Thursday, July 25, 2024

Plant Based Diet And Prostate Cancer

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Skip Stein healed prostate cancer with a plant-based diet

I know in Jamaica, we love to fry our food, such as fried plantain, but we can find other ways to prepare them, added Brown

Browns recommendation for Jamaican men to adopt a healthier, plant-based diet was supported by Dr Lincoln Cox, a general surgeon at the Savanna-la-Mar Public Hospital in Westmoreland, who noted that the typical Jamaican diet tends to be high in various types of unhealthy animal fats.

A lot of the Jamaican diet tends to have pork, jerked items, and so on, to include high-end fat, and we have a lot of fast-food restaurants around with lots of saturated fats and trans fats that we tend to take a lot of. We just want to encourage people to have a healthy diet and to exercise, said Cox.

The WRHA recently revealed that 250 prostate cancer cases are among the 590 backlogged elective surgery cases in western Jamaica. Those cases are among 6,000 elective surgeries islandwide, which had to be delayed from as far back as March 2020, due to the onset and priority of COVID-19 cases.

According to the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Jamaica recorded 1,561 new cases of prostate cancer in 2020, with this form of cancer being identified as the most prevalent in the country and the leading local cause of cancer-related death in men.

It is estimated that four out of every five Jamaican men with prostate cancer are diagnosed at age 65 or older, while 304 out of every 100,000 adult males in Jamaica will be diagnosed with the disease.

How Does Diet Affect The Likelihood Of Prostate Cancer

Epidemiological studies have shown that men who eat red meat and dairy products have a higher chance of a prostate cancer diagnosis. Saturated and trans-fatty acids along with processed meat products appear to increase oxidative stress and disrupt hormone regulation of the prostate . Men who frequently eat tomatoes and other high-lycopene foods are less likely to develop this malignancy, which is the most common cancer among American men.

Diet Matters For Risk And Recurrence

Overall, the cancer community is in agreement that the best treatment for prostate cancer, like most cancers, is prevention. Although there are scores of new medical treatments developed every year, a healthy plant-based diet is still the gold standard when it comes to dealing with prostate cancer.

Studies have revealed that dairy, egg, and chicken consumption is correlated with an increased risk of prostate cancer, as well as greater odds of recurrence after diagnosis. The reasons are not totally clear, but many nutritional researchers attribute the higher risk at least partially to increased levels of circulating insulin-like growth factor-1 in the blood. Studies suggest that vegans have lower IGF-1 levels than meat-eaters or lacto-ovo vegetarians, potentially putting them at a lower risk for cancers like prostate cancer. IGF-1 is very important for growth and sexual development in children and adolescents, but should naturally decrease with age.

Obesity also increases the risk of prostate cancer as well as the risk of recurrence and aggressiveness after treatment. And whats one of the healthiest ways to avoid or reverse obesity? A growing body of research indicates that a whole foods, plant-based diet demonstrates the ability to improve body weight, fat mass, and insulin resistance markers.

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How Dairy Affects Prostate Risk

The American Institute for Cancer Research says that there is limited and suggestive evidence that diets high in dairy products or calcium may increase prostate cancer risk. This information is based on older studies, which found that men who drink two or more cups of whole milk daily had a greater risk of developing advanced prostate cancer.

Studies in more recent years have found this not to be the case. To date, the research on dairy, calcium, and prostate cancer is mixed.

A systematic review on dairy and prostate health from 2020 indicates that there are no formal clinical recommendations regarding the consumption of dairy products for people at risk for prostate cancer or who have a history of prostate cancer. More research is needed to determine the connection.

So What Is A Prostate Healthy Diet

Reduce Cancer Risk with Plant

Luckily the diet that is best for prostate health is also best for heart, lung, liver and kidney health and also for preventing other common cancers such as breast and colorectal cancer. This is one that is predominantly based on whole plant foods. That is a diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds. The closer you get to a plant-based diet the easier it will be to control your weight, the more energy you will have and you will significantly lower your risk of chronic illness.

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What Is The Best Prostate Diet

As discussed, good nutrition plays an integral role in maintaining and managing prostate health. A good diet for enlarged prostate is rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. This is thought to protect the prostate, by reducing the risk of developingprostate disease.

Two diets in particular that have been considered to improve prostate health are the Ketogenic diet and the Mediterranean diet. We will discuss both below.

What Is The Evidence

The researchers did studies both in test tubes and on animals. Both lines of research indicated that compounds in the edible fungi have anti-prostate cancer properties.

Some of the men participated in the study for up to 25 years. During that time, they answered questions about their dietary habits, medical history, smoking, exercise and other elements of lifestyle. Men over 50 who reported consuming mushrooms most frequently were 17 percent less likely to be diagnosed. If they ate a fungi-rich dish at least three times a week, they lowered their risk of diagnosis by as much as 30 percent.

The investigators concluded:

The present study showed an inverse relationship between mushroom consumption and incident prostate cancer among middle-aged and elderly Japanese men, suggesting that habitual mushroom intake might help to prevent prostate cancer.

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Two New Studies Suggest Benefits Of Plant

Plant-based foods are increasingly on the radar. You can grab a green juice at most chain coffee shops, a decent salad at airport restaurants, or a meat-free veggie burger at some locations of the major burger chains. And at many local grocery stores or farmers markets, you can purchase ingredients to cook a veggie-based meal.

Research shows many benefits of a plant-based diet, especially for overall and heart health. For example, in looking across multiple studies, vegetarians were found to have a 9% lower risk of death overall, 29% lower risk of death from heart disease, and 18% lower risk of cancer vs. non-vegetarians. Now, two new papers authored by PCF-funded researchers report benefits of plant-based diets for prostate cancer.

A plant-based diet may reduce risk of developing or dying from prostate cancer

What is a plant-based diet?

A team including PCF-funded investigators Dr. Stacy Loeb and Dr. Stacey Kenfield reviewed multiple studies to address this question. The studies asked participants about their diet, followed them for many years, and counted the number of prostate cancer cases and deaths from prostate cancer. There was some variation in the definition of the diet generally, vegetarians/vegans were compared to nonvegetarians. Overall, the authors reported that a plant-based diet was linked to either a decreased risk of prostate cancer or had no effect on risk.

Dr. Mucci presented some results of this study in a PCF webinar which can be viewed here.

How Does A Plant

Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer Survivorship | T. Colin Campbell, PhD (2007)

A diet predominantly composed of plant-based ingredients, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds, is known as a plant-based diet. Some plant-based diets are entirely vegan and do not include any animal-based items.

Since they comprise vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals, including carotenoids, lycopene, indoles, and flavonols, diets based on plants are beneficial in the battle against cancer.

Lycopene, the vivid red pigment in tomatoes and melons, has also been demonstrated to have protective effects against prostate cancer.

According to research, a high-fiber diet may lower hormone levels that may contribute to the progression of prostate cancer. By maintaining a regular digestive system, fiber also aids in the removal of toxins from our bodies.

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Ban The Bacon And Eggs

Red and processed meats are associated with an increased risk for prostate cancer, and a National Institutes of Health-funded study found that in men who already have prostate cancer, eating poultry and processed red meat increased their risk for death.

Eating eggs is linked to developing prostate cancer, according to a National Institutes of Health-funded study. By consuming 2.5 eggs per week, men increased their risk for a deadly form of prostate cancer by 81 percent, compared with men who consumed less than half an egg per week.

Swap that milk mustache for a veggie mustache this #Movember and protect your prostate with the power of plants!

What Is A Plant

A plant-based diet revolves around eating foods that come from plants. This includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils, whole grains, legumes, and beans.

Some people who follow a plant-based diet abstain completely from eating animal products, like meat, eggs, honey, and dairy. This is known as a vegan diet.

Others choose to do a mostly plant-based diet, still consuming small amounts of animal products. For example, vegetarians may choose to eat eggs and dairy but not meat or seafood. Others elect to incorporate seafood into their diet plant-based diet.

Research suggests that healthy plant-based diets may be associated with some benefits for men with prostate cancer.

A study that included data on more than 47,000 men found that those under the age of 65 who had greater overall plant-based consumption had a significantly lower risk of fatal prostate cancer.

Some research shows plant-based diets may improve disease development risk as well. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, a large U.S. study found that men following a vegan or strictly plant-based diet were 35 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer. However, only men who followed a strict vegan diet experienced these improved outcomes.

Plant-based diets with certain foods and beverages that contain compounds that have

Plant-based foods also have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects, which may be helpful in supporting the overall health of people with prostate cancer.

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How About A Chicago

One of the first things I asked when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2010 was whether I should follow a particular diet.

Scott Eggener, MD, of the University of Chicago, who put me on Active Surveillance in 2010, offered no specific advice other than to follow a healthy diet. He may be changing his tune based on a study this week that supports to the benefits of a plant-based diet. Hes one of the co-authors led by Stacy Loeb, MD, Department of Urology NYU Langone and the Manhattan VA.

Generally, when I have asked about diet, I have been given vague recommendations, such as my mother may have given me: Eat your veggies.

Often, I have been told to follow the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables, potatoes, whole-grains, beans, nuts, seeds and extra virgin olive oil. The diet also includes moderate amounts of lean poultry, fish, seafood, dairy, and eggs.

Brian Helfand, MD, PhD, my current urologist, is from the do everything in moderation school. So he endorses an occasional hot dog from Portillos in part for the feel-good aspect.

Like me, he is a fan of a Chicago-style hot dog dragged through the garden.

However, the Mediterranean diet restricts processed foods like hotdogs, added sugar, and refined grains should be restricted. Many studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet can promote weight loss and help prevent heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, and premature death.


New Research Shows Vegan Diets Could Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk

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Dr Mitrou talks of the World Cancer Research Funds aims, and how research they recently funded found that a vegan diet may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

There are over a million new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in men globally each year, this makes it the second most common cancer in men worldwide. If we are to see these numbers fall, prostate cancer prevention is key.

There are a variety of simple ways to help reduce cancer risk, for example maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

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A Little About Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer develops in the prostate, a male sexual gland. And like all cancers, it can be aggressive and spread to other areas of the body where it can become life-threatening. According to the World Journal of Oncology, prostate cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer in men and the fifth leading cause of death worldwide. If you are a man in the US, you have a 1 in 9 chance of being diagnosed with prostate cancer in your lifetime. In 2018, there were approximately 1.3 million new cases globally, with over 164,000 of those in the US.

The American Cancer Society identifies age as the number one risk factor for prostate cancer. That is, the older you are, the more likely you are to have prostate cancer. African American men are also at higher risk of being diagnosed and are more likely to have high-grade, aggressive cancer. But when we take a step back, it becomes clear that prostate cancer rates are much higher in the western world, where diets high in animal products and processed foods are now the norm.

Additionally, population migration studies demonstrate that when men move from an area of the world with comparatively low levels of prostate cancer to an area with higher rates, their risk of prostate cancer also increases. This diet and lifestyle connection demonstrates that there is more at play than just genetics or how many trips a man has made around the sun.

Vegan Diets Could Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk

One of our funded studies found a vegan diet could reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Scientists at Loma Linda University in California, USA looked at the eating patterns of over 26,000 men.

The results showed that men who were identified as following a vegan diet had a 35% reduced risk of prostate cancer.

The men were followed up for an average of around seven years to see the type of diet they followed and how many of them developed prostate cancer.

The results showed that men who were identified as following a vegan diet had a 35% reduced risk of prostate cancer.

What is particularly interesting about this study is that this is the first time a study has assessed the link between prostate cancer and various types of vegetarian diets, including pescatarian and vegan diets.

The focus on types of diets rather than individual food items is important as people eat foods in combination and not in isolation. This research has, for the first time, helped fill some vital gaps in our knowledge about vegetarian eating patterns and the prevention of prostate cancer.

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Another Study Links Plant

Greater overall consumption of plant-based foods is associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer in men under the age of 65, according to a new study published in scientific, peer-reviewed publication Journal of Urology. The prospective study followed 47,243 men for up to 28 years. Plant-based dietary patterns were calculated using data from food frequency questionnaires collected every four years to discover the association between plant-based diets and the risk of prostate cancer.

During the study, a total of 6,660 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer, including 516 with advanced stage at diagnosis, 958 with lethal disease, and 807 deaths from prostate cancer. Researchers found that greater consumption of plant-based foods was associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. In men under 65 years of age at diagnosis, greater overall consumption of plant-based foods was associated with a lower risk of advanced prostate cancer. Among younger men, greater consumption of a healthful plant-based diet was associated with lower risks of total prostate cancer. There were no associations with either the overall or healthful plant-based diet indices with prostate cancer among men older than 65 years.

Researchers pointed out that a limitation of the study was that less than one percent of participants followed a strict vegetarian or vegan diet, so they were unable to measure the risk in men who eat plant-based foods and no animal products.

How Could A Vegan Diet Reduce Cancer Risk

A Plant-Powered Approach To Prostate Cancer

Eating less/avoiding animal protein reduces levels of a growth factor called insulin-like growth factor 1, which could encourage the growth of cells that line the prostate.

There are potential explanations as to how a vegan diet could protect against prostate cancer. One of them is that eating less/avoiding animal protein reduces levels of a growth factor called insulin-like growth factor 1, which could encourage the growth of cells that line the prostate.

Vegans also consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants and can reduce inflammation, which could subsequently play a key role in the development and progression of prostate cancer.

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Sugar And Prostate Enlargement

Diets high in sugar can cause inflammation that can lead to rapid prostate enlargement, says Dr. Gill. Its best to limit your intake of carbohydrates, too.

If youre looking out for your prostate, think about having a low-sugar diet, minimizing carbohydrates, and sticking to good, clean, healthy foods fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and whole grains, says Dr. Gill.

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