Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Causes Male Prostate To Swell

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How Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treated

Causes and Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Enlarged Prostate)

Treatment options for benign prostatic hyperplasia may include

  • lifestyle changes
  • minimally invasive procedures
  • surgery

A health care provider treats benign prostatic hyperplasia based on the severity of symptoms, how much the symptoms affect a mans daily life, and a mans preferences.

Men may not need treatment for a mildly enlarged prostate unless their symptoms are bothersome and affecting their quality of life. In these cases, instead of treatment, a urologist may recommend regular checkups. If benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms become bothersome or present a health risk, a urologist most often recommends treatment.

Doctor Does Too Much Sex Enlarge The Prostate

Prostate cancer is the commonest cancer in men. There are concerns on whether frequent sex contributes to the development of prostate enlargement in general and especially in the evolvement of prostate cancer.

The prostate gland is an important part of the male reproductive system. It is a major contributor to the formation of the seminal fluid that comes with ejaculation at the peak of sexual intercourse in males.

It produces nourishing materials, especially the sugary fructose, for the wellbeing of sperm cells. It is located just below the bladder where urine is stored, and in front of the rectum the last portion of the large intestine where the feces is stored.

Prostate enlargement: 100 for 100

In anatomical relationship, the prostate surrounds the tube that drains the urine from the urinary bladder, just as the tube is leaving the bladder.

A point of fact is that the prostate gland is destined to enlarge in all men as they get older, albeit at different rates in men of different extractions. Anyhow it goes, it is estimated with corroborative findings on autopsy that all men who lived up to 100 years had enlarged prostate a case of 100 for 100!

The good thing however is that most prostate enlargements are usually of no clinical consequence and are not problematic or symptomatic to the affected men since the prostate growth are mostly non-cancerous and non-strangulating.

Lifestyle And Diet Root Causes Of Bph And Ed

The root cause of erectile dysfunction, whether it comes as a result of BPH or not, is almost always a blood circulation issue.

To achieve a satisfactory erection, a man must have relatively decent blood circulation throughout his body. The penis becomes erect through a series of neurological and physical processes.

The neurological process occurs in the brain when the man becomes sexually aroused. It initiates physical, sexual arousal, which then triggers the process of inflating the penis with blood to achieve a sufficient erection.

However, if arteries are clogged with plaque deposits, they certainly cannot deliver adequate blood flow to the penis for an erection. Thus, the erection is either weak, subsides quickly, or is non-existent. The most common circulatory issues that cause ED include but are not limited to the following conditions:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Cardiac Insufficiency.

Any effort to improve symptoms of either BPH or ED must address the circulation issue if there is to be any degree of improvement. Note that BPH is not included on the list above because it usually occurs in a combination of one or more of the other listed items.

Contrary to popular belief, erectile dysfunction is not a benign condition. An erection is wholly dependent on good blood circulation. The penis requires unimpeded blood circulation to produce an erection for sexual activity.

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When To Contact A Medical Professional

  • Less urine than usual
  • Back, side, or abdominal pain
  • Blood or pus in your urine

Also call if:

  • Your bladder does not feel completely empty after you urinate.
  • You take medicines that may cause urinary problems, such as diuretics, antihistamines, antidepressants, or sedatives. DO NOT stop or change your medicines without talking to your provider.
  • You have tried self-care steps for 2 months and symptoms have not improved.

Why Your Prostate Makes You Want To Pee

Prostatitis acute or chronic causes, symptoms, diagnosis ...

The technical term for the sleep-stealing urge to urinate is nocturia. While both men and women experience it with aging, men often experience it more severely. Blame falls on the male-specific organ that sits just below a mans bladder.

Nocturia is most commonly caused by an enlarged prostate, says Alex Shteynshlyuger, MD, director of urology at New York Urology Specialists in New York City. Most men experience the need to wake up to urinate as a consequence of prostate enlargement in their 50s and 60s. However, some men start to experience the symptoms in their early to mid 30s.

The condition behind the swelling is called benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH. Its a normal part of aging for men. But if its waking you up, its something you should take seriously. Nocturia can cause significant collateral damage, including feelings of tiredness, decreased energy levels, a decrease in libido and a drop in work performance, says Dr. Shteynshlyuger.

How does BPH influence urination? For starters, an enlarged prostate can alter bladder function, effectively limiting how much liquid it can hold, says Dr. Shteynshlyuger. At the same time, it irritates your bladder, and it can squeeze your urethra. That results in a constant urge to urinate and an inability to feel complete relief.

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It May Be Able To Help Treat Erectile Dysfunction

While there isnât much scientific literature to definitively prove that prostate massage can improve erectile function, every doctor we spoke to says that it could potentially help.

âThe theory behind the potential benefit involves an improvement in blood flow resulting from vigorous milking or massaging of the prostate. Because erections are largely the result of good blood flow, any increase could potentially lead to better boners,â says Joshua R. Gonzalez, MD, who has his own practice in Los Angeles.

The Process Of Urination

The process of urination is complicated:

  • It begins when waste fluids flow out of the kidneys into two long tubes called ureters.
  • The ureters empty into the bladder, which rests on top of the pelvic floor, a muscular structure at the base of the pelvis, between the pubic bone and the base of the spine.
  • The brain regulates muscles in the urinary tract through a pathway of nerves. As the bladder fills to its capacity of 8 to16 oz of fluid, the nerves send signals from the bladder to the brain that indicate how full the bladder is.
  • As the bladder fills, the bladder wall muscles relax, and the outlet muscles contract to prevent urination.
  • At the time of urination, the spinal cord initiates the voiding reflex. The detrusor muscle contracts, while the internal sphincter relaxes. These reactions are involuntary.
  • When the internal urethral sphincter is open, urine flows out of the bladder into the urethra . At the same time, the external urethral sphincter also relaxes. This action is under voluntary control from the brain.

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When Should You Call A Doctor For Bph

Urinary symptoms related to enlarging prostate initially affect the quality of life, and if no complications exist, as mentioned above , the decision to treat is optional and is left to the patient. This means that if you dont feel bothered enough to take a medicine or undergo a procedure for it, youll need to follow up with your doctor to ensure the symptoms are stable, and the bladder empties well. This can be assessed by prostate symptom questionnaires and a measure of the strength of the urinary stream and residual urine in the bladder. If complications develop, however, or if the bladder starts holding increasing amounts of residual urine after urination, treatment should be started.

If you experience bladder pain or burning with urination, blood in the urine associated with fever/chills or nausea/vomiting, or if the prostate enlargement condition worsens and symptoms such as blood in the urine or lower back pain are present, consult a doctor immediately. If you cannot reach your doctor when these symptoms are present, seek evaluation at a hospitals emergency department.

For acute symptoms such as acute urinary retention , you should immediately go to the closest emergency medical facility for bladder drainage, usually with a catheter, which is a tube inserted into the bladder.

Men over 50 years of age should have their prostate checked annually by their physician even if they have no symptoms.

Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Prostatitis (Prostate Inflammation): Different Types, Causes, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Treatment of prostate cancer can involve:

  • Prostatectomy. The surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland, which can be done as open surgery or laparoscopically . There are several different types of prostatectomy.
  • External beam radiotherapy. This involves x-ray beams, which are focused on the prostate to destroy cancer cells. This is a non-surgical option.
  • Permanent seed brachytherapy. This involves implanting small radioactive pellets into the prostate gland to destroy cancer cells.
  • Hormone therapy. This may be used instead of radiation therapy or if the cancer has spread too far to be susceptible to prostatectomy or radiation treatment it involves orchiectomy and/or various treatments to lower androgen levels .
  • Cryotherapy. This is an option for cases where the cancer is still within the prostate or is locally advanced. It is non-invasive and involves the insertion of cryotherapy needles into the prostate, through which a certain gas is then passed in order to freeze the tissue and thereby also ideally killing the cancer cells.
  • Focused ultrasound therapy. This is a non-invasive method of treating prostate cancer using focused beams of ultrasound energy to heat and destroy cancer locations in the prostate.

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How Is Benign Prostate Enlargement Diagnosed

If your GP suspects that you have an enlarged prostate, you’ll be asked to complete a questionnaire to assess your symptoms.

Each question has five possible answers that carry a score, and your overall score indicates the severity of your symptoms.

Your GP will also want to rule out other conditions that cause similar symptoms to prostate enlargement.

You may have a number of standard tests, such as urine tests, plus some more specific tests, such as a blood test that measures PSA.

Natural Treatment For Swollen Testicles

Swelling is almost always associated with inflammation. Inflammation increases blood flow to a specific area, and this results in swelling. Swollen testicles can be caused by a number of factors, some of which require medical attention.

You can reduce the inflammation naturally by incorporating the ingredients below:

USPlus Saw Palmetto: Antioxidant compounds in this extract reduce inflammation and can protect testicles from chronic disease. It is also linked to reduced inflammation in the prostate. Prostatitis and enlarged prostates are commonly linked to swollen testicles as inflammation spreads through the urinary tract.

Sunflower lecithin is made of fatty acids and is converted to choline in the body. Choline is important to overall health and has been linked to reduced inflammation.

Carotenoids, such as lutein and beta-carotene, are also able to reduce inflammation. By interacting with certain enzymes, they inhibit the downstream production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Carotenoids can be found in fresh fruits and vegetables or taken as supplements to prevent inflammation.

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The Risk Factors And Causes Of Prostatitis

Theres no denying it prostatitis is uncomfortable. The pain, frequent urination and flu-like symptoms associated with prostatitis make it almost unbearable at times. The worst part? Trying to figure out why you are living with prostatitis in the first place.

Prostatitis is a non-cancerous condition in which the prostate gland is inflamed. While the causes can be different for every individual, some causes of prostatitis are simply not known. However, there are few potential causes that have been found to encourage prostatitis.

Below, youll learn about the different types of prostatitis, the most common potential causes of prostatitis and the risk factors associated with prostatitis to further protect yourself against this condition in the future.

Symptoms Of Benign Prostate Enlargement


The prostate is a small gland, located in the pelvis, between the penis and bladder.

If the prostate becomes enlarged, it can place pressure on the bladder and the urethra, which is the tube that urine passes through.

This can affect how you pee and may cause:

  • difficulty starting to pee
  • a frequent need to pee
  • difficulty fully emptying your bladder

In some men, the symptoms are mild and do not need treatment. In others, they can be very troublesome.

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What Are The Diseases That Cause The Prostate To Enlarge

There are at least seven diseases affecting the prostate.

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia . This is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. It is associated with the male sex hormone testosterone and is the most common disease of the prostate.
  • Squamous metaplasia. This is a non-cancerous enlargement of the gland caused by excess amounts of the hormone estrogen in male dogs. An estrogen-producing testicular tumor called a Sertoli cell tumor is the most commonly diagnosed estrogen-producing tumor that causes squamous metaplasia.
  • Cystic hyperplasia. This condition is usually secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia or squamous metaplasia. It is caused by obstruction of the ducts that carry prostatic secretions to the urethra. This condition causes the development of numerous fluid-filled cavities in the prostate.
  • Paraprostatic cysts. These are fluid-filled cysts that develop adjacent to the prostate. They are abnormal tissue remnants from embryonic development . The cysts begin to develop shortly after birth but often do not cause problems until the dog is several years old.
  • Bacterial infection. Bacteria may enter and infect the prostate by traveling up the urethra, or may travel down the ureter or urethra from an infection that originates in the kidneys or urinary bladder, respectively. A bacterial infection is usually associated with a pre-existing abnormality of the prostate, such as BPH.
  • Is Treatment Always Necessary

    No. In most cases, an enlarged prostate does not do any damage or cause complications. Whether treatment is needed usually depends on how much bother the symptoms cause. For example, you may be glad for some treatment if you are woken six times a night, every night, with an urgent need to go to the toilet. On the other hand, slight hesitancy when you go to the toilet and getting up once a night to pass urine may cause little problem and not need treatment.

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    Where Does The Urine Go When The Prostate Is Enlarged

    At normal size, the prostate gland is about the size and shape of a walnut or golf ball. When enlarged, the prostate may obstruct urine flow from the bladder and out the urethra. The prostate gland is located beneath your bladder. The tube that transports urine from the bladder out of your penis passes through the center of the prostate.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Prostatitis

    ENLARGED PROSTATE GLAND, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

    These are the most common symptoms of prostatitis:

    • Need to urinate often
    • Burning or stinging while urinating
    • Pain when urinating
    • Less urine when you urinate
    • Rectal pain or pressure
    • Pain in your lower back or pelvis
    • Discharge through the urethra during bowel movements
    • Erectile dysfunction or loss of sex drive
    • Throbbing sensations in the rectal or genital area

    The symptoms of prostatitis may look like other medical conditions or problems. Always see your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

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    What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of An Enlarged Prostate

    An enlarged prostate is the most common cause of urinary problems in men as they get older. Possible symptoms include:

    • a weak flow when you urinate
    • a feeling that your bladder hasnt emptied properly
    • difficulty starting to urinate
    • dribbling urine after you finish urinating
    • needing to urinate more often, especially at night
    • a sudden urge to urinate you may sometimes leak before you get to the toilet.

    You may not get all of these symptoms, and some men with an enlarged prostate dont get any symptoms at all. These symptoms can also be caused by other things, such as cold weather, anxiety, other health problems, lifestyle factors, and some medicines. Blood in your urine may be a symptom of an enlarged prostate. But this is rare and is usually caused by something else.

    If you have any of the symptoms above, you should visit your GP to find out what may be causing them.

    What Is Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer is common among American men. Your chance of getting prostate cancer may be affected by your:

    • Age. Men age 50 and older run a greater risk.
    • Race. Prostate cancer is most common among African-American men.
    • Family history. If your father or brother has had prostate cancer, you are more likely to have it, too.
    • Diet. Eating high-fat food with few fruits and vegetables may raise your risk.

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    What Are Symptoms Of Bph

    Symptoms from BPH can include difficulty starting to urinate, a weak urinary stream, increased frequency of urination, increased night time urination, leakage of urine, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and retention of urine. The diagnosis can usually be made by a physician after taking a history and carefully examining the prostate gland. A urine sample is usually checked to make sure there is no blood or infection. A uroflowmetry test is also done sometimes to check the flow rate and a post-void residual is done to measure how much urine is being retained in the bladder.

    What Are The Side Effects Of Enlarged Prostate

    UroLift: New Relief From Enlarged Prostate

    Enlarged prostate complications: urinary retention, hematuria, bladder stones, and urinary tract infections. Bladder September 15, 2016. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. There are two prostate growth periods: one during early puberty and another around the age of 25.

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    Causes & Treatments For Swollen Prostate

    Swollen prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia is a common condition in men wherein the prostate glands enlarge, growing much bigger than their normal size. If you experience prostate swelling, your chances of developing urinary symptoms increase. Uncomfortable and painful symptoms, such as difficulty in passing urine from the bladder, can ensue. This can potentially lead to kidney, urinary tract, and bladder problems.

    You can seek medical help and get this condition treated. Your treatment options may include surgery, invasive therapies, and medications. The doctor will recommend a treatment plan after analyzing the severity of your condition. They will consider the prostate size, your symptoms, and other factors.

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