Friday, July 26, 2024

How Can Prostate Cancer Be Prevented

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Increase Your Vitamin D

How To Prevent Prostate Cancer

Most people dont get enough vitamin D. It can help protect against prostate cancer and many other conditions. Vitamin D-rich foods include cod liver oil, wild salmon and dried shitake mushrooms. Since the sun is a better, more readily available source of vitamin D, many experts recommend getting 10 minutes of sun exposure every day. Doctors often recommend vitamin D supplements. However, you should talk to your doctor before taking any vitamin or supplement.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Research shows that people living with obesity are more likely to develop prostate cancer, in addition to other cancers like colon and breast cancers. This could be because obesity increases inflammation in the body, potentially contributing to cell damage and cancer progression.

The best way to lose weight or ward off extra pounds is through regular exercise and watching what you eat. Research is still ongoing regarding the relationship between obesity and prostate cancer .

Can Medication Prevent Prostate Cancer

Of course, the possibility of a magic prevention pill is an attractive idea. Specifically, scientists have studied finasteride and dutasteridetwo drugs used to treat an enlarged prostateto see if they may be helpful.

These drugs are known as 5-alpha reductase inhibitors and work by blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT, another male sex hormone. DHT triggers prostate growth, and 5-ARIs are often prescribed to help it shrink over time. Because DHT may play a role in cancer development, 5-ARIs are also being studied as a potential prevention tool.

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What Is Prostate Cancer Screening

Cancer screening means looking for cancer before it causes symptoms. The goal of screening for prostate cancer is to find cancer early that may spread if not treated.

There is no standard test to screen for prostate cancer. Two tests that are commonly used to screen for prostate cancer are

  • A blood test called a prostate specific antigen test. PSA is a substance your prostate makes. This test measures the level of PSA in your blood. Your PSA level may be high if you have prostate cancer and for many other reasons, such as having an enlarged prostate, a prostate infection, or taking certain medicines.
  • Digital rectal examination, when a health care provider inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into a mans rectum to feel the prostate for anything abnormal, such as cancer.

Can Prostate Cancer Be Prevented

Home Remedies for Prostate Cancer

Principal investigator Ian Thompson, M.D., sorts out the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trials findings and outlines finasterides risks and benefits

For men diagnosed with prostate cancer, the question of what to do next is probably foremost in their minds. Surgery? Radiation? Wait to see how quickly the tumor grows? But somewhere in the midst of all the soul-searching, many inevitably wonder, Is there anything I could have done to prevent prostate cancer in the first place?

In 1993, a group of researchers embarked on the first large-scale, population-based study to try to find an answer. Nearly 19,000 men, ages 55 and older, enrolled in a seven-year landmark study, dubbed the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial , to determine whether the drug finasteride could prevent prostate cancer. The choice of finasteride, typically prescribed for the relief of urinary symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate, was based on two observations:

  • Male hormones, or androgens, drive the development of prostate cancer. Two common androgens are testosterone and the more powerful dihydrotestosterone .
  • Men deficient in an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase type 2 dont develop an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer. Without 5-alpha-reductase type 2, testosterone cant be converted into DHT, which promotes prostate growth.
  • Because finasteride tamps down 5-alpha-reductase type 2, researchers hypothesized that it would lower DHT levels and help prevent prostate cancer.

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    The Following Have Been Proven Not To Affect The Risk Of Prostate Cancer Or Their Effects On Prostate Cancer Risk Are Not Known:

    Selenium and vitamin E

    The Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial studied whether taking vitamin E and selenium will prevent prostate cancer. The selenium and vitamin E were taken separately or together by healthy men 55 years of age and older . The study showed that taking selenium alone or selenium and vitamin E together did not decrease the risk of prostate cancer.


    It is not known if decreasing fat or increasing fruits and vegetables in the diet helps decrease the risk of prostate cancer or death from prostate cancer. In the PCPT trial, certain fatty acids increased the risk of high-grade prostate cancer while others decreased the risk of high-grade prostate cancer.


    Regular use of multivitamins has not been proven to increase the risk of early or localized prostate cancer. However, a large study showed an increased risk of advanced prostate cancer among men who took multivitamins more than seven times a week.


    Some studies have shown that a diet high in lycopene may be linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer, but other studies have not. It has not been proven that taking lycopene supplements decreases the risk of prostate cancer.

    The Role Of Other Growth Factors

    The involvement of other growth factors and their respective receptors in metastasis of prostate cancer has been extensively investigated, as they are believed to enhance the invasiveness of prostate cancer. So far, the growth factors and growth factor receptors tested were growth differentiation factor 15 , fibroblast growth factor 3, 9, and 19 , chemokine C-X-C motif ligand 1 , galectins, 2-microglobulin, IGF-1, IGF-2, the epidermal growth factor receptor , the hepatocyte growth factor receptor , as well as the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 .

    Apart from that, the role of EGFR/Erb-B2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2 signaling in prostate cancer metastasis into the bone microenvironment has also been enumerated . The study suggested that osteoblast-directed induction of signaling activity involving EGFR and ERBB2 in prostate carcinoma cells might be culpable in bone metastasis. EGFR and ERBB2 activation in LNCaP cells under the influence of osteoblast-derived sarcoma cells has been reported to activate EGFR/ERBB2 signaling pathways in LNCaP cells co-cultured with osteoblastic cells that had been differentiated from human mesenchymal stem cells or OHS cells. This finding supported the rationale for the use of EGFR or ERBB2 inhibitors for prophylaxis or cure of prostate cancer metastasis in the androgen-sensitive stage .

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    What Are The Types Of Prostate Cancer

    Believe it or not, theres more than one kind of prostate cancer. They differ in how quickly and aggressively they grow. Heres the breakdown:

    • Nearly all prostate cancers are known as adenocarcinomas. This type of cancer develops in gland cells. And, more than nine out of 10 prostate cancers are acinar adenocarcinomas. They affect a type of cell called acini.

    Other types of prostate cancer are rare. They include:

    • Small cell carcinoma, a very aggressive cancer which accounts for about 1% of prostate cancers

    • Urothelial carcinoma of the prostate, a deadly, difficult-to-diagnose cancer that accounts for 1% to 4% of prostate cancers

    • Ductal adenocarcinoma, which on its own accounts for less than 1% of prostate cancers, but it can occur with acinar adenocarcinoma

    Prostate Cancer Warning Signs You Should Be Looking Out For

    How to Prevent Prostate Cancer | Ask a Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

    Although prostate cancer is rare before age 40, its important for men of all ages to be aware of its symptoms, because its the second leading cause of cancer deaths in American men. If you recognize the signs early and come in to see Mark J. Kelly, MD, in Santa Monica, California, youll have a much better chance of treating it successfully.

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    Sex To Prevent Prostate Cancer & More Ways To Reduce Your Risk

    In honor of Prostate Awareness Month, we at Lowcountry Male want to raise awareness and share some tips to help prevent this disease. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men, with 1 in 8 men being diagnosed during their lifetime. According to the American Cancer Society, over 200,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed each year.

    So what exactly is prostate cancer and what causes it?

    Although the cause of prostate cancer is unknown, inherited and acquired gene mutations are associated with an increased risk. Additionally, inflammation of the prostate, due to conditions such as enlarged prostate or recurring UTIs, may cause DNA mutations, contributing to the development of prostate cancer in the long run.

    Continue reading to discover the best preventative measures you can take to reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer.

    Drink Coffee And Green Tea

    Research shows that drinking coffee may be beneficial in preventing prostate cancer. While data on this topic is limited, studies have found that heavy coffee drinkers are at a lower risk of advanced or fatal prostate cancer.

    If you dont like coffee, try tea. Green tea is packed with antioxidants called catechins and polyphenols that decrease inflammation and may protect against cancer cell formation. Its always a good idea to check with a healthcare provider or assess your caffeine intake before increasing how much coffee or tea you consume .

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    What Is Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer is the development of cancer in the prostate a small walnut-shaped gland in men that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. A cancerous tumor is a group of cancer cells that can grow into and destroy nearby tissue.

    Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. Usually, prostate cancer grows slowly and is initially confined to the prostate gland, where it may not cause serious harm. However, when it becomes more aggressive, prostate cancer can also spread to other parts of the body.

    Prostate cancer thats detected early when its still limited to the prostate gland has a better chance of successful treatment.

    How To Prevent And Treat Bone Problems

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    Radiation therapy. This treatment shrinks your bone tumors. It can ease your bone pain if your hormone therapy stops working. Your doctor may focus a beam of radiation on a certain spot, or they may inject a radioactive substance into your vein, which kills the prostate cancer cells that absorb it.

    If your prostate cancer hasnt spread beyond your bones, your doctor may consider using the drug radium-223 . It delivers radiation directly to the bone tumors. You get it by injection once a month.

    Surgery. A surgeon can remove a tumor in your bones and then repair the bone with bone cement, pins, screws, plates, rods, or other devices. You may also need surgery to strengthen a broken bone.

    Bisphosphonates. These drugs slow the breakdown of bones, making them stronger. Zoledronic acid can ease pain and delay or prevent breaks in some men with prostate cancer, and can help protect their bones when they are taking hormone therapy.

    Denosumab . This drug can slow the loss of bone. It may also protect your bones when you take hormone therapy.

    Painkillers. Several drugs can help manage your pain, including:

    • Prednisone. This steroid can curb swelling around the cancer in bones.
    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or acetaminophen, which can ease mild pain.
    • Opioids, such as long-acting morphine or fentanyl patches, which you may need if you have severe pain.

    Ask your doctor if you should take calcium and vitamin D supplements.

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    Can A Healthy Lifestyle Reduce My Risk Of Prostate Cancer

    No one knows how to prevent prostate cancer, but a healthy lifestyle may be important.

    The latest research suggests that being overweight may increase your risk of being diagnosed with aggressive or advanced prostate cancer. Eating a healthy, balanced diet and keeping physically active can help you stay a healthy weight, and so might help to lower your risk.

    You cant change your age, ethnicity or family history, but you can take control of your diet and weight.

    Prostate Cancer Caregiver Podcast Series

    We are proud to announce a new podcast series geared toward helping give support, hope and guidance to prostate cancer caregivers. The goal of this Prostate Cancer Caregiver Podcast Series is to help others connect with a diverse group of people who have felt the impact of prostate cancer in their lives and empower them on their journey.

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    Processed And Red Meat

    Eating red and processed meat increases your risk of some types of cancer. We donât know if it increases the risk of prostate cancer. Red meat includes beef, pork, lamb or goat. Processed meat includes ham, bacon and other cured or preserved meats.

    The World Cancer Research Fund recommends eating no more than 500g of cooked red meat per week , and avoiding processed meat. A medium portion of cooked roast beef is usually about 90g and a medium cooked steak is 145g.

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    What Are The Complications Associated With Metastatic Spinal Tumors

    How to Prevent Prostate Cancer

    Some metastatic spinal tumors grow large enough to cause spinal cord compression . Spinal cord compression can cause numbness and weakness in your arms and legs. It can also impair body functions including bladder and bowel control. In severe cases, spinal cord compression can cause paralysis.

    In some cases, a spinal tumor weakens the bone so much that it fractures . Other complications of metastatic spinal tumors may include difficulty with balance or walking, and a decreased ability to feel cold, heat and pain.

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    Things You Cant Change: Age Race And Genes

    Prostate cancer is primarily a disease of aging. As you get older, your chances of developing prostate cancer increase. Race and genetics also play a significant role. If you are African American, your chances of developing prostate cancer are double those of white American men. If your father, brother or multiple blood relatives had prostate cancer, you are more likely to get it, too.

    Preventing prostate cancer might be difficult if you have these risk factors, but screening early and often can help ensure that if you do get cancer, its diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

    What Is The Survival Rate For Prostate Cancer

    Most of the men diagnosed with prostate cancer will not die from it. Other medical conditions along with prostate cancer can cause death.

    Survival rates for men with prostate cancer have increased over the years due to increased screening and treatment options. Ninety-nine percent of men with prostate cancer will survive for a minimum of five years after diagnosis.

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    The Role Of Inflammation

    Acute inflammation is a biological response triggered by harmful stimuli such as infection, trauma, and tissue injury to eliminate the source of damage . The tumor microenvironment is unequivocally linked with inflammation, whether the infiltration of immune cells engages with tumor cells causing inflammation or chronic inflammation promotes the malignant transformation of cells and carcinogenesis .

    In an experiment performed by Morrissey et al., it was found that IL-6 was highly expressed in prostate cancer bone metastases. PC-3 cells inhibited osteoblast activity and induced osteoblast to produce IL-6 that promoted osteoclastogenesis . In addition, a recent study by Roca et al. observed that macrophage-driven efferocytosis induced the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 5 by activating the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 and the nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells signaling. CXCL5-deficient mice had reduced tumor progression. These findings suggested that the myeloid phagocytic clearance of apoptotic cancer cells accelerated CXCL5-mediated inflammation and tumor growth in bone . In summary, findings from available evidence suggest the alleviation of chronic inflammation as a potential therapeutic approach for prostate cancer bone metastases.

    Avoiding Risk Factors And Increasing Protective Factors May Help Prevent Cancer

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    Avoiding cancerrisk factors may help prevent certain cancers. Risk factors include smoking, being overweight, and not getting enough exercise. Increasing protective factors such as quitting smoking and exercising may also help prevent some cancers. Talk to your doctor or other health care professional about how you might lower your risk of cancer.

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    Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer

    Wouldnt it be wonderful if we could prevent prostate cancer? Unfortunately, were not there yetbut we do have an understanding of what measures can be taken to help reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer.

    Precancerous lesions are commonly seen on prostate biopsy many years before the onset of prostate cancer. We also know that theres an increased prevalence of prostate cancer with aging. These facts suggest that the process of developing prostate cancer takes place over a long period of timeoften more than a decadefrom the initial prostate cell mutation to the time when prostate cancer manifests with either a PSA elevation, an acceleration in PSA, or an abnormal digital rectal examination. This means that theres an opportunity for intervention before prostate cancer is established.

    Here are six ways to reduce your risk of prostate cancer :

  • Maintain a healthy weight, since obesity has been correlated with an increased prostate cancer incidence.
  • Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. The smart advice from Michael Pollan. A healthy diet consists of abundant fruits and vegetables and real food, as opposed to processed and refined foods. Eat plenty of red vegetables and fruits including tomato products . Legumes have an anti-inflammatory effect. Consume animal fats and dairy in moderation. Eat fatty fish containing omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna, sardines, trout and mackerel.
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    /6do Not Confuse Symptoms With Urinary Problems

    Prostate cancer causes several urinary symptoms, which include a weak flow, needing to pee more frequently, hesitancy in urination, straining while peeing, etc.. However, not all urinary symptoms mean prostate cancer.

    Some of the other causes of urinary symptoms include urinary tract infection or a bladder infection in men.

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