Friday, July 26, 2024

Can You Come Without A Prostate

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What Would You Tell Men Who Are Opposed To Having Things Put In Their Rear End

Can You Re-Radiate the Prostate? | Ask a Prostate Cancer Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

Fred: Without being too forward or rude, just grow up and give it a go. The stigma around it is so incredibly strong, mostly because it goes against the masculine trend of only putting your dick in things, but seriously itll change your life. Youll never wanna orgasm any other way again.

Alan: While its certainly valid and not everyones favorite cup of tea, the sensations offer a wider range of pleasure to bring into the bed with yourself or with your partner. If you are searching for something new to try, this is a sensation that all people with a prostate can enjoy.

Evan: I would say to men who are reticent to put things up their ass that they are probably fearful because of societal pressures/expectations. They need to look at their prostate as an important part of their body and sexuality to explore.

Drew: I would say you’re really missing out! Take some time to reflect on why you’re not open to exploring this amazing pleasure center. Does it rub up against your ideas of masculinity and what it means to be a man? Do you have anxiety related to the other fluids and substances that might be down there? Are you afraid of exploring this with your partner and what they might think? If any of these are coming up I would recommend starting small and solo: small size toys, or preferably your own finger. The prostate is a gift, celebrate and cherish it!

*Name has been changed to allow subject to freely on private matters.

How Do You Give A Prostate Massage With Your Fingers

If, after talking through a few specifics, youre still not sure where to start, Brown-James has some techniques. Bring your pointer, middle, and ring fingers together, then push up into , Brown-James explains. Stimulating this area with gentle but firm strokes also stimulates the prostate. It’s basically a playground down thereBrown-James recommends techniques like rubbing clockwise for 810 strokes, then going counterclockwise, stroking toward the scrotum or touching the penis while you massage your partners perineum. Even though youve hopefully discussed what youd both like beforehand, you and your partner should talk about what you think you might each like to do and feel and then, if you agree to test things out, try that next, making sure youre each being open about what feels good and what doesnt feel so good in the moment.

S To Recover Orgasm And Potency After Prostatectomy

The key to enjoying sex after prostate surgery is to start when youre ready. Dr. Samadi and his knowledgeable team are available to support you and your partner as you work to resume sexual activity.

Sex After Prostate Surgery Getting Started

  • Masturbate:This helps you learn how your body will respond to stimulation after surgery and builds your sexual confidence.
  • Kegel exercises:Try out pelvic floor exercises to improve orgasm and urinary control.
  • Involve your partner:

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Other Cancer Treatment Effects On Ejaculation

Some cancer treatments reduce the amount of semen thats produced. After radiation to the prostate, some men ejaculate less semen. Toward the end of radiation treatments, men often feel a sharp pain as they ejaculate. The pain is caused by irritation in the urethra . It should go away over time after treatment ends.

In most cases, men who have hormone therapy for prostate cancer also make less semen than before.

Chemotherapy and other drugs used to treat cancer very rarely affects ejaculation. But there are some drugs that may cause retrograde ejaculation by damaging the nerves that control emission.

About Your Prostate Surgery

Can You Get An Erection After Prostate Cancer

A radical prostatectomy is a surgery to remove your entire prostate gland and seminal vesicles. Some of the lymph nodes in your pelvis are removed as well. This is done to prevent cancer from spreading from your prostate to other parts of your body.

A radical prostatectomy can be done in 1 of 2 ways. One way is through an open incision , which is called an open prostatectomy. Another way is to use a laparoscope, which is a tube-like instrument with a camera. Your surgeon will talk with you about the best surgery option for you.

Open prostatectomy

In an open prostatectomy, your surgeon will make an incision that goes from your pubic bone towards your belly button . Theyll remove the pelvic lymph nodes first, followed by the prostate gland, and then the structures next to it.

Figure 2. Open prostatectomy incisions

Laparoscopic or robotic-assisted prostatectomy

During a laparoscopic or robotic-assisted prostatectomy, your surgeon will make several small incisions in your abdomen . Theyll insert a laparoscope into 1 of the incisions and use gas to expand your abdomen. Surgical instruments will be inserted into the other incisions to remove the prostate. Some surgeons at MSK are specially trained to use a robotic device to assist with this procedure.

Figure 3. Laparoscopic or robotic-assisted prostatectomy incisions

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Anejaculation: Causes And Treatments

Anejaculation is when no ejaculation occurs at sexual climax. This can be total anejaculation, occuring always during sexual stimulation, or situational anejaculation, occuring only under certain conditions.

Anejaculation can be primary present from the start of sexual response or secondary, brought about by some acquired condition, such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis.

Situational anejaculation is usually caused by stress and/or psychological issues associated with a particular partner or situation. This may mean the male can ejaculate with one partner but not another, or in one setting but not another, such as in a doctors office to supply a sample.

Total anejaculation may be anorgasmic, meaning the man can never reach an orgasm and ejaculate. Total anejaculation can also be orgasmic, meaning the man has an orgasm but does not ejaculate. Despite the lack of orgasm in anejaculation, the male may still produce semen discharge during sleep.

Reactions to certain medications can cause anejaculation, as can surgical procedures that affect the nerves involved in ejaculation. Most likely, the cause is a psychological issue that may involve upbringing and lack of affection.

Treatment of anejaculation to overcome infertility includes sperm retrieval and placement options through whats known among doctors as assisted reproductive technologies.

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Surgery To Remove The Prostate

You no longer ejaculate semen if you have had a radical prostatectomy. This is because the prostate gland and 2 glands called the seminal vesicles are removed. The seminal vesicles make the liquid part of the sperm. Your testicles will still make sperm cells but they will be reabsorbed back into your body.

You are still able to have an orgasm, but it will be a dry orgasm. Some men say that a dry orgasm without semen feels normal. But other men find that their orgasm is less intense and pleasurable. The loss of a visible ejaculation can be significant for some men and their partners. Some men say that it feels different but they have managed to find ways to adjust to this.

If you are used to having anal sex and you are the receiving partner, surgery to remove the prostate gland can change this experience. Some men can find the penis rubbing against the prostate gland pleasurable. So if the prostate gland is no longer there, anal sex might feel different. You could look at different ways of enjoying sex and being intimate. Counselling and sex therapy might help.

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Why Can Stimulating The Prostate Feel So Good

The anus and its surrounding area are packed with nerve endings, Hong explains. Thats precisely why anal play can feel so amazing whether or not you have a prostate. Dr. Hong also notes that the prostate has plenty of blood vessels that swell with increased blood flow. The extra blood helps make the area more sensitive, which can boost pleasure.

Even though the anus is surrounded by nerve endings, its also surrounded by stigma. The human body is amazing in that parts like the vagina and anus have natural functions but can also be sites of intense pleasure. Trying out different sex-related acts is normal, and discovering new ways to experience pleasure is always a good idea.

Can You Get Erections After Prostate Cancer Treatment

What Is a Normal PSA for a Man Without Prostate Cancer? | Ask a Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

If you have ever wondered whether you’ll be able to have an erection after prostate cancer treatment, you are not alone. Many men who are facing a prostate cancer diagnosis, or who have undergone prostate cancer treatment, are worried about whether or not they will be able to have an erection after prostate cancer.

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Orgasm After Radical Prostatectomy

Men can experience changes in their sexual responses after radical prostatectomy, the gold-standard treatment for localized cancer of the prostate. Early operations caused damage to the nerves that passed along the organ that subserved erection but later nerve sparing operations were designed to preserve this innervation. Koeman et al. , for example, reported that in their series of prostatectomies no patient could maintain a rigid erection but 5 could manage to have coitus with their partial erection. None experienced the sensation of ejaculatory inevitability. A few complained that their orgasm was weakened and 9 had involuntary loss of urine at orgasm . A very extensive, comprehensive, and up-to-date review of orgasmic dysfunctions after radical prostatectomy by Capogrosso et al. report that despite technical surgical advances the achievement of good operative functional outcomes is still considered a troublesome issue both for patients and urologist. These include impairments in sexual desire, penile morphology and orgasmic function. In relation to the latter the conditions of climacturia, orgasm associated pain and modification of orgasmic sensation are prevalent and even complete anorgasmia occurs. Unfortunately, reliable data from which to estimate these impairment risks are lacking.

Who Can Have A Prostate Orgasm

There’s a problematic yet persistent notion out there that you can’t be straight and enjoy butt play. This is falsea complete myth.

Anyone who has a prostate can potentially have a prostate orgasm, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, says Dr. Justin Lehmiller, a research fellow at the Kinsey Institute, host of the Sex and Psychology Podcast, and member of the Men’s Health Advisory Board.

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Do I Need Additional Treatment After Prostate Surgery

After surgery, one of the most important questions to ask is whether you may benefit from additional therapy like adjuvant radiation. The decision to use radiation to lower your risk of recurrence and dying from prostate cancer after surgery is based on whether the cancer has spread to your seminal vesicles, whether there were positive margins, and whether the cancer spread beyond the prostate capsule. In addition, it is important to allow time to recover your urinary function before considering radiation therapy after surgery, as radiation to this region increases the risk of urinary strictures, leakage, and high urination frequency.Many, but not all men, often can safely avoid adjuvant radiation therapy, and closely monitor their PSA to determine if they will need early salvage radiation therapy.

Day Before Your Surgery

10 Interesting Prostate Cancer Facts

Follow a light diet

Follow a light diet, such as a small sandwich, eggs, toast, crackers, or soup. Limit the amount of dairy products you eat and drink, and avoid fried foods and foods with a lot of seasoning.

Note the time of your surgery

A staff member from the Admitting Office will call you after 2:00 pm the day before your surgery. If your surgery is scheduled for a Monday, theyll call you on the Friday before. If you dont get a call by 7:00 pm, call .

The staff member will tell you what time to arrive at the hospital for your surgery. Theyll also remind you where to go.

Do your bowel preparation

The night before your surgery, use a saline enema as instructed on the box.

Shower with a 4% CHG solution antiseptic skin cleanser

The night before your surgery, shower using a 4% CHG solution antiseptic skin cleanser.

  • Use your normal shampoo to wash your hair. Rinse your head well.
  • Use your normal soap to wash your face and genital area. Rinse your body well with warm water.
  • Open the 4% CHG solution bottle. Pour some into your hand or a clean washcloth.
  • Move away from the shower stream. Rub the 4% CHG solution gently over your body from your neck to your feet. Dont put it on your face or genital area.
  • Move back into the shower stream to rinse off the 4% CHG solution. Use warm water.
  • Dry yourself off with a clean towel after your shower.
  • Dont put on any lotion, cream, deodorant, makeup, powder, perfume, or cologne after your shower.
  • Sleep

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    Talk With Your Doctor

    If youre dealing with dry orgasms, talk to your doctor. Although a dry orgasm here and there usually isnt cause for concern, its important to understand whats causing your symptoms.

    If your symptoms are tied to an underlying condition, your doctor can help you explore your treatment options and advise you on next steps.

    If Youre The Giving Partner

    Cleanliness and safety are a must, even for the giver.

    Cut and file your nails smooth to help avoid scratching or tearing the delicate skin in and around the anus.

    Wash your hands thoroughly, even if youre planning to use a condom over your finger to penetrate your partner. For extra comfort, stuff cotton balls inside the condom or glove.

    You can also get the party started in the shower together, which serves as foreplay and gets you both all nice and clean for the big show.

    Youll probably need to try a few different moves and experiment with speed and pressure to find what feels best.

    Here are some techniques to try, whether youre using fingers or toys.

    Read Also: What Is Perineural Invasion In Prostate Cancer

    What Is The Prostate

    Its difficult to describe how to have a prostate orgasm without first understanding what the prostate is. Heres the simple answer: its a gland thats part of the reproductive system in penis-havers, located between the rectum and the base of the penis.

    The primary function of the prostate gland is to produce the fluid contained in semen. That fluid allows sperm to be transported from the testicles through the penis, so it can fertilize eggs.

    Those with prostates may only become aware of the gland when it causes a medical issue. As penis-havers grow older, their prostate usually grows larger. It eventually pushes against the bladder and urethra and causes a common condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia . BPH is characterized by frequent urges to urinate, sleep disruptions caused by regular trips to the bathroom, and feelings of incomplete emptying. For most, BPH is annoying but not dangerous. A more serious issue can be prostate cancer approximately 13% of prostate owners will contract it during their lifetime, usually in their later years.

    Its easy to understand why many penis-havers view their prostate as a source of concern, discomfort, and pain.

    But particularly for those who havent reached retirement age, the prostate gland should really be viewed as a potential source of immense pleasure. Its an organ which can produce mind-blowing, full-body orgasms.

    OK, lets get back to penis-havers.

    Talking About Orgasm Problems Is Important

    Bedroom Insider- Prostate Stimulators

    Men and their partners have become much more open about talking erectile dysfunction, in general and as a consequence of prostate cancer treatment, notes Dr. Kacker.

    Whatever you think about all those ads for Viagra and Cialis, they have made it easier to talk about ED and helped remove some of the stigma around the condition.

    We should be having the same frank, open discussions about orgasm, says Dr. Kacker. Orgasms can bring a couple together and allow them to maintain sexual intimacy in the difficult period around diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.

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    You Can Have A Good Sex Life After Surgery

    Its essential to know these two facts, because a lot of men dont hear the whole truth from their doctor or maybe they do hear it, but then focus on statistics for younger men who have never had erectile dysfunction and think the results will be the same for everybody. If you are in your sixties or older, have already experienced some ED, and maybe you also have some other health issues, like diabetes or heart disease, then most likely you will have some ED after surgery. It happens after radiation, as well the onset is more gradual, but the basic problem is the same damage to the nerves and blood supply that control erection .

    Erections are going to be altered from what you had before surgery, says Johns Hopkins urologist Trinity Bivalacqua, M.D., Ph.D. Unfortunately, many doctors never provide this information in fact, some men believe that if their erections before surgery are not as rigid as they would like, that a radical prostatectomy may actually improve them. This is definitely not the case. You may go on the Internet and find some doctor who says that 98 percent of his patients are continent and have excellent erections after surgery but nowhere does that doctor tell you that he or she is just reporting on his youngest and best post-op cases, not on every single patient. I cant tell you how many men come to see me and expect the same results. When theyre older and already have some trouble with ED, thats just not going to happen.

    Hold that thought.

    Erectile Dysfunction Following Radical Prostatectomy

    Assuming the management of erectile dysfunction requires expert diagnosis and treatment.

    Diagnosis includes sexual function history, general medical history, psychosocial history, medication history, physical examination, and appropriate laboratory testing.

    Treatment follows diagnosis, and we provide a range of treatment options through the Clinic. Minimally invasive treatment options range from oral medications to medications administered directly to the penis to a mechanical vacuum device applied to the penis. Invasive treatments include implants or vascular surgery. We are particularly expert in the surgical treatment of patients with erectile dysfunction. The range of conditions we manage include penile prosthesis complications, penile vascular abnormalities, penile curvature, and abnormally prolonged erection consequences.

    Psychological treatment is an important adjunct to managing erectile dysfunction. If our diagnosis suggests a psychological association with your erectile dysfunction, we may recommend that you pursue counseling with a qualified psychologist available through the Clinic.For instance, there may be relationship problems that negatively affect sexual functioning with your partner. Referrals can be made to the Johns Hopkinsâ noted Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

    Prostate health issues such as benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer affect hundreds of thousands of men in the United States every year.

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