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Best Medicine For Enlarged Prostate Gland

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Benefits Of Using Urolift

New Treatment for Enlarged Prostate Restores Normal Urination

As you know, benign prostatic hyperplasia can have a negative impact on a mans quality of life. An advantage of UroLift is that it doesnt just treat BPH symptoms, but it completely removes the blockage to the urethra so that lower urinary tract symptoms do not worsen or reoccur. Similar to Rezm, UroLift is noninvasive and a relatively easy procedure that will have you returning to daily activities in no time.

Lifestyle Tips For Managing Bph

People can take steps to manage the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. These include:

  • attempting to urinate at least once before leaving the home to avoid urinary leakage or other potentially stressful incidents in public
  • double voiding, which involves trying to urinate a few minutes after urinating the first time to drain the bladder as much as possible during bathroom visits
  • trying not to drink fluids in the 2 hours before bedtime to avoid going to sleep with a full bladder

Most males have a 50% chance of having BPH by the age of 60 years and a 90% chance by the age of 85 years.

Limited research has associated BPH with an increased risk of prostate cancer and bladder cancer, with the risk of prostate cancer being particularly high in Asian people with BPH. However, the limitations of the included studies mean that there is a need for additional prospective studies with a strict design to confirm the findings.

Several types of foods and nutrients can reduce or trigger BPH and its associated symptoms.

Foods that may be beneficial for people with BPH include:

  • fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains, legumes, beans, and dark, leafy greens
  • fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, which are usually dark red, yellow, or orange
  • foods rich in zinc, such as eggs, most types of seafood, and nuts
  • products that contain phytoestrogens, such as soy foods, chickpeas, alfalfa, and fava beans

Foods that people with BPH, or those at risk of developing it, should avoid or limit include:

How To Choose The Best Prostate Supplements

The best supplements for prostate are manufactured in an FDA-approved facility by renowned supplement companies. These supplements should be by the latest research on prostate health to ensure efficiency.

When searching for a prostate supplement, make sure to check manufacturer reliability, product safety, and ingredients list.

And speaking of ingredients, the more info provided, the better the chances you are dealing with a responsible manufacturer as clients deserve to know what exactly is in the bottle of supplements they are purchasing.

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Other Available Bph Treatments

Although Rezm and UroLift are the best treatment for enlarged prostate, they arent the only methods available to you. The severity of BPH varies from person to person, so not every treatment will be effective for every patient. Discussing the different treatment options with your doctor to identify the best course of action for you is always your best bet in finding symptom relief. Other available treatments for BPH include:

  • Lifestyle changes: These lifestyle changes can include reducing liquid intake, bladder training, abstaining from alcohol and caffeine, and regularly exercising the pelvic muscles.
  • Medication: There are two main types of medications used to treat BPH, alpha blockers and five-alpha-reductase inhibitors. Alpha blockers work by relaxing the prostate bladder muscles to encourage urine flow. Five-alpha reductase inhibitors partially shrink the prostate by reducing levels of dihydrotestosterone.
  • Surgery: Since there are other less invasive options with a shorter recovery time, surgery is only typically recommended for patients with more severe BPH symptoms. Surgery involves making incisions inside the prostate to remove the excess prostate tissue blocking the urethra.

If youre suffering from symptoms of BPH, contact your nearest Urology Specialist of the Carolinas to schedule a visit with our incredible and experienced staff.

Medicines Herbs And Supplements

Ayurvedic Treatment for Enlarged Prostate, BPH Supplements

Your health care provider may have you take a medicine called alpha-1- blocker. Most people find that these drugs help their symptoms. Symptoms often get better soon after starting on the medicine. You must take this medicine every day. There are several medicines in this category, including terazosin , doxazosin , tamsulosin , alfusozin , and silodosin .

  • Ask your provider before taking sildenafil , vardenafil , and tadalafil with alpha-1- blockers because there can sometimes be an interaction.

Other drugs such as finasteride or dutasteride may also be prescribed. These medicines help shrink the prostate over time and help with symptoms.

  • You will need to take these drugs every day for 3 to 6 months before your symptoms begin to improve.

Watch out for drugs that may make your symptoms worse:

  • Try NOT to take over-the-counter cold and sinus medicines that contain decongestants or antihistamines. They can make your symptoms worse.
  • Men who are taking water pills or diuretics may want to talk to their provider about reducing the dosage or switching to another type of drug.
  • Other drugs that may worsen symptoms are certain antidepressants and drugs used to treat spasticity.

Many herbs and supplements have been tried for treating an enlarged prostate.

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How Does Prostate Growth Occur

The prostate gland goes through two stages of growth. The first is when you are in your teen years. During this time, it grows bigger by two sizes than it is. After twenty-five years, it grows more, although it turns out to be a complication if the growth continues. It is termed prostate enlargement, which exhibits negative implications on prostate functions.

Prostate growing is a noncancerous disease. The tissue layer that borders the prostate stops it from external growth. It results in the prostate gland thrusting the urethra. But, there are natural remedies for enlarged prostate.

How To Reduce Prostate Size

This article was medically reviewed by . Dr. Litza is a board certified Family Medicine Physician in Wisconsin. She is a practicing Physician and taught as a Clinical Professor for 13 years, after receiving her MD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health in 1998.There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 65,131 times.

The prostate gland is a part of the male reproductive system that can enlarge with age, putting uncomfortable pressure on the urethra. This can cause urinary difficulties, urinary tract infections , and even bladder stones. By making lifestyle changes and using medication, most men can reduce their urinary troubles. A few men, though, may need to consider minimally invasive or traditional surgery options to feel their best.

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What Does The Procedure Involve

During the TURP procedure, your surgeon will remove a portion of your prostate. You will likely be placed under general anesthesia, so youll be unconscious and unable to feel pain. Or you may receive spinal anesthesia, which numbs the nerves in your lower body so you wont feel pain.

The entire procedure typically lasts one hour.

Foods And Other Things That Can Worsen Symptoms

How to Treat An Enlarged Prostate (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia): 12 Natural Treatments

Medications arent the only triggers of BPH symptoms.

Be careful about how much fluid you consume. The more you drink, the more youll feel the urge to urinate.

Stop drinking water and other fluids a few hours before you go to bed. Youll have less chance of being awakened in the middle of the night by an urgent need to use the restroom.

Diuretics cause your body to release more urine. Avoid drinks that may have a diuretic effect. These include:

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Chimaphila Umbellata When There Is Difficulty In Starting Urination

Chimaphila Umbellata is helpful when a person needs to strain hard to start passing urine. In extreme cases, the urine is forcefully passed by bending forward. Urine is scanty and may be foul-smelling. Scalding while passing urine may also be present.

When and How to use Chimaphila Umbellata?

Chimaphila is the most appropriate prescription to manage complaints of excessive straining to start urine in cases of BPH. Though it can be used in different potencies, it is more powerful in mother tincture form. Chimaphila Q can be used twice a day.

Note You may use any of the medicines in the recommended potency and dosage for about one month. To continue further, seek advice from a homeopath. In case of acute retention of urine, it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

The Initial Causes Prostate Friendly Cold Medicine

One of the first symptoms of prostate issues is pain or tenderness in the groin or lower back. This can be the result of a noncancerous condition called enlarged prostatic tissue, or it could be an infection of the bladder. In either case, its important to see a doctor as soon as possible. If youre suffering from prostate pain, you may want to consider reducing your caffeine intake.

Another symptom of a potentially enlarged prostate is difficulty starting a stream of urine, leaking, or dribbling. These symptoms are not serious, but theyre still alarming. Most men put up with an enlarged prostate for years before seeking medical attention, but they typically seek treatment as soon as they notice symptoms. Even if you dont have symptoms, its worth getting checked to determine if you have any prostate issues.

If you experience nightly bathroom runs, you may be experiencing an enlarged prostate. You may be having difficulty starting a stream of urine, or you may even be dribbling or leaking during the day. These problems arent life-threatening, but can become a nuisance. You should not ignore these signs and seek treatment as soon as you notice them. If you feel any of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

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Men With Prostate Trouble Should Avoid Some Cold Medicines

By Daniel Gaitan

4 Min Read

With cold and flu season in full swing, experts are warning men who have an enlarged prostate to avoid medicines containing antihistamines and decongestants.

Its very important that men with enlarged prostate avoid cold medicines with pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine. Those are ingredients in decongestants and they constrict the prostatic capsule and lead to urine retention, said Dr. Gregory T. Bales, a urologist at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Antihistamines arent quite as bad, because they work more on the bladder muscle, but they can cause bladder contractility.

Enlargement of the prostate, formally known as benign prostate hyperplasia , results from increased cell growth in and around the prostate gland. The increased growth can constrict the urethra and decrease urine flow. Men with the progressive disease often have difficulty urinating and the urge to go more frequently.

BPH is more common in older men, because as men age their prostate continues to grow. Nearly 80 percent of men age 50 and older will be diagnosed with some degree of the disease, said Dr. William Catalona, a urologist with Northwestern Universitys Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

We dont know what causes benign prostatic enlargement, its one of the great mysteries, and we really wish we did because its such a prevalent condition, Catalona told Reuters Health. Sometimes men need to get up every hour at night.

Questions To Ask Yourself About Enlarged Prostate Treatment

Best Over The Counter Medicine For Prostate

When you discuss the treatment options for an enlarged prostate with your doctor, keep these points in mind:

  • How much are my symptoms bothering me?
  • Do they keep me from doing things I enjoy?
  • How long do I want to deal with them?
  • Am I willing to accept small risks to improve my symptoms?
  • Do I understand the risks?
  • Am I ready to do something about this problem?

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The Most Common Supplements

The best-studied, most commonly used supplements to treat BPH are:

  • Beta-sitosterol

Beta-sitosterol: This is a substance found in many plants. It doesnât affect the size of the prostate, but it may help your bladder empty and give you a stronger urine flow. It may improve other BPH symptoms as well.

Studies with Harzol and Azuprostat, two supplements that contain beta-sitosterol from South African stargrass, have shown particular promise.

Pygeum: This comes from the bark of the African plum tree. It seems to help some men with BPH wake up less at night to pee, go fewer times during the day, have a stronger urine stream, and empty their bladders better.

Rye pollen extract: This substance may improve a number of BPH symptoms, such as:

  • Dribbling after you finish peeing
  • Having to pee often throughout the day
  • Having a weak urine stream
  • Having an urgent need to pee

Some research shows that it may also shrink the prostate, give you a better flow, and help you empty your bladder.

Saw palmetto: This is a short tree that grows in North America. Some small studies have shown a benefit. However, several large studies do not show that saw palmetto reduces the size of the prostate or eases urinary symptoms. Men may try it hoping to relieve common BPH symptoms such as:

  • You have a hard time getting pee to start
  • You must go often throughout the day
  • Having a weak stream
  • Having an urgent need to urinate

Table 3 Lifestyle Changes That May Relieve Mild Symptoms Of Prostate Enlargement

These measures can be helpful:

Urinate when you first feel the urge dont wait.

Do not rush urination. Take your time and relax before, during, and after to give your bladder extra time to empty if the stream is slow or intermittent.

Practice double-voiding: Urinate as much as possible, relax for a moment, and then go again.

Urinate before car trips, meetings, or movies.

Spread fluid intake throughout the day and reduce it before bedtime, especially coffee, tea, or caffeinated beverages. Do not avoid fluid intake to reduce the need to urinate. That can cause dehydration.

Drink alcohol and caffeine in moderation.

Avoid antihistamines and decongestants when possible.

If you take a diuretic , ask your doctor if you can take a lower dose or a different drug.

If you have diabetes, controlling blood sugar can reduce frequent urination.

Theres no clear evidence these work:


Kegel exercises.

Herbal supplements such as saw palmetto, Pygeum africanum, rye-pollen grass, and beta-sitosterol.

If youre taking diuretic drugs, you should ask your doctor whether the dose can be reduced or if you can take a different medication, since doing either could potentially improve your symptoms. Men with diabetes should work with their doctor to make sure their blood sugar levels are kept in control because if they arent, it can lead to increased urination.

Other treatments

Surgery and other procedures

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Using Pads Or A Sheath

Absorbent pads and pants can be worn inside your underwear, or may replace your underwear altogether. These will soak up any leaks.

Urinary sheaths can also help with dribbling. They look like condoms with a tube coming out of the end. The tube connects to a bag that you can strap to your leg under your clothing.

Treatment Option For Bph: The Urolift System

Best Foods to Eat with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Risk of Symptoms, Enlargement & Cancer

Urologists at UCLA Urology are now offering UroLift, a new treatment option for benign prostatic hyperplasia .

UroLift Offers Relief for BPH

When Jeff Brenner first began experiencing bothersome urinary symptoms in his 40s, he attributed it to middle age and figured it was something he could live with.

An enlarged prostate compresses on the urethra, making it difficult for urine to flow.The UroLift Device is placed through the obstructed urethra to access the enlarged prostate.The device compresses the tissue and delivers tiny implants to lift and hold prostate tissue out of the way, thus opening the urethra. The permanent implants keep the tissue in place, like tiebacks on a window curtain.The UroLift Device is removed, leaving an open urethra for urine to flow.

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Treatment Options For Bph

The predominant treatment of BPH over the last 60 yrs has been based on an ablative surgical approach. Recently, acquired knowledge on epidemiology and pathophysiology as well as information acquired from endocrinologic and urodynamic investigation shave caused urologists to reevaluate the conventional guidelines on which both diagnosis and treatment have been based.

The increasing elderly population within society has caused healthcare givers and the pharmaceutical industry to spend more effort on age related diseases such as BPH. The prostate is a male sex auxiliary gland situated just below the bladder and surrounding the urethra. Excessive growth of the prostate with age will result in BPH, which causes obstruction of the bladder outlet and eventually leads to LUTS. LUTS and BPH are progressive conditions in many men, and such progression is characterized by increased prostate size, worsening of symptoms, bother, QOL, deterioration of flow rate and urodynamics, and finally development of outcomes such as acute urinary retention AUR) and surgical interventions.

Best Prostate Treatment Over

Jun 2, 2021 | Prostate Treatment

We have selected the most effective and natural products forprostate treatment available without prescription in 2021. Below, find out what symptoms you should not ignore in prostate treatment, and how to identify and where to buy quality natural medicine for prostate treatment.

Choosing the best prostate treatment without consulting your doctor or pharmacist it is not always easy and you may often find yourself spending a lot of money on different therapies that in the end may not have been effective enough.

In the pharmacies and online stores you can find variety of natural medications for prostate treatment. Thats why we decided to write this article to give you more information so you can easily choose the most quality, safe and effective prostate treatment.




There are several requirements that good natural medicine for prostate treatment should comply with:

Medicines for prostate treatment, i.e.. prostatitis will be really effective if used in complex therapy and strictly for the intended purpose. In case of a proven, safe and quality natural supplements for prostate, then you can start therapy on your own.

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