bladder is not emptied completely after urination
    • Other bodily problems such as cough, chest pain, and abdominal pain

    Symptoms Of Benign Prostate Enlargement

    Prostate Enlargement: The Real Cause! | Dr. Berg

    The;prostate is a small gland, located in the pelvis, between the penis and bladder.

    If the prostate becomes enlarged, it can place pressure on the bladder and the urethra, which is the tube that urine passes through.

    This can;affect how you pee and may cause: ;

    • difficulty starting to pee
    • a frequent need to pee
    • difficulty fully emptying your bladder

    In some men, the symptoms are mild and do not need treatment. In others, they can be very troublesome.

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    Herbal Therapies For An Enlarged Prostate

    Several herbal supplements are marketed for enlarged prostates. Saw palmetto, beta-sitosterol, and pygeum are all are widely used in Europe. They are available in the U.S. and don’t require a prescription.

    However, researchers and doctors are cautious about advising patients to try herbal supplements. Because they are not FDA-regulated, there are concerns about a product’s quality from batch to batch, according to the NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements. Also, the safety of an herbal product depends on many things — the chemical makeup, how it works in the body, how it is prepared, and the dosage.

    Something else to consider: Like any drug, a herbal remedy can affect how other medications or treatments work, or interact dangerously with your other medications. They can also have side effects. And, the AUA points out, they have not been well-studied for effectiveness or safety.

    Before trying any alternative treatment, learn as much as you can about it, the AUA says. Most importantly — talk to your doctor before you try an herbal remedy. Many doctors consider alternative therapies like saw palmetto to “have no effect on symptoms, except as expensive placebos,” Slawin tells WebMD.

    Beta-sitosterol: This compound is extracted from pollen of rye grass. There has been some evidence that it provides relief from urinary symptoms. However, in four studies the supplement did not increase urinary flow rates, shrink the prostate, or improve bladder emptying.

    Tests Used To Check The Prostate

    This first step lets your doctor hear and understand the “story” of your prostate concerns. You’ll be asked whether you have symptoms, how long you’ve had them, and how much they affect your lifestyle. Your personal medical history also includes any risk factors, pain, fever, or trouble passing urine. You may be asked to give a urine sample for testing.

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    The Morning Sun Newsletter

    For most men, medication is usually the first treatment considered. There are two classes of medicines: alpha-blockers and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. Which medicine is used depends on the specifics of a man’s situation. In some instances, both medicines are used simultaneously. As long as bladder function is good, approximately 75 percent of men can be managed, at least initially, with medications in a satisfactory manner. There are side effects, which occur in 5 percent to 8 percent of men from these medicines, but, in general, they are well tolerated.

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    Medical management does not work for all men. In addition, there is a subset of men who, for various reasons, do not want to take medications. In these settings, there are some minimally invasive procedures as well as surgical procedures that can be done to alleviate the obstruction. The “standard” operation is transurethral resection of the prostate . In this procedure, the obstructing tissue is surgically removed from the inside of the prostate. To visualize how this is done, the prostate could be considered as an orange. During the surgery, the fruit is resected and peel is left behind leaving a wider opening for urine to pass through. This is a very effective procedure at relieving obstruction. The downside to TURP is that there are some side effects that can occur which are undesirable.

    Medication For Urinary Problems

    Young Men Also Vulnerable To Prostate Cancer

    Your doctor may suggest various medications to help ease your urinary problems, including:

    • medications to reduce the tone of the muscles of the urethra and prostate to minimise any constriction to urine flow caused when these muscles contract
    • medication to reduce the size of the prostate gland. These medications work by blocking the action of male hormones produced by the prostate gland
    • medications to relax the bladder, making unwanted contractions less likely and reducing the symptoms of urgency and frequency of urination
    • the over-the-counter preparation ‘saw palmetto’ is sometimes used. This may help some men, especially if frequent urination at night is a problem.

    However, recent reviews of the evidence for using saw palmetto as a treatment for mild or moderate urinary symptoms did not show any improvement, compared to no treatment, in men with BPH.;

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    About Half Of Men Older Than 50 Have An Enlarged Prostate Here Are Some Of The Basic Facts You Need To Know About This Common Condition

    As men age, many experience prostate gland enlargement. This condition is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia .

    The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the hollow tube that carries urine out of the body. When the prostate gets bigger, it can squeeze or partially block the urethra, which leads to problems urinating.

    BPH is quite common in older men. In fact, the condition impacts about 50% of men between the ages of 51 and 60. For men 80 and older, the prevalence of BPH is approximately 90%, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

    When To See A Doctor

    Prostatitis by itself is not always an emergency, and plenty of patients live with asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis without knowing.

    But when you start experiencing symptoms, it is essential to see a doctor and evaluate your condition.

    Both acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis have complications.

    Acute bacterial prostatitis can trigger a prostatic abscess when it is not adequately treated.

    Chronic prostatitis causes sexual dysfunction, depression, and a decrease in quality of life.;

    Thus, talk to your doctor whenever you feel pain in your pelvic floor, testicles, or urinary tract, and it does not go away. If your pain frequently returns, you should look for medical help.;

    Find out what food to include in your prostatitis diet and which foods you should avoid.

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    What Does This Mean To You

    Simply put, you eat what you consider a good diet thats however, nutritionally Deficient. It lacks the nutrients your prostate gland and organs of your body need for optimal functionality.

    Toxins from foods and from polluted environment, water and even the air we breathe take their own toll.

    So, why doesnt your friend who shares the same environment and lifestyle with you suffer from the enlarged prostate like you?

    Genetics! No, you are not unlucky. It is only a delay. His will soon manifest except he takes preventive measures now.

    Yes, for most men, enlarged prostate is Reversible. And it can shrink to function nicely again and make you comfortable again.

    It amazes me how The Root Causes are almost never addressed. Instead, we just fight the symptoms. Take away the root cause of most abnormalities in the body and the abnormalities would disappear. This applies to Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, Kidney and Liver issues, Heart Disease and Enlarged Prostate!

    As said earlier in the previous page, enlarged prostate has a number of causes which include but are not limited to: Nutritional Deficiency, Toxicity, Stress, Age, Cancerous Tumors, Lifestyle, etc.

    Remember: The human body is programmed to heal itself NATURALLY given the right nutrients in the right proportion and if such ailment has not progressed too far. This covers 98% of health issues. Of course, some men would need medical attention.

    Common Causes Of Urinary Incontinence In Men:

    ENLARGED PROSTATE GLAND, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

    The following are common causes of urinary incontinence:

  • Prostate problems. Prostate problems, especially as men age, can result in problems with urinary control. If the;prostate is enlarged, it may affect the flow of urine and cause a weak stream, frequent urination, and leaking. When the prostate is removed for cancer treatment, it is not uncommon to have stress incontinence, which is when physical movement such as coughing or sneezing triggers leakage.
  • Conditions that cause nerve damage. Because muscles and nerves must work together to control the bladder, any condition that damages the nerves can create urinary problems. Conditions may include Parkinsons disease, stroke, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, herniated discs, spinal cord injuries, and dementia.
  • What and how much you drink. Certain types of beverages can stress the urinary system. Limiting the amount of alcohol and caffeine, both of which have a diuretic effect, can help bladder control issues. Although staying hydrated is important, it is vital not to overdo it with fluid intake as this can exacerbate bladder control issues.
  • Weight status. Being overweight can exacerbate urinary incontinence.
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