Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Why Is My Prostate Enlarged

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Problems With Enlarged Prostate Gland

Medications to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms and Risk of Prostate Enlargement

Benign enlargement of the prostate gland is more common as men get older. It can cause troublesome symptoms, although it doesnt always.

The urethra passes through the prostate gland, so men may have problems urinating if the enlarged gland restricts the flow of urine. If the flow stops completely, a catheter is required to empty the bladder. It is rare for this form of acute urinary retention to cause kidney damage.

An enlarged prostate doesn’t always cause urinary problems. Studies indicate that the size of a man’s prostate gland has little influence on the type or severity of his urination problems. BPH is just one possible cause of urinary symptoms.

Another cause of urinary symptoms can be changes to the muscular wall of the bladder, which may cause spasms of the bladder or weaken the bladder, causing problems passing urine.

How Can Alcohol Affect An Enlarged Prostate

  • As a diuretic, alcohol further exacerbates urinary frequency, causing you to feel the need to go even more often. The toxin downregulates the production of the anti-diuretic hormone, more formally known as vasopressin. The function of vasopressin is to tell the body, specifically the kidneys, to reabsorb water. However, it now signals to the brain that youre ready to go
  • Alcohol can potentially cause the neck of the urinary bladder to constrict, leading to urinary retention and a feeling of incomplete voiding as the bladder retains fluid, despite increasing the need to pee.
  • When alcohol is broken down, it forms products such as acetaldehyde. This toxic byproduct then gets converted into acetate, which is further broken down into water and carbon dioxide so it can be expelled. Acetaldehyde is a known carcinogen and heavy consumption is associated with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer.
  • Alcohol depletes many key minerals in the body. This includes minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and many of the B vitamins, especially thiamine or B1. These perform key functions in the body, and research has demonstrated that zinc can inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Zinc also seems to show some ability to inhibit these androgens from binding to receptors in the prostate, which could explain its ability to reduce symptoms of BPH.
  • Diabetes And Heart Disease

    As we grow older, the risk of metabolic problems and prostate enlargement increases. However, studies suggest a more direct association between diabetes and BPH.

    Patients with diabetes and an enlarged prostate have a higher chance of developing severe symptoms. This is maybe because both conditions cause urinary symptoms that overlap.

    However, other studies show that diabetes patients have a higher median growth of the prostate gland. The association is not very clear, but it seems evident now there is a link between BPH and insulin.

    Additionally, consider that type 2 diabetes can promote BPH through vascular disorders affecting the prostate. In a model of experimental hypoxia, researchers found that abnormal blood flow can stimulate prostate growth. This tissue responds to hypoxia by secreting growth factors to promote angiogenesis .

    Other vascular problems are positively associated with prostate health, toofor example, ischemic heart disease. According to studies, the frequency of coronary artery disease is higher in men with prostate enlargement. Moreover, researchers suggest that these conditions are closely related to one another.

    The association still remains elusive, but it is apparently explained by atherosclerosis, which causes an abnormal flow pattern and hypoxia in the prostate. This pathologic condition triggers the release of growth factors and causes an enlarged prostate .

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia may include

    • urinary frequencyurination eight or more times a day
    • urinary urgencythe inability to delay urination
    • trouble starting a urine stream
    • a weak or an interrupted urine stream
    • dribbling at the end of urination
    • nocturiafrequent urination during periods of sleep
    • urinary incontinencethe accidental loss of urine
    • pain after ejaculation or during urination
    • urine that has an unusual color or smell

    Symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia most often come from

    • a blocked urethra
    • a bladder that is overworked from trying to pass urine through the blockage

    The size of the prostate does not always determine the severity of the blockage or symptoms. Some men with greatly enlarged prostates have little blockage and few symptoms, while other men who have minimally enlarged prostates have greater blockage and more symptoms. Less than half of all men with benign prostatic hyperplasia have lower urinary tract symptoms.3

    How Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Diagnosed

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    Your doctor will look at your medical history and give you a complete physical examination.

    Your doctor will perform a digital rectal examination by inserting a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum to feel the prostate, estimate its size and detect any hard areas that could be cancer.

    Several studies may be performed to help diagnose your condition:

    • A survey to evaluate how severe your symptoms are.
    • A flow study may be conducted to measure how slow the urinary stream is compared with normal urine flow.
    • A study to detect how much urine is left in the bladder after you finish urinating.
    • A cystoscopy to look into the bladder.

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    Why Is My Enlarged Prostate Worse At Night

    Causes of Nocturia Urinating at night, which interrupts sleep, is called nocturia. A common urological condition causing nocturia in men is an enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia . The enlarged prostate can close off the urethra, thus making the bladder contract harder to push out urine.

    What Causes An Enlarged Prostate

    We still dont really know all the things that cause the prostate to grow. But we do know about two risk factors that can increase your risk of having an enlarged prostate.


    Your risk of having an enlarged prostate increases as you get older. Many men aged 50 or over have an enlarged prostate, but they dont all get symptoms. And some men have symptoms that donât bother them.

    Hormone levels

    The balance of hormones in your body changes as you get older. This may cause your prostate to grow.

    Other factors

    Some studies show that obese men and men who have diabetes may be more likely to develop an enlarged prostate. Regular exercise may help to reduce your risk of urinary symptoms. But we still need more studies into the causes of enlarged prostate to know for certain if, and how, we can prevent it.

    There is also some research that suggests you may be more at risk of developing an enlarged prostate if your father or brother has one. Again, further studies are needed to confirm this.

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    Who Should I See If I Have A Prostate Problem

    You should first see your regular doctor for this problem. Your doctor may refer you to a special doctor called a urologist for further evaluation and treatment. Urologists have additional training in treating problems of the urinary tract. Prostate gland problems are the most common disorders treated by urologists.

    If you would like more information, please contact us.

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    Should I Be Concerned About An Enlarged Prostate

    New Treatment for Enlarged Prostate Restores Normal Urination

    Posted on by McIver Clinicin BPH, Enlarged Prostate

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH is what is known as an enlarged prostate. It may sound scary, but should you be concerned about an enlarged prostate? This depends on your age, whether you are symptomatic, and how severe those symptoms are. Heres a bit more detail!

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    Medications For Enlarged Prostate

    There are two main classes of pharmaceuticals that work to alleviate enlarged prostate symptoms: alpha blockers and alpha reductase inhibitors

    • Alpha Blockers. Alpha blockers relax the smooth muscle around the bladder neck and within the urethra.

    • Inhibitors. Inhibitors stop the conversion of the male hormone testosterone to DHT to reduce the prostate’s size, eliminating blockage.

    Dont be surprised if your physician prescribes a combination of the two medications, as they have been shown to work more effectively together than alone. The downside is that combination therapy may increase the likelihood of experiencing side effects from the medications. Be sure to work with your doctor to assess the benefits and costs before starting on combination therapy.

    Dont Wait To Seek Treatment

    At Gulf Coast Urology, we take your urological health very seriously. Thats why were big believers in early intervention and detection. Even though an enlarged prostate is a benign issue, the symptoms can be a pain. Dont worry, you dont need to live with discomfort. If youre experiencing any issues,contact ustoday to schedule an appointment.

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    Enlarged Prostate Treatments In The Pipeline

    Researchers continue to investigate new therapies for enlarged prostates. “Another category of drugs is under development,” says Slawin. “We’ve come a long way in treating BPH. It’s no longer the life-threatening disease it once was. Now, in treatment, we’re working on quality of life issues⦠reducing side effects of treatment.”

    Also being studied is a procedure called water-induced thermotherapy , an experimental procedure that involves destroying excess prostate tissue utilizing heated water and an air-filled balloon, which protects normal prostate tissue. The procedure is performed with only local anesthesia. Results may not be fully apparent for three to four months. However, preliminary studies examining WIT have shown positive results, with a near doubling in urine flow. However, the American Urological Association has not thus far endorsed WIT as a viable treatment option for symptoms of BPH.

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    Symptoms Of Enlarged Prostate

    About prostatitis

    Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or BPH, is the enlargement of the prostate gland. About half of men over age 75 will experience symptoms of BPH. BPH is a very minor condition and is not related to prostate cancer. However, symptoms can cause discomfort and be inconvenient.

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    How Is A Prostate Problem Diagnosed

    A prostate problem is most often diagnosed because of the symptoms that it causes. Your doctor will also do a physical examination called a digital rectal exam, or DRE. Other tests can be done to measure the urine flow, which can help the doctor decide how much the prostate is blocking the urine stream.

    What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of An Enlarged Prostate

    An enlarged prostate is the most common cause of urinary problems in men as they get older. Possible symptoms include:

    • a weak flow when you urinate
    • a feeling that your bladder hasnt emptied properly
    • difficulty starting to urinate
    • dribbling urine after you finish urinating
    • needing to urinate more often, especially at night
    • a sudden urge to urinate you may sometimes leak before you get to the toilet.

    You may not get all of these symptoms, and some men with an enlarged prostate dont get any symptoms at all. These symptoms can also be caused by other things, such as cold weather, anxiety, other health problems, lifestyle factors, and some medicines. Blood in your urine may be a symptom of an enlarged prostate. But this is rare and is usually caused by something else.

    If you have any of the symptoms above, you should visit your GP to find out what may be causing them.

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    Tips For Coping With An Enlarged Prostate

    When a man reaches about age 25, his prostate begins to grow. This natural growth is called benign prostatic hyperplasia and it is the most common cause of prostate enlargement. BPH is a benign condition that does not lead to prostate cancer, though the two problems can coexist.

    Although 50% to 60% of men with BPH may never develop any symptoms, others find that BPH can make life miserable. The symptoms of BPH include:

    • a hesitant, interrupted, weak urine stream
    • urgency, leaking, or dribbling
    • a sense of incomplete emptying
    • more frequent urination, especially at night.

    As a result, many men seek treatment. The good news is that treatments are constantly being improved. Patients and their physicians now have more medications to choose from, so if one doesn’t do the trick, another can be prescribed. And thanks to some refinements, surgical treatments are more effective and have fewer side effects than ever before.

    But there are some things men dealing with BPH can do on their own. When symptoms are not particularly bothersome, watchful waiting may be the best way to proceed. This involves regular monitoring to make sure complications aren’t developing, but no treatment. For more troubling symptoms, most doctors begin by recommending a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. Often this will be enough to relieve the worst symptoms and prevent the need for surgery

    Foods To Avoid: Sugary Foods

    ‘Life Changing’ Solution for Enlarged Prostate ~ Steve’s Story

    Refined sugar is another no-go for those with prostate problems as this can increase inflammation.

    Sugar is abundant in some obvious sources such as fizzy juice and cake, but don’t forget it is also added to processed foods to give them extra flavour. This includes ready meals, crisps, some cereals, white bread and ready-made sauces. You could try cutting down your intake of these things in order to reduce the pressure on your prostate.

    They say fresh is best for a reason, so try swapping these processed foods for wholegrain products, fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Not only are these better for the prostate, they are also highly nutritious and healthy too!

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    When Does A Prostate Problem Need Treatment

    BPH requires treatment only if the symptoms are severe enough to be troublesome to the patient, if the function of the urinary tract is seriously affected or if there are other complications, such as bleeding, kidney infections or kidney damage. An enlarged prostate by itself is not enough reason to need treatment.

    Diagnosing An Enlarged Prostate

    As with all incontinence conditions, a thorough diagnosis must be developed before action can be taken. You may have heard of some of these exams. And if you havent, now is a good time to familiarize yourself with them. Not only is knowledge power, but it also eliminates surprises.

    Because those with BPH can experience symptoms from mild to severe, the treatment options featured here are organized from least invasive to more intense.

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    How Is Bph Diagnosed And Evaluated

    Early diagnosis of BPH is important because if left untreated it can lead to urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney damage, bladder stones and incontinence. Distinguishing BPH from more serious diseases like prostate cancer is important.

    Tests vary from patient to patient, but the following are the most common:

    Does Having Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Increase The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

    Prostate enlargement (BPH)

    Based on research to date, having BPH does not seem to increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. However, BPH and prostate cancer have similar symptoms, and a man who has BPH may have undetected cancer at the same time.

    To help detect prostate cancer in its early stages, the American Urological Association and the American Cancer Society recommend a prostate screening every year for men ages 55 to 69. They also recommend that men who are at high risk such as African-American men and men who have a family history of prostate cancer begin screening at age 40. Screening tests for prostate cancer include a blood test for a substance called prostate-specific antigen and the digital rectal exam .

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    What Foods Should You Avoid If You Have An Enlarged Prostate

    While the exact cause of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is not entirely understood, we do know that what you eat can have a big influence on the health of your prostate. While some foods can help to reduce the risk of developing BPH, as well as lessening the severity of your symptoms, there are others which can actually aggravate the problem including:

    • Red meat
    • Dairy
    • Alcohol.

    Unfortunately gentlemen, as we can see, it is often some of our favourite foods that can cause inflammation flare-ups and bladder problems however, knowing the main culprits could help you to manage your symptoms better.

    It Could Be Nothingor It Could Be Dangerous

    The prostate thats normally the size of a walnut has a tendency to enlarge at some point in most mens lives: prostate gland. An enlarged prostate gland is not uncommon, particularly after the age of 40. This gland which surrounds the urethra has the important function of secreting a fluid that helps to nourish sperm. The urethra is a tube that carries urine from the bladder out through the tip of the penis. If the prostate gland begins to enlarge, it may press on the urethra causing problems with urination, such as urinary tract infections, and can result in bladder or kidney damage.

    It is important for men to be aware of these reasons and to inform his physician at any time he notices any bodily changes that may be the sign of an enlarged prostate.

    The three possible reasons for an enlarged prostate are:

    BPH Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    The basic definition of BPH is an enlarged prostate, and its a benign or non-cancerous condition. During a mans life, the prostate will go through two main growth phases. The first occurs during puberty when the prostate doubles in size. The second begins around age 25 and will continue throughout the remainder of a mans life, making BPH very common in older men. With age, the prostate tends to enlarge. BPH does not appear until the second phase when the prostate begins to press on the urethra causing urinary issues.


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    How Is Yale Medicines Approach To Treating Enlarged Prostate Unique

    “Urologists at Yale Medicine can give you a personalized approach to prostate care for both benign and malignant conditions,” says Dr. Honig.

    Doctors at Yale Medicine work closely with specialists across all disciplines at Yale New Haven Hospital. Our doctors are dedicated to providing the latest treatmentsall personalized to meet the needs of each patient. This collaboration between different departments and teams sets Yale Medicine apart in its standard of care.

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