Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Prostate Cancer Affect Women

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Sexual Intercourse And Other Risk Factors Of Prostate Cancer

Does Sex with More Women Decrease Your Chances for Developing Prostate Cancer?

Sexual Intercourse and Prostate Cancer risk factors are not relevant.

So the answer to the question If having sex with a person with prostate cancer risky is in negative.

However, the study at several medical schools, shows that men with high sexual activity and frequent ejaculation are at lower risk of prostate cancer.

Study shows that men who have in average 4 to 7 ejaculation per week up to the age of 70 are 36% less at risk of prostate cancer comparing to the one who have 2 to 3 times sex per week.

Such a risk of sexual transmitted disease, whether it is through intimate contact like kissing, intercourse or oral sex are not relevant.

Prostate Cancer Programs At Medstar Health

Every prostate cancer case is unique, and we help you choose the best option. We offer patients the most complete array of advanced therapies available anywhere in the area. This specialized center also conducts research to improve today’s care and find tomorrow’s cure.

Our program offers:

  • Unmatched experience: Our robot-assisted surgery offers a range of benefits and is performed by some of the areas most experienced surgeons. We have performed more than 800 CyberKnife procedures and were the first mid-Atlantic hospital to adopt the system

  • Precise diagnosis: In addition to the standard diagnostic tools, were one of the few centers in the region to offer the UroNav system for biospies. Our doctors not only sample tissue with ultrasound guidance, but also incorporate MRI images taken before the procedure. This improves clarity and accuracy, reducing the need for additional biopsies

  • Careful treatments: While stopping the cancer is always our main goal, we also strive to preserve your urinary and erectile function. We know you value your quality of life after treatment as much as your longevity, and we offer approaches like nerve-sparing surgery

  • Proton beam therapy Uses energy from protons instead of photons, allowing high-dose radiation with no exit dose, resulting in fewer side effects than traditional radiation

  • Team approach: The best prostate care comes from a range of experienced specialists working together. Our team features:

  • Urologic oncologists
  • Family History Of Prostate Cancer Seems To Increase Breast Cancer Risk

    About 5% to 10% of breast cancers are thought to be hereditary, caused by abnormal genes passed from parent to child.

    Genes are particles in cells, contained in chromosomes, made of DNA . DNA contains the instructions for building proteins. And proteins control the structure and function of all the cells that make up your body.

    Think of your genes as an instruction manual for cell growth and function. Abnormalities in the DNA are like typographical errors. They may provide the wrong set of instructions, leading to faulty cell growth or function. In any one person, if there is an error in a gene, that same mistake will appear in all the cells that contain the same gene. This is like having an instruction manual in which all the copies have the same typographical error.

    A study suggests that women with first-degree relatives who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer probably have a higher risk of breast cancer.

    The research was published online on March 9, 2015 by the journal Cancer. Read the abstract of Familial clustering of breast and prostate cancer and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer in the Womens Health Initiative Study.

    In this study, the researchers looked at the records of 78,171 women in the WHI Observational Study who had never been diagnosed with breast cancer when they enrolled in the study. By 2009, 3,506 breast cancers had been diagnosed in the women.

    The results showed:

    • maintaining a healthy weight

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    Prostatitis: Inflamed Prostate Can Be A Vexing Health Problem

    When it comes to prostate trouble, the lions share of attention goes to prostate cancer and an enlarged prostate. A third condition, prostatitis, flies under the radar even though it affects up to one in six men at some point in their lifetimes. It triggers more than two million visits to doctors and untold agony each year.

    Prostatitis, which means inflammation of the prostate gland, is an equal opportunity disorder. Unlike prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia , which predominantly affect older men, prostatitis affects men of all ages.

    Prostatitis refers to a loose assemblage of syndromes characterized by urinary problems such as burning or painful urination, the urgent need to urinate, trouble voiding, difficult or painful ejaculation, and pain in the area between the scrotum and rectum or lower back. Although it causes some of the same symptoms as BPH and can occur at the same time, prostatitis is a separate condition.

    Some types of prostatitis are caused by bacterial infection. These cases are often accompanied by the classic symptoms of infection, such as fever, chills, and muscle pain along with urinary problems. As a result, they are relatively easy to diagnose and treat, and they usually respond well to antibiotics. Unfortunately, such straightforward forms of prostatitis are the minority.

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    Possible Cancer Protection From Prostate Drugs

    Prostate Cancer vs. BPH

    Early research suggested that 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors , a class of drugs used to treat prostate enlargement, might increase the risk of developing more aggressive prostate cancer. However, newer studies have found that not only do the drugs appear to pose no extra risk, they may even protect against prostate cancer.

    For instance, research from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial study in 2013 showed that taking the 5-ARI finasteride for seven years could lower the chance of getting low-grade prostate cancer by 25% among men ages 55 and older. A follow-up study of almost 9,500 men, published in the Nov. 1, 2018, issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, also showed that finasteride lowered the risk by a similar amount , and found the protective effect lasted for at least 16 years.

    Also Check: Does Enlarged Prostate Affect Ejaculation

    Causes Of Premature Ejaculation

    Various psychological and physical factors can cause a man to suddenly experience premature ejaculation.

    Common physical causes include:

    • relationship problems
    • anxiety about sexual performance

    Itâs possible, but less common, for a man to have always experienced premature ejaculation since becoming sexually active. A number of possible causes for this are:

    • conditioning itâs possible that early sexual experiences can influence future sexual behaviour. For example, if a teenager conditions himself to ejaculate quickly to avoid being caught masturbating, it may later be difficult to break the habit
    • a traumatic sexual experiencefrom childhood this can range from being caught masturbating to sexual abuse
    • a strict upbringing and beliefs about sex
    • biological reasons some men may find their penis is extra sensitive

    What Puts You At Increased Risk

    Other factors that may increase your risk of developing prostate cancer include:

    Age. Your risk of prostate cancer increases as you age. Its most common after age 50, with about six in 10 cases found in men older than age 65.

    Race. African-American men are ata greater risk of prostate cancer than men of other races. As well, it affects African-American men at a younger age and is often more aggressive.

    Family history. If you have a blood relative with prostate cancer, your risk increases. There are also other cancers that may be genetically related, and you may have an increased risk if you have a family history of breast or pancreatic cancer.

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    Are Prostate Problems Always A Sign Of Prostate Cancer

    Not all growths in the prostate are cancerous, and not all prostate problems indicate cancer. Other conditions that cause similar prostate cancer symptoms include:

    • Benign prostatic hyperplasia : At some point, almost every man will develop benign prostatic hyperplasia . This condition enlarges the prostate gland but doesnt increase cancer risk. The swollen gland squeezes the urethra and blocks the flow of semen and urine. Medications, and sometimes surgery, can help.
    • Prostatitis: Men younger than 50 are more prone to prostatitis, inflammation and swelling of the prostate gland. Bacterial infections are often the cause. Treatments include antibiotics or other medications.

    Michael Russer Explains That Impotence Does Not Have To Mean A Loss Of Sexual Intimacy In Fact Impotence Can Lead To Greater Sexual Intimacy

    Prostate Cancer: What Women Should Know | Ask the Doctor

    Recently, I had a woman reach out to me to see if I could help her fiancé of two years deal with his impotence. When he discovered that he could no longer have traditional sex he told her to find another man because he was broken. He was feeling so much shame and had shut down so completely that he couldnt even bring himself to talk to someone who had gone through this successfully . She told me that since losing his erectile function, he no longer even interacts with her. Hed come home from work, lie down on the couch and stare at the television, refusing to connect with her. His way of coping was total and complete disconnection.

    This was especially sad to me because I knew she was suffering too, and needed his loving support as much as he needed hers. Most women know, intellectually, that they are not the cause of their mans ability to become erect. However, many cannot help but feel that their man may no longer find them attractive. If they show that insecurity, it can cause their male partner to feel even greater shame and shutdown, leading to a downward spiral that eventually crashes and destroys the relationship.

    It doesnt have to be this way. Impotence does not have to mean a loss of sexual intimacy. In fact, impotence can lead to greater sexual intimacy. I know this sounds about as counterintuitive as a statement can sound, and Ill explain. First, lets examine why impotence due to prostate cancer can have such a profound negative impact.

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    What Is Prostate Cancer

    When cellular growth goes awry in any organ, cancer is often the result. When this happens in the prostate, it is referred to as prostate cancer. Doctors refer to the most common type of prostate cancer as adenocarcinoma of the prostate, based on the particular type of cancer cells that have developed.

    What Is Advanced Prostate Cancer

    When prostate cancer spreads beyond the prostate or returns after treatment, it is often called advanced prostate cancer.

    Prostate cancer is often grouped into four stages.

    • Stages I & II: The tumor has not spread beyond the prostate. This is often called early stage or localized prostate cancer.
    • Stage III: Cancer has spread outside the prostate, but only to nearby tissues. This is often called locally advanced prostate cancer.
    • Stage IV: Cancer has spread outside the prostate to other parts such as the lymph nodes, bones, liver or lungs. This stage is often called advanced prostate cancer.

    When an early stage prostate cancer is found, it may be treated or placed on surveillance . If prostate cancer spreads beyond the prostate or returns after treatment, it is often called advanced prostate cancer. Stage IV prostate cancer is not curable, but there are many ways to control it. Treatment can stop advanced prostate cancer from growing and causing symptoms.

    There are several types of advanced prostate cancer, including:

    Biochemical Recurrence

    If your Prostate Specific Antigen level has risen after the first treatment but you have no other signs of cancer, you have “biochemical recurrence.”

    Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

    Non-Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

    Metastatic Prostate Cancer

    • Lymph nodes outside the pelvis
    • Bones
    • Other organs

    Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer

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    How Common Is Prostate Cancer

    With the exception of skin cancer, prostate is the most common cancer occurring in men. According to the National Cancer Institute , there are close to 3 million men living with prostate cancer in the United States. An additional 180,000 new cases of prostate cancer will be identified in 2016, and approximately 26,000 deaths will be associated with the disease.1

    The good news is that most forms of prostate cancer are relatively indolent, or slow growing. As a result, the five-year survival rate following a diagnosis of prostate cancer is 98.9 percent. The NCI further states that while an estimated 16 percent of men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimeonly 3 percent will die of it.1

    The Top 7 Signs Of Advanced Prostate Cancer

    Top 10 Deadliest Cancers You Must Know About

    In the early stages, you may not notice any symptoms related to prostate cancer. This is why screenings are important. Symptoms can sometimes be noticed for the first time when the cancer advances.

    Advanced prostate cancer, also called metastatic cancer, means the cancer has spread to other areas of your body beyond your prostate gland. The most common areas for prostate cancer to spread are your bladder, rectum, and bones. It can also spread to your lymph nodes, liver, lungs, and other body tissues.

    Whether youve just been diagnosed or youre in treatment, its also important to know the signs of advanced cancer. Cancer can behave differently depending on your genetics, so not every person will experience the same symptoms in the same way.

    Read on to learn more about the seven top symptoms of advanced prostate cancer and how to spot them.

    Dont Miss: Does An Enlarged Prostate Affect A Man Sexually

    Also Check: Does Enlarged Prostate Affect Ejaculation

    How To Produce More Sperm When Ejaculating

    A normal sperm count is between 15 million to more than 200 million sperm in each milliliter of semen. Your doctor will diagnose you with a low sperm count if you have less than 15 million sperm per ml of semen, or you release less than 39 million sperm each time you ejaculate.

    Having a low sperm count can reduce your odds of conceiving a child. Here are a few tips to help boost your sperm count.

    • Get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night.
    • linked to a lower sperm count.

    If these methods dont work, a doctor may prescribe medication to help increase your sperm count. A variety of hormonal treatments like clomiphene citrate and follitropin alfa lyophilisate may be used to treat this problem.

    However, while many of these treatments are approved for women, use by men is considered off-label. That is, although they may be effective for the treatment of male infertility, these medications arent approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for this use. If your doctor recommends off-label use of one of these medications, its important to take that medication under their supervision. Learn more about off-label medication use.

    It can be difficult to talk about sexual problems with your doctor. But only by having this conversation can you get help with ejaculation issues.

    See your doctor if:

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    Urine Leakage During Ejaculation

    Climacturia is the term used to describe the leakage of urine during orgasm. This is fairly common after prostate surgery, but it might not even be noticed. The amount of urine varies widely anywhere from a few drops to more than an ounce. It may be more common in men who also have stress incontinence.

    Urine is not dangerous to the sexual partner, though it may be a bother during sex. The leakage tends to get better over time, and condoms and constriction bands can help. If you or your partner is bothered by climacturia, talk to your doctor to learn what you can do about it.

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    How Will Treatment Affect My Ability To Orgasm Or My Fertility

    Surgery for prostate cancer can affect both your orgasms and your ability to have children. The prostate gland normally adds a fluid called semen to sperm to nourish and protect it. Youll no longer make semen after surgery, which means your orgasms will be dry. Radiation therapy can also reduce the amount of fluid you ejaculate. Without semen, you wont be able to father children. If youre concerned about fertility, you can bank your sperm before your surgery.

    After surgery, orgasms will also feel different. You wont have that normal buildup of sensation before you have an orgasm. Youll still be able to feel pleasure, though.

    What Are The Symptoms Of A Lower Uti

    BPH (Enlarged Prostate) & Prostate Cancer | Ask a Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

    Symptoms of a lower UTI include. Frequency and/ or urgency. Pain or discomfort when urinating The feeling of being unable to empty your bladder fully. Cloudy and/or foul-smelling urine that may contain blood. Pain in your lower abdomen and pelvis. Feeling achy, tired and generally under-the-weather.

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    Theme : Relationship Changes

    During the course of the diagnosis and treatment many of the female partners said they felt as if they had taken on the role of the primary caregiver and were the sole emotional support for their partner. One woman said, “The wife in something like this is very much involved. It changes your life afterwards, not only the husband’s, but yours.” Another participant noted, “I can be there to listen, but I don’t have any answers”.

    Many of the women emphasized that, at times, they had to communicate the emotional and physical struggles for their partner because he shut down. The lack of information and increased time serving as a caregiver rather than a couple caused increased stress for the female partner and at times took a significant toll on the couples relationship causing increasing tension and even arguing. One woman said that a high level of stress due to the diagnosis and treatment caused her to become physically ill with shingles and high blood pressure. She said,

    Another participant said, “We are still trying to figure it all out. It was a big change for both of us.”

    “From the very beginning of the process, we always did it together and I think it was just assumed… the two of us assumed that we would do it together.”

    “I didn’t really get involved in going along on the visits until…you know, we got the point of the cancer diagnosis.”

    Several women noted that physical changes during treatment and recovery caused changes to their relationship.

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