Bladder And Urinary Troubles
A prostate tumor that has grown significantly in size may start to press on your bladder and urethra. The urethra is the passage the carries urine from your bladder out of your body. If the tumor is pressing on your urethra, you might have trouble passing urine.
One of the common areas for prostate cancer to spread to is the bladder, because the two organs are close. This can cause additional problems with urination and bladder function.
Some symptoms your bladder and urethra are being affected by cancer include:
- urinating more frequently
- getting up in the middle of the night to pee
- having blood in your urine or semen
- feeling like you have to urinate often and not actually passing anything
Its not as common, but prostate cancer can also spread to your bowel. The cancer first spreads to the rectum, which is the part of your bowel closest to the prostate gland.
Symptoms of cancer thats spread to the bowels include:
- stomach pain
What Should I Watch Out For
Symptoms of BPH fall into 2 categories. Those caused by pressure on your urethra are called obstructive. The others start in your bladder.
Some of the obstructive symptoms include:
- Trouble starting to urinate
- You have to stop and restart several times
- Pee dribbles out at the end
If BPH causes changes in your bladder, it may include these signs:
- You suddenly feel a strong need to urinate. Doctors call this âurgency.â
- You have to pee more than 8 times a day. This is called âfrequency.â
- Even after you go, you feel as though your bladder is not empty.
- You wake up often in the night to relieve yourself. This is called ânocturia.â
Severe Hemorrhoid Pain After Bowel Movement
If you have severe hemorrhoid pain after a bowel movement, it may be a cause for concern. It is important to note that hemorrhoid pain can be severe, even if there isnt a serious problem.
When it comes to hemorrhoids, pain depends on the severity of your hemorrhoid and your tolerance for pain.
If you experience hemorrhoid pain that is breathtaking or causes you to pass out, its definitely time to talk to your physician.
In some cases, hemorrhoids can become thrombosed. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are extremely painful and should be checked by a healthcare provider.
When a blood clot develops in the vein, called thrombosis, hemorrhoids can become extremely painful. In addition to thrombosed hemorrhoids, strangulated hemorrhoids can also cause severe pain.
These occur when the blood supply to an internal hemorrhoid is cut off. Both thrombosed and strangulated hemorrhoids are not generally a life-threatening condition, but dealing with the pain of them can be frustrating.
The good news is that hemorrhoids are a common condition. If you are worried about how hemorrhoids affect your bowel movements, you now know that there is almost always a solution. If you have increase difficulty passing stool because of your hemorrhoids, call your healthcare provider for a consultation.
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Changes In Lavatory Habits
Among the first signs of prostate cancer are changes in urination or defecation habits. Thats because as the prostate gland tumor grows, it may press against the bladder and urethra. Depending on the tumors size and location, it could cause:
- Frequent urination, especially sudden urges at night
- Slow, interrupted or inconsistent stream of urine
- Loss of bladder and/or bowel control
- Burning, stinging or other pain during urination
- Blood in urine
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Is Further Treatment Needed
In the years after your surgery, it is important to continue having a rectal examination once a year and to have any symptoms checked by your doctor.
Since surgery for BPH leaves behind a good part of the gland, it is still possible for prostate problems, including BPH, to develop again. However, surgery usually offers relief from BPH for at least 15 years. Only 10 percent of the men who have surgery for BPH eventually need a second operation for enlargement. Usually these are men who had the first surgery at an early age.
Sometimes, scar tissue resulting from surgery requires treatment in the year after surgery. Rarely, the opening of the bladder becomes scarred and shrinks, causing obstruction. This problem may require a surgical procedure similar to transurethral incision . More often, scar tissue may form in the urethra and cause narrowing. The doctor can solve this problem during an office visit by stretching the urethra.
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What Causes Penile Discharge That Is Not A Std
Male discharge that has a non-STD cause may be a variation of normal discharge, or it could be a sign of an infection that requires treatment. In this article, we look at the non-STD causes of penile discharge and explain when to see a doctor. 1. Pre-ejaculate A person may produce pre-ejaculate during arousal.
Symptoms Of An Enlarged Prostate
Because the prostate is positioned so close to the bladder, penis and rectum, most disorders which cause enlargement of the prostate share several basic symptoms. These include:
- An urgent, at times uncontrollable, need to urinate, which may lead to incontinence if the person canât make it to the bathroom in time
- Trouble urinating
- Sexual problems and loss of sex drive
- Postcoital pain
In the case of prostate cancer there may be no immediate symptoms, or there may be urinary symptoms like those listed above. In addition, there may be symptoms such as:
- Hematuria or blood in semen
- New onset of erectile dysfunction
- Back, especially lower back, hip or pelvic pain
- Unexplained weight loss
Good to know: A lot of the urinary symptoms above could also be caused by diabetes or may be related to the use of certain medications. If any of these symptoms are detected, it is of paramount importance that a physician is consulted and the cause diagnosed, so that appropriate next steps can be taken.
Worried you may have an enlarged prostate? Start your free symptom assessment in the Ada app.
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Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome
Just as IBS can cause prostatitis, so prostatitis can cause IBS. Chronic pelvic pain syndrome , a longstanding and habitual tightening of the pelvic muscles due to stress, can cause both conditions 1. Doctors are just beginning to research CPPS as a cause for the overlapping symptoms of prostatitis and IBS. The early findings from a study by Dr. David Wise at Stanford University are that a program of stretching, massage and relaxation exercises can all be beneficial in CPPS management. Before going on medications or electing to undergo surgery, ask your doctor whether CPPS might be the cause of your discomfort.
- Just as IBS can cause prostatitis, so prostatitis can cause IBS.
- Doctors are just beginning to research CPPS as a cause for the overlapping symptoms of prostatitis and IBS.
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Symptoms Of Enlarged Prostate
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or BPH, is the enlargement of the prostate gland. About half of men over age 75 will experience symptoms of BPH. BPH is a very minor condition and is not related to prostate cancer. However, symptoms can cause discomfort and be inconvenient.
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What Are The Diseases That Cause The Prostate To Enlarge
There are at least seven diseases affecting the prostate.
Prostatitis And Other Pelvic Problems
The prostate, a small male gland located between the testes and the rectum, can cause a lot of problems, from prostatitis to cancer. Cancer is easy to diagnose but hard to treat prostatitis is elusive because it has such a wide range of symptoms and no known cause. Prostatitis can cause pelvic pain, urologic concerns such as frequent urges to urinate, a weak or interrupted stream, and even blood in the urine. Sexual symptoms may include erectile dysfunction and pain during intercourse. Prostate problems may also cause irritable bowel syndrome , because the irritated prostate may in turn aggravate the nerves that affect the lower digestive tract.
If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.
- The prostate, a small male gland located between the testes and the rectum, can cause a lot of problems, from prostatitis to cancer.
- Prostatitis can cause pelvic pain, urologic concerns such as frequent urges to urinate, a weak or interrupted stream, and even blood in the urine.
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Can Anal Sex Lead To Orgasm
Anal sex can lead to orgasm, but that doesnt have to be the intended outcome. Anal sex can just be a fun way to play.
For some people, the anus is an erogenous zone. So even just a little play can be a turn on. The anus is also full of sensitive nerve endings, so its very receptive to sexual stimulation. For the insertive partner, the tightness around the penis can be pleasing as well.
Anal sex also stimulates the prostate gland in men, which can enhance a mans orgasm. For women, clitoral stimulation may be necessary during anal sex to reach climax, but not every woman will reach orgasm this way. Oral or vaginal sex may be necessary to reach climax.
Treatment For Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
Treatment for benign prostate hyperplasia can involve:
- Lifestyle changes, such as limiting a night-time consumption of liquids, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, avoiding medication such as diuretics, decongestants and antihistamines and getting more exercise, as well as dietary improvements, such as eating more fibre, avoiding artificial sweeteners and sweetened beverages.
- Medication, such as alpha-blockers or 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors.
- Interventions, such as the Urolift]® system, a non-surgical proprietary device that uses tiny implants to lift the prostate away from the urethra and thereby relieve BPH symptoms that result from pressure on the urethra.
- Surgical procedures, such as a prostatectomy , transurethral microwave thermotherapy , prostate laser, and Transurethral Resection of the Prostate .
- Herbal prostate treatments, such as saw palmetto extract. Saw palmetto extract is made from the fruit of the saw palmetto, which is native to the southeast and Gulf coasts of North America and may potentially assist in reducing urinary frequency and increasing urinary flow.
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Avoiding Medications That Aggravate Symptoms
Men with BPH should avoid any medications for colds and allergies that contain decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine . Such drugs, known as adrenergics, can worsen urinary symptoms by preventing muscles in the prostate and bladder neck from relaxing to allow urine to flow freely. Antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine , can also slow urine flow in some men with BPH.
Diuretics are drugs that increase urine production by the kidneys. They are often used to treat high blood pressure. If you take a diuretic, you may want to talk to your doctor about reducing the dosage or switching to another type of drug. No one should stop taking a diuretic without medical supervision.
Other Drugs
Other drugs that may worsen symptoms are certain antidepressants and drugs used to treat spasticity.
What Is The Main Cause Of Prostate
On a basic level, prostate cancer is caused by changes in the DNA of a normal prostate cell. DNA is the chemical in our cells that makes up our genes, which control how our cells function. We usually look like our parents because they are the source of our DNA. But DNA affects more than just how we look.
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Can Enlarge Prostrate Cause Bowel Obstructions
However, it is not impossible , since a very massively enlarged bladder due to enlarged prostate can cause bowel obstruction. But, this is very very rare finding. Usually, symptoms of enlarged prostate include weak urine stream, Hesitancy starting urine stream, Incomplete voiding sensation, Urinary Retention.
What Are The Symptoms Of Prostatitis
These are the most common symptoms of prostatitis:
- Need to urinate often
- Pain in your lower back or pelvis
- Discharge through the urethra during bowel movements
- Erectile dysfunction or loss of sex drive
- Throbbing sensations in the rectal or genital area
The symptoms of prostatitis may look like other medical conditions or problems. Always see your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.
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Trauma To Anus And Rectum
Trauma or injury to the anus or rectum could occur due to several reasons. Some common causes of trauma include scratching and vigorous wiping or washing of the anal area. These actions can cause injury even in the rectum. Colonoscopy can also cause some irritation in the rectum. This irritation may persist for some time after the procedure. Other potential causes of rectal trauma include rough insertion of anal suppository and anal intercourse.
Signs And Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer
Most prostate cancers are found early, through screening. Early prostate cancer usually causes no symptoms. More advanced prostate cancers can sometimes cause symptoms, such as:
- Problems urinating, including a slow or weak urinary stream or the need to urinate more often, especially at night
- Blood in the urine or semen
- Trouble getting an erection
- Pain in the hips, back , chest , or other areas from cancer that has spread to bones
- Weakness or numbness in the legs or feet, or even loss of bladder or bowel control from cancer pressing on the spinal cord
Most of these problems are more likely to be caused by something other than prostate cancer. For example, trouble urinating is much more often caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia , a non-cancerous growth of the prostate. Still, its important to tell your health care provider if you have any of these symptoms so that the cause can be found and treated, if needed. Some men might need more tests to check for prostate cancer.
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Management Of Bowel Dysfunction
Short of treating individual symptoms as needed, there are few, if any, treatment options for bowel dysfunction following radiation therapy. Laser therapy can stop rectal bleeding caused by radiation. Anti-diarrheal agents can help with loose bowel movements. Increasing fiber intake through whole grains, fruits and vegetables, or fiber supplements can also help.Avoiding foods that might irritate the gastrointestinal tract is important, but complete elimination of fibrous, bulky foods can lead to constipation and straining, which in turn can exacerbate rectal bleeding.
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Symptoms Of Benign Prostate Enlargement
The prostate is a small gland, located in the pelvis, between the penis and bladder.
If the prostate becomes enlarged, it can place pressure on the bladder and the urethra, which is the tube that urine passes through.
This can affect how you pee and may cause:
- difficulty starting to pee
- a frequent need to pee
- difficulty fully emptying your bladder
In some men, the symptoms are mild and do not need treatment. In others, they can be very troublesome.
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Prostate Cancer & Treatment
The prostate is a male reproductive gland that produces a fluid found in semen. Located below the bladder and in front of the rectum, the prostate surrounds the urethra the tube that empties urine from the bladder.
Prostate cancer affects the prostate gland and may spread to surrounding structures. While most men with prostate cancer have no symptoms, physician can find prostate cancer during a regular checkup, using a combination of a blood test called a PSA and a digital rectal exam .
Nearly one in six American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. With greater awareness, prostate cancer detection is on the rise and mortality is declining. Moreover, better treatments are allowing more men to return to active and productive lives after treatment.
Prostate cancer is a common type of cancer among American men. It is most common among African American men. Treatment for prostate cancer works best when the disease is found early.
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More Information About Prostatitis
The following is an English-language resource that may be useful. Please note that THE MANUAL is not responsible for the content of this resource.
Prostatitis Foundation: This organization provides access to relevant publications , patient testimonials, a list of providers who treat prostatitis in the United States and the United Kingdom, and access to third-party prostatitis-based web sites in French, Swedish, and Italian.
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About Half Of Men Older Than 50 Have An Enlarged Prostate Here Are Some Of The Basic Facts You Need To Know About This Common Condition
As men age, many experience prostate gland enlargement. This condition is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia .
The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the hollow tube that carries urine out of the body. When the prostate gets bigger, it can squeeze or partially block the urethra, which leads to problems urinating.
BPH is quite common in older men. In fact, the condition impacts about 50% of men between the ages of 51 and 60. For men 80 and older, the prevalence of BPH is approximately 90%, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.