Friday, July 26, 2024

How Deep Is The Male Prostate

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Side Effects And Risks

Could Prostate Massage Save Your Life? #1 Male Prostate Health and Cancer Prevention Tip

The tissues lining the prostate and rectum are delicate and vulnerable to cuts, tears, and abrasions. Massaging the prostate too intensely can easily lead to soreness. In the study described above, for example, 8.3% of participants reported discomfort after prostate massage.

Overly aggressive prostate massage can also cause rectal bleeding, creating a risk of bacterial infection or aggravating hemorrhoids.

Furthermore, manual prostate massage is discouraged for men with acute bacterial prostatitis. The massage increases inflammation and may promote the spread of bacteria to the urethra, other parts of the urinary tract, and the bloodstream.

That said, a few small studies of the effects of prostate massage performed by a physician have shown it to be beneficial as a therapy for chronic prostatitis when paired with antibiotics.

What Is Prostate Cancer

This diagram;shows the location of the prostate, in front of the rectum and just below the bladder.

This diagram;shows the location of the prostate, in front of the rectum and just below the bladder.

Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. When cancer starts in the prostate, it is called prostate cancer. Not including skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men.

The Prostate Produces Seminal Fluid

Semen is produced by both the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles, a pair of glands attached to the prostate.

The fluid produced by the prostate gland mixes with the sperm and produces semen. During sex, the muscles of the prostate contract and ejaculate the prostate fluid and sperm into the urethra.

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What Are Benign Prostate Conditions

The prostate gland lies underneath the bladder and in front of the rectum deep in the male pelvis. It surrounds the urethra, the tube that transports urine from the bladder. The prostate is normally the size of a walnut and functions to secrete fluid that nourishes sperm. Common benign conditions that can affect the prostate gland are benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis.

What Is The Function Of The Prostate

Male Rectal Exam

The prostate plays a fundamental role in the formation of seminal fluid, making sure it produces the correct volume. Their secretions also benefit the mobility of sperm, ensuring that they arrive safely to the egg to fertilize it.

Additionally, this gland is responsible for protecting men from urinary tract infections and maintains a healthy bladder, so it is paramount that it is in perfect condition.

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Prostate Massage And Cancer

Men suspected of having prostate cancer should not be treated with prostate massage, as this may cause tumor cells to break off and spread to nearby tissues.

There’s some evidence that prostate massage, prior to certain tests for prostate cancer, may increase the sensitivity of the test, making it more likely the cancer will be detected.

However, a prostate-specific antigen blood test should not be conducted immediately after a prostate massage, as this could lead to false-positive results.

Even if cancer is not an issue, it’s important to avoid injuring the prostate. The thin, pliable membrane covering the prostatethe prostatic plexusis full of nerves that serve the sponge-like corpora cavernosa of the penis.

Massaging the prostate too intensely can damage nerves in the corpora cavernosatwo chambers composed of erectile tissue that run the length of the penis. Damage to the corpora cavernosa can result in pain and erectile dysfunction.

Make Sure You’re Turned On

Its not going to be comfortable if you attempt prostate stimulation without being turned on. When youre turned on, your body will work with you, as opposed to against you. Youll be more relaxed or looser and less likely to clench. Thats why its good to pull up your favorite porn site, and maybe even masturbate regularly a little before you go ahead and stick a finger up your behind.

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So How Do I Find My P

The prostate gland swells when its aroused which means that youll have more luck finding it, and more pleasure from it, if you are already turned on when you start looking.;

Whether youre alone or with a partner, do some other things first like rubbing your nipples, stroking your penis, or watching a little porn.

Start by putting some lube on your fingers and massaging the outside of the anus, then gradually slip one or two fingers inside. To find the P-spot the fingers should be pointing up . Try curling them a little bit like youre making the universal signal for come here. Like we said earlier, you might feel the prostate gland as a small bump.;

Many men say that the first thing they notice when someone pushes on their P-spot is feeling like they;have to pee. This makes sense because the prostate is so close to the bladder. Take it as a sign that youre in the right place, and keep applying pressure, or start gently massaging.

How Does The Prostate Work

What Is The Prostate And What Does It Do?

The prostate is a gland about the size of a chestnut and weighs about 30 grams . It is part of the male reproductive system and is located inside the body. The prostates most important function is the production of a fluid that, together with sperm cells from the testicles and fluids from other glands, makes up semen. The muscles of the prostate also ensure that the semen is forcefully pressed into the urethra and then expelled outwards during ejaculation.

The prostate is located directly below the bladder and above the muscles of the pelvic floor. The rectum is behind the prostate, making it possible to feel the gland from the rectum using the finger. The ducts in the prostate gland flow into the urethra, which passes through the prostate. The word prostate is taken from the Greek expression meaning one who stands before, which describes the position of the prostate gland. Viewed from below, where the urethra leaves the gland, the prostate stands before the bladder.

The tissue of the prostate gland can be divided into three different zones, listed here from innermost to outermost, which encircle the urethra like layers of an onion:

The prostate has various functions:

Production of fluid for semen:

Hormone metabolism: In the prostate the male sex hormone testosterone is transformed to a biologically active form, DHT .

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Surgery And Specialized Procedures

There are several procedures used to treat an enlarged prostate. These procedures can also be used to remove prostate cancer.

Transurethral resection of the prostate is a procedure that involves placing an endoscopea tube connected to a camerainto the urethra to visualize the bladder and to remove excess prostate tissue.

An open prostatectomy is a surgical procedure that involves surgical removal of a portion of the prostate gland or the whole entire gland.

A newer procedure, the Rezm System, uses steam to destroy prostate cells.

Is Female Ejaculation A Thing

Yes! And its a fairly common thing.

The most recent cross-sectional study on female ejaculation found that more than 69 percent of participants experienced ejaculation during orgasm.

Ejaculation occurs when fluid is expelled from your urethral opening during orgasm or sexual arousal.

The ejaculate is a thick, whitish fluid that resembles watered-down milk and contains some of the same components as semen.

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A Sex Writers Guide To Getting Your Best Buzz

So, you want to buy a vibrator. Your first instinct might be to google vibrator, a valiant but complicated intention because the internet is the internet. Youll likely stumble upon too many options from a low-quality vibrator that isnt body-safe or one that doesnt fit your needs at all.

So instead, I, a seasoned sex and wellness writer, offer you a tried-and-true guide on how to buy a vibrator.

Prostate Massage: How It Is Done And What It Is Used For

The Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

Prostate massage, how to do it, techniques, benefits and contraindications: what to know about the practice, useful both in the medical and sexual fields.

The prostatic massage represents one of the techniques more in demand in recent years, both for the treatment of some disorders of medical origin and simply as a practice for the male intimate pleasure. Despite having very ancient origins, the treatment has achieved a certain popularity in the last decade, also thanks to the information quickly circulated on the Net. But what is prostate massage in fact, how is it performed, which are the best techniques and which benefits can it bring to the body?

Before entering into the merits of the practice, it is however necessary to remember how prostate is a very delicate male gland, subject to the action of external agents and infections due to its position. For this reason, in the event of ailments, pains, changes in urination or sexual difficulties, the first step is always to examine the opinion of the attending physician or, again, of theurologist andandrologist of trust.

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How Does A Person Prepare To Receive A Prostate Massage

One quick FYI is that prostate massages can make people feel like they have to pee, so the person having their prostate massaged should probably empty their bladder beforehand. Then you and your partner should take deep breaths. Deep breathing activates the bodys relaxation responsewhich is good for everyone involvedand a relaxed anal sphincter is a happy anal sphincter . Keep in mind that the more relaxed and turned on one is, the more comfort and pleasure theyre likely to experience.

Another thing to remember: The physical position may make receiving a prostate massage feel better or more feasible. Its not a guarantee, but some people find that being on top makes anal penetration easier, SELF previously reported. Your partner can kneel with your hand between their legs, for instance. With that said, it will likely take some experimentation to figure out which position feels best for the person receiving a prostate massage.

Clinical Relevance Prostatic Carcinoma

Prostatic carcinoma represents the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men, especially in countries with high sociodemographic index. The malignant cells commonly originate from the peripheral zone, although carcinomas may arise from the central and transition zones too. It is still debatable that the latter tumors may present with lower malignant potential.

However the proximity of the peripheral zone to the neurovascular bundle that surrounds the prostate may facilitate spread along perineural and lymphatic pathways, thus increasing the metastatic potential of these tumors. Malignant cells may invade adjacent structures and/ or lymphatic and blood vessel routes to give distant metastases. Prostate carcinoma also commonly spreads via the Batson venous plexus to the vertebral bodies and cause skeletal metastases.

A DRE may reveal a hard, irregular prostate gland. In most cases the serum PSA values will be increased. However, due to the peripherally-advancing tumor, symptoms may be minimal, as obstruction occurs usually at late stages. One should also keep in mind that the high incidence of prostate carcinoma is found in elderly men, who may already have symptoms due to BPH.

Fig 4 Prostate cancer has the potential to invade nearby structures.

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Why Can Stimulating The Prostate Feel So Good

The anus and its surrounding area are packed with nerve endings, Hong explains. Thats precisely why anal play can feel so amazing whether or not you have a prostate. Dr. Hong also notes that the prostate has plenty of blood vessels that swell with increased blood flow. The extra blood helps make the area more sensitive, which can boost pleasure.

Even though the anus is surrounded by nerve endings, its also surrounded by stigma. The human body is amazing in that parts like the vagina and anus have natural functions but can also be sites of intense pleasure. Trying out different sex-related acts is normal, and discovering new ways to experience pleasure is always a good idea.

Isnt Ejaculation The Same Thing As Orgasm

How to Find His Prostate

Most people refer to ejaculation and orgasm as one in the same, but they are actually two separate physiological events.

Orgasm includes the pelvic contractions and intense pleasure and release you feel when you come. Ejaculation is the expulsion of semen from the penis.

An orgasm is just part of the sexual response cycle, which happens in stages. Every body is different, so the duration, intensity, and even order of the stages can vary from one person to another.

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What Are The Treatment Options For Bph

First line treatment for BPH is dietary and lifestyle modification. If these fail to improve symptoms then medical therapy can be started. Medications can either help shrink the prostate gland or help relax the prostate and bladder. If medical therapy is ineffective, there are surgical options from which the patient may benefit. The most common procedure is a TURP . During this procedure a doctor passes a small camera through the urethra and removes excess prostate tissue with a surgical instrument. A laser can also be used to resect prostate tissue. There are also other minimally invasive therapies that can be used in BPH to help improve urinary symptoms and quality of life. Sometimes when the prostate gland is extremely large, surgical removal of the gland is performed through an incision.

Touching Your Prostate With Your Finger

  • 1See a trained professional if you want your prostate medically examined. Medical professionals do not recommend prostate self-exams. An untrained finger is unlikely to accurately recognize signs of problems, and there is a small but not inconsequential risk of damage to the rectum or prostate.XResearch source
  • Talk to your primary care doctor to determine if you should have a DRE to check your prostate.
  • Check your prostate if youre older than 40, have a high risk for prostate cancer, or if you have symptoms of an enlarged or infected prostates.
  • If you want to access your prostate for sexual pleasure, take all the precautions described in this article and work very slowly and gently.
  • 2Take a shower and clean between the cheeks thoroughly. Use soap, water, and a soft washcloth to clean the area as best you can, then rinse it out thoroughly with clean water from the shower. The cleaner you feel “up there,” the less self-conscious you’re likely to be when the time comes to insert your finger.
  • Dont use a rough washcloth or brush, scrub too vigorously, or try to clean deep into your rectum. You may damage the sensitive tissue in the area. Just accept that its not possible to get this area 100% clean.
  • Even when youre accessing your own rectum, its best to play it safe and wear a glove.
  • If you wear a ring on the index finger youll be using, remove it.
  • Your entire index finger should be fully coated from the tip down to at least the middle knuckle.
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    The Prostate Gland Is Fueled By Testosterone

    The prostate gland is dependent on testosterone for it to function.

    Testosterone is produced in a mans testes. Testosterone helps maintain sperm production, sex drive, and many more. Also, researchers have found a connection between high levels of testosterone and prostate cancer. However, it is important to keep the prostate healthy to enjoy pleasant sex life.

    A Guide To Prostate Massage

    Male prostate milking anus

    Caitilin Kelly, MD, is a clinical physician at Indiana University Health Bloomington Hospital and is board-certified in internal medicine.

    Prostate massage is a procedure in which a finger is inserted into the rectum to stimulate the prostate gland. The goal is to release excess seminal fluidthe fluid that mixes with sperm to create semenfrom the ducts of the prostate gland.

    Alternative medical practitioners claim that prostate massage can ease prostate inflammation while alleviating pressure on the urinary tract. Among the conditions prostate massage is said to treat are:

    Prostate massage is also used for sexual stimulation to help achieve arousal, enhance an erection, or relax the rectum in advance of anal sex.

    This article will discuss the medical and sexual purposes of prostate massage. It also covers how the procedure is done, along with the risks and side effects that may come with it.

    Also Check: Does An Enlarged Prostate Affect A Man Sexually

    What Is The Normal Size Of The Prostate

    The prostate is an organ located below the bladder and in front of the rectum which is only present in the male body, fulfilling a key role in the formation of seminal fluid. The prostate secretes an alkaline fluid, white in appearance, that makes up to 30% of the volume of semen.

    Over the years this gland can slightly increase in size, resulting in a condition known as prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate. For this reason many men wonder what the normal size of the prostate is and at what point it is considered enlarged. Read this OneHowTo article if you want more information about the normal size of the prostate.

  • If you have any problems
  • Prostate Stimulation: Precautions And Contraindications

    As widespread and increasingly in demand, prostate stimulation requires some precautions. Especially when using the internal technique, you will have to manage a very delicate area of ââthe body. Maximum hygiene must therefore be guaranteed, also to avoid accidents bacterial contamination, for example with external agents present on the fingers.

    It is therefore recommended to use latex gloves and, last but not least, lubricants to reduce harmful friction, also to avoid irritation and micro-wounds. For some subjects, prostate massage could even be contraindicated, for example in the presence of certain cancers or swellings that require medical attention. It is therefore useful to examine the opinion of the andrologist or urologist before resorting to the practice for sexual purposes.

    Finally, stimulation of the prostate can lead to an increase in the concentration ofprostate specific antigen in the blood, a value normally measured to check for even serious gland disorders. For this reason, before undergoing laboratory investigations it is necessary to inform the doctor, so that the values ââcan be correctly interpreted.

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