Friday, July 26, 2024

What Is The Function Of The Prostate

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Prostate Volume And Bph Prevalence: Comparison To Industrial Populations

Function of the Prostate

Compared to TRUS from multiple industrial populations including 1,240 Caucasian German men , 3,924 Caucasian Dutch men , 472 Caucasian Scottish men , and 631 Caucasian U.S. men , the Tsimane have significantly smaller prostate volumes controlling for age and height, and a shallower rate of change with age controlling for height .

The overall age standardized prevalence of BPH among men age 40 80 was 28.4% compared to 60.8% of U.S. men of the same age . For Tsimane men aged 60 80, an age standardized 31.7% presented with BPH, compared with 76.0% of U.S. men aged 60 80 . Only 0.56% of this sample achieved prostate volumes greater than 40 cc compared to approximately 20% of U.S. males .

Tsimane Prevalence of BPH by Age and U.S. Prevalence of Histologic BPH from Berry et al.

Tsimane .;

Another Common Issue: Enlarged Prostate Or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Noncancerous prostate enlargement is the most common prostate problem for men over 50 years old, according to the NIDDK.

Its not well understood what causes prostate enlargement, also known as;benign prostatic hyperplasia , but research suggests age-related hormonal changes may be to blame. Men younger than 40 rarely experience symptoms of BPH.

In men with BPH, the prostate presses into and pinches the urethra as it enlarges.

This pressure can negatively affect the urine-holding bladder, which is connected to the urethra, by weakening it and preventing it from emptying completely.

Prostate enlargement can cause a number of related urination symptoms, such as:

  • Increased urinary frequency and urgency
  • Weak or interrupted urine stream
  • Urine with an unusual color or smell
  • Nocturia, or frequent urination during periods of sleep
  • Pain after urination

Over time, BPH may cause complications, including urinary tract infections, damage to the bladder or kidneys, and bladder stones, among other things.

Treatment of BPH includes lifestyle changes, medication, and surgery, which may be minimally invasive.

Is A Prostate Massage The Same Thing As Trying For A Prostate Orgasm

Yes. If you massage the prostate in a way that feels good, youre probably going to have an orgasm if you keep at it.

Some doctors recommend prostate massage therapy to help relieve the symptoms of certain conditions, such as painful ejaculation prostatitis.

Yep! Though evidence on the efficacy of prostate massage for certain conditions is somewhat limited, it does appear to have some benefits.

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What Does The Prostate Gland Do

09 August 2010

The prostate gland is a male reproductive organ whose main function is to secrete prostate fluid, one of the components of semen. The muscles of the prostate gland also help propel this seminal fluid into the urethra during ejaculation .

The prostate is a muscular gland that weighs about three-fourths of an ounce about the size of a small apricot. It surrounds the urethra just beneath the bladder .

During ejaculation, millions of sperm move from the testes through tubes called the vas deferens into the area of the prostate. At this point, the prostate contracts, closing off the opening between the bladder and the urethra, releasing fluid into the urethra and pushing semen on through.

The fluid excreted by the prostate makes up about one-third of the total volume of semen and contains various enzymes, zinc and citric acid. Though prostate fluid is slightly acidic, another fluid in semen made by the seminal vesicles leaves semen slightly alkaline, or basic. This alkalinity helps protect sperm and prolong their life after they are deposited in the acidic environment of the vagina, according to the biology textbook, “Life: The Science of Biology, Eighth Addition” .

One component of prostate fluid an enzyme called Prostate Specific Antigen also aids in the success of sperm by liquefying semen that has thickened after ejaculation. This thinning action allows sperm to swim more freely, according to the medical reference book “Prostate Specific Antigen” .

Function Of The Prostate Gland


As part of the male reproductive system, the prostate glands main job;is to secrete a slightly alkaline fluid that forms part of the seminal fluid. This is the fluid that carries sperm. During a man’s orgasm, the muscular glands of the prostate help to propel the prostate fluid, and sperm that was made in the testicles, into the urethra. The semen then leaves the body out of the tip of the penis during ejaculation.

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Diagnosis Of Prostate Disease

Prostate disease is diagnosed using a variety of tests, including:

  • physical examination, including digital rectal examination , where the doctor inserts a gloved finger into your rectum to check the size of your prostate
  • blood test for prostate specific antigen
  • mid-stream urine tests to look for infection or blood in the urine
  • ultrasound scans and urinary flow studies
  • biopsies of the prostate.

What Are The Symptoms Of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia may include

  • urinary frequencyurination eight or more times a day
  • urinary urgencythe inability to delay urination
  • trouble starting a urine stream
  • a weak or an interrupted urine stream
  • dribbling at the end of urination
  • nocturiafrequent urination during periods of sleep
  • urinary incontinencethe accidental loss of urine
  • pain after ejaculation or during urination
  • urine that has an unusual color or smell

Symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia most often come from

  • a blocked urethra
  • a bladder that is overworked from trying to pass urine through the blockage

The size of the prostate does not always determine the severity of the blockage or symptoms. Some men with greatly enlarged prostates have little blockage and few symptoms, while other men who have minimally enlarged prostates have greater blockage and more symptoms. Less than half of all men with benign prostatic hyperplasia have lower urinary tract symptoms.3

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Gene And Protein Expression

About 20,000 protein coding genes are expressed in human cells and almost 75% of these genes are expressed in the normal prostate. About 150 of these genes are more specifically expressed in the prostate with about 20 genes being highly prostate specific. The corresponding specific proteins are expressed in the glandular and secretory cells of the prostatic gland and have functions that are important for the characteristics of semen. Some of the prostate specific proteins, such as the prostate specific antigen , and the Prostatic acid phosphatase.

In the developing embryo, at the hind end lies an inpouching called the cloaca. This, over the fourth to the seventh week, divides into a urogenital sinus and the beginnings of the anal canal, with a wall forming between these two inpouchings called the urorectal septum. The urogenital sinus divides into three parts, with the middle part forming the urethra; the upper part is largest and becomes the urinary bladder, and the lower part then changes depending on the biological sex of the embryo.

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What is the role and function of the prostate gland?

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Since the advent of this era where people are living longer than before there has been a predictable rise in age related ailments.; Prostate issues namely enlarged prostate or benign Prostatic hyperplasia is among the age related ailments plaguing men specifically.

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Prostate Cancer And Sexual Health

A prostate cancer diagnosis can leave you feeling anxious, frustrated, and depressed.

It may also leave you wondering about your ability to have sex. You may also be questioning how prostate cancer treatment can affect your sex life.

Prostate cancer rarely causes problems with sex, but the treatments for prostate cancer often affect penile function and reproduction.

Prostate surgery and radiation are the two most common treatments for prostate cancer. Both of these can affect the nerves in your penis and could cause sexual problems like erectile dysfunction .

Cryotherapy and ultrasound therapy can also cause ED. Your doctor may recommend hormone therapy or radiation therapy, as well. This therapy can lower your sex drive.

Radical prostatectomy is the most effective nerve-sparing surgery for prostate cancer. It can substantially limit the duration of post-surgical ED but requires a surgeon to be highly skilled and trained in the process.

In this type of procedure, the surgeon takes care not to damage the erectile nerves that surround the prostate as it is removed.

However, if cancer has infiltrated these nerves, it may not be possible to save them.

Preventing injury to these nerves dramatically improves the chances of a man recovering erectile function within two years of the surgery.

In addition to ED, you may also find that your orgasms are different after undergoing treatment for prostate cancer.

They may not feel as strong, and you will not see as much ejaculate.

Where Is The Prostate

  • Where Is the Prostate? Center
  • The prostate gland, commonly known as the prostate, is one of the male reproductive organs located just below the bladder, above the penis, and in front of the rectum. It is connected to the penis by a tube that empties urine from the bladder. The size and shape of the prostate are similar to a walnut.

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    Helping To Produce Semen

    one article , the prostate contributes between 2030% of fluid to the total semen volume. The remainder comes from the seminal vesicles and the testicles

    Prostatic fluid contains components that make semen an ideal substance for sperm cells to live in, including enzymes, zinc, and citric acid. One important enzyme is prostate-specific antigen , which helps make the semen thinner and more fluid.

    The fluid in semen helps the sperm travel down the urethra and survive the journey towards an egg, which is essential for reproduction.

    Prostatic fluid is slightly acidic, but other components of semen make it alkaline overall. This is to counteract the acidity of the vagina and protect the sperm from damage.

    How Do You Find It

    9 Functions the Prostate Gland Performs

    Youll need to head south along the back road to find it in a magical place called the anal region.

    Although entering through the anus is the most direct way, you can also stimulate the prostate indirectly through the perineum, or taint.

    This is the skin that runs underneath the scrotum to the anus.

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    Sex And The Prostate: Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction When You Have Prostate Disease

    If you are concerned about erectile function, its important to understand what erectile dysfunction really is. Failing to have an erection one night after youve had several drinks or even for a week or more during a time of intense emotional stress is not erectile dysfunction. Nor is the inability to have another erection soon after an orgasm. Nearly every man occasionally has trouble getting an erection, and most partners understand that.

    Erectile dysfunction is the inability to attain and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse at least 25% of the time. The penis doesnt get hard enough, or it gets hard but softens too soon. The problem often develops gradually. One night it may take longer or require more stimulation to get an erection. On another occasion, the erection may not be as firm as usual, or it may end before orgasm. When such difficulties occur regularly, its time to talk to your doctor.

    Erectile dysfunction can have many causes, including some forms of prostate disease and medications and surgery for prostate cancer. Fortunately, in many cases, this problem can often be effectively addressed. Some men find relief by taking medications to treat erectile dysfunction. If these arent effective for you, a number of other options, including injections and vacuum devices, are available. The possibility of finding the right solution is now greater than ever.

    Your Prostate Has Four Areas

    The prostate gland contains four areas, or zones.

    The peripheral zone is the largest segment, containing about 75% of the glands in the prostate. Most prostate cancer occurs in the peripheral zone and is the site where most needle biopsies are taken. The peripheral zone contains the majority of the prostatic tissue.

    The central zone of the prostate gland is the area that surrounds the ejaculatory ducts. Less than 5% of prostate cancers originate here. However, if prostate cancer does originate here, it is more aggressive and can metastasize to the seminal vesicles.

    The transition zone surrounds the urethra in the place where it enters the prostate. This part of the prostate grows in adult men and is responsible for BPH, or the enlarged prostate. Around 20% of cancers originate here.

    The fourth zone is the anterior fibromuscular storma.

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    Prostatitis: A Common Prostate Problem In Younger Men

    Prostatitis, or prostate inflammation, is the most common prostatic and urinary tract problem for men under age 50, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases . It accounts for 2 million doctor visits in the United States each year.

    There are several types of prostatitis.

    Prostatitis caused by bacteria is known as bacterial prostatitis, and it can cause an acute or chronic infection.

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    If Youre The Giving Partner

    Functions Of The Prostate Gland And Nutritional Support

    Cleanliness and safety are a must, even for the giver.

    Cut and file your nails smooth to help avoid scratching or tearing the delicate skin in and around the anus.

    Wash your hands thoroughly, even if youre planning to use a condom over your finger to penetrate your partner. For extra comfort, stuff cotton balls inside the condom or glove.

    You can also get the party started in the shower together, which serves as foreplay and gets you both all nice and clean for the big show.

    Youll probably need to try a few different moves and experiment with speed and pressure to find what feels best.

    Here are some techniques to try, whether youre using fingers or toys.

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    Is Sex Good For Your Prostate

    Whether or not sex is good for prostate problems is a question many men wonder, and its an important one that needs answering.

    The prostate plays an active role during sexual activity.

    Along with other structures, the prostate is responsible for making fluid in semen, which helps transport your sperm when you ejaculate.

    The effect regular ejaculations have on the prostate should become a significant talking point, especially amongst men who are experiencing prostate problems.

    This article will determine whether a healthy sex life can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.

    Clinical Relevance Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the increase in size of the prostate, without the presence of malignancy. It is much more common with advancing age, although initial histological evidence of hyperplasia may be evident from much earlier ages .

    The enlarged prostate may compress the urethra, resulting in symptoms that refer to impaired storage of urine and symptoms that refer to impaired voiding .

    BPH is usually caused by hyperplasia of the glands from the transitional zone of the prostate.

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    Location Of The Prostate Gland

    The prostate gland is about the size of a walnut. The prostate gland surrounds the neck of a mans bladder and urethra the tube that carries urine from the bladder. It is partly muscular and partly glandular, with ducts opening into the prostatic portion of the urethra.

    It is made up of three lobes: a center lobe with one lobe on each side.

    Pde5 Inhibitors: Viagra Levitra And Cialis

    Prostate gland: 10 facts every man should know about his ...

    Approved by the FDA in 1998, sildenafil revolutionized the way we think about and treat erectile dysfunction, largely because it is so easy to use and effective. Since then ;the FDA has approved three closely related drugs, vardenafil , avanafil and tadalafil .

    All four drugs work in a similar fashion, by affecting the normal physiology of the penis. In particular, they block PDE5, an enzyme that breaks down the erection-producing chemical cyclic guanosine monophosphate. This enables the penis to fill with blood and to stay erect long enough for intercourse. Of course, its important to realize that none of these drugs is an aphrodisiac. Youve got to feel sexually stimulated in order for them to work.

    The main differences between the drugs have to do with timing: how quickly they begin to work, and how long their effects last . Levitra may start working slightly faster than Viagra although the FDA says that like Viagra, it should be taken about an hour before sexual activity. Some studies suggest that Levitra may help some men who dont respond to Viagra. And while some doctors are skeptical about this claim, theres no harm in trying Levitra or Cialis if Viagra doesnt work for you.

    Cialis has also been approved to treat men with both erectile dysfunction and BPH. The dose is lower, usually 5 milligrams per day.

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