Friday, July 26, 2024

How Does One Get Prostate Cancer

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Who Is At Risk For Prostate Cancer

How to Prevent Prostate Cancer | Ask a Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

Certain men are at higher risk than others for prostate cancer, which may affect when they should start being screened. The risk increases with age, particularly after age 50. Some risk factors include:

  • African American men are twice as likely as white men to develop the disease.
  • Having a family history a father or a brother diagnosed with prostate cancer, particularly if it is at a relatively early age increases the risk.
  • Having a family history of breast and ovarian cancer may also be associated with an inherited risk of developing prostate cancer;
  • High-fat diet and/or obesity

Risks Of Prostate Surgery

The risks with any type of radical prostatectomy are much like those of any major surgery. Problems during or shortly after the operation can include:

  • Reactions to anesthesia
  • Blood clots in the legs or lungs
  • Damage to nearby organs
  • Infections at the surgery site.

Rarely, part of the intestine might be injured during surgery, which could lead to infections in the abdomen and might require more surgery to fix. Injuries to the intestines are more common with laparoscopic and robotic surgeries than with the open approach.

If lymph nodes are removed, a collection of lymph fluid can form and may need to be drained.

In extremely rare cases, a man can die because of complications of this operation. Your risk depends, in part, on your overall health, your age, and the skill of your surgical team.

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How Prostate Cancer Develops

However, sometimes something goes wrong within prostate cells, and cancer develops.

In general, cancer is a condition in which a normal cell becomes abnormal and starts to grow and/or reproduce uncontrollably without having the signals or brakes that stop typical cell growth. Prostate cancer occurs when a normal prostate cell begins to grow out of control. In many cases, prostate cancer is a slow-growing cancer that does not spread beyond the prostate gland before the time of diagnosis.

Once prostate cancer forms, it feeds on androgens and uses them as fuel for growth. This is why one of the backbones of treatment for men, especially with advanced prostate cancer, is to lower a mans androgen levels with drugs collectively termed hormone therapy.

Not all prostate cancer cells are alike. Prostate cancers that are composed of very abnormal cells are much more likely to both divide quickly and spread, or metastasize, from the prostate to other regions of the body. Often, prostate cancer spreads first to tissues that are near the prostate, including the seminal vesicles and nearby lymph nodes.

Researchers have identified various biological and genetic subtypes of prostate cancer. Although these subtypes are typically not yet used to guide treatment recommendations, they are the subject of active research funded by the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

Help support PCFs research into causes and treatments of prostate cancer: Donate Today!

Also Check: Do Females Have Prostate Cancer

What About Other Treatments I Hear About

When you have cancer you might hear about other ways to treat the cancer or treat your symptoms. These may not always be standard medical treatments. These treatments may be vitamins, herbs, special diets, and other things. You may wonder about these treatments.

Some of these are known to help, but many have not been tested. Some have been shown not to help. A few have even been found to be harmful. Talk to your doctor about anything youre thinking about using, whether its a vitamin, a diet, or anything else.

How Can I Prevent Prostate Cancer

What is prostate cancer?  Prostap DCS

The best way to try and prevent prostate cancer is to modify the risk factors for prostate cancer that you have control over. Eat a low-fat diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables and low in animal fats. It is always a good idea to maintain a healthy weight, get plenty of exercise and not to smoke or to quit smoking.

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How Fast Does A Gleason 8 Prostate Cancer Grow

leach234Joined: Mar 2018

Mar 12, 2018 – 8:19 pm

I am not able to see the surgeon until April 10th for a consult and probably won’t have surgery until 2-3 weeks after that.; I had 2 core samples of 12 that showed cancer.; One was a gleason score; of 6 at 10% but the other was aggresive at a gleason score of 8 at 40%.; Am I okay waiting a month and a half until surgery.; Right now the cancer hasn’t spread past the prostate.; But it is aggressive.

What Tests Detect Prostate Cancer Early

Because prostate cancer cant necessarily be detected at home, its a good idea to learn about the tests that provide early detection 2 . Keep in mind that these tests cant decipher whether or not you have prostate cancer and, following the test, your doctor will most likely suggest a prostate biopsy. If youre wondering how to check for prostate cancer at home, your best bet is to leave it to your health care professional.;

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How To Check Prostate Cancer

When youre checking for prostate cancer, its important to know the symptoms. When youre aware of the signs, prostate cancer can be caught early. Because prostate cancer doesnt typically show signs early on, this particular cancer is typically found through PSA blood test or digital rectal exams.;

But, there are typically five major warning signs of prostate cancer; however, as cancer progresses, symptoms typically involve the urinary system. Because the prostate is located close to the urethra and bladder, symptoms might include 1 :

  • Frequent urination
  • Hip or back pain
  • Leg swelling or weakness;

Contact your doctor if you notice any of the above symptoms. And if you do catch any of these symptoms, try not to panic. These particular symptoms can often have to do with non-cancerous conditions of the prostate, as well as bladder infections.;

Its important to know that there are also several different types of prostate cancer. The most common types found in prostate cancer patients include:

Your Risk For Prostate Cancer

What Is a Normal PSA for a Man Without Prostate Cancer? | Ask a Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

The greatest risk factors for developing prostate cancer are increasing age, family history, ethnicity, and diet. Do any of the following describe you?

  • I am older than 50
  • I have a family history of prostate cancer
  • I am African-American

If you answered yes to any of these, then you may be at higher risk of prostate cancer. However, not having any of these risk factors does not mean you are immune. Unfortunately, all men are at risk for prostate cancer. Keep reading to learn more about your risk and what steps you can take.

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How Is Prostate Cancer Diagnosed

A biopsy is when a small piece of tissue is removed from the prostate and looked at under a microscope.

A biopsy is a procedure that can be used to diagnose prostate cancer. A biopsy is when a small piece of tissue is removed from the prostate and looked at under a microscope to see if there are cancer cells.

A Gleason score is determined when the biopsy tissue is looked at under the microscope. If there is a cancer, the score indicates how likely it is to spread. The score ranges from 2 to 10. The lower the score, the less likely it is that the cancer will spread.

A biopsy is the main tool for diagnosing prostate cancer, but a doctor can use other tools to help make sure the biopsy is made in the right place. For example, doctors may use transrectal ultrasound;or magnetic resonance imaging to help guide the biopsy. With transrectal ultrasound, a probe the size of a finger is inserted into the rectum and high-energy sound waves are bounced off the prostate to create a picture of the prostate called a sonogram. MRI uses magnets and radio waves to produce images on a computer. MRI does not use any radiation.

Advanced Genomic Testing For Prostate Cancer

The most common lab test;for prostate cancer is advanced genomic testing, which examines a tumor to look for DNA alterations that may be driving the growth of the cancer. By identifying the mutations that occur in a cancer cells genome, doctors may get a clearer picture of the tumors behavior and be able to tailor a patients treatment based on the findings.

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How To Spot Prostate Cancer Early

There are two types of screening that your doctor may recommend: the first requires blood collection to measure the level of the prostate-specific antigen PSA. Higher levels often indicate the presence of prostate cancer.

The second test is a physical examination in which a doctor puts on gloves, lubricates the finger and inserts it into the rectum to see if the prostate is enlarged. If any of the results indicate the possibility of prostate cancer, your doctor will recommend further tests.

Early-stage prostate cancer typically does not have any physical signs or symptoms, said Dr. Salim Cheriyan, a urologist with Baylor St. Lukes Medical Group. This is why discussing the risks and benefits of screening with your physician is an important part of detecting prostate cancer.

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Transurethral Resection Of Bladder Tumors

Prostate Cancer treatment

TURBT is a procedure to diagnose and treat early-stage bladder cancer. With TURBT, a tissue sample from a suspicious area can be obtained. If cancer is present, we can remove the cancerous tissue by inserting a scope in the urethra, in a process called resection. This process is minimally invasive and does not require incisions.

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Types Of Imaging Studies

If your doctor suspects your cancer might be spreading, they will likely order more imaging tests. A common imaging workup may include a;bone scan;and a;CT scan;of the abdomen and pelvis. An;MRI;might be done as well. Some research centers are also using magnetic MRIs or PET scans to further refine the staging of prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Doctor Discussion Guide

Get our printable guide for your next doctorâs appointment to help you ask the right questions.

Prostate Cancer Caregiver Podcast Series

We are proud to announce a new podcast series geared toward helping give support, hope and guidance to prostate cancer caregivers. The goal of this Prostate Cancer Caregiver Podcast Series is to help others connect with a diverse group of people who have felt the impact of prostate cancer in their lives and empower them on their journey.

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What Happens Without Treatment

Physicians will sometimes talk about a particular diseases natural history or typical progression if it is left untreated indefinitely.

With regard to prostate cancer, most cases of the disease are discovered while the cancer is still confined to the prostate itself. This is called local disease or localized disease.

The disease is easiest to treat while it is confined to the prostate. At this stage, surgery and radiation are most likely to be curative and completely kill or remove whatever cancer cells are present.

If left untreated, however, prostate cancer can proceed on a number of different paths.

What Are The Potential Complications

The Five Stages of Prostate Cancer | Prostate Cancer Staging Guide

Prostate cancer and treatment can lead to problems with urination as well as erectile dysfunction.

If stage 2 prostate cancer spreads outside the prostate, it can reach nearby tissues, the lymph system, or bloodstream. From there, it can metastasize to distant sites. Later-stage prostate cancer is difficult to treat and can be life-threatening.

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How To Prevent The Most Common And Potentially Life

When I began researching my medical condition, I knew that there was a lot of misinformation and misinformation about the use of soya in the workplace.

As a result, I decided to write this article to help dispel some of that misinformation and help those who are considering using SOFA products to be educated about their side effects.

In this article, I will share the facts behind SOFAs benefits and provide you with a simple way to make your SOFA product purchase as safe and effective as possible.

The truth about SOFA and SOFA-free products in the US and worldwide When I first started researching my condition, there were several articles and articles that were written that focused on the SOFA issue.

I found that many of these articles were based on what I believed were false assumptions and assumptions that were based purely on anecdotal evidence.

As I began to explore my condition further, I began looking into more information on SOFA, and I started to learn more about the different types of SOFAs that were available to me.

While Im not going to share all the facts, I am going to offer you a quick look at the various types of products and how they work.

The main ingredients in SOFA So, lets begin with the main ingredients of SO FA products.

Soy Protein is one of the most widely used products in American food and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

In the US, soy protein is made from the beans of the soybean plant, and its one of several types of soy protein.

How Will Your Doctor Diagnose A Prostate Infection

A prostate infection diagnosis is based on your medical history, a physical exam, and medical tests. Your doctor can also rule out other serious conditions such as prostate cancer during the exam. During a physical exam, your doctor will conduct a digital rectal exam to test your prostate and will look for:

  • discharge
  • enlarged or tender lymph nodes in the groin
  • swollen or tender scrotum

Your doctor may also ask about your symptoms, recent UTIs, and medications or supplements youre taking. Other medical tests that can help your diagnosis and treatment plan include:

  • urinalysis or semen analysis, to look for infections
  • a prostate biopsy or a blood test for prostate-specific antigen
  • urodynamic tests, to see how your bladder and urethra store urine
  • cystoscopy, to look inside the urethra and bladder for blockage

Your doctor may also order an ultrasound to get a closer look. The cause will help determine the correct course of treatment.

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Low Risk Localised Prostate Cancer

The treatments your doctor will offer you are:

  • active surveillance or watchful waiting
  • surgery to remove your prostate
  • radiotherapy either internal or external beam

Your doctor will discuss the possible risks and benefits of each treatment with you.;

Radiotherapy and surgery work equally well at curing prostate cancer but have different side effects. Your doctor can explain these to you.

The table;below shows that there is very little difference in survival between the treatments. Understanding these and the possible side effects of each treatment;can help you and your doctor to make a decision.;

The table below shows how many people survive the different treatments for low risk localised prostate cancer after 10 years.

Treatment for low risk localised cancer Percentage of men who survive after 10 years
Active surveillance
1 out of 100 5 out of 100

The risk of the same side effects after 6 years of treatment is similar between the different treatment groups.;

What Types Of Hormone Therapy Are Used For Prostate Cancer

Metastatic prostate cancer

Hormone therapy for prostate cancer;can block the production or;use of androgens . Currently available treatments can do so in several ways:

  • reducing;androgen production by the testicles
  • blocking the action of androgens throughout;the body
  • block androgen production throughout the body

Treatments that reduce androgen production by the testicles are the most commonly used hormone therapies for prostate cancer;and the first type of hormone therapy that most men with prostate cancer receive. This form of hormone therapy includes:

Treatments that block the action of androgens in the body are typically used when ADT stops working. Such treatments include:

Treatments that block the production of androgens throughout the body include:

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Q: What Side Effects May Occur After Robotic Surgery Is There A Way To Recover

Answer: The robot will bleed a lot of surgery before the operation, so the risk of heart disease and stroke is higher. Now that the robot has a knife, it bleeds very little, almost two hundred CC. But at first you will have a urinary tube when you leave the hospital, and it will be pulled out after about a week. Most patients will need to wear a diaper when the catheter is pulled out, and then may need to change three to four times a day. After slowly recovering, maybe three to six months, the bladder control will be better.

Most young people will suffer from impotence if they are operated on, but they can be recovered. However, 50% of patients over 65 years old may not recover. This depends on the age.

How Does The Doctor Know I Have Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer tends to grow slowly over many years. Most men with early prostate cancer dont have changes that they notice. Signs of prostate cancer most often show up later, as the cancer grows.

Some signs of prostate cancer are trouble peeing, blood in the pee , trouble getting an erection, and pain in the back, hips, ribs, or other bones.

If signs are pointing to prostate cancer, tests will be done. Most men will not need all of them, but here are some of the tests you may need:

PSA blood test:;PSA is a protein thats made by the prostate gland and can be found in the blood. Prostate cancer can make PSA levels go up. Blood tests will be done to see what your PSA level is and how it changes over time.

Transrectal ultrasound :;For this test, a small wand is put into your rectum. It gives off sound waves and picks up the echoes as they bounce off the prostate gland. The echoes are made into a picture on a computer screen.

MRI:;This test uses radio waves and strong magnets to make detailed pictures of the body. MRI scans can be used to look at the prostate and can show if the cancer has spread outside the prostate to nearby organs.

Prostate biopsy:;For a prostate biopsy, the doctor uses a long, hollow needle to take out small pieces of the prostate where the cancer might be. This is often done while using TRUS or MRI to look at the prostate. The prostate pieces are then checked for cancer cells. Ask the doctor what kind of biopsy you need and how its done.

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