Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can Lack Of Ejaculation Cause Prostatitis

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What Are The Different Types Of Prostatitis

Chronic Prostatitis (Prostate Inflammation) | Causes, Treatment & Symptoms

In an effort to standardize terminology, the National Institutes of Health proposes dividing prostatitis into four main categories: Acute bacterial prostatitis ; chronic bacterial prostatitis ; chronic bacterial prostatitis , which is subdivided into inflammatory and non-inflammatory prostatitis ; and asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis . Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland.

  • Acute infectious prostatitis: This may be caused by a bacteria or virus. The symptoms come on suddenly and may be severe. They include fever and chills, low back pain, frequent and painful urination, decreasing or less forceful urinary stream and urinary retention .
  • Chronic infectious prostatitis: This also may be caused by bacteria. Stress, caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol may worsen the condition. Symptoms may include repeat bladder infections, frequent urination, and pain in the lower abdomen or low back.
  • Noninfectious prostatitis: This form of prostatitis is not caused by bacteria and therefore antibiotics are not helpful. This is the most common type of prostatitis. It may be exacerbated by stress and/or irregular sexual activity. Stress may cause the pelvis muscles to tighten and cause pain. Increased pressure during voiding may cause urine to back up into the ducts resulting in a form of chemical prostatitis. The prostate gland produces fluid for semen and infrequent ejaculation may cause the ducts to become clogged with secretions.

Can Kidney Stones Affect Your Prostate

Every year more than 500,000 people seek emergency care for kidney stones. Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that form within the kidneys when your body is not properly filtering waste and excess water. Kidney stones will eventually exit your body through the urinary tract. Kidney stones typically do not cause symptoms until they start to pass through the urinary tract. When kidney stones pass, it can be extremely painful and cause complications like blockages of the urinary tract, blood in the urine, and problems with the prostate. Were taking a closer look at how kidney stones can affect your prostate.

What Is The Difference Between Kidney Stones And Prostate Stones

Kidney stones are solid stones made of minerals that form within the kidneys when your body is having difficulty filtering excess water and waste. Kidney stones affect both men and women and can result in sudden, severe pain in the abdomen, side, or lower back, a burning sensation when you urinate, and problems with urination.

Prostate stones are poppy seed-sized stones that form within the prostate. Only men can have prostate stones. Some men may experience lower back pain or pain in the penis or perineum. Typically, prostate stones do not cause any problems or symptoms. However, if prostate stones become infected, it can lead to urinary tract infections or prostatitis.

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Doctor Does Too Much Sex Enlarge The Prostate

Prostate cancer is the commonest cancer in men. There are concerns on whether frequent sex contributes to the development of prostate enlargement in general and especially in the evolvement of prostate cancer.

The prostate gland is an important part of the male reproductive system. It is a major contributor to the formation of the seminal fluid that comes with ejaculation at the peak of sexual intercourse in males.

It produces nourishing materials, especially the sugary fructose, for the wellbeing of sperm cells. It is located just below the bladder where urine is stored, and in front of the rectum the last portion of the large intestine where the feces is stored.

Prostate enlargement: 100 for 100

In anatomical relationship, the prostate surrounds the tube that drains the urine from the urinary bladder, just as the tube is leaving the bladder.

A point of fact is that the prostate gland is destined to enlarge in all men as they get older, albeit at different rates in men of different extractions. Anyhow it goes, it is estimated with corroborative findings on autopsy that all men who lived up to 100 years had enlarged prostate a case of 100 for 100!

The good thing however is that most prostate enlargements are usually of no clinical consequence and are not problematic or symptomatic to the affected men since the prostate growth are mostly non-cancerous and non-strangulating.

When To See A Doctor

Why Do Men Suffer from Premature Ejaculation?

It is normal to have problems ejaculating from time to time. People who can ejaculate occasionally are unlikely to need medical treatment. Those who intentionally avoid ejaculation also do not need further healthcare.

It is worth seeing a doctor if the problem is due to sexual dysfunction. For example, people who regularly experience issues or are unable to ejaculate at all should consult a healthcare professional.

Many causes of sexual dysfunction are psychological. Talking to a partner about these problems is one way to address these issues. A mental health professional can also help.

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Psa For African Americans


  • ^Morgan TO, Jacobsen SJ, McCarthy WF, Jacobson DJ, McLeod DG, Moul JW. Age-specific reference ranges for serum prostate-specific antigen in black men. N Engl J Med 1996;335:304-310
  • ^Veda N. Giri, Brian Egleston, Karen Ruth, Robert G. Uzzo, David Y.T. Chen, Mark Buyyounouski, Susan Raysor, Stanley Hooker, Jada Benn Torres, Teniel Ramike, Kathleen Mastalski, Taylor Y. Kim, and Rick Kittles. Race, Genetic West African Ancestry, and Prostate Cancer Prediction by Prostate-Specific Antigen in Prospectively Screened High-Risk Men. Cancer Prev Res, 2009.
  • What Is The Prostate

    The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that is part of the male reproductive system. The main function of the prostate is to make a fluid that goes into semen. Prostate fluid is essential for a mans fertility. The gland surrounds the urethra at the neck of the bladder. The bladder neck is the area where the urethra joins the bladder. The bladder and urethra are parts of the lower urinary tract. The prostate has two or more lobes, or sections, enclosed by an outer layer of tissue, and it is in front of the rectum, just below the bladder. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. In men, the urethra also carries semen out through the penis.

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    Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

    In its early stages, prostate cancer doesnt necessarily cause symptoms. Men with prostate cancer might experience some of the following symptoms:

    • needing to pee frequently or suddenly
    • finding it difficult to pee, including trouble getting started or maintaining a strong or steady flow
    • feeling like you havent completely emptied your bladder after going to the toilet
    • pain, burning or discomfort when peeing
    • blood in pee or semen
    • or pain in the lower back, upper thighs, hips or chest
    • feelings of weakness or numbness in the legs or feet
    • unexplained weightloss
    • feeling tired, short of breath or dizzy
    • a rapid heart beat
    • pale skin.

    Youll notice a lot of these symptoms are similar to symptoms of other conditions, including an enlarged prostate or prostatitis, which is why its important to always see your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms or changes.

    Causes Of Premature Ejaculation


    Various psychological and physical factors can cause a man to suddenly experience premature ejaculation.

    Common physical causes include:

    • stress
    • relationship problems
    • anxiety about sexual performance

    It’s possible, but less common,;for a man to have always experienced premature ejaculation since becoming sexually active. A number of possible causes for this are:

    • conditioning it’s possible that early sexual experiences can influence future sexual behaviour. For example, if a teenager conditions himself to ejaculate quickly to avoid being caught masturbating, it may later be difficult to break the habit
    • a traumatic sexual experiencefrom childhood ;this can range from being caught masturbating to sexual abuse
    • a strict upbringing and beliefs about sex
    • biological reasons some men may find their penis is extra sensitive

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    What We Dont Know

    While research is promising, thereâs still a lot scientists need to learn. Some things to consider:

    • Thereâs no proof that ejaculating more actually causes lower chances of prostate cancer. For now, doctors just know theyâre connected. It may be that men who do it more tend to have other healthy habits that are lowering their odds.
    • Ejaculation doesnât seem to protect against the most deadly or advanced types of prostate cancer. Experts donât know why.
    • Scientists donât know if ejaculation during sex vs. masturbation has the same benefits. Some research has found that the makeup of semen is different for each. For example, semen during sex has higher levels of sperm and some chemicals. Itâs possible that these could make a difference in a manâs odds of having prostate cancer.
    • Not all studies have found a benefit. The 2016 study got attention because of its size and length . But some smaller studies have not shown the same good results. A few even found that some men, specifically younger men, who masturbated more had slightly higher chances of prostate cancer. Some researchers wonder if a manâs age may affect whether more ejaculation helps.

    How Are Bacterial Forms Of Prostatitis Managed Or Treated

    Antibiotics can kill bacteria that cause bacterial types of prostatitis. Men with acute bacterial prostatitis may need 14 to 30 days of antibiotics, starting with IV antibiotics in the hospital. Rarely, men need surgery to drain an abscess on the prostate.

    Treating chronic bacterial prostatitis is challenging. You may need up to three months of antibiotics to sterilize the prostate. If the prostate cant be sterilized, low-dose antibiotics can be used long term to prevent recurrences. Some men need surgery to remove prostate stones or scar tissue in the urethra. Rarely, surgeons remove part or all of the prostate gland .

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    How Common Is Prostatitis

    Prostatitis is the most common urinary tract problem for men younger than age 50 and the third most common urinary tract problem for men older than age 50.1 Prostatitis accounts for about two million visits to health care providers in the United States each year.2

    Chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome is

    • the most common and least understood form of prostatitis.
    • can occur in men of any age group.
    • affects 10 to 15 percent of the U.S. male population.3

    How To Produce More Sperm When Ejaculating

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    A normal sperm count is between 15 million to more than 200 million sperm in each milliliter of semen. Your doctor will diagnose you with a low sperm count if you have less than 15 million sperm per ml of semen, or you release less than 39 million sperm each time you ejaculate.

    Having a low sperm count can reduce your odds of conceiving a child. Here are a few tips to help boost your sperm count.

    • Get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night.
    • linked to a lower sperm count.

    If these methods dont work, a doctor may prescribe medication to help increase your sperm count. A variety of hormonal treatments like clomiphene citrate and follitropin alfa lyophilisate may be used to treat this problem.

    However, while many of these treatments are approved for women, use by men is considered off-label. That is, although they may be effective for the treatment of male infertility, these medications arent approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for this use. If your doctor recommends off-label use of one of these medications, its important to take that medication under their supervision. Learn more about off-label medication use.

    It can be difficult to talk about sexual problems with your doctor. But only by having this conversation can you get help with ejaculation issues.

    See your doctor if:

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    What Are Symptoms Of Prostatitis

    How you feel will help your doctor diagnose the type of prostatitis you have. Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome is an inflammation of the prostate and the nerves to this area. Pain from CP/CPPS can last for weeks to months. This is NOT an infection. Symptoms are:

    • Trouble passing urine
    • Pain in and around the bladder, testicles, penis and/or anus
    • Pain with ejaculation

    Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis is from bacteria and is less common. It is known to come and go over a long period of time; at least three months. Symptoms can be:

    • A burning feeling while passing urine
    • The need to pass urine often
    • Pain in and around the bladder, testicles, penis and/or anus
    • Pain with ejaculation

    Acute Bacterial Prostatitis is also from bacteria and is less common. Symptoms for this problem can begin suddenly and can be very painful. Men should get medical care right away. Symptoms include:

    • Chills
    • Very painful burning while passing urine
    • Trouble draining the bladder

    Nonbacterial Prostatitis may be from stress, nerve irritation, injuries or past urinary tract infections. This form of prostatitis has no signs of bacteria in the urine or semen.

    Symptoms Of Prostatitis Can Include:

    • needing to pee urgently, often in the middle of the night
    • pain when peeing or after you ejaculate
    • blood in your urine
    • a feeling of heaviness behind your scrotum
    • a urinary blockage, which means you cant pee when you need to.

    There are different types of prostatitis. Bacterial prostatitis is caused by a bacterial infection, and can be treated with antibiotics. Then theres chronic prostatitis, or chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Doctors dont know yet what causes this condition, but it can be trigged by things like an injury, nerve damage or stress.

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    How Can Prostatitis Affect My Life

    Prostatitis can be very painful. If youre unsure about whether the condition can be treated, this can lead to feelings of depression and hopelessness. Prostatitis can also lower your sex drive, because the pain can make it hard to enjoy sexual activity.

    Reaching out to family and partners for support can help in dealing with ongoing prostatitis. Although it can be an unpleasant condition, there are treatments that can help with the symptoms.

    Prostatitis: Inflamed Prostate Can Be A Vexing Health Problem

    CHRONIC PROSTATITIS explained by urologist | The 4 Types of Prostatitis | Treatment | Diagnosis

    When it comes to prostate trouble, the lions share of attention goes to prostate cancer and an enlarged prostate. A third condition, prostatitis, flies under the radar even though it affects up to one in six men at some point in their lifetimes. It triggers more than two million visits to doctors and untold agony each year.

    Prostatitis, which means inflammation of the prostate gland, is an equal opportunity disorder. Unlike prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia , which predominantly affect older men, prostatitis affects men of all ages.

    Prostatitis refers to a loose assemblage of syndromes characterized by urinary problems such as burning or painful urination, the urgent need to urinate, trouble voiding, difficult or painful ejaculation, and pain in the area between the scrotum and rectum or lower back. Although it causes some of the same symptoms as BPH and can occur at the same time, prostatitis is a separate condition.

    Some types of prostatitis are caused by bacterial infection. These cases are often accompanied by the classic symptoms of infection, such as fever, chills, and muscle pain along with urinary problems. As a result, they are relatively easy to diagnose and treat, and they usually respond well to antibiotics. Unfortunately, such straightforward forms of prostatitis are the minority.

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    What The Research Says

    Steps to reduce cancer risk often include a lot of things you shouldnt do. So, it may be welcoming news to learn that something many men find pleasurable may help reduce your risk of prostate cancer.

    Researchers dont understand exactly why frequent ejaculation might provide protection against prostate cancer. One theory is that ejaculation rids the prostate gland of cancer-causing materials, infection, and matter that can cause inflammation.

    Despite strong evidence in favor of frequent ejaculation, the theory remains controversial. And there are . The greatest controversy regarding these studies is about the age when ejaculation occurs.

    A 2008 determined that men were more likely to develop prostate cancer if they were very sexually active in their twenties and thirties. The study also found no conclusive evidence that masturbation provide greater risk than intercourse.

    Prostate cancer is the second most common kind of cancer men get. Skin cancer is the most common cancer. In the United States, one in seven men will get prostate cancer at some point in their life.

    The following factors affect your risk of getting prostate cancer:

    You may also have an increased risk if youve had sex with 30 or more women or if youve had a sexually transmitted disease. This may be because of your sexual habits. Alternately, it could be that you have a stronger sex drive due to higher levels of male hormones, which can be a risk factor.

    Diagnosis Of An Enlarged Prostate

    In order to establish the possible underlying causes for an enlarged prostate, doctors will perform a variety of tests.

    Tests which are commonly used to find the cause of an enlarged prostate include:

    • A digital rectal exam. A physician or nurse will insert a gloved finger into the patientâs rectum to digitally examine the prostate for swelling and/or enlargement.
    • Swab tests for urethral discharge or urine. To determine underlying conditions such as STIs/STDs and urinary tract infections. A swab of discharge or urine is taken and sent to a medical laboratory for culturing, so that any microorganisms are identified.
    • Urinalysis. A urine sample is sent to a medical laboratory for analysis and may be tested for urea nitrogen or creatinine, among other things.
    • Blood tests. A sample of blood is sent to a medical laboratory for analysis, which may include tests for creatinine or blood urea nitrogen, as well as antibodies and infectious agents.
    • Prostate-specific antigen test. A blood sample is sent to a medical laboratory to be tested for prostate-specific antigen , an enzyme produced by cells in the prostate. A change in PSA levels can indicate that there is a problem with the prostate.

    If patients are referred to a urologist, they may have further tests, including:

    Before referring the patient for tests, the physician may also ask questions in order to determine the possible causes of the discomfort, their severity, and their duration. Such questions may cover:

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