Thursday, May 2, 2024

Is Prostate Cancer And Colon Cancer The Same

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How Do You Recognize A Family Cancer Syndrome

When Should You Get Screened for Prostate or Colon Cancer? A Doctor Explains

Its important to keep in mind that cancer is common. In fact, about 1 in 3 people in the United States will develop cancer during their lifetime, so its not uncommon to have many cancers in a family.

When many cases of cancer occur in a family, it is most often due to chance or because family members have been exposed to a common risk factor, such as smoking.

Sometimes there might be an interaction between certain genes and exposures. For example, some people inherit gene changes that make it harder for their bodies to get rid of toxins in tobacco smoke. These people might be more likely to get cancer if they smoke than someone who does not have these gene changes.

Less often, cancers in a family are strongly linked to an inherited gene mutation that is part of a family cancer syndrome.

Certain things make it more likely that cancers in a family are caused by a family cancer syndrome, such as:

  • Many cases of the same type of cancer
  • Cancers occurring at younger ages than usual
  • More than one type of cancer in a single person
  • Cancers occurring in both of a pair of organs
  • More than one childhood cancer in siblings
  • Cancer occurring in the sex not usually affected
  • Cancer occurring in many generations

When trying to determine if cancer might run in your family, first gather some information. For each case of cancer, look at:

What Is The Difference Between Prostate And Colon Cancer

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HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

How Is Lynch Syndrome Inherited

Normally, every cell has 2 copies of each gene: 1 inherited from the mother and 1 inherited from the father. Lynch syndrome follows an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, in which a mutation needs to happen in only 1 copy of the gene for the person to have an increased risk of getting that disease. This means that a parent with a gene mutation may pass along a copy of their normal gene or a copy of the gene with the mutation. Therefore, a child who has a parent with a mutation has a 50% chance of inheriting that mutation. A brother, sister, or parent of a person who has a mutation also has a 50% chance of having the same mutation. However, if the parents test negative for the mutation , the risk to the siblings significantly decreases but their risk may still be higher than an average risk.

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What Are The Estimated Cancer Risks Associated With Lynch Syndrome

General lifetime cancer risks for people with Lynch syndrome

Cancer risks for women with Lynch syndrome

Recent data suggests that people with Lynch syndrome with germline PMS2 mutations may have substantially lower risks of cancer than the estimates quoted above.

Patient Tumor And Treatment Characteristics

247 Rectal colon terminal prostate cancer Chronic pain ...

Among 31,883 men with PC identified, 330 also had RSC. Fifty-four of these were considered synchronous. By decade, there were 7, 16, and 31 men diagnosed with synchronous PC/RSC between 19881997, 19982007, and 20082017, respectively. The median age at diagnosis was 67 years. PC was more commonly the initial diagnosis . Of these, 15 men underwent prostatectomy or radiotherapy prior to a diagnosis of synchronous RSC. Table 1 summarizes patient, tumor, and treatment characteristics.

Table 1. Patient, tumor, and treatment characteristics.

Approximately half of men had low or intermediate risk PC with a median pretreatment PSA of 10.8. Two men had nodal and DM from PC at diagnosis, and both had non-metastatic RSC. Nearly one-third of men underwent prostatectomy, 65% received radiotherapy, 43% received ADT, and 17% received no PC treatment.

The majority of RSC originated in the rectum. The stage group distributions were 26, 57, and 17% stage I, IIIII, and IV, respectively. Low anterior resection was more commonly performed compared to abdominoperineal resection : 44 vs. 19%. Two men underwent combined surgery for both malignancies: one pelvic exenteration and one combined APR and open radical prostatectomy.

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Stage Information For Colon Cancer

Treatment decisions can be made with reference to the TNM classification rather than to the older Dukes or the Modified Astler-Coller classification schema.

The AJCC and a National Cancer Institutesponsored panel recommended that at least 12 lymph nodes be examined in patients with colon and rectal cancer to confirm the absence of nodal involvement by tumor. This recommendation takes into consideration that the number of lymph nodes examined is a reflection of the aggressiveness of lymphovascular mesenteric dissection at the time of surgical resection and the pathologic identification of nodes in the specimen. Retrospective studies demonstrated that the number of lymph nodes examined in colon and rectal surgery may be associated with patient outcome.

Prostate Cancer Patients Are At Increased Risk Of Precancerous Colon Polyps

University at Buffalo
Men with prostate cancer should be especially diligent about having routine screening colonoscopies, results of a new study by gastroenterologists indicate.

Men with prostate cancer should be especially diligent about having routine screening colonoscopies, results of a new study by gastroenterologists at the University at Buffalo indicate.

Their findings show that persons diagnosed with prostate cancer had significantly more abnormal colon polyps, known as adenomas, and advanced adenomas than men without prostate cancer.

Results of the research were presented Oct. 19 at a 10:30 a.m. session at the American College of Gastroenterology meeting being held Oct. 15-20 in San Antonio, Texas.

While most adenomas are benign and don’t become cancerous, there is evidence that most colon cancers begin as adenomas. Advanced adenomas carry an even higher colorectal cancer risk.

“Colon cancer and prostate cancer are two of the most common cancers in males,” says Ognian Pomakov, MD, an author on the study. “However there are no published clinical studies to date that determined the prevalence of colorectal neoplasms in people with prostate cancer.

“Our study is the first to show that men with prostate cancer are at increased risk of developing colon cancer, and that it is especially important for these men not skip their routine colonoscopies.”

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Constipation And Intestinal Distress

In many cases, constipation can be due to an unbalanced diet rather than a life-threatening illness. However, chronic constipation or changes in bowel habits can be symptoms of prostate cancer and should always be mentioned to a doctor. People who regularly experience constipation are more likely to develop prostate gland problems because constipation places pressure on the gland.

Treatment Of Liver Metastasis

Real Questions | Prostate and Colon Cancer | UCLA Urology

Approximately 50% of colon cancer patients will be diagnosed with hepatic metastases, either at the time of initial presentation or because of disease recurrence. Although only a small proportion of patients with hepatic metastases are candidates for surgical resection, advances in tumor ablation techniques and in both regional and systemic chemotherapy administration provide for several treatment options. These include the following:


Hepatic metastasis may be considered to be resectable based on the following factors:

  • Limited number of lesions.
  • Lack of major vascular involvement.
  • Absent or limited extrahepatic disease.
  • Enough functional hepatic reserve.

For patients with hepatic metastasis that is considered to be resectable, a negative margin resection resulted in 5-year survival rates of 25% to 40% in mostly nonrandomized studies, such as the North Central Cancer Treatment Group trial . Improved surgical techniques and advances in preoperative imaging have improved patient selection for resection. In addition, multiple studies with multiagent chemotherapy have demonstrated that patients with metastatic disease isolated to the liver, which historically would be considered unresectable, can occasionally be made resectable after the administration of chemotherapy.

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for unresectable liver metastases

Local ablation

Adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy for resectable liver metastases

Evidence :

  • There was no difference in DFS or OS .
  • Evidence :

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    The Top 7 Signs Of Advanced Prostate Cancer

    In the early stages, you may not notice any symptoms related to prostate cancer. This is why screenings are important. Symptoms can sometimes be noticed for the first time when the cancer advances.

    Advanced prostate cancer, also called metastatic cancer, means the cancer has spread to other areas of your body beyond your prostate gland. The most common areas for prostate cancer to spread are your bladder, rectum, and bones. It can also spread to your lymph nodes, liver, lungs, and other body tissues.

    Whether youve just been diagnosed or youre in treatment, its also important to know the signs of advanced cancer. Cancer can behave differently depending on your genetics, so not every person will experience the same symptoms in the same way.

    Read on to learn more about the seven top symptoms of advanced prostate cancer and how to spot them.

    Causes Of Bowel Cancer

    The exact cause of bowel cancer is not known, but there are a number of things that can increase your risk, including:

    • age almost 9 in 10 people with bowel cancer are aged 60 or over
    • diet a diet high in red or processed meats and low in fibre can increase your risk
    • weight bowel cancer is more common in overweight or obese people
    • exercise being inactive increases your risk of getting bowel cancer
    • alcohol drinking alcohol might increase your risk of getting bowel cancer
    • smoking smoking may increase your chances of getting bowel cancer
    • family history having a close relative who developed bowel cancer under the age of 50 puts you at a greater lifetime risk of developing the condition screening is offered to people in this situation, and you should discuss this with a GP

    Some people also have an increased risk of bowel cancer because they’ve had another condition, such as extensive ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease in the colon for more than 10 years.

    Although there are some risks you cannot change, such as your age or family history, there are several ways you can lower your chances of developing the condition.

    Find out more about:

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    Anatomy Of The Colon And Rectum

    The colon and rectum are both a part of the large intestine, the final destination of the gastrointestinal tract. The colon is approximately five feet long and is separated into the proximal colon and the distal colon . The rectum is the last six to 12 inches of the colon that extends to the anus.

    The colon itself is also divided into two sides, a formation of which arises during embryogenesis . The right side includes the ascending colon while the left includes the descending colon, the sigmoid colon, and the distal colon.

    Colon Cancer Vs Prostate Cancer

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    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

    Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers â it’s anonymous and free!

    HealthTap doctors are based in the U.S., board certified, and available by text or video.

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    Can I Lower My Risk Of Getting A Second Cancer

    There are steps you can take to lower your risk and stay as healthy as possible. For example, prostate cancer survivors should do their best to stay away from all tobacco products and tobacco smoke. Smoking can increase the risk of bladder cancer, as well as increase the risk of many other cancers.

    To help maintain good health, prostate cancer survivors should also:

    • Get to and stay at a healthy weight
    • Keep physically active and limit the time you spend sitting or lying down
    • Follow a healthy eating pattern that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and limits or avoids red and processed meats, sugary drinks, and highly processed foods
    • Not drink alcohol. If you do drink, have no more than 1 drink per day for women or 2 per day for men

    These steps may also lower the risk of some other health problems.

    See Second Cancers in Adults to learn a lot more about the causes of second cancers.

    Our team is made up of doctors and oncology certified nurses with deep knowledge of cancer care as well as journalists, editors, and translators with extensive experience in medical writing.

    Bostrom PJ, Soloway MS. Secondary cancer after radiotherapy for prostate cancer: Should we be more aware of the risk? Eur Urol. 2007 52:973-982.

    Moon K, Stukenborg GJ, Keim J, Theodorescu D. Cancer incidence after localized therapy for prostate cancer. Cancer. 2006 107:991-998.

    Last Revised: June 9, 2020

    Types Of Colon Cancer

    Most people who are diagnosed with colon cancer have a type called adenocarcinoma. There are other rarer tumor types too. These other types of colon cancer may be treated differently than adenocarcinoma. The section of this guide on the diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer refers primarily to adenocarcinoma.

    Learn more about the types of colon cancer below.

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    Treatment Options Under Clinical Evaluation

    Adjuvant chemotherapy

    The potential value of adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with stage II colon cancer remains controversial. Although subgroups of patients with stage II colon cancer may be at higher-than-average risk for recurrence , evidence is inconsistent that adjuvant fluorouracil based chemotherapy is associated with an improved OS compared with surgery alone.

    Features in patients with stage II colon cancer that are associated with an increased risk of recurrence include the following:

    • Inadequate lymph node sampling.
    • Involvement of the visceral peritoneum.
    • A poorly differentiated histology.

    The decision to use adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with stage II colon cancer is complicated and requires thoughtful consideration by both patients and their physicians. Adjuvant therapy is not indicated for most patients unless they are entered into a clinical trial.

    Evidence :

  • The GRECCR-03 and NCRI-QUASAR1 trials evaluated the use of systemic or regional chemotherapy or biologic therapy. Following surgery, patients can be considered for entry into a carefully controlled clinical trial.
  • Investigators from the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project have indicated that the reduction in risk of recurrence by adjuvant therapy in patients with stage II disease is of similar magnitude to the benefit seen in patients with stage III disease treated with adjuvant therapy, though an OS advantage has not been established.
  • The mortality risk ratio was 0.87 .
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    Noninvasive Tests For Colon Prostate Cancer May Improve Screening Compliance

    Posted by Chris Wolski | Oct 1, 2021 | Colorectal, Prostate | 0 |

    Two research teams have developed noninvasive tests that use either blood or saliva samples to diagnose cases of colorectal cancer or prostate cancer, respectively. Presented at the 2021 AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo in Atlanta, these tests could facilitate screening efforts for colorectal cancer and allow clinicians to better distinguish early-stage prostate cancer from more benign prostate conditions.

    When To Get Medical Advice

    See a GP If you have any of the symptoms of bowel cancer for 3 weeks or more.

    The GP may decide to:

    • examine your tummy and bottom to make sure you have no lumps
    • arrange for a simple blood test to check for iron deficiency anaemia this can show whether there’s any bleeding from your bowel that you have not been aware of
    • arrange for you to have a simple test in hospital to make sure there’s no serious cause of your symptoms

    Make sure you see a GP if your symptoms persist or keep coming back after stopping treatment, regardless of their severity or your age. You’ll probably be referred to hospital.

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    Second Cancers After Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer survivors can be affected by a number of health problems, but often a major concern is facing cancer again. Cancer that comes back after treatment is called a recurrence. But some cancer survivors may develop a new, unrelated cancer later. This is called a second cancer.

    Unfortunately, being treated for prostate cancer doesnt mean you cant get another cancer. Men who have had prostate cancer can still get the same types of cancers that other men get. In fact, they might be at higher risk for certain types of cancer.

    Men who have had prostate cancer can get any type of second cancer, but they have an increased risk of certain cancers, including:

    This risk is probably related to the dose of radiation. Newer methods of giving radiation therapy may have different effects on the risks of a second cancer. Because these methods are newer, the long-term effects have not been studied as well.

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