Friday, July 26, 2024

Do You Need Your Prostate

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Who Might Get An Enlarged Prostate

EXTRA – The Catheter – Everything You Need to Know – Mark’s Prostate Cancer Experience

BPH is common and cannot be prevented. Age and a family history of BPH are two things that increase the chances you might get it. A few stats on that:

  • Some 8 out of every 10 men eventually develop an enlarged prostate.
  • About 90% of men over the age of 85 will have BPH.
  • About 30% of men will find their symptoms bothersome.

Who Gets Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer in men , and also the second most deadly . A new case of prostate cancer is diagnosed about every two minutes.

All in all, in the general U.S. population, one in every six men will develop prostate cancer, and 3% will die from it.

While the exact cause of prostate cancer is not known, the risk factors for developing this condition include:

Do I Really Need My Prostate Checked

A prostate exam is one of the most common yet most feared procedures guys worry about when talking to their Pittston urologist. We get it. Youre dealing with a sensitive topic in an even more sensitive area of the body and it can be unnerving to even think about.

The truth is, having your prostate health monitored and checked is not a bad idea. It can save your life. For some people, it may be something youll never have to worry about. Dont leave yourself in the dark, worrying if you need your prostate checked or if your doctor is finally going to recommend you do it. Learn more with here with us and understand what its all about.

Also Check: Does Enlarged Prostate Affect Ejaculation

Identifying Potential Prostate Problems

  • 1Watch for urination-related symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Many men, especially age 50 and older, experience an enlarged prostate . In most cases, its not caused by cancer, and many men have no symptoms. If you do experience symptoms like the following, however, contact your primary care doctor:XResearch source
  • Weak flow during urination.
  • Additional Types Of Therapy For Prostate Cancer

    Prostate enlargement uncovered. What you need to know ...

    A few other treatments exist for advanced prostate cancer or prostate cancer that has stopped responding well to other forms of hormone therapy. They are usually taken with one of the therapies discussed above.

    Chemotherapy. For cases of very aggressive prostate cancer, or when hormone therapy isnât effective, your doctor may recommend chemotherapy. This class of anti-cancer drug, taken by mouth or injected, fights cancers that have spread beyond the prostate to other parts of your body. The schedule of your treatment will depend on the specific drugs you require, but chemotherapy is typically given in cycles that last two to three weeks. Once you finish a cycle, the next cycle begins. The length of your treatment hinges on how well it works and whether you can cope with the side effects. Chemotherapy drugs are used to help you live longer. They rarely cure prostate cancer, according to the ACS, and can cause unpleasant side effects, including hair loss, nausea, and fatigue.

    Immunotherapy. This type of treatment harnesses the power of your immune system to fight cancer. While it has been used successfully in several types of cancer, it hasnt proved as effective in prostate canceryet. Researchers are working to discover the best ways to incorporate immune therapy into prostate cancer care, particularly for men whose cancer no longer responds to hormone treatment. In 2019, more than 100 such studies were underway.

    Don’t Miss: Does Enlarged Prostate Affect Ejaculation

    Having Sex More Often Can Protect Your Prostate

    A few studies conducted concurrently in various parts of the world have come to an interesting conclusion: frequent ejaculation is associated with lower incidence of some forms of prostate cancer.

    One of these studies tracked 32,000 men from 1992, when they were in their 20s, to 2010. The researchers analyzed data from questionnaires regarding participants sexual health. They also reviewed their medical records and lab test results to double-check their prostate tumor diagnoses.

    How Would You Say Prostate Orgasms Differ From Penile Ones

    Fred: Theyre way more intense. Penile orgasms are quicker, and they dont feel anywhere near as good. I love both, naturally, but for me, a penile orgasm is a quick release, whereas getting a prostate orgasm is a full eyes rolled back situation.

    Alan: The obvious answer for me is the different location of the sensations. Oftentimes, with prostate orgasms, I have engaged my entire body. On top of that, it doesnt have to mean an ejaculation, thus changing how we define what the climax of our sexual pleasure is. I often find, depending on the situation, that I can have sex longer with a prostate orgasm.

    Evan: Prostate orgasms are a lot more full-body. I feel it more in my legs and torso, rather than just locally in my dick. Also, sometimes I cum kind of quickly from penile orgasms, and with prostate stimulation, I last longer in every way. The resulting orgasm is generally longer and “slower” than just stimulation from my dick.

    Drew: In my experience, p-spot orgasms are really different from penile ones. When I cum via penile stimulation it feels like a quick and heavy punch to my pleasure center, followed by a really nice burst/release prostate orgasms are much more intense and drawn out. At some point, I usually start oozing cum , which can go on for quite a while. I liken this all to an ocean wave on the beach, undulating between crashing up the shore and receding back down to the sea, only to come back once more.

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    How To Locate Your Prostate

    This article was medically reviewed by Erik Kramer, DO, MPH. Dr. Erik Kramer is a Primary Care Physician at the University of Colorado, specializing in internal medicine, diabetes, and weight management. He received his Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine from the Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2012. Dr. Kramer is a Diplomate of the American Board of Obesity Medicine and is board certified.There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 140,179 times.

    The prostate is a walnut-sized organ in males that plays a major role in the production of semen. The easiest way to access the prostate is by way of an index finger carefully inserted into the rectum. The processes for accessing the prostate as part of a medical exam or for sexual pleasure are the same, and the same precautions should be taken. You should also keep an eye out for signs of potential prostate problems and contact your doctor as needed.

    When To Get A Prostate Cancer Screening

    Everything you need to know about PROSTATE GLAND ENLARGEMENT | BPH

    A prostate screening can help your doctor find prostate cancer early, but youll need to decide if the benefits of the exam outweigh the risks. Have a discussion with your doctor about prostate cancer screenings.

    The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force now recommends that men ages 55 to 69 decide for themselves whether to undergo a prostate-specific antigen screening test, after talking it over with their doctor.

    They recommend against screening for men at or above the age of 70.

    The American Cancer Society strongly recommends that no one be screened without discussion of the uncertainties, risks, and potential benefits of prostate cancer screening.

    They give these specific recommendations for the date at which these discussions with a healthcare provider should take place:

    • Age 50 for men who are at average risk of prostate cancer and are expected to live at least 10 more years.
    • Age 45 for men at high risk of developing prostate cancer. This includes African Americans and men who have a first-degree relative diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age .
    • Age 40 for men at even higher risk .

    You should also speak with your doctor about a prostate exam if youre experiencing symptoms of a prostate problem, such as frequent or painful urination or blood in your urine.

    After this discussion, if you decide to get a prostate cancer screening, the ACS and the American Urologic Association recommend getting a prostate-specific antigen blood test.

    Recommended Reading: How Effective Is Chemotherapy For Prostate Cancer

    More Sex For Prostate Cancer Prevention

    One study, published in the British Journal of Urology International, found that the more ejaculations a man has between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely he is to develop prostate cancer. The findings suggest that a man in his twenties who ejaculates more than seven times a week has one-third the risk of getting an aggressive type of prostate cancer as a man who ejaculates less than three times a week.

    The study, done in Australia, relied on questionnaires filled out by men younger than 70, including 1,079 men who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and 1,259 men who did not have the disease. The authors of the study speculate that ejaculation may have a protective effect against prostate cancer, but they admit that their findings need to be supported by more research.

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    Surgery To Remove Your Prostate Gland

    You might have surgery to remove your prostate gland if:

    • your cancer hasn’t spread outside the prostate gland
    • you are younger and have a fast growing tumour
    • as part of treatment for locally advanced or high risk localised prostate cancer

    The aim of a radical prostatectomy operation is to cure prostate cancer. It is major surgery with some possible side effects. If you’re an older man with a slow growing prostate cancer, this type of surgery may not be necessary for you. This is because your cancer might grow so slowly that you’re more likely to die of old age or other causes than from prostate cancer.

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    Types Of Prostate Surgery

    There are several ways of removing the prostate keyhole surgery either by hand or robot-assisted, and open surgery.

    Although robot-assisted keyhole surgery is the newest technique, the most recent research suggests all three techniques are as good as each other for treating prostate cancer, as long as the surgeon is experienced. They also have similar rates of side effects.

    The advantages of keyhole surgery, both by hand and robot-assisted, are that you are likely to lose less blood, have less pain, spend less time in hospital, and heal more quickly than with open surgery.

    Keyhole surgery

    Keyhole surgery .

    • Robot-assisted keyhole surgery Your surgeon makes five or six small cuts in your lower abdomen and a slightly bigger cut near your belly button, and removes the prostate using special surgical tools. These include a thin, lighted tube with a small camera on the tip. The image will appear on a screen so the surgeon can see what theyre doing. Your surgeon controls the tools from a console in the operating room via four or five robotic arms. Although its called robot-assisted, its still a surgeon who does the operation. You may hear the equipment called the da Vinci® Robot.
    • Keyhole surgery by hand As with robot-assisted keyhole surgery, the surgeon will make four or five small cuts in your abdomen. But they will hold the surgical tools in their hands, rather than using robotic arms.

    Open surgery

    Do All Men Who Are Treated For Prostate Cancer Lose Sexual And Urinary Function

    Natural Remedies That Can Help Deal With Prostate Gland ...

    Its definitely not true that all men are incontinent and impotent after treatment for prostate cancer. Urinary incontinence is usually temporary.

    There can be a sexual impact for guys who have normal function. If the cancer is near their nerve bundle, theyre going to have a decrease in sexual function. If its not, and we can do bilateral nerve sparing surgery, studies show 70 percent can get back their normal sexual function. It all depends on where the cancer is. But the truth is that we cant predict very well who will be the 30 percent who will haveor still haveED some already do have ED because of age, diabetes, hypertension or renal failure.

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    How To Keep Your Prostate Healthy

    A key part of keeping your prostate in good health is to be aware of any changes when you urinate or any discomfort in your lower abdomen, pelvis and anal area. If you notice anything that concerns you, visit a doctor. At Spire Healthcare, you can get the help you need with our mens health services, which provides specialist care for men with prostate, penile, testicular and bladder problems.

    You can also take steps to prevent prostate issues by making changes to your lifestyle that promote good general health, which is thought to have a knock-on effect on promoting good prostate health. There are three main approaches:

    Is It Hard To Achieve A Prostate Orgasm

    As Lehmiller notes, there is limited research on prostate orgasms, so personal experimentation is important.

    That trial and error process can be time-consuming. Some prostate owners achieve the big O on the first go-around, while others have to have a bit of practice before finding what works, Saynt says. It also doesnt help that some prostate owners feel ashamed or less manly when partaking prostate play: The internalized shame and feelings of inadequacy could cause mental blocks which prevent the free release of the natural sex drugs our brains release when we are at our most heightened sense of pleasure,” he says. “This fear is a trauma which many men will never get past, making enjoyable and healthy practices like prostate orgasm impossible.

    Thus, its important for partnersespecially vulva-ownersto be supportive. If you’re helping your partner achieve a prostate orgasm for the first time, take it slow dont use toys or fingers until your partner is ready, and have frequent conversations with your partner about what they do and do not like. You can even ask them to demonstrate how they masturbate with their prostate.

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    What Questions Should I Ask My Healthcare Provider

    If you have prostate cancer, you may want to ask your healthcare provider:

    • Why did I get prostate cancer?
    • What is my Gleason score? What is my Grade Group? What do these numbers mean for me?
    • Has the cancer spread outside of the prostate gland?
    • What is the best treatment for the stage of prostate cancer I have?
    • If I choose active surveillance, what can I expect? What signs of cancer should I look out for?
    • What are the treatment risks and side effects?
    • Is my family at risk for developing prostate cancer? If so, should we get genetic tests?
    • Am I at risk for other types of cancer?
    • What type of follow-up care do I need after treatment?
    • Should I look out for signs of complications?

    A note from Cleveland Clinic

    Prostate cancer is a common cancer that affects males. Most prostate cancers grow slowly and remain in the prostate gland. For a small number, the disease can be aggressive and spread quickly to other parts of the body. Men with slow-growing prostate cancers may choose active surveillance. With this approach, you can postpone, and sometimes completely forego, treatments. Your healthcare provider can discuss the best treatment option for you based on your Gleason score and Group Grade.

    When Do You Need A Prostate Exam

    Enlarged Prostate – What You Need To Know

    PSA is continuously present in the bloodstream for most men, and an increase in its number may be attributed to causes other than cancer. However, men who have an increased risk of prostate cancer should undergo a regular prostate exam.

    Age, family history, and race are all possible factors that can increase your risk. Likewise, your doctor may also recommend that you undergo testing if you are experiencing discomfort or pain while urinating.

    Symptoms which may indicate that you have a prostate issue include the following:

    • Inconsistent flow of urine

    How Often Is a Prostate Exam Necessary?

    Your frequency of testing may be due to several factors, including your age and present health condition:

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    Facts Every Man Should Know Before Prostate Cancer Surgery

    Many men want to know what prostate cancer surgery is like, including what to expect before surgery and what to expect afterwards.

    Here are my findings based upon more than 1,000 phone calls to men the day before surgery, almost 700 visits to men the day after surgery and hundreds of calls from men in the weeks following surgery.

  • Most men experience very little surgical pain probably 80 percent are like meI had my surgery on a Monday by Friday I was at a graduation party . I got by with only Advil for pain relief. Its been described as feeling like they did too many sit-ups.
  • Men really fear the catheter. I let them know that they will be asleep when it is put in. They may be like me and sleep very well with it in. Changing bags from a large capacity night bag to a smaller capacity day bag is simple and doesnt involve removing the catheter. Walking with the day bag catheter is not a problem. Removal of the catheter is usually done in the doctors office after the prescribed timeframe and is relatively pain-free.
  • If all goes as planned, you will be walking the night of surgery and then the next day. Most men go home the following afternoon, unless they are otherwise directed by the doctor.
  • Your biggest discomfort may be from gas pains, hence the walking. For a robotic surgery, they have to fill the body cavity with gas to manipulate the equipment. Until we get rid of the gas in the normal way we do, there can be discomfort.
  • Prostate Specific Antigen Testing

    Prostate Specific Antigen is a protein made by the cells in your prostate. Your PSA levels can be measured using a blood test and give an indication of your prostate health.

    A PSA test isnt a test for cancer. Higher levels of PSA might indicate prostate cancer, but a high reading could also be caused by other conditions. It is also possible to have low level readings and have prostate cancer. This means that a PSA test isnt enough to definitively diagnose or rule out prostate cancer. Your PSA levels can vary, so your doctor might run this test a few times to compare your results and help determine your risk of prostate cancer.

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