Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is A Nodule On The Prostate

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Better Understanding Of Prostate Cancer

How is a Prostate Biopsy Performed?

Were using the power of big data, working with partners to analyse and combine data from tens of thousands of men whove been diagnosed and treated for different types and stages of prostate cancer. The aim is to find patterns in when the cancers started, how they developed and how aggressive they are. In the future this could help doctors predict how particular prostate cancers are likely to develop so we can choose the most appropriate treatment for each man.

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How To Manage Prostate Nodules

The treatment or management options depends on the primary cause of prostate nodules. If you are experiencing prostate nodule due to malignancy, it is highly recommended to seek emergent treatment to remove cancerous mass. For less serious causes such as prostate calculi or prostatitis, appropriate drug or antibiotic regimen can address the issue.

Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

  • Frequent urge to pass urine, especially at night
  • Weak or interrupted urine stream
  • Pain or burning when passing urine
  • Blood in the urine or semen
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Nagging pain in the back, hips, or pelvis

Prostate cancer can spread to the lymph nodes of the pelvis. Or it may spread throughout the body. It tends to spread to the bones. So bone pain, especially in the back, can be a symptom of advanced prostate cancer.

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Tests Used To Check The Prostate

This first step lets your doctor hear and understand the story of your prostate concerns. Youll be asked whether you have symptoms, how long youve had them, and how much they affect your lifestyle. Your personal medical history also includes any risk factors, pain, fever, or trouble passing urine. You may be asked to give a urine sample for testing.

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What Exactly Is Psa

New prostate check md5, prostate enlargement psa levels 22 ...

PSA stands for Prostate Specific Antigen. It is a chemical produced only by prostate cells, both normal and cancerous. It can be measured easily in the blood. Your physician must carefully review your PSA results. Traditionally, it had been thought in the past that a PSA of 4 was normal. We now know that a normal PSA depends on your age and the size of your prostate, amongst other factors. What is a normal PSA for one man, may, in fact, be very abnormal for another.

Generally speaking, as men age and their prostates enlarge, the normal level for PSA increases. Likewise, for men with prostate cancer, as the amount of prostate cancer increases, the PSA level typically increases. Your physician will typically be alerted when your PSA is above what is expected for your age or if it shows a significant rise from the previous year. Because not all cancers can be found by an elevated PSA, it is critical that you also have regular physical exams to feel for abnormal growths of the prostate.

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What Does It Mean If Under The Word Diagnosis My Biopsy Report Says Benign Prostate Tissue Benign Prostate Glands Or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

These are terms that mean there is no cancer present. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is also a term used to describe a common, benign type of prostate enlargement caused by an increase number of normal prostate cells. This condition is more common as men get older and is not linked to cancer. When this term is used in a biopsy report, though, it doesnt mean anything about the size of the prostate. It just means that no cancer was found.

Determining Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer

Clinically significant prostate cancer is frequently categorized according to three main prognostic factors as defined by Stamey and Epstein :

  • Gleason score 7 or greater

  • Extraprostatic tumor extension

  • Tumor volume on whole-mount prostatectomy > 0.5 cm3 .

  • This definition is derived from the seminal work of Hanahan and Weinberg . These lesions exhibit more malignant behaviour and are more likely to warrant treatment compared to smaller, less aggressive tumours that can be inconsequential . The parameters used to define clinically significant prostate cancer aid in prognostication of prostate cancer. However, these parameters are not used in isolation for clinical decision making where further patient characteristics including comorbidities, age, performance status and patient choice will further contribute.

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    Getting The Results Of The Biopsy

    Your biopsy samples will be sent to a lab, where they will be looked at with a microscope to see if they contain cancer cells. Getting the results usually takes at least 1 to 3 days, but it can sometimes take longer. The results might be reported as:

    • Positive for cancer: Cancer cells were seen in the biopsy samples.
    • Negative for cancer: No cancer cells were seen in the biopsy samples.
    • Suspicious: Something abnormal was seen, but it might not be cancer.

    If the biopsy is negative

    If the prostate biopsy results are negative , and the chance that you have prostate cancer isnt very high based on your PSA level and other tests, you might not need any more tests, other than repeat PSA tests sometime later.

    But even if many samples are taken, biopsies can still sometimes miss a cancer if none of the biopsy needles pass through it. This is known as a false-negative result. If your doctor still strongly suspects you have prostate cancer , your doctor might suggest:

    • Getting other lab tests to help get a better idea of whether or not you might have prostate cancer. Examples of such tests include the Prostate Health Index , 4Kscore test, PCA3 tests , and ConfirmMDx. These tests are discussed in Whats New in Prostate Cancer Research?
    • Getting a repeat prostate biopsy. This might include getting additional samples of parts of the prostate not biopsied the first time, or using imaging tests such as MRI to look more closely for abnormal areas to target.

    Prostate cancer grade

    Gleason score

    What Is A Lung Nodule

    Nodular Prostatic Hyperplasia – Histopathology

    A lung nodule is an abnormal growth that forms in a lung. You may have one nodule on the lung or several nodules. Nodules may develop in one lung or both.

    Most lung nodules are benign . Rarely, pulmonary nodules are a sign of lung cancer.

    Lung nodules show up on imaging scans like X-rays or CT scans. Your healthcare provider may refer to the growth as a spot on the lung, coin lesion or shadow.

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    Palpate The Prostate Gland

    The prostate gland lies anterior to the wall of the rectum. The size, surface, consistency, sensitivity, and shape of the prostate gland should be assessed.

    The prostate is a bilobed, heart-shaped structure approximately 1.5 inches in diameter. It is normally smooth and firm and has the consistency of a hard rubber ball. The apex of the heart shape points toward the anus. Identify the median sulcus and the lateral lobes. Note any masses, tenderness, and nodules. Only the lower apex portion of the gland is palpable. The superior margin is usually too high to reach. The examination of the prostate is illustrated in Figure 17-37. The size of the prostate in relation to the examiner’s finger is illustrated in Figure 17-38.

    A hard, irregular nodule produces asymmetry of the prostate gland and is suggestive of cancer. Carcinoma of the prostate frequently involves the posterior lobe, which can easily be identified during the DRE. Carcinoma of the prostate is the third leading cause of death in men in the United States. In 2007, there were 218,890 new cases and

    Figure 17-34 Technique of the rectal examination. A, Inspection. B, Palpation. The examiner’s finger is inserted with the palm of the hand facing downward.

    Figure 17-34 Technique of the rectal examination. A, Inspection. B, Palpation. The examiner’s finger is inserted with the palm of the hand facing downward.

    Continue reading here: Info

  • How to describe how a prostate feels?

    6 months ago

  • What Is The Prognosis For People Who Have Prostate Cancer

    Because prostate cancer tends to grow slowly, most men die from something other than the disease. Early detection is key to better outcomes. Almost all men 97% to 98% diagnosed with localized cancer that hasnt spread outside of the prostate live at least five years after diagnosis. When metastatic cancer has spread outside of the gland, one-third of men continue to survive after five years.

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    How Do You Test For It

    Early detection is the goal of testing. Treatment is most likely to be effective when finding the disease is its early stages. There are two widely used tests to aid in the early detection. They are:

    PSA â This simple blood test measures the level of a protein called prostate-specific antigen . Normally, PSA is found in the blood at very low levels. Elevated PSA readings can be a sign of prostate cancer.

    DRE â The digital rectal exam involves the physician inserting a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum to feel the prostate for signs of cancer. This test is simple, safe and only slightly uncomfortable.

    Using both tests together will give your doctor the most accurate information.

    Although an abnormal DRE or an elevated PSA may suggest the presence of prostate cancer, a diagnosis of cancer can only be confirmed by a prostate biopsy. A biopsy would be performed only after a thorough discussion with your urologist.

    Biopsies are minimally invasive procedures. A small amount of prostate tissue is removed by a needle inserted through the rectum. An ultrasound probe is used to guide the needle. Usually this procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure without anesthesia.

    What Are Some Common Causes Of Prostate Nodules

    Stromal benign prostatic hyperplastic (BPH) nodule vs ...

    Following are some common causes of prostate nodules:

    • Prostate Cancer: Adenocarcinoma of prostate gland usually presents with prostate nodules. Other rare cancers that also presents with prostate nodules are transitional cell carcinoma, neuroendocrine carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, and sarcoma. Malignancy of prostate gland is the most frequently reported cancer in the United States. According to latest estimates, more than 161,360 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in 2017 causing more than 26,000 deaths due to cancer related complications.
    • Prostatitis: Inflammation of prostate gland due to bacterial infection affects more than 50% of the male population at some point of their life. Symptoms of prostatitis vary, according to the cause, and may include fever, chills, rigor, painful urination, pelvic pain, appearance of blood in the urine and pelvic nodule. Some cases of prostatitis may be asymptomatic. Prostatitis can be managed by taking appropriate antibiotic regimens.
    • Prostate calculi: Prostate stones can also present with nodules. It is believed that prostate stones are formed by the accumulation of pus, cellular debris or ongoing infection. Other classic symptoms of prostate calculi are urinary obstruction, bacterial infection, and other urinary complaints

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    Medical History And Physical Exam

    If your doctor suspects you might have prostate cancer, he or she will ask you about any symptoms you are having, such as any urinary or sexual problems, and how long you have had them. You might also be asked about possible risk factors, including your family history.

    Your doctor will also examine you. This might include a digital rectal exam , during which the doctor inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum to feel for any bumps or hard areas on the prostate that might be cancer. If you do have cancer, the DRE can sometimes help tell if its only on one side of the prostate, if its on both sides, or if its likely to have spread beyond the prostate to nearby tissues. Your doctor may also examine other areas of your body.

    After the exam, your doctor might then order some tests.

    Is Prostate Cancer Curable

    Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among men, second only to skin cancer. Learning that one has any type of cancer isnt easy, but the first question on most patients minds after diagnosis is, is prostate cancer curable?

    The short answer is yes, prostate cancer can be cured, when detected and treated early. The vast majority of prostate cancer cases are discovered in the early stages, making the tumors more likely to respond to treatment. Treatment doesnt always have to mean surgery or chemotherapy, either. Non-invasive radiation therapy can effectively treat prostate cancer in the case of Pasadena CyberKnife, radiosurgery treatment generally takes less than a week, and you can typically resume your normal activities the same day you receive treatment.

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    Common Prostatic Diseases Other Than Typical Benign Lesions

    Common prostatic diseases other than typical benign lesions, such as acinar adenocarcinoma, BPH and prostatitis, are usually inert or chronic, with varying degrees of elevated serum PSA levels or disturbing symptoms such as lower urinary tract symptoms , and interfere with the quality of life as a long-term problem for males, particularly elderly males, as BPH and prostate cancer are age-related conditions . PSAs are proteinases produced mainly in the epithelial cells of the prostate . When various factors cause destruction of the epithelial cells or the blood-epithelial barrier, a substantial increase in PSA secretion from tumor cells, or increasing entry of PSAs into the blood, serum PSA levels are increased.

    PCa is one of the most common group of malignancies occurring in the male population after lung cancer , among which acinar adenocarcinoma is the most common malignancy observed. On MRI, csPCa presents with homogeneous and moderate hypointensity on T2WI, hyperintensity on high b-value DWI, a low ADC, and early enhancement, without capsules and easily forming extraprostatic extensions . These findings result in a PI-RADS 45 classification.

    Imaging Tests For Prostate Cancer

    How is a Prostate Biopsy Done?

    Imaging tests use x-rays, magnetic fields, sound waves, or radioactive substances to create pictures of the inside of your body. One or more imaging tests might be used:

    • To look for cancer in the prostate
    • To help the doctor see the prostate during certain procedures
    • To look for spread of prostate cancer to other parts of the body

    Which tests you might need will depend on the situation. For example, a prostate biopsy is typically done with transrectal ultrasound and/or MRI to help guide the biopsy. If you are found to have prostate cancer, you might need imaging tests of other parts of your body to look for possible cancer spread.

    The imaging tests used most often to look for prostate cancer spread include:

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    To Treat Or Not To Treat

    Up until now, with a few notable exceptions, doctors have myopically focused on treating prostate cancer, says Adami. They are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars on chemotherapy that has minimal effects on cancer mortality, often with substantial side effects. But we ignore entirely the fact that large groups of prostate cancer patients die from other causes that actually are preventable.

    Among older patients especially, that activity can take the form of vigorous walking. Recently, Mucci has spearheaded an intervention with Adami and other colleagues in Sweden, Iceland, and Ireland in which men walk in groups with a nurse three times a week. In a pilot study, researchers found improvements in just 12 weeks in body weight, blood pressure, sleep, urinary function, and mental health.

    Scientists at HSPH are also searching for genetic and lifestyle markers that help predict how aggressive a patients prostate cancer will be. For example, an ongoing project led by Mucci and Adami draws on detailed cancer registries in Nordic countries, including an analysis of 300,000 twins, to tease out the relative contribution of different genes to prostate cancer incidence and survival.

    is a Boston-based journalist and author of The Coke Machine: The Dirty Truth Behind the Worlds Favorite Soft Drink.

    When Should I See A Urologist

    Until a few years ago, 27-year-old Valerie*, a third-grade teacher from New York, had never thought about her urologic health.âI didnât see urology as something that affected me,â she said. âThen suddenly, it became a huge part of my life.â

    Valerie* was one month into her first year of teaching when she started feeling strong bursts of pelvic pain. In addition to the pain, she felt a strong âgotta goâ feeling. She felt this urge to urinate all the time. âIt was terrible,â she remembered. âThe pain was too much to handle. I had an urge to urinate all the time, even right after I left the bathroom. Thatâs very hard to deal with if youâre a third-grade teacher. Youâre with the kids almost all day long going to the bathroom all the time is not an option,â Valerie explained. âNot to mention dealing with the pain while trying to keep up with the kids. Third-graders are pretty active, so thatâs not easy to do.â

    The pain, pressure and urinary frequency became so bad that Valerie had to stay home from work. She went to her primary care doctor, who told her she had a urinary tract infection . A UTI is a bacterial infection in the urinary tract. UTIs are fairly common, affecting about 40 percent of women and 12 percent of men.

    âI was amazed!â said Valerie. âI thought urologists only treated men. Then I found out that, not only do urologists treat men, women and children, but some urologists focus on treating women specifically.â

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    What Should You Know About Prostate Nodules

    Prostate nodule as the name suggests, refers to formation of a firm swelling on the surface of prostate gland. It may be asymptomatic or may present with long standing pelvic pain and urinary tract infection. Prostate nodules can also present in the setting of prostate malignancy or prostatitis.

    Prostate gland is a vital reproductive gland that produces secretions for the vitality of sperms in the semen transportation.

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