Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Prostate Cancer Be A Secondary Cancer

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Treatment For Advanced Prostate Cancer

What is advanced prostate cancer?

Although advanced prostate cancer cannot be cured, it can be controlled with treatment, sometimes for several years. Treatments can also help relieve symptoms and improve your quality of life.

A multidisciplinary team will meet to discuss the best possible treatment for you. This will depend on different factors, like your general health. Your cancer doctor will talk to you about the advantages and disadvantages of these treatments.

The main treatments are:

  • Hormonal therapy

    Hormonal therapies reduce the amount of testosterone in the body. This may slow the growth of the cancer or stop it growing for a while.

  • Chemotherapy

    Chemotherapy uses anti-cancer drugs to destroy cancer cells. You may have it with hormonal therapy when you are first diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. Or, it can be given when hormonal therapy is no longer controlling the cancer.

  • Radiotherapy

    Radiotherapy is most often used to shrink cancer that has spread to the bones. External beam radiotherapy uses high energy rays to destroy cancer cells. Its given using a large machine. Radioisotope therapy is a type of internal radiotherapy given as an injection.

  • Surgery

    Surgery to remove the prostate is not suitable for advanced prostate cancer. Surgery may be used to help control symptoms or to help stabilise a bone that is at risk of breaking.

Your doctor or nurse will usually ask you to sign a form giving your permission for them to give you the treatment. They cannot give treatment without your consent.

Causes Of Advanced Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK. It is more common over the age 65. Although it can happen at a younger age it is uncommon under 50. People who have a prostate include men, transwomen and people assigned male at birth. If you are a trans woman and have had genital gender affirming surgery as part of your transition, you still have a prostate. Trans men do not have a prostate. It is important to talk to your GP or nurse if you are worried about prostate cancer or have symptoms.

We have more information about the risk factors of prostate cancer.

Infection And The Immune System

Looking at people who have had a spontaneous remission of their cancers, its quickly noted that most of these regressions are associated with an acute infection. Infections often result in a fever and stimulation of the immune system.

We know that our immune systems have the ability to fight off cancer. That is, in fact, the logic behind immunotherapy. Immunotherapy medications, while still in their infancy, have resulted in dramatic remissions of cancer for some people, even in the advanced stages of cancer. These drugs work in different ways, but a common theme is that they essentially enhance the ability of our own immune systems to fight cancer.

Infections which have been associated with spontaneous remission include diphtheria, measles, hepatitis, gonorrhea, malaria, smallpox, syphilis, and tuberculosis.

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Paying For Cancer Treatment

Finances are often a very real concern for people with cancer. Treatment costs a lot. Hopefully, you have been able to keep your health insurance. Sometimes there are insurance options that people with cancer may not be aware of. Talk to your cancer care team, your facilitys financial counselors, or a social worker. You can also call us for help finding possible sources of financial assistance.

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The Symptoms Of Delirium Are A Lot Like Symptoms Of Depression And Dementia

Prostate Cancer Spread Metastatic To Bones Life Expectancy ...

Early symptoms of delirium are like symptoms of depression and dementia. Delirium that causes the patient to be inactive may appear to be depression. Delirium and dementia both cause problems with memory, thinking, and judgment. Dementia may be caused by a number of medical conditions, including Alzheimer disease. Differences in the symptoms of delirium and dementia include the following:

  • Patients with delirium often show changes in how alert or aware they are. Patients who have dementia usually stay alert and aware until the dementia becomes very advanced.
  • Delirium occurs suddenly . Dementia appears gradually and gets worse over time.

Older patients with cancer may have both dementia and delirium. This can make it hard for the doctor to diagnose the problem. If treatment for delirium is given and the symptoms continue, then the diagnosis is more likely dementia. Checking the patients health and symptoms over time can help diagnose delirium and dementia.

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Where In The Body Does Prostate Cancer Spread

Metastatic prostate cancer can affect one or more parts of your body. The most common place for prostate cancer to spread to is your bones. Prostate cancer may also spread to other parts of the body such as your lymph nodes, lungs, liver or brain.

The metastatic cancer is made up of prostate cancer cells, even if it is found in other parts of your body. It will be treated with prostate cancer treatments.


We use the term man / men in our prostate cancer information but we understand that not everyone who has a prostate gland identifies as a man.

It doesnt matter who you are or where you come from, we are here for you. For confidential advice, information and support, contact our Support Line on Freephone 1800 200 700.

The Seed And The Soil Hypothesis

Stephen Paget, more than 100 years ago, observed in women autopsies that, in cancer of breast the bones suffer in a special way . This landmark observation has led to the seed and soil hypothesis that postulates the reciprocal need of the seed and the soil so that metastasis can occur in distant individual organs. The uniqueness of the microenvironment in the individual organs supports or opposes the colonization events that lead to the secondary tumor growth.

The tumor cells that leave the primary site and enter circulation are defined as circulating tumor cells only a fraction of these cells has the capability to extravasate at a distant site and persist/survive as DTCs. Of these DTCs, an even smaller fraction is capable of forming metastasis .

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What Is Advanced Prostate Cancer

Advanced prostate cancer is cancer that has spread from the prostate to other parts of the body. It develops when prostate cancer cells move through the blood stream or lymphatic system.

Watch our video about advanced prostate cancer.

You might hear cancer that has spread described as metastatic prostate cancer, secondary prostate cancer, secondaries, metastases or mets. It is still prostate cancer, wherever it is in the body.

Prostate cancer can spread to any part of the body, but most commonly to the bones and lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are part of your lymphatic system, which is part of the bodys immune system. Lymph nodes are found throughout the body including in the pelvic area, near the prostate.

Advanced prostate cancer can cause symptoms, such as fatigue , bone pain, and problems urinating.

The symptoms you have will depend on where the cancer has spread to. Speak to your doctor or nurse if you have any symptoms. There are treatments available to help manage them.

Its not possible to cure advanced prostate cancer. But treatments can help keep it under control and manage any symptoms.

How Is Lymphedema Treated

Treatment for advanced (metastatic) prostate cancer

At this time, there is no cure for lymphedema. The goal of treatment is to reduce the swelling or keep it from getting worse, and to relieve symptoms. Your doctor can help you figure out which treatments are best for you.

Lymphedema can be treated with

Exercise. Moving your swollen arm or leg may help the lymph fluid to drain, thus reducing the swelling.

A compression sleeve or stocking. This garment fits tightly on your swollen arm or leg, helping the lymph fluid flow out.

Massage therapy. A special kind of massage called manual lymph drainage can help push the lymph fluid out of the swollen part of your body.

A pneumatic pump. A machine inflates a sleeve that you place on your swollen arm or leg, helping lymph fluid flow out.

Weight loss. In patients who are overweight, lymphedema related to breast cancer may improve with weight loss.

Surgery. If your lymphedema is severe, your doctor may suggest that you get an operation. Several options are available. For more information, visit Johns Hopkins Medicines Lymphedema: What Are Your Surgical Options?external icon

Cancer treatment. If a cancerous tumor is causing the lymphedema, the cancer is treated.

The keys to managing lymphedema are preventing infections and allowing fluids to flow through the swollen area.

Prevent Infections

  • Keep your skin clean, and use lotion to keep it moist.
  • If you get a small cut, clean it right away and apply antibacterial ointment and a bandage.
  • Dont get needle sticks in the swollen area.

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Comparison With Other Studies

To our knowledge, there is only one other meta-analysis on this subject in addition to non-systematic reviews of the literature.1112131415 Our review differs from the previous meta-analysis15 on this topic, which included only four studies. We identified significantly more studies and even among them we had to select studies from SEER cohort. In addition, most of their analyses relied on a single publication.40 Further, they did not assess different radiotherapy techniques separately. Ours is the first attempt to quantify available knowledge on the subject in the most comprehensive, reproducible, and methodologically appropriate fashion.

Secondary primary cancers can arise because of common etiologic factors, including genetic predispositions, or effects related to treatment. Further, there might be issues of diagnostic bias when comparisons are made between treated patients and the general population. Considering that the comparison between patients treated with radiotherapy and those treated with surgery showed similar results to the main analysis, however, our data suggest that secondary cancers are largely because of effects related to treatment.

Dizziness When You Change Position

You might feel dizzy if you sit or stand up suddenly. This is more common if you are 65 or older, but it can happen at any age. If you already feel dizzy from cancer or its treatment, changing positions quickly can make the dizziness worse.You can be at risk of falling if you are dizzy at any age. But older adults are more likely to have a serious injury if they fall.

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Understanding Statistics About Survival

Doctors estimate prognosis by using statistics that researchers have collected over many years about people with the same type of cancer. Several types of statistics may be used to estimate prognosis. The most commonly used statistics include:

  • Cancer-specific survivalThis is the percentage of patients with a specific type and stage of cancer who have not died from their cancer during a certain period of time after diagnosis. The period of time may be 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, etc., with 5 years being the time period most often used. Cancer-specific survival is also called disease-specific survival. In most cases, cancer-specific survival is based on causes of death listed in medical records.
  • Relative survivalThis statistic is another method used to estimate cancer-specific survival that does not use information about the cause of death. It is the percentage of cancer patients who have survived for a certain period of time after diagnosis compared to people who do not have cancer.
  • Disease-free survivalThis statistic is the percentage of patients who have no signs of cancer during a certain period of time after treatment. Other names for this statistic are recurrence-free or progression-free survival.

Who Is At Risk For Advanced Prostate Cancer

Dr. David Samadi

The exact cause of prostate cancer isnt clear. Your risk of developing this particular cancer increases after you reach age 50.

Certain groups are more likely to develop aggressive forms of prostate cancer, including African-American men and men who carry certain inherited genetic mutations such as BRCA1, BRCA2, and HOXB13.

Most men with prostate cancer dont always have a family history of the disease. But having a father or brother with prostate cancer more than doubles your risk.

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Different Symptoms Of Bph Vs Prostate Cancer

Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers for American men. One in nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, according to data from the American Cancer Society.

Just because prostate cancer is so common, that doesnt mean the symptoms youve been experiencing are, in fact, cancer. Many symptoms of prostate cancer are the same for other conditions like infections or abnormal cell growth, also known as BPH. The symptoms of BPH vs prostate cancer can be similar. This is what you need to know and when to see a doctor.

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Liver Bile Duct Pancreatic And Gallbladder Cancers

Any cancer that interferes with the bile ducts can lead to obstruction and the consequent build-up of bile salts in the skin. With pancreatic cancer specifically, this is most common with cancers located in the head of the pancreas. Other symptoms may include jaundice, abdominal pain, ascites , and abdominal pain.

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Symptoms From Lymphoma In The Chest

When lymphoma starts in the thymus or lymph nodes in the chest, it may press on the nearby trachea , which can cause coughing, trouble breathing, or a feeling of chest pain or pressure.

The superior vena cava is the large vein that carries blood from the head and arms back to the heart. It passes near the thymus and lymph nodes inside the chest. Lymphomas in this area may push on the SVC, which can cause the blood to back up in the veins. This can lead to swelling in the head, arms, and upper chest. It can also cause trouble breathing and a change in consciousness if it affects the brain. This is called SVC syndrome. It can be life-threatening and must be treated right away.

How Is It Diagnosed And How Fast Does It Grow

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Prostate cancer often grows slowly, and most men with early-stage prostate cancer dont notice any symptoms. Symptoms are often noticed later on as the cancer grows. The signs include trouble urinating, blood in the urine, erectile dysfunction, and pain in the back, hips, ribs, or other bones.

According to the American Cancer Society 3 , prostate cancer tests include the following:

Though there are plenty of tests that one can go through to check if you have prostate cancer, there are other ways of how to check for prostate cancer at home.

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About The Prostate And Prostate Cancer

The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system and produces fluid that mixes with semen during ejaculation to help sperm travel. The prostate is a walnut-sized, rubbery organ that surrounds the urethrathe urinary duct that carries urine from the bladder out of the bodyand sits directly below the bladder.

The prostate gland, which grows during puberty, is considered an organ and is made up of several dozen lobules or saclike glands, held together with connective prostate tissue and muscle between them. The glands are called exocrine glands, because they secrete liquid to outside the body.

An enlarged prostate, called benign prostatic hyperplasia , is common in men over the age of 40 and may obstruct the urinary tract. The abnormal prostate cell growth in BPH is not cancerous and doesnt increase your risk of getting prostate cancer. However, symptoms for BPH and prostate cancer can be similar.

A condition called prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia , where prostate gland cells look abnormal when examined under a microscope, may be connected to an increased risk of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is often caught by a doctor performing a digital rectal exam , through a prostate-specific antigen blood test, through a prostate biopsy or with a CT scan.

Another condition, prostatitis, is the inflammation of the prostate. While not cancerous, it may cause higher PSA levels in the blood.

Types Of Imaging Studies

If your healthcare provider suspects your cancer might be spreading, they will likely order more imaging tests. A common imaging workup may include a bone scan and a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis. An MRI might be done as well. Some research centers are also using magnetic MRIs or PET scans to further refine the staging of prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Doctor Discussion Guide

Get our printable guide for your next doctor’s appointment to help you ask the right questions.

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Measurement Of Scatter/leakage Doses

A phantom study was carried out to measure the scatter/leakage radiations generated during the primary treatment using TLD-700 rods . The scatter/leakage doses were determined for organs at distances more than 10 cm from the field edge. These organs included kidneys, stomach, liver, lungs, thyroid and brain. Locations and extents of the aforementioned organs in the RANDO® phantom were defined by a method using a 3D Cartesian coordinate system . To measure organ doses, TLD rods were inserted into hole coordinates representing the organ centre. The prostate was irradiated according to the treatment plans described in . Doses for phantom irradiation were assigned as follows: 10 Gy of 6 MV photon for IMRT plan, 10 Gy of 10 MV photon for 3D-CRT and 5 Gy of 6 MV photon for CK-SBRT. The imaging system for target tracking in CK-SBRT was turned off during the measurement of scatter/leakage radiations. These measurements allowed the determination of Gy/MU used for the calculation of scatter/leakage doses to out-of-field organs.

What Is Metastatic Cancer

Potential Metastatic Prostate Cancer Biomarker Identified

Cancer that spreads from where it started to a distant part of the body is called metastatic cancer. For many types of cancer, it is also called stage IV cancer. The process by which cancer cells spread to other parts of the body is called metastasis.

When observed under a microscope and tested in other ways, metastatic cancer cells have features like that of the primary cancer and not like the cells in the place where the metastatic cancer is found. This is how doctors can tell that it is cancer that has spread from another part of the body.

Metastatic cancer has the same name as the primary cancer. For example, breast cancer that spreads to the lung is called metastatic breast cancer, not lung cancer. It is treated as stage IV breast cancer, not as lung cancer.

Sometimes when people are diagnosed with metastatic cancer, doctors cannot tell where it started. This type of cancer is called cancer of unknown primary origin, or CUP. See the Carcinoma of Unknown Primary page for more information.

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