Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Does Benadryl Affect The Prostate

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Benadryl & Prostate Problems

Diphenhydramine for sleep | Sleep Aid

Benadryl is a popular over-the-counter medication that prevents allergy symptoms 1. It is very effective at preventing cough, runny nose and sneezing symptoms. On the other hand, it also has many side effects, including aggravating the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

What Should I Avoid While Taking Diphenhydramine

Avoid driving or hazardous activity until you know how this medicine will affect you. Your reactions could be impaired.

Drinking alcohol can increase certain side effects of diphenhydramine.

Ask a doctor or pharmacist before using any other medicine that may contain diphenhydramine. This includes medicines for sleep, cold/allergy symptoms, or anti-itch medicine used on the skin. Using too much diphenhydramine may lead to a fatal overdose.

Alternate Treatments That Wont Affect The Prostate

Vapor rubs using topical preparations containing camphor, menthol, eucalyptus and other aromatic oils may be applied to the neck and chest at bedtime or vaporized in a machine during sleeping hours. There is some evidence that the use of aroma therapy can help relieve symptoms of the common cold. Vapor therapy does not cause urinary difficulties.

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If I Have Signs Of Bph What Will My Doctor Do

Your doctor will ask questions about your urine flow. You will have a rectal exam to check the size of your prostate. During this exam, your doctor will also feel for other prostate problems.

Your urine might be checked for blood or infection. You might have a blood test to see if your kidneys are working right. You might also have other tests.

Drugs Can Clear Congestion Without Punishing Prostate

What to do when medication makes you constipated
  • PEOPLE’S PHARMACY Joe and Teresa Graedon
  • May 24, 2012

Q. I control my symptoms of enlarged prostate with medication. The trouble with prostate problems is that you can’t take decongestants with a cold, because they can make it hard to urinate.

I usually rely on a vaporizer when I catch a cold, but with the last one I had horrible chest congestion. In desperation, I took Mucinex DM for the congestion, and then realized that I might be in for difficulties urinating.

To my great surprise, I was able to urinate normally. In addition, I found that it opened my nasal passages. I’m so glad to have found something I can use for a cold.

A. Decongestants can indeed cause urinary difficulty for men with enlarged prostates. Mucinex DM contains the expectorant guaifenesin and the cough suppressant dextromethorphan. These compounds are unlikely to cause prostate problems.

Q. My wife took Lipitor to lower her cholesterol. When her legs began to hurt, she quit taking it. She still couldn’t ride the mower, one of her pleasures.

She was diagnosed with ALS and passed away less than a year later. I lost the most precious person in my life after 31 years of marriage.

I am convinced that the drug she took led to her ALS. I lost my job and our home because I was taking care of her full time before she died. I am concerned that others may not realize some of these statin drugs can be deadly.

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Factors Associated With Drps In Bph Patients

reveals the parameters that were significantly associated with the occurrence of DRPs in patients with BPH. Being elderly , hospitalization for more than six days , receiving polydrug therapy , and having multiple comorbidities appeared to have significant associations with the occurrence of DRPs. Apart from that, several concurrent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease , diabetes mellitus , hypertension , and renal impairment were associated with the DRPs identified. On the other hand, factors such as BPH complications, use of -blockers, use of 5-ARIs, and comorbidities such as dyslipidemia, erectile dysfunction, bronchial asthma, gouty arthritis and impairment had no significant association with the occurrence of DRPs.

Medications That Can Cause Urinary Incontinence

Urinaryincontinence, or the loss of bladder control, can be caused by various health conditions and physical changes, such as childbirth, changes in diet, infection, prostate issues, menopause, and neurological disorders. But there are also a number of medications can cause urinary incontinence in both men and women in a variety of different ways.


Diuretics such as hydrochlorothiazide , furosemide , bumetanide , triamterene with hydrochlorothiazide

Increase urine production by the kidney

Frequent urination, overactive bladder, stress incontinence

Muscle relaxants and sedatives such as diazepam , chlordiazepoxide , lorazepam

Cause sedation or drowsiness; relax the urethra

Frequent urination, stress incontinence, lack of concern or desire to use the toilet

Narcotics such as oxycodone , meperidine , morphine

Cause sedation or drowsiness; relax the bladder, causing it to retain urine

Lack of concern or desire to use the toilet, difficulty in starting urinary stream, straining to void, voiding with a weak stream, leaking between urinations, frequency incontinence

Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine and chlorpheniramine

Relax the bladder, causing it to retain urine

Overflow incontinence

Alpha-adrenergic antagonists such as terazosin , doxazosin

Relax the muscle at the outlet of the bladder

Leaking when coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising, etc.

From Better Bladder and Bowel Control, Harvard Health Publishing

Image: Thinkstock

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Factors Associated With Drps In Elderly Bph Patients

Consistent with other studies, being elderly was shown to be associated with an increased prevalence of DRPs , . Of the six problem domains examined, advanced age was significantly associated with the occurrence of adverse drug reactions, drug choice problems, and dosing problems. The high prevalence of DRPs among elderly patients may be explained by the fact that elderly people are more vulnerable to have multiple comorbidities, because of age-related deterioration of health and organ functions . Also, geriatric patients were found to be disproportionately likely to receive polydrug therapy and inappropriate prescriptions, which can subsequently lead to drug choice problems and dosing problems . This was supported by a local study conducted in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia , which reported that the prevalence of medication errors was high among geriatric patients . Nevertheless, this finding was contradicted by other data, which indicated that being elderly did not result in a higher risk of experiencing DRPs , .

What Other Drugs Will Affect Diphenhydramine

What Is a Normal PSA for a Man Without Prostate Cancer? | Ask a Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

Ask a doctor or pharmacist before using diphenhydramine with any other medicines, especially drugs that can cause drowsiness . Tell your doctor about all your current medicines and any medicine you start or stop using. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Not all possible interactions are listed here.

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How Is Chronic Urinary Retention Diagnosed

History and physical exam: During the diagnosis process, your healthcare provider will ask about your signs and symptoms and how long you have had them. He or she will also ask about your medical history and your drug use. A physical exam of the lower abdomen may show the cause or give your provider additional clues. After this, certain tests may be needed. Men may have a rectal exam to check the size of their prostate.

Your urine may be saved and checked to look for infection.

Ultrasound of the bladder: The amount of urine that stays in your bladder after urinating may be measured by doing an ultrasound test of the bladder. This test is called a postvoid residual or bladder scan.

Cystoscopy: Cystoscopy is a test in which a thin tube with a tiny camera on one end is put into your urethra. This lets the doctor look at pictures of the lining of your urethra and bladder. This test may show a stricture of the urethra, blockage caused by a stone, an enlarged prostate or a tumor. It can also be used to remove stones, if found. A computed tomography scan may also help find stones or anything else blocking the flow of urine.

Urodynamic testing: Tests that use a catheter to record pressure within the bladder may be done to tell how well the bladder empties. The rate at which urine flows can also be measured by such tests. This is called urodynamic testing.

What If I Take Too Much

Acrivastine is generally very safe. Taking too much is unlikely to harm you. If you take an extra dose by mistake, you might get some of the common side effects.

If this happens or you’re concerned, contact your doctor.

Urgent advice: Call your doctor or go to A&E straight away if:

You take too much acrivastine and pseudoephedrine and experience side effects.

These include:

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Men With Prostate Trouble Should Avoid Some Cold Medicines

By Daniel Gaitan

4 Min Read

With cold and flu season in full swing, experts are warning men who have an enlarged prostate to avoid medicines containing antihistamines and decongestants.

Its very important that men with enlarged prostate avoid cold medicines with pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine. Those are ingredients in decongestants and they constrict the prostatic capsule and lead to urine retention, said Dr. Gregory T. Bales, a urologist at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Antihistamines arent quite as bad, because they work more on the bladder muscle, but they can cause bladder contractility.

Enlargement of the prostate, formally known as benign prostate hyperplasia , results from increased cell growth in and around the prostate gland. The increased growth can constrict the urethra and decrease urine flow. Men with the progressive disease often have difficulty urinating and the urge to go more frequently.

BPH is more common in older men, because as men age their prostate continues to grow. Nearly 80 percent of men age 50 and older will be diagnosed with some degree of the disease, said Dr. William Catalona, a urologist with Northwestern Universitys Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

We dont know what causes benign prostatic enlargement, its one of the great mysteries, and we really wish we did because its such a prevalent condition, Catalona told Reuters Health. Sometimes men need to get up every hour at night.

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Rise in PSA value, taking Benadryl every night. Related?

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Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Bring Major Relief

Benign prostatic hyperplasia ;is the most common cause of prostate enlargement. As a man ages, BPH becomes more common. About half of all men between the ages of 51 and 60 develop it, and up to 90 percent of men over age 80 will have it.

During a mans lifetime, the prostate has two main growth periods. The first is when he goes through puberty, during which the prostate will double in size. The second growth period starts around age 25, after which the prostate will begin to grow again. It is natural for the prostate to grow, and this is what is referred to as BPH. This benign condition does not lead to prostate cancer, but the two can coexist.

Specific symptoms of BPH include:

  • A hesitant, interrupted, weak urine stream
  • Urgency, leaking, or dribbling
  • A sense of incomplete emptying
  • More frequent urination, especially at night

A man experiencing any of these symptoms should consult his physician to seek treatment, as there are many ways to deal with BPH. There are medications to choose from and;effective surgical treatments with few side effects if surgery is necessary.

However, lifestyle changes can be another method of reducing symptoms of BPH. Before automatically believing that the symptoms are due only to BPH, all men should have a yearly prostate exam to rule out the possibility of prostate cancer. Once it is determined to be a benign enlarged prostate, men can do seven simple lifestyle changes to manage the symptoms of BPH and bring relief:

Other Medicines That Make It Hard To Pee:

The antihistamine diphenhydramine may also increase prostate urinary symptoms. DPH is found in Benadryl as well as many nighttime pain relievers such as Advil PM, Tylenol PM and numerous others. Check the label before taking allergy medicines to avoid urinary retention.

DPH has anticholinergic activity. Many other anticholinergic medications can cause urinary retention . Even some inhaled medicines used to treat COPD can interfere with normal urination, especially in men with;enlarged prostate glands . Tiotropium is an example of such a drug.

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Are Antihistamines Bad For Your Prostate

Antihistaminesthe prostateAntihistamines

. Similarly one may ask, does Claritin affect your prostate?

Second-generation antihistamines do not carry a prostate warning and would perhaps be a better choice for patients with allergic rhinitis who have BPH. Both can affect the prostate, and there is no other nonprescription option.

what is the best medicine for enlarged prostate? There are several treatment options for an enlarged prostate. You can take alpha-blockers such as terazosin or tamsulosin to help relax the prostate and bladder muscles. You can also take dutasteride or finasteride , a different kind of medication for reducing BPH symptoms.

Also Know, what medications are bad for the prostate?

. , such as pseudoephedrine , are used to treat congestion often associated with a cold. These drugs, which are called vasopressor adrenergics, worsen BPH symptoms because they tighten muscles in the prostate and bladder neck.

Can medication affect your prostate?

Antihistamines and decongestants may add to the problem. These drugs can make it harder for the prostate and the bladder to relax, making it even more difficult for urine to flow.

What Medications Should I Avoid If I Have An Enlarged Prostate

Medications to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms and Risk of Prostate Enlargement

Many popular nonprescription cold and allergy medications contain decongestants that can cause the bladder neck to contract. This restricts urine flow and can lead to the complete closure of the bladder opening and cause acute urinary retention. For this reason, these cold and allergy medications are labeled with warnings against their use if a person has benign prostatic hyperplasia — enlarged prostate. While short-term use of these medicines is unlikely to be a significant problem, chronic use should be avoided. Antihistamines also can cause problems because they may interfere with the ability of the bladder to contract. If you think you need medications for allergies, talk to your primary healthcare practitioner about prescription medications that do not cause urinary symptoms.

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WARNING: Please DO NOT STOP MEDICATIONS without first consulting a physician since doing so could be hazardous to your health.

DISCLAIMER: All material available on is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by a qualified healthcare provider. All information is observation-only. Our phase IV clinical studies alone cannot establish cause-effect relationship. Different individuals may respond to medication in different ways. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no guarantee is made to that effect. The use of the eHealthMe site and its content is at your own risk.

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Age Of People Who Have Prostatitis When Taking Benadryl *:

  • 0-1: 0.0 %
  • Muscle Spasms : 6 people, 23.08%
  • Metastases To Bone : 6 people, 23.08%
  • Hypercalcaemia level in the blood): 6 people, 23.08%
  • High Blood Pressure: 6 people, 23.08%
  • Crohn’s Disease : 3 people, 11.54%
  • Impaired Gastric Emptying: 2 people, 7.69%
  • * Approximation only. Some reports may have incomplete information.

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    Should Men With An Enlarged Prostate Avoid Certain Medications

    Men with an enlarged prostate should not take medications that contain antihistamines or decongestants. These agents are often found in over-the-counter cold, sinus, and allergy medications.

    To understand why, it helps to review some prostate anatomy. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that produces seminal fluid. This fluid mixes with sperm to form ejaculate the semen that is expelled from the penis when a man reaches orgasm.

    Running through the prostate is the urethra the tube from which urine and semen exit the body.

    As men get older, its common for the prostate gland to grow inward. This results in an enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia . Scientists arent sure why this happens. In some cases, the prostate itself does not enlarge, but it undergoes changes which make it more sensitive to chemicals that your body naturally produces.;

    The prostate may also undergo other changes which may slow down the flow of urine or increase urinary symptoms such as frequency and urgency.;

    Because of these changes, many men experience trouble emptying the bladder, find that they have to use the bathroom more often , or feel a greater urge to urinate.

    Antihistamines and decongestants may add to the problem. These drugs can make it harder for the prostate and the bladder to relax, making it even more difficult for urine to flow.

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