Friday, July 26, 2024

Does Prostate Cancer Cause Weight Loss

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On Some Days Its Enough To Just Eat

Prostate Cancer – What Symptoms to be Aware of

Ideally, Ms. Stella explains, patients currently undergoing treatment will use a modified version of the USDAs MyPlate icon to guide their nutritional intake. But instead of splitting the plate down the middle with protein and carbohydrates occupying one side and fruits and vegetables on the other these patients should aim for a peace sign consisting of equal portions of fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates, and lean protein. Its beneficial for cancer patients to increase the amount of protein they eat, since adequate protein intake is particularly important to avoid losing lean muscle mass when dropping weight.

This goal changes, however, when patients dont feel well enough to eat much of anything.

For those having difficulty maintaining their weight, it can get to the point where any calorie is really more important than being picky about food choice, Ms. Stella says. Too much concern about types of food can give the patient a lot of anxiety. Just eat.

Other Locations Of Pain From Prostate Cancer

Pain during urination

Painful ejaculation

Leg and foot pain from swelling/edema

Shooting, burning or stabbing pain can occur in the lower extremities if a metastasis is pressing against a nerve.

Lower abdominal pain or soreness can occur if a tumor is causing pressure on the organs that surround the prostate.

If youve been having any of the following symptoms, many benign conditions can explain them. But so can prostate cancer. Better safe than sorry.

Get yourself checked out if youve been experiencing any of the following:

Urination discomfort of any sort

Any difficulty with urination

Increased urges to urinate overnight

Loss of bladder control

Reduced flow of urine stream

Appearance of blood in the urine

Blood in semen

Numbness in the lower extremities

Unexplained fatigue or weight loss

WARNING: Many of the aforementioned symptoms are signs of advanced disease.

The time to get checked is at the first sign of symptoms, even if they seem trite such as reduced urine stream or having more urges to urinate overnight.

Furthermore, annual PSA tests are highly recommended beginning at age 50 for men at average risk of prostate cancer.

For more information on prostate cancer screening, call Cancer Center Treatments of America at 993-3381.

How Is Advanced Prostate Cancer Treated

The primary treatment of prostate cancer is prostatectomy, which is a surgery to remove a part of the prostate gland or the entire prostate gland in younger patients.

Androgen deprivation therapy is usually the choice of treatment of metastatic prostate cancer. Also known as hormone therapy, it is also used for treating patients who are unfit or unwilling to undergo surgery or/and radiation therapy.

Examples of hormone therapies for advanced prostate cancer include

  • Abiraterone

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Tips For Nutrition During Cancer Treatment

  • Maintain a healthy weight. For many men, this means avoiding weight loss by getting enough calories on a daily basis. For men who are overweight and are obese, this may mean losing some weight. If you are trying to lose weight, it should be moderate, meaning only about a pound a week.
  • Get essential nutrients the body needs, such as protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, such as carotenoids, and water. Not only will your body function better, you will feel better.
  • Be as active as you can, such as taking a daily walk. If you sit or sleep too much, you may lose muscle mass and increase your body fat, even if you are not gaining weight.

If you are struggling to eat enough or are eating too much, nutrition counseling may help you get essential nutrients, such as protein, vitamins, and minerals into your diet and maintain a healthy body weight. Ask your health care team for a referral to a registered dietitian or nutritionist. Dietitians and other members of the health care team work with people to meet their nutritional needs.

What Is Testicular Cancer

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Cancer starts when cells begin to grow out of control. Cells in nearly any part of the body can become cancer and spread to other parts of the body. To learn more about how cancers start and spread, see What Is Cancer?

Cancer that starts in the testicles is called testicular cancer. To understand this cancer, it helps to know about the normal structure and function of the testicles.

Also Check: Definition Of Prostate

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Addressing All Of Your Healthcare Needs

We understand that a diagnosis of cancer can be challenging for you and your loved ones. That’s why we offer psychosocial, nutritional, and other support services for people with urologic cancers. Your team includes palliative care physicians as well, ensuring that your quality of life is the best it can be from the moment of diagnosis and throughout your treatment. As a major medical center, we can also address your other healthcare concerns and connect you with the specialists you need.

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What Are The Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer

Some of the greatest risk factors for prostate cancer include:

  • Age. Prostate cancer is very rare in men younger than 40 years of age. In contrast, approximately 60% of prostate cancer cases occur in men that are older than 65.
  • Race. African-American men tend to be at greater risk for prostate cancer compared to non-Hispanic whites, whereas Asian-Americans and Hispanic/Latino men are less susceptible to this disease.
  • Location. Prostate cancer is most common in North America, Europe, Australia, and the Caribbean. It is rarer in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. This may be because of more intensive screening procedures for the disease in certain countries, although lifestyle factors such as diet could also play a key role in the difference.
  • Family history. In many cases, there is a strong hereditary factor associated with the emergence of prostate cancer. In fact, men who have a father or brother with prostate cancer have a much higher risk of developing it themselves.

Other possible risk factors could include a dairy-rich diet, obesity, smoking, and exposure to harmful chemicals.

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Urge To Urinate Frequently

An inability to urinate when the need arises or an urge to urinate more frequently can also point to prostate cancer or other problems with this organ. Men who experience this symptom may also find that after they relieve themselves, they need to go again due to incomplete voiding of the bladder. If they are over the age of fifty, enlarged prostate is the most likely cause. However, this is also a symptom of prostate cancer.

Men’s Weight Linked To Prostate Cancer Growth

Exercise medicine for men with prostate cancer

Obesity, Weight Gain May Raise Prostate Cancer Risks

A man’s weight gain may affect his prostate cancer prognosis and raise the risk of the disease progressing, according to a new study.

Researchers found men who were obese at the time their prostate cancer was diagnosed as well as those who gained weight quickly before their diagnosis were more likely to have an aggressive form of the disease. These men were more likely to have prostate cancer that progressed after surgical treatment.

Although previous studies have suggested a link between obesity and the risk of developing prostate cancer, researchers say this is the first study to show a relationship between a man’s weight at different ages and the risk of prostate cancer progression after diagnosis and surgical treatment.

Researchers say if further studies confirm these results, doctors should consider a man’s weight and his history of weight gain when designing a prostate cancer treatment plan, such as incorporating diet and exercise strategies to reduce the risk of prostate cancer progression.

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A Team Of Urologic Cancer Experts

Our dedicated staff includes highly skilled urologic surgeons, medical and radiation oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, oncology nurses, radiation therapists, and others with experience caring for people with urologic cancers. The team gathers at a monthly Tumor Board meeting to discuss each case and combine their expertise to assemble the most effective treatment plan for each patient. Our staff is experienced caring for patients from all walks of life. We are sensitive to your personal and cultural preferences and consider you to be a member of the team when planning your care. Our doctors are also on the urologic cancer care team at Weill Cornell Medicine.

We appreciate that your time is valuable, and you may have questions and concerns. To that end, we have established Multidisciplinary Urology Clinic appointments. During these appointments, you will meet with a number of specialists at one time, allowing you to engage with your care team and for physicians to work with you towards a comprehensive and collaborative treatment plan. Many of these visits can be conducted virtually, via Video Visits.

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Investigating The Role Of Glucose On Cancer Progression

With the help of study participants like Asay, Hutch oncologist Wright and colleagues are interested in investigating the role of impaired glucose regulation â commonly associated with obesity â in the progression of prostate cancer. They hypothesize that keeping glucose levels in check through weight loss will slow the growth of the cancer and improve long-term survival.

The National Cancer Instituteâfunded study is in the process of enlisting 200 Seattle-area men â about half of whom so far, like Asay, have been veterans enrolled in the local VA. These men are a particularly relevant group to study, said Wright, a joint associate member of the Prostate Studies Group in the Public Health Sciences Division at Fred Hutch and an associate professor of urology at UW School of Medicine. Wright also cares for patients at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Fred Hutchâs clinical care partner, and the VA Puget Sound Health Care System in Seattle.

âObesity and prostate cancer are both common diagnoses in older men,â he said, âbut in our veterans, the rates of these two diseases are even higher,â especially among those who served in the Vietnam War and were exposed to Agent Orange, an herbicide that has been linked to an increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer, among other malignancies.

Wrightâs father served a year in combat in the Vietnam War as an infantry soldier, he said, âmaking the importance of providing care to our veterans even more personal for me.â

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Male Fertility And Infertility

Fertility refers to having the ability to conceive, or being able to have a child. For males, fertility means they are able to father a child through normal sexual activity. A persons fertility depends on their reproductive organs working as they should and other factors, such as when and how often they are having sex, certain hormones, and if their partner has any problems with fertility.

When a person cannot have a child, this is called infertility, or being infertile. For males, infertility means they are not able to father a child through normal sexual activity. Doctors usually consider a person infertile when they have not been able to conceive a child after 12 or more months of regular sexual activity.

Problems with fertility can also be called reproductive problemsoralterations. They happen when certain hormone levels are abnormally low or high or if reproduction organs are removed or arent working properly. Some people never find out why they are having fertility problems. Many experts believe stress and anxiety can cause changes that play a part in infertility.

People with certain types of cancer or who are getting treatment for cancer may have fertility problems. Children and teenagers who have cancer are often of special concern. You can read more about specific adult and childhood cancers in Cancer A to Z and can learn more about how fertility might be affected in How Cancer and Cancer Treatment Can Affect Fertility.

The Top 7 Signs Of Advanced Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer: Do you feel this after using the toilet ...

In the early stages, you may not notice any symptoms related to prostate cancer. This is why screenings are important. Symptoms can sometimes be noticed for the first time when the cancer advances.

Advanced prostate cancer, also called metastatic cancer, means the cancer has spread to other areas of your body beyond your prostate gland. The most common areas for prostate cancer to spread are your bladder, rectum, and bones. It can also spread to your lymph nodes, liver, lungs, and other body tissues.

Whether youve just been diagnosed or youre in treatment, its also important to know the signs of advanced cancer. Cancer can behave differently depending on your genetics, so not every person will experience the same symptoms in the same way.

Read on to learn more about the seven top symptoms of advanced prostate cancer and how to spot them.

Recommended Reading: What Are The 5 Warning Signs Of Prostate Cancer

Maintaining Good Nutrition During And After Treatment

Maintaining a healthy diet can help you prepare for and recover after cancer treatment. It may also help to prevent the prostate cancer from coming back.Watching your weight may also reduce your risk of dying from prostate cancer. Recent studies have indicated that the risk of dying from prostate cancer is more than double in obese men diagnosed with the disease compared with men of normal weight at the time of diagnosis. Obese men with local or regional disease have been shown to have nearly four times the risk of their cancer spreading beyond the prostate or metastasizing.

Prostate cancer treatment may affect your appetite, eating habits, and weight, but it is important for you to maintain a healthy weight, get essential nutrients, and remain as physically active as possible.If you have difficulty eating due to side effects from treatment, there are ways to make eating more comfortable. Working with a registered dietitian/nutritionist can help make sure you are getting the nutrition you need.

Unfortunately it is possible for the side effects of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy to cause you to lose your appetite, eat less and lose weight. On the other hand, some treatments, such as androgen deprivation therapy may cause weight gain for some men.

, Prostate Cancer and Nutrition featuring Margaret Martin, RD, MS, LDN, a nutrition educator from PearlPoint Nutrition Services.

Risk Factors For Prostate And Testicular Disorders

While these men over 50 years old are at highest risk of developing prostate disorders and men between the ages of 20 and 54 are most at risk of developing testicular problems, age is just one of the factors that can increase a manâs risk of developing prostate and testicular disorders. Other risk factors include:

  • Diet and weight â Eating a high-fat diet or being overweight or obese can increase mens testosterone levels, which in turn increases the risk of developing prostate and testicular health conditions.
  • Ethnicity â African American men have a higher risk than men of other ethnicities of developing prostate disorders, and Caucasian males are most likely to develop testicular disorders.
  • Family history â If a mans father or brother has suffered from a prostate or testicular disorder, he has a particularly high risk of developing the same condition.
  • Testosterone levels â Men on testosterone therapy or who have naturally high levels of testosterone are more likely to develop prostate and testicular disorders.
  • Other factors such as whether or not a man smokes, has contracted HIV or has undescended testicles contribute to his risk for developing testicular problems.

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Burning Or Pain During Urination

The most common cause of pain or burning when urinating is a bladder infection, Paulson says. “However, if your urine test comes back negative for infection or the burning and pain is persistent, be sure to dig a little deeper and check your prostate. It could be an easily missed sign of prostate cancer,” she says.

Signs Of Prostate Cancer

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  • Abdominal pain: Pressure on the organs surrounding your prostate can cause lower abdomen pain and soreness.
  • Anemia: Often prostate cancer patients develop anemia caused by bone marrow infiltration, androgen deprivation or treatment related toxicity.
  • Bloody semen: Inflammation or infection of the prostate gland can cause blood in the semen.
  • Bloody urine : Cancer of any part of the urinary tract including prostate cancer can cause of blood in urine. However, this can also be a symptom of other conditions such as kidney stones or urinary tract infections.
  • Fatigue: A number of factors can cause fatigue in cancer patients. Treatments and medications, stress, depression, and lack of appetite are factors of fatigue.
  • Problems urinating and incontinence: Anything that enlarges the prostate gland surrounding the urethra can obstruct the urethra, causing urination retention problems, trouble starting urination, incomplete emptying or a weak urine stream.
  • Leg inflammation: The patient may experience leg inflammation or swelling if the prostate cancer tumor metastasizes into the bladder and blocks the urine is coming from the kidney.
  • Lower back pain/Spinal compression: Lower back or hip pain can occur when bone metastasis occurs and the spinal cord is compressed.
  • Weight loss: The functioning of the body, or treatments such as chemotherapy, can cause weight loss.

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What Is Advanced Prostate Cancer

When prostate cancer spreads beyond the prostate or returns after treatment, it is often called advanced prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is often grouped into four stages.

  • Stages I & II: The tumor has not spread beyond the prostate. This is often called early stage or localized prostate cancer.
  • Stage III: Cancer has spread outside the prostate, but only to nearby tissues. This is often called locally advanced prostate cancer.
  • Stage IV: Cancer has spread outside the prostate to other parts such as the lymph nodes, bones, liver or lungs. This stage is often called advanced prostate cancer.

When an early stage prostate cancer is found, it may be treated or placed on surveillance . If prostate cancer spreads beyond the prostate or returns after treatment, it is often called advanced prostate cancer. Stage IV prostate cancer is not curable, but there are many ways to control it. Treatment can stop advanced prostate cancer from growing and causing symptoms.

There are several types of advanced prostate cancer, including:

Biochemical Recurrence

If your Prostate Specific Antigen level has risen after the first treatment but you have no other signs of cancer, you have “biochemical recurrence.”

Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

Non-Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

Metastatic Prostate Cancer

  • Lymph nodes outside the pelvis
  • Bones
  • Other organs

Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer

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