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Can Prostate Massage Really Help An Enlarged Prostate

Enlarged Prostate – What You Need To Know

Prostate milking, or prostate massage, has the ability to give men intense relief from prostate problems. The prostate, or the prostate gland is a major organ in the male reproductive system.

The primary function of this gland is to produce prostatic fluid. This is the fluid that helps the sperm survive after ejaculation.

Unfortunately, factors like aging and a poor lifestyle can make the prostate weak. This results in an impairment in urinary function, sexual function and prostate inflammation.

> > > Prostate Massage for Optimal Prostate Health

However, by massaging the prostate on a regular basis, blood flow increases in the area. The pain that is related to an inflamed prostate as well as discomfort in the area diminishes.

It is important to know that prostate massage is not a new practice. It is a treatment that has been utilized for thousands of years in Asian culture, and it is still a treatment that is used today.

In fact, many men have reported feeling much better after one prostate massage session.

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Causes Of Benign Prostate Enlargement

The exact cause of benign prostate enlargement is unknown, but research suggests that hormones probably play an important role in the condition’s development.

Hormones are powerful chemicals that can have a wide range of effects on the cells of the body.

One theory is that as some men get older, the levels of a type of hormone called dihydrotestosterone increases, which may stimulate the growth of the prostate.

Another theory suggests that two hormones, testosterone and oestrogen, play a role. Younger men produce high levels of testosterone and much smaller levels of oestrogen. But as men get older, their levels of testosterone decrease, which means they then have a higher proportion of oestrogen in their body. It’s been suggested that the relative increase in oestrogen may stimulate prostate growth.

What Are The Symptoms Of Prostatitis

Each type of prostatitis has a range of symptoms that vary depending on the cause and may not be the same for every man. Many symptoms are similar to those of other conditions.

Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. The main symptoms of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome can include pain or discomfort lasting 3 or more months in one or more of the following areas:

  • between the scrotum and anus
  • the central lower abdomen
  • the scrotum
  • the lower back

Pain during or after ejaculation is another common symptom. A man with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome may have pain spread out around the pelvic area or may have pain in one or more areas at the same time. The pain may come and go and appear suddenly or gradually. Other symptoms may include

  • pain in the urethra during or after urination.
  • pain in the penis during or after urination.
  • urinary frequencyurination eight or more times a day. The bladder begins to contract even when it contains small amounts of urine, causing more frequent urination.
  • urinary urgencythe inability to delay urination.
  • a weak or an interrupted urine stream.

Acute bacterial prostatitis. The symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis come on suddenly and are severe. Men should seek immediate medical care. Symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis may include

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What Is The Gleason Score

So, how do you know where your biopsy stands? Your biopsy samples will be assigned whats called a Gleason score, the most commonly used way to grade prostate cancer, which will help your doctor make treatment decisions.

It works like this:

  • Your doctor compares each of the tissue samples taken during your biopsy to normal, healthy prostate tissue.

  • He or she gives each sample a score, or grade, ranging from 3 to 5.

  • The more abnormal your cells, the higher your grade. A 5 represents the most aggressive cancer.

  • Once each sample has been graded, your doctor then takes the two most common scores from all the samples and add them together. These two numbers are then weighted for prevalence. This is your Gleason Score, which can range from 6 to 10, with 10 being the most aggressive cancer.

  • To make it super clear, lets walk you through an example.

  • Lets say a man has a biopsy in which 12 tissue samples are removed from his prostate.

  • After careful study in a lab, each tissue receives a score. Eight of the tissue samples score a 3, while the other four samples each receive a 4.

  • His doctor then writes the two most common scores, 3 and 4, as the final score: 3+4=7. He writes 3 first because more of the slides were graded as a 3, thus giving these readings more significance.

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    Sign : Frequent Urge To Urinate

    Enlarged Prostate: Causes, Symptoms &  3 Natural Treatments ...

    You feel sudden urges to go anytime, even if you have little or no urine in your bladder. The urge may be so strong that you feel like you cant hold it until youre in the bathroom.

    These urges can significantly impact your life. If you wake up to go 2-3 times or more per night because of them, you could suffer from fatigue, loss of focus, moodiness, and lack of energy.

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    Frequency Of Prostate Massage

    Now that we covered how and why, lets talk about frequency. For a healthy prostate, one massage once per month is enough to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. On the other hand, people that have a swollen prostate can do it once a week. Fortunately, if you are into this, you can do it as many times as you like.

    For some, this is an integral part of intercourse. Indeed, some can freely massage their prostate every time they have sex. That way, they can increase the sensation that comes with orgasm and improve it.

    However, if you practice this often, you should be extra careful when massaging yourself or your partner. Since the whole area that you massage can be rather sensitive, and there are a lot of nerve endings, the last thing you need is to cause injury. Make sure you use lube, and if you are gentle enough, you can do it as much as you desire.

    Enlarged Prostate Doesnt Just Affect Your Bladder

    According to research, as many as half of the men aged 51 to 60 will develop BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia. An enlarged prostate. The good news about BPH lies in that one little, yet the uber-important word benign. To have an enlarged prostate doesnt indicate that you have prostate cancer, or that your risk for cancer is substantially higher. It can mean that you have to face a few unpleasant symptoms, though.

    The most common symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia revolve around urination. Because your prostate gland is adjacent to the bladder, its enlargement can cause the blockage. This may result in frequent urination, difficulty starting urination, a sensation of fullness after urination, dribbling, and weak urine flow. These are the symptoms that most men have been told or experienced for themselves. But theres more. BPH can also affect your sex life. Heres how:

    • Reduced sex drive and sexual satisfaction. This is related to the loss of sleep that stems from having to urinate frequently through the night more than it does any other aspect of BPH. Additionally, when the bladder feels uncomfortably full due to pressure from the blockage, anxiety may coincide with sex, diminishing the overall experience.

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    About Half Of Men Older Than 50 Have An Enlarged Prostate Here Are Some Of The Basic Facts You Need To Know About This Common Condition

    As men age, many experience prostate gland enlargement. This condition is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia .

    The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the hollow tube that carries urine out of the body. When the prostate gets bigger, it can squeeze or partially block the urethra, which leads to problems urinating.

    BPH is quite common in older men. In fact, the condition impacts about 50% of men between the ages of 51 and 60. For men 80 and older, the prevalence of BPH is approximately 90%, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

    Any Final Tips To Remember Or Things To Avoid

    Enlarged prostate – What do I need to know?

    Lets do a quick recap, shall we?

    • Stimulating the prostatea walnut-size gland inside the male pelviscan feel really, really good thanks to the many nerve endings in the anus and surrounding area.

    • Because the anal lining and anus are very sensitive, prostate massages do come with risks like pain and tearing. Its essential to prepare beforehand, first by communicating what you and your partner are and arent comfortable with.

    • You also need to prepare physically by doing things like washing your hands, slipping on latex gloves if you want, taking deep breaths, and engaging in some foreplay.

    • If youre using your fingers to give a prostate massage, you can try applying firm yet gentle area to the perineum, that bit of skin between the testicles and anus, and experiment from there.

    • Lube is a must before any anal penetration occursbut leave the numbing agents out of it.

    • Only use sex toys that have a flared base for anal play.

    • Enjoy!

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    When To Contact A Medical Professional

    • Less urine than usual
    • Back, side, or abdominal pain
    • Blood or pus in your urine

    Also call if:

    • Your bladder does not feel completely empty after you urinate.
    • You take medicines that may cause urinary problems, such as diuretics, antihistamines, antidepressants, or sedatives. DO NOT stop or change your medicines without talking to your provider.
    • You have tried self-care steps for 2 months and symptoms have not improved.

    How Is Yale Medicines Approach To Treating Enlarged Prostate Unique

    “Urologists at Yale Medicine can give you a personalized approach to prostate care for both benign and malignant conditions,” says Dr. Honig.

    Doctors at Yale Medicine work closely with specialists across all disciplines at Yale New Haven Hospital. Our doctors are dedicated to providing the latest treatmentsall personalized to meet the needs of each patient. This collaboration between different departments and teams sets Yale Medicine apart in its standard of care.

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    Does Masturbation Improve Prostate Health

    ByRajgopal Venkataraman | Submitted On July 23, 2008

    Masturbation has been long associated with numerous myths and it is often a taboo subject in many parts of the world. It is as if humans are meant to derive pleasure from others and not on their own!

    The world of sex has undergone paradigm shifts and masturbation is today viewed as a channel for stress relief, a tool for sexual stimulation and an outlet for a better prostate health. There is a definite risk of sexually transmitted diseases and infections during sexual intercourse and masturbation is free from these dangerous consequences of sexual intercourse.

    Hitherto masturbation was wrongly associated with an enlarged prostate. Research has shown a positive correlation between increased frequency of ejaculations and good prostate health. The prostate contributes to a major share of the volume of the semen. Animal studies have shown that carcinogens found in cigarette smoke and environmental toxins concentrate in the prostatic fluid and the more often one flushes out the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and the ejaculatory ducts the less are the chances of cancer of the prostate.

    So go ahead, please yourself! Preventing prostate cancer and prostate enlargements can be a truly pleasurable experience!

    Surgery For An Enlarged Prostate

    UroLift Procedure for BPH (Enlarged Prostate)

    For most men with very enlarged prostates, surgery can relieve symptoms — but there are both risks and benefits with each type of operation. Discuss them with your doctor. After a careful evaluation of your situation and your general medical condition, your doctor will recommend which is best for you.

    TURP : This is the most common surgery for an enlarged prostate, and considered to bring the greatest reduction in symptoms. Only the tissue growth that is pressing against the urethra is removed to allow urine to flow easily. The procedure involves an electrical loop that cuts tissue and seals blood vessels. Most doctors suggest using TURP whenever surgery is required, as it is less traumatic than open surgery and requires shorter recovery time.

    With the TURP procedure, patients can expect to have retrograde ejaculation afterwards, says Westney. This is a condition in which a man ejaculates backward into the bladder instead of through the urethra. “Retrograde ejaculation generally isn’t painful,” she tells WebMD. “It shouldn’t be an issue unless fertility is a concern.” Other possible side effects include blood loss requiring transfusion , painful urination, recurring urinary tract infections, bladder neck narrowing, and blood in the urine.

    After TURP, the odds of erection problems range from 5% to 35%. However, this is often temporary — and the ability to have an erection and an orgasm returns after a few months.

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    How Is Bph Diagnosed And Evaluated

    Early diagnosis of BPH is important because if left untreated it can lead to urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney damage, bladder stones and incontinence. Distinguishing BPH from more serious diseases like prostate cancer is important.

    Tests vary from patient to patient, but the following are the most common:

    Some of the most common symptoms of BPH are:

    • Hesitancy and straining in the urine stream
    • Weak flow or decreased strength of the urine stream
    • Feeling that the bladder is not completely empty
    • Dribbling after urination
  • Needing to urinate more often
  • Blood in the urine
  • Ruling Out Prostate Cancer

    If you have symptoms of BPH, your doctor might also test for prostate cancer. An early examination is important because only a comprehensive exam will determine whether you have BPH, which is a benign condition, or whether you have prostate cancer, which is best to diagnose early. Important tests for detecting prostate cancer include a digital rectal examination and prostate-specific antigen test.

    • Digital rectal examination : During this test, your urologist will feel your prostate. The exam shows whether your prostate is hard or asymmetrical, both of which can be signs of cancer, or soft, which is less likely to indicate cancer. Your urologist will insert a lubricated, gloved finger into your rectum. If your doctor feels anything that may indicate prostate cancer, you may need to have more tests to make an accurate diagnosis.
    • Prostate-Specific Antigen Test: This blood test measures a protein produced by the cells of the prostate gland. It is always done and evaluated in conjunction with a DRE.

    It is important to recognize that a high PSA reading alone does not mean that you have cancer. An elevated PSA could be a sign of a number of conditions, including BPH, or prostatitis, an inflammation of the prostate. There is no evidence that prostatitis and BPH cause cancer, but it is possible for a man to have one or both of these conditions and to develop prostate cancer as well.

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    Symptoms Of Swollen Prostate

    The swelling of the prostate or enlargement of the prostate results in symptoms affecting the urination as a result of significant obstruction of the urethra. It also results in other manifestations. Symptoms include:

    • Urinary frequency The obstruction in the urethra leads to incomplete emptying of the bladder, leading to frequent need for urination.
    • Urinary urgency There is also an unavoidable need or feeling to urinate because of accumulation of urine in the bladder.
    • Nocturia Nocturia is the frequent voiding at night. The enlarged prostate distends and compresses the bladder leading to reduced volume of the bladder. This stimulates the bladder for urination.
    • Urinary hesitancy Hesitancy is the condition wherein the patient needs to wait until the urinary stream starts. This results from the obstruction in the neck of the bladder as a result of swelling of the prostate.
    • Straining during voiding Straining may also be experienced because of difficulty to pass urine.
    • Urinary intermittency There is frequent stopping of the urine stream during voiding also as a result of impediment in the urethra.
    • Urinary dribbling Urinary dribbling is the occurrence of drops in the urine and the feeling of urge to urinate following voiding.
    • Dysuria Dysuria or pain during urination may be a result of irritation in the urethra because of inflammation.

    Swollen Prostate

    What Does Prostate Orgasm Feel Like

    Health Check: What to know about an enlarged prostate

    One of the main reasons for the sudden interest in prostate massaging is the pleasure that comes with it. Namely, it can result in an orgasm that is rather intense compared to the regular one. We already mentioned that the prostate serves to increase the volume of semen, and by gently massaging it, the person can have a greater release.

    Whether you massage it for pleasure or to increase to semen volume, there is no doubt that your sexual experience will be exceptional.

    Some describe the sensation as localized, but sudden. On the other hand, some explain that the feeling cannot be tied to a specific part of the body, and that it arrives in waves.

    All people are different. Therefore, some might like self-practice, while others enjoy a partners touch. The same applies to the amount of pressure involved, so feel free to experiment either by yourself or with your partner to maximize your sexual pleasure.

    Whatever your experience may be, one thing is certain it will be different than the genital orgasm. The feeling arrives from inside of your body, and it can be uncontrollable.

    There are so many different ways you can try. Who knows you might find something that youll really enjoy. After all, it doesnt matter if you use your finger, a butt plug, or any other sex toys you will love it anyway!

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    Remedies For An Enlarged Prostate

    Even if you have an enlarged prostate, that does not mean you must live with the symptoms for the rest of your life. Your doctor might advise one of several approaches to coping with BPH, including lifestyle changes, medication changes, and other treatments. The remedies and treatments available will depend on your own health situation and how disruptive the symptoms have become.

    Get Sufficient Exercise

    Exercise can improve with your overall fitness, as well as benefit your prostate health. Studies have shown a connection between increased physical activity and reduced risk of BPH, with exercise of any type having some degree of benefit.

    Seated activities, such cycling, can put pressure on the perineum and groin. This can lead to numbness or pinched nerves. To avoid these issues, make sure you utilize a wide seat and engage in a variety of activity types.

    You can also try Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles and reduce urine dribbling. To do these exercises, squeeze the muscles that affect urine flow and then release, repeating several times to train the muscles.

    Slow Down

    When you head to the bathroom, make sure you slow down. When you relax your muscles and leave time to account for delayed urine and possible dribbling, you’re much more likely to completely empty your bladder. Urine that remains in the bladder because of an enlarged prostate can lead to urinary tract infections or painful bladder stones.

    Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption

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