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Can Mesothelioma Cause Prostate Cancer

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General Formula For Va Ratings For Prostate Cancer

10 Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

Thee VA rating for prostate cancer generally works like this.

While the veterans prostate cancer is still active in the official language of the VA rating schedule, this means there is local reoccurrence or metastasis of a malignant neoplasm of the genitourinary system he will be rated 100%

Once the veterans prostate cancer goes into remission, the veteran will be rated for voiding dysfunction or renal dysfunction, whichever is predominant.

Benign Asbestos Related Diseases

Studies have found that chronic exposure to asbestos may increase a persons risk of benign asbestos related conditions such as asbestosis as well as various lung and pleural disorders, according to the Agency for

Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. Some of these conditions may be precursors to more serious illnesses like mesothelioma and lung cancer.


There Is Ongoing Health Research Into Whether Asbestos Exposure Can Lead To Bladder Cancer Specifically

Asbestos is a known human carcinogen that can cause a variety of serious illnesses, up to and including different types of cancer. While asbestos exposure is most often associated with mesothelioma, scientists have also linked it other cancers, including cancer of the lungs, ovaries, and esophagus. However, researchers are still struggling to understand the extent of asbestoss dangers. A small body of academic works suggests that asbestos exposure could cause or contribute to urinary bladder cancer.

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Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

There are options for patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. Because of the extensive history of the cancer, studies and research have produced multiple treatment options to control cancerous growth, treat symptoms or simply improve a patients quality of life.

The five most common treatments for prostate cancer include:

  • Watchful waiting: This is the close monitoring of symptoms to see if any changes occur. This is more common in an early-stage diagnosis.
  • Surgery: This option is best reserved for patients who are in good health.
  • Radiation therapy: This treatment option uses radiation to kill cancer cells and slow their growth.
  • Hormone therapy: This can remove specific hormones or block their action in order to control the cancer.
  • Chemotherapy: This involves the use of drugs to kill cancerous cells or stop them from dividing.

When considering the best treatment option, you and your doctor should consider your age and your expected life span, the stage of your cancer, side effects of treatment and any other serious health concerns or conditions that you may have.

It is also possible that you will want to examine the option of more cutting-edge treatments, available through clinical trials.

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What Does All This Mean For Veterans With Prostate Cancer Claims

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This case was a little complicated because of all the side issues of protecting effective dates, using VA forms, etc. So lets boil out the important facts for veterans trying to maximize their VA prostate cancer rating.

#1: Tell the VA every complication of your prostate cancer.

In your original claim for prostate cancer, tell the VA all of the complications of your prostate cancer even before it goes into remission.

You can tell the VA this in three ways: lay evidence, medical evidence, and expert opinions. The best course of action is to use all three tools.

If you use lay evidence, be sure to focus on the frequency, chronicity and severity of your prostate cancer complications and residuals and their impact on your earning capacity. It has been my experience over the last 13 years that lay evidence when done right is the silver bullet in your VA claim or appeal.

You can bolster your lay evidence with medical evidence showing the complications and residuals of your prostate cancer. This isnt technically necessary, but it is incredibly helpful if you can back up what you tell the VA with evidence in your medical records.

And, if you decide to use an expert opinion, present your lay evidence, medical evidence and a copy of your VA claims file being especially sure to include adverse medical opinions to the expert to ensure that his or her opinion is thorough.

#2: Dont let the VA cut you out of an earlier effective date for your prostate cancer ratings.

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Prostate Cancer Due To Toxic Exposure On Military Bases

ByTreven Pyles

Posted on August 12th, 2020

The issue on virtually every military base centers around discharges of hazardous substances derived from military-affiliated activities. The post-exposure effects of heavy metals, flame retardants, and industrial solvents may be associated with changes to the cells in prostate tissue, which can ultimately lead to prostate cancer.

According to the US Department of Defense, over 600 military sites are currently placed on the National Priorities List for clean-up under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act .

Veterans who served on military bases in the United States were exposed to several hazardous, persistent, and harmful chemical compounds used in regular military tasks. Chemical contaminants, including elemental mercury, degreasers, dry-cleaning solvents, and flammable liquids at concentrations much higher than the permitted safety standards, were found at hundreds of current and former U.S. military bases.

How Asbestos Causes Cancer

The truth is: There is no safe level of asbestos exposure, and there never has been.

Asbestos and all commercial forms of asbestos are known to be human carcinogens based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans.

National Toxicology Program, Department of Health and Human Services

When an asbestos-containing product or material is broken, disturbed, or destroyed, asbestos fibers are released into the air around them. If these fibers are breathed in or swallowed, they will enter the body and get stuck.

Asbestos fibers can get trapped inside:

  • One or both lungs
  • The protective lining of the lungs
  • The chest wall or protective abdominal lining
  • The hearts protective lining
  • Other areas of the body, including the larynx and ovaries

Sadly, most people who are exposed to asbestos will not notice or feel any health effects at first. This is because asbestos-related diseases often take a few decades to develop. It typically takes between 20-50 years for cancer to develop after someone was first exposed to the carcinogen.

Early on, asbestos fibers will only cause mild irritation and inflammation. The problem lies in how long this inflammation persists. Asbestos fibers cannot be broken down or removed from the human body. As a result, the damage they inflict only worsens over time.

Asbestos Exposure Time

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Does Prostate Cancer Increase Risk Of Other Cancers

If a guy lives long enough, he will almost certainly develop prostate cancer, which is the most prevalent cancer among males. In general, prostate cancer that manifests beyond age 60 is generally not associated with a higher chance of developing another type of cancer. There are a few exceptions, though.

All cancer survivors have the danger of getting the disease again or getting it again completely. But how do these two concepts vary from one another? A cancer recurrence occurs when the disease returns after it has already been treated. For example, men with prostate cancer who have been declared in remission may later be diagnosed with the disease returning.

Even if it arises in a different part of the body, this form of recurrence will be the same type of cancer that any cancer survivor previously had.A cancer recurrence is distinct from a second cancer.

It is a brand-new form of cancer that develops in a person who has already experienced cancer, and it is entirely distinct from the initial case.

Outcome And Aim Of Studies

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Nine studies shared similar outcomes: To evaluate the incidence of several cancers after any asbestos exposure.3,3,35,37,38,44,48,58,65 Twenty-four studies evaluated mortality from cancer, and 1 other evaluated both incidence and mortality from cancer after asbestos exposure.k One study aimed to determinate risk factors for prostate cancer, inter alia, and specific occupational exposure as asbestos.36

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The Toxic Substances Identified At Us Military Bases Can Increase The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Like all types of cancer, prostate cancer occurs when a normal cell stops functioning properly and begins to grow and divide uncontrollably. While researchers argue that almost all cancers occur due to hereditary and gene defects, it has also been found that ingestion of harmful substances creates a measurable risk for cancer.

There are currently several types of research into the causes, prevention, and treatment of prostate cancer, one of the health conditions linked to prolonged exposure to heavy metals, benzene, toluene, xylene, and styrene, chemicals that are present at hundreds of current and former U.S. military bases.

According to a series of studies, exposure to these toxins at a young age may increase the chance of prostate cancer development in adulthood because it may mimic or interfere with certain hormones in the body, such as estrogen. For example, mercury is an important endocrine disruptor that mimics the effect of estrogens and activates the estrogen receptors, leading to cell proliferation changes, thereby contributing to prostate cancer development and progression.

If you were stationed at one of the targeted military facilities and experience the following symptoms, we strongly advise you to seek medical attention immediately, as you may have developed prostate cancer as a consequence of toxic exposure to different types of contaminants while serving on active duty:

Outcome Measures And Case Definitions

The main outcome measure was the incidence rate ratio of mesothelioma in patients exposed to EBRT compared to patients unexposed to radiotherapy after primary prostate cancer. We also estimated the incidence rate difference of mesothelioma to provide perspective on the absolute magnitude of the risk from EBRT. Due to the small number of extrapleural mesotheliomas in the study population, we focused our main analysis on all cases of mesothelioma, irrespective of cancer site.

We estimated the population attributable fraction , that is, the proportion by which the incidence rate of the outcome in the entire population would be reduced if the exposure was eliminated, to evaluate the role of EBRT in the global mesothelioma epidemic.

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What Should I Do If I Was Exposed To Asbestos

If you know you encountered asbestos, especially over a long period of time, talk to your doctor. The risk of developing mesothelioma is low, but any exposure to asbestos can be harmful.

There is no safe level of exposure, so take any encounter seriously. Talk to your doctor about screening for illnesses, including cancer. If you are not satisfied with the diagnosis or your doctors response, get a second opinion or look for a mesothelioma specialist.

Its also important to talk to your doctor if you worked in an industry with high past asbestos use. Even if you dont think you were exposed, or if you arent sure, its best to be proactive about health screenings.

Is Asbestos Still Around Today

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Today many industrialized countries have completely banned the use of asbestos. While the United States has not completely banned the substance, asbestos use has been limited to certain products. Some of the asbestos-containing materials still in use today include:

  • Textured paints and finishes, like popcorn ceilings

Its not usually possible to identify asbestos by sight unless a material has an asbestos label. You only need to be concerned about asbestos if a material has been disturbed or you plan to do renovation work.

In these situations, you need to contact a certified asbestos professional. They can test the material and either encapsulate the asbestos or safely remove it.

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What Kind Of Cancers Can Asbestos Exposure Cause

ByTreven Pyles

Posted on September 28th, 2016

If you have a history of asbestos exposure, you need to watch out for signs and symptoms of cancer. Around 20% of those who were exposed to asbestos will develop a related disease in the future and, in most cases, the disease will affect the lungs.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer published in 2012 that exposure to asbestos can lead to deadly conditions such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, pleural thickening and several other types of cancers. The growth of abnormal cells usually occurs when healthy cells become damaged after being exposed to a carcinogen.

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What Cancers Does Mesothelioma Cause

The majority of mesotheliomas, a relatively uncommon cancer of the thin membranes lining the chest and abdomen, are caused by asbestos exposure. It can also cause malignancies of the lung, throat, and ovary.

Mesothelioma and lung cancer are brought on by asbestos exposure. Laryngeal cancer and ovarian cancer may also be brought on by asbestos exposure, while mesothelioma and lung cancer are the types of asbestos cancer that are most frequently linked to it.

Asbestos has been linked to four different cancers, including ovarian, lung, laryngeal, and mesothelioma, according to the most recent research from the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

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Lung Cancer Vs Mesothelioma

People may confuse malignant mesothelioma with lung cancer. However, these are two separate types of cancer. Lung cancer is a carcinoma that affects the lung itself.

Is mesothelioma the same as lung cancer?

Mesothelioma is a cancer that attacks the mesothelium tissue that lines the lungs, chest cavity, and other organs in the body. Exposure to asbestos can cause both types of cancer, but it is the only known cause of malignant mesothelioma.

Study Designs And Other Exposure

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Thirty-two studies described a cohort follow-up design, analysing incidence and/or mortality of all cancer in population exposed,2,3,35,3765 and also giving results for prostate cancer. One was a case-control study of risk factors for prostate cancer, with 1 variable consisting of a broad category of occupational exposures without focusing only on asbestos.36 Eighteen studies described an exposure to multiple agents without focusing only on asbestos exposurel .

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How Does Smoking Affect Risk

Many studies have shown that the combination of smoking and asbestos exposure is particularly hazardous. Smokers who are also exposed to asbestos have a risk of developing lung cancer that is greater than the individual risks from asbestos and smoking added together . There is evidence that quitting smoking will reduce the risk of lung cancer among asbestos-exposed workers . Smoking combined with asbestos exposure does not appear to increase the risk of mesothelioma . However, people who were exposed to asbestos on the job at any time during their life or who suspect they may have been exposed should not smoke.

Colon Cancer And Colorectal Cancers

A recent study investigated the link between asbestos and colorectal cancer in 14,515 men. It found asbestos exposure associated with a 14% higher than normal risk of colorectal cancers.

Asbestos and Colorectal Cancer Quick Facts

  • Yearly Cases: 150,000*
  • Asbestos Link: May increase colorectal cancer risk by 14%

*This is an estimate of all colorectal cancer cases, not necessarily asbestos-linked colorectal cancer.

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Ongoing Research Into The Connection Between Asbestos Exposure And Bladder Cancer

Nevertheless, there is some compelling evidence linking asbestos exposure and bladder cancer. In the January 1996 edition of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, Kannio et al determined that:

  • Asbestos exposure could be an independent risk factor for bladder cancer, with analyses indicating that persons with a definite history of asbestos exposure have an almost 3-fold increase in risk for bladder cancer compared to persons with no known history of asbestos exposure.
  • Asbestos exposure could increase the probability of developing bladder cancer in persons with other risk factors, including cigarette smoking and other tobacco use.

So, while asbestos exposure is not a recognized risk factor for bladder cancer, there is some evidence that asbestos exposure couldat the very leastmagnify an individuals lifetime risk for bladder cancer.

Asbestos And Its Dangers What Is Asbestos

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Asbestos and its dangers are now well known, but this wasnt always the case. Among the potential health problems caused by asbestos exposure is mesothelioma, a rare and deadly cancer. Today, asbestos use is restricted in the U.S. but not completely banned, and it can still be found in many places, including older buildings and ships.

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Asbestos Exposure And Urinary Bladder Cancer

Asbestos exposure has been positively correlated to genital cancers, including prostate cancer.

However, scientists have undertaken only limited research on the associations between asbestos exposure and bladder cancer. Only a scarce handful of studies, most published between the 1980s and 1990s, have investigated the possibility of any causative effect. Of these studies, few identified either occupational or environmental asbestos exposure as a plausible risk factor for bladder cancer.

Why Is Asbestos So Dangerous

Asbestos exposure occurs when the tiny fibers pull apart, become airborne, and are inhaled or ingested. Fibers become dust in the air and settle on surfaces. When this happens, anyone in the vicinity is at risk of inhaling or ingesting them.

Materials that legally contain asbestos must have the fibers well encapsulated. This makes them non-friable, so they cannot easily become airborne however, if any of these materials become damaged, there is potential the asbestos will get in the air, and people will become exposed.

Asbestos exposure is so dangerous because the tiny fibers become lodged in body tissue, remaining there for long periods of time. This can ultimately lead to tissue damage, inflammation, and possibly serious health conditions that present symptoms years after initial exposure.

The area of the body most susceptible to fiber lodging is the lungs. The biggest health risks associated with asbestos exposure are respiratory illnesses and cancers.

All types of asbestos are known human carcinogens. This means they can cause cancer after exposure. Exposure to asbestos increases the risk of developing lung cancer and mesothelioma, a rare but aggressive type of cancer. Exposure may also increase the risk of other types of cancer, including gastrointestinal, colorectal, throat, kidney, gallbladder, and esophageal cancers.

Asbestos and Cancer

Other Asbestos Illnesses

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