Friday, July 26, 2024

Dairy Products And Prostate Cancer

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Androgen receptor mediated signaling is required for the proliferation of prostate cancer cells and is a critical receptor for the development and progression of prostate . Prostate cancer is dependent on androgen receptor signaling . The high concentration of steroid hormones present in dairy products may, very probably, be related to the effect these products have on the initiation and promotion of prostate and breast cancer. . Dairy products concentrate hormones as insulin-like growth factor-1 . . In recent years, according to epidemiological evidence, the risk of colon, pancreatic, endometrial, breast, and prostate tumors is associated with high IGF-1 levels and increased IGF/IGF-1R signaling is implicated in all stages of carcinoma progression . On the other hand, according to a recently published review article, the scientific evidence points to the intake of milk and dairy products that meets the recommended nutrients that protect against the most prevalent chronic diseases, however, the evidence for PC is inconsistent . The androgen receptors and the signaling mechanism of rapamycin complex 1 and PI3 kinase-AKT may be key points in the PC. and its dysregulation is common in many human cancers such as prostate, colon, breast and thyroid . The objective of this review of the literature is to evaluate a potential correlation between milk and dairy consumption and the incidence and progression of prostate cancer, given that:

Basic Facts On Prostate Cancer

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Canadian men.1 The risk increases as men get older and it is most often diagnosed in men in their 60s. While there is no known cause, a number of other factors are known to increase the risk of prostate cancer. These include a family history of prostate cancer, black ethnicity and being overweight.

The One Kind Of Dairy Thats Good For Reducing Prostate Cancer Risk

Research shows that eating fermented dairy products, such as yogurt, Greek yogurt, sour cream, kefir and the like, could actually lower the risk of prostate cancer.

Fermented dairy is milk or cream that has been cultured using bacterial strains like Lactobacillus. Some products, like kefir, are fermented with both bacterial strains and yeast, like you would use to make bread or beer.

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Fermentation adds probiotics, good bacteria that benefit your gut health, to the milk or cream. Having a well-balanced gut microbiome has been shown to reduce the risk of many kinds of cancer, including prostate.

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How Do Milk And Dairy Products Decrease Bowel Cancer Risk

There is good evidence that dairy products decrease the risk of bowel cancer. This includes milk and cheese.

Dairy products contain proteins and vitamins that are important for your health. This includes calcium which is important for strong bones. And high calcium content could be one way dairy products decrease bowel cancer risk.

Dairy alternatives , can also contain these important proteins and vitamins. Try to choose products with added with added calcium and B12.

Dairy-alternatives have important health benefits. But we need more research to know for sure if they can also reduce risk of bowel cancer.

Low fat, low sugar dairy or dairy-alternatives make up a part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Milk And Prostate Cancer How Are They Linked

If drinking milk is linked to prostate cancer, then how can you ...
  • Cancer Research
  • Dr Sarah Lewis is the principal investigator of our mechanisms research project at the University of Bristol and she has led several projects funded by our grant programme.

    Many studies have suggested that drinking large amounts of milk may increase the risk of prostate cancer. However, these studies are prone to errors because its not always easy to accurately measure milk intake. It is also possible that other dietary or lifestyle factors that are different amongst men who consume large amounts of milk might be linked to prostate cancer, instead of milk itself.

    To help us better understand the potential link between milk and prostate cancer, we explored the biological mechanisms that could explain this relationship.

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    Dairy Product Saturated Fatty Acid And Calcium Intake And Prostate Cancer In A Prospective Cohort Of Japanese Men

    Requests for reprints:

  • Version of Record April 8 2008
  • Norie Kurahashi, Manami Inoue, Motoki Iwasaki, Shizuka Sasazuki, and Shoichiro Tsugane, for the Japan Public Health CenterBased Prospective Study Group Dairy Product, Saturated Fatty Acid, and Calcium Intake and Prostate Cancer in a Prospective Cohort of Japanese Men. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1 April 2008 17 : 930937.

    How To Reduce Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer

    Milk is not the only culprit for elevated prostate cancer risk. Many other lifestyle factors do play a role.

    But, this is also a disease of aging. Meaning the older you get, the bigger your chances of having it. What you can do is change your lifestyle and diet.

    Its essential to increase your fruit intake and give the body the necessary vitamins and nutrients. Include a wide range of products that offer notable health benefits for prostate health.

    For example, cauliflower and broccoli are cruciferous veggies that feature sulforaphane. This is a compound that could protect against prostate carcinoma.

    Eating whole-grain products can also prove useful for the prostate. Whole-grain breads and cereals might curb prostate cancer risk and progression. Maintaining a healthy body weight can decrease the odds of having cancer and other health problems.

    Thats why many experts are suggesting regular physical activity and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. Smoking and heavy alcohol intake are other habits to steer clear of, as they can harm prostate health. To give your body all the protection it needs, getting enough vitamin D might also help.

    Vitamin D comes from sun exposure and foods. Vitamin D foods include dried shitake mushrooms, wild salmon, and cod liver oil. You can also find it in supplements. Talk to a specialist if you need to replenish your vitamin D intake.

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    Drinking Milk Increases Prostate Cancer Risk For Men By 60 Percent Study Finds

    Men who regularly consume dairy, particularly milk, compared to those who abstain from it, could be at approximately a 60-percent higher risk of developing prostate cancer, according to a new study. Published in the scientific journal The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the study was conducted by researchers at Loma Linda University who were interested in investigating links between diet and prostate cancer.

    Since 2001, researchers have been monitoring the health of 28,737 Seventh-day Adventist men in the United States and Canada. The cohort study examined the dietary habits of these men over a period of five years and monitored their health throughout. Researchers used the state cancer registries to find that at the end of the study, 1,254 participants had developed prostate cancer.

    The researchers analyzed participants based on their intake of non-dairy calcium and compared them based on the amount of dairy they consumed. The study found that men who consumed 430 grams of dairy per day faced a 25-percent increased risk of prostate cancer compared to men who consumed 20.2 grams of dairy per day . When the highest dairy intake group was compared to the men who consumed zero dairy, that risk was much higher. The type of milkfull fat versus low fatwas not linked to significant variation in prostate cancer risk.

    Its About The Whole Diet

    Dairy and Cancer

    Its not wise to judge any diet by a single food group or nutrient. A healthy diet overall should be the goal.

    That being said, milk, cheese and yoghurt are included in Australias Dietary Guidelines because of evidence linking them with a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, bowel cancer and excess weight. These dairy products are also sources of protein, calcium, iodine, several of the B complex vitamins, and zinc.

    Evidence about dairy products and prostate cancer remains uncertain. So before fussing about whether to skip milk, cheese and yoghurt, men who wish to reduce their risk of prostate cancer would be better advised to lose any excess weight. Rosemary Stanton

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    Should I Be Worried About Casein And Hormones In Milk

    Casein is the main protein in milk. There is no strong evidence to show this causes cancer in humans.

    Dairy products do contain some hormones. But the amount is very small compared to what the body makes naturally. There is no strong evidence to show that hormones in milk could go on to cause cancer.

    Some countries use a hormone called bovine somatotrophin to speed up or increase the production of milk or meat. But in the UK and the rest of Europe, there is a ban on farmers using this hormone. This ban is on animal welfare grounds, not because there is any proven effect on human health.

    The Food Standards Agency regulates the content of dairy products, including milk. This set of standards makes sure these products are safe to eat and drink.

    Small Risk Common Cancer

    The researchers reviewed 12 studies, conducted between 1966 and 2005, which examined dairy and calcium intake and prostate cancer incidence.

    They report that men who ate the most dairy products had an 11% increase in prostate cancer risk compared with men who ate the fewest. Men with the highest intake of calcium were 39% more likely to develop prostatecancer than men with the lowest.

    The risk increases reported in the studies were modest. But an author of the latest work tells WebMD that it is potentially significant because prostate cancer is so common.

    Prostate cancer is the most widely diagnosed cancer among American men. According to the American Cancer Society, one out of six men will develop the disease. One out of 34 men will die from the disease.

    “Even though the risk is small, this could be a big problem,” says Xiang Gao, PhD. Gao conducted the analysis while at Tufts University’s Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.

    “I think the new dairy guidelines are good for young people who need calcium, but they may not be appropriate for older men.”

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    ‘we Would Not Encourage Anyone To Avoid Or Increase Intake Of Certain Foods As A Result Of This Study’

    Dr David Montgomery, Director of Research at Prostate Cancer UK, too suggested that age, weight and ethnicity were the main risk factors associated with prostate cancer. This paper has reviewed some of the previous studies which looked at whether certain foods have an impact on prostate cancer risk. The previous studies are of variable quality and have not consistently taken account of other factors beyond diet that could impact the results. We would not encourage anyone to avoid or increase intake of certain foods as a result of this study,” he told FoodNavigator.

    What we do know is that being overweight may increase your risk of being diagnosed with aggressive or advanced prostate cancer. Eating a healthy, balanced diet and keeping physically active can help you stay a healthy weight, and so might help to lower your risk. The main risk factors that men should be mindful of include being over 50, of black ethnicity, or having a family history of the disease, and anyone who has concerns about their risk should discuss this with their GP.”

    Are Dairy Foods A Prostate Cancer Risk


    Is it true that men who consume a lot of milk and cheese are at high risk of prostate cancer? What kind of diet would lower a mans risk?

    Andrew Weil, M.D. |December 26, 2019

    Research from the Mayo Clinic published in November suggests that eating a lot of dairy products appears to increase the risk of prostate cancer. The researchers noted that prostate cancer rates are lower in Asian countries where dairy consumption is low. The good news from the same investigation is that plant-based diets seem to lower risk of the disease. To arrive at these conclusions the researchers reviewed 47 studies published since 2006 that contained dietary information from more than one million men.

    The lifetime risk of prostate cancer in the U.S. is 11.6 percent. It is the most common type of cancer among men, responsible for more than 30,000 deaths a year. Only lung cancer causes more male cancer deaths in the U.S. Fortunately, most prostate cancers are slow growing. Almost 90 percent of men diagnosed with the disease live at least five years, and 63 percent survive more than 10 years.

    One of the problems with this type of research is that when asked about diet, participants may not accurately recall what theyve consumed in the past. Some make mistakes and others report eating more healthfully than they actually did. Another issue is whether the risk is more influenced by a mans current diet or what he ate when he was younger.

    Andrew Weil, M.D.

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    Connection Between Dairy Consumption And Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer, which affects roughly 175,000 men in the United States each year, is the second leading cause of cancer death in men.

    And like many cancers, diet plays a major role in the development of prostate cancer

    Researchers recently combed through the published data on the connections between diet and prostate cancer. The data revealed that dairy, more than other animal-based foods, is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer.

    And, conversely, a plant-based diet was associated with either an unchanged or a decreased risk of prostate cancer.

    As this was a review of the scientific literature and not an individual study, the researchers offered no conclusions as to why this might be.

    But another study, this one published in the July 2019 issue of the journal Nutrients, stated that milk intake may increase proliferation of cancer cells through elevated insulin-like growth factor-I , which is linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer.

    The data is there: too much milk and cheese can increase a mans risk of prostate cancer. But not all dairy is created equal, as far as prostate cancer risk goes

    Assessment Of Calcium Intake And Other Factors

    The 1988 questionnaire assessed diet using an abbreviated version of a validated semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire . Men indicated their usual daily intake of seven different dairy products using pre- specified responses ranging from almost never to six or more times per day. On the original, longer version of the questionnaire, 13 dairy items were assessed. However, we believe our assessment of calcium intake using the seven items s reasonably valid. While we did not directly validate our 7-item questionnaire against the longer questionnaire, a previous study that assessed fewer items milk , cheese and ice cream was able to account for 82% of the variation in calcium consumption in male physicians .

    We estimated calcium intake in mgday1 based on the frequency of consumption of each dairy product and the calcium composition of specified portions of each dairy product, using data from the . In addition to dairy products, we asked alumni about use of calcium supplements .

    From the 1988 questionnaire, we also obtained information on potential confounders, including weight, height, physical activity, cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, and paternal history of prostate cancer.

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    Could It Be Vitamin D

    In earlier research, a link between milk and prostate cancer has been attributed to a high calcium intake, possibly changing the production of a particular form of vitamin D within the body.

    Vitamin D is an important regulator of cell growth and proliferation, so scientists believed it may lead to prostate cancer cells growing unchecked. But the evidence on this is limited, and the review adds little to this hypothesis.

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    Perhaps the reviews most surprising omission is mention of the World Cancer Research Fund Continuous Update Project report on prostate cancer. This rigorous global analysis of the scientific literature identified much stronger risk factors that should be considered as possible confounding factors.

    For example, the evidence is rated as strong that being overweight or obese, and being tall , are associated with increased risk of prostate cancer. The exact reasons for this are not fully understood but could be especially significant in Australia where 74% of men are overweight or obese.

    A new Australian study found a higher body mass index was a risk factor for aggressive prostate cancer.

    For dairy products and diets high in calcium, according to the WCRF, the evidence remains limited.

    Read more:Why full-fat milk is now OK if you’re healthy, but reduced-fat dairy is still best if you’re not

    Other Studies Linking Dairy To Prostate Cancer

    Reduce Your Risk of Prostate Cancer Dramatically: Is Dairy Really Worth It?

    Other studies have also suggested the link between dairy and prostate cancer. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine says: A 2016 meta-analysis of 11 different studies showed that men consuming the most milk products had a 43% higher risk of dying of prostate cancer, compared with men who generally avoided dairy products.

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    Breast Cancer Risk And Dairy

    There is no good, consistent evidence that milk and dairy products can cause breast cancer.

    Some studies have found that dairy might increase the risk of breast cancer. Whilst others have found it may decrease breast cancer risk. We need more high-quality studies to understand whether there is a link.

    The best thing you can do is to eat a healthy, balanced diet.

    Eligibility And Exclusion Criteria

    The research was elaborated according to the following eligibility criteria: Inclusion of review articles and systematic reviews, published in the last 5 years, that restricted research to the human species, male adults, as a target population and also delimiting the research Cancer awareness. All articles were manually analyzed and eligible studies should show association between consumption of dairy products, PC and mTORC1 and/or IGF. Those whose content, despite including MeSH terms defined, deviated from the objective of this review of the literature, because they were out of the subject or because they were repeated. Eligible articles are included in this review of the literature.

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