Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Fight Prostate Cancer And Win

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Things You Cant Change: Age Race And Genes

Activating the Immune System to Fight Prostate Cancer: Andy’s Immunotherapy Story

Prostate cancer is primarily a disease of aging. As you get older, your chances of developing prostate cancer increase. Race and genetics also play a significant role. If you are African American, your chances of developing prostate cancer are double those of white American men. If your father, brother or multiple blood relatives had prostate cancer, you are more likely to get it, too.

Preventing prostate cancer might be difficult if you have these risk factors, but screening early and often can help ensure that if you do get cancer, its diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

Drugs To Prevent Prostate Cancer

Men with benign prostatic hyperplasia are often treated with dihydrotestosterone -lowering drugs called finasteride or dutasteride. These drugs have been studied extensively to determine whether they can prevent prostate cancer, and results suggest that they could reduce cancer risk by about 25 percent. Patients who develop cancer while on the drugs are more likely to get an aggressive form of the disease, so discuss the advantages and disadvantages with your doctor.

Prostate Cancer Caregiver Podcast Series

We are proud to announce a new podcast series geared toward helping give support, hope and guidance to prostate cancer caregivers. The goal of this Prostate Cancer Caregiver Podcast Series is to help others connect with a diverse group of people who have felt the impact of prostate cancer in their lives and empower them on their journey.

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How To Fight And Win Prostate Cancer

ByKing J. For | Submitted On June 08, 2009

Many people that have been diagnosed with prostate cancer just don’t get it. They fail to understand that prostate cancer is a battle that they have to fight hard to win. It’s not just an illness that has come upon them and there’s nothing they can do about it. Not at all. There’s EVERYTHING they can do about it, beyond just the treatments they will undergo. They can FIGHT and WIN the battle against prostate cancer if they are really aware that it’s a battle.

If you are one of the MILLIONS that has been diagnosed with prostate cancer worldwide, I have something interesting to tell you. You can fight and win this monster called prostate cancer if you do all that is within your power to fight and win.

Despite the fact that it’s very important to listen to what your doctor has to say about it – whether it has spread or not, whether it’s a fast growing cancer, whether it’s in stage 1 or stage 2 or stage 5, etc. But what’s most important is that you have the DESIRE and the WILL POWER to fight and win.

You see, I do know people that were given a limited prognosis after diagnoses, but did they die when predicted? Not at all. They lived longer and stronger and were able to defeat prostate cancer. If they could, you surely can as well… if you come up with the same amount of DESIRE to live and WILL POWER to do everything within your power to fight and win.

Where Can I Read MORE Tips On Curing Prostate Cancer

The Secret To Starving Cancer Cells Hasbeen Known

How To Fight Prostate Cancer and Win by Ron Gellatley 1998

Think about this for a minute

Mainstream cancer treatments like chemo and radiation kill cancer cells, and many of the good cells in your body. Its like poison.

Yes, many times there can be positive results in the end, but dont you think there has to be a better way that works WITH the body to have even better results?

Thats what I was determined to find out, and after countless hours of research I finally found a natural cancer treatment that had been kept secret for over 70 years.

This secret was one that the Big Pharma companies wouldnt be able to profit from and thats why theyve wanted to kept hush-hush.

Heres what I discovered

When it comes to cancer cells, they can be

  • FED just like any other cells within your own body
  • STARVED to not only be weakened, but to die off for good
  • ELIMIMATED from your body once and for all to restore your health

Thats right deadly cancer cells, even metastasized cancer can be starved and eliminated from your body, and it can all be done in a very natural and healthy way that doesnt rely on heavy doses of chemo or radiation.

And the best news of all

This alternative treatment doesnt cost thousands of dollars, it wont damage or harm your healthy cells , and its available to you RIGHT NOW.

Ive outlined this entire alternative treatment protocol for you in extreme detail in one easy downloadable guide

Recommended Reading: How To Reduce Enlarged Prostate

The Impact Of Physical Activity And Obesity On Prostate Cancer

Several studies suggest that men who take part in regular physical activity are less likely to develop prostate cancer or die from the disease. But why?

Most likely, its not just the exercise that counts its the subsequent weight loss that also makes a difference, explains Dr. Johnson. Studies have linked obesity with particularly aggressive forms of prostate cancer, and separate research has also connected weight gain with an increased risk of recurrence in men who have already been treated.

Additionally, obesity may also interfere with screening tools for prostate cancer, such as PSA tests or digital rectal exams, making it harder to catch the disease early, says Dr. Johnson.

Regardless of how obesity affects prostate cancer, it pays to stay fit.

Since My Prostate Cancer Was Detected Early I Did A Lot Of Investigating Into My Treatment Options

April 5, 2020 by Steve Kane

I was finally at the threshold of retirement, working less and transitioning into my second act that was supposed to give me the time and freedom to travel, dabble in music, sing in community choirs and basically enjoy life with my husband of 27 years, John.

I was about to retire my career in psychiatric social work and return to my love of music for which I earned my first degree from Eastman School of Music, where I always dreamed about conducting my own choir. However, at age 66, I learned I had prostate cancer. Now I would be conducting a search for the right prostate cancer treatment.

During a routine PSA test in 2017 at Rochester General Hospital, my urologist, John Valvo, M.D., was concerned about my test results. Doctors consider PSA levels of 3.9 or lower to be normal, and my PSA score was 5. After a biopsy, Dr. Valvo confirmed the prostate cancer diagnosis.

Like many people, I was touched by cancer that came with a huge loss. We learned my mother had pancreatic cancer and then died six months later, so it prompted me to be very diligent about getting my annual physicals and PSA tests. Prostate cancer in most men is slow-growing, and if detected early can be treated and beaten. In fact, 1 in 9 men my age and older will have prostate cancer at some point as they age.

This article is a personal story and presented for informational purposes only. Please talk to your healthcare provider about what treatment is best for you.

Also Check: How To Treat Prostate Cancer

Chemotherapy For Prostate Cancer

The decision on when to start chemotherapy is difficult and highly individualized based on several factors:What other treatment options or clinical trials are available.How well chemotherapy is likely to be tolerated.What prior therapies you have received.If radiation is needed prior to …

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Unlike Conventional Cancer Treatments This Approach That Could Be The Cancer Cure That You Are Seeking

State of the Art: Nutrition and Prostate Cancer
  • Doesnt use poisonous chemicals like chemotherapy
  • Doesnt require invasive types of medical procedures
  • Doesnt cost you thousands of dollars to get access to

In fact, the main catalyst behind what makes this alternative approach so powerful is the way it uses your bodys #1 ENERGY RESOURCE to help reduce or even eliminate all cancer cells throughout the body.

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Winning The Prostate Cancer Battle

When WebMD community member Chuck Warren was diagnosed with prostate cancer, he turned to friends to find the strength to fight it.

Four years ago, Santa gave me the worst Christmas present I’d ever received. The day after the most joyous holiday of the year, my doctor called and delivered the news that I had prostate cancer.

Because my dad had prostate cancer decades before, I had been going to a urologist since I turned 40 to have a PSA . Recently, my PSA had shot up very high, to 29, and the following biopsy confirmed that I had a highly aggressive tumor. At 50 years old, I faced the biggest battle of my life.

I soon realized that I knew very little about the disease, so I turned to the Internet for answers. I may not have done the best search, but all the articles I read were discouraging — no stories of survivors, just facts and data that led me to believe that cancer would be the death of me. I also had two friends who had died of the disease, so my confidence was pretty shaken.

I contacted an old acquaintance who had walked this road before. Hamilton Jordan, three-time cancer survivor and former White House Chief of Staff under President Jimmy Carter, was a busy man. But he wasn’t too busy to cheer up a friend.

And if you are diagnosed, your life isn’t over. I tell new cancer patients not to get sad or down but I do tell them to get angry then you can fight — and win — like I did.

Get Regular Prostate Checkups

Just like women should receive regular mammograms for detecting breast cancer, men should be doing the same for assessing the health of their prostate. The best defense is to have a game plan of good offense when it comes to your prostate. Beginning at age 40, as a baseline and then depending on a mans personal risk factors for prostate cancer, regular prostate-specific antigen blood tests and digital rectal exams are cancer screening tools urologists use to discover changes in the prostate gland. These tests are not perfect but are still considered the best ways to detect prostate cancer.

Review with your doctor the signs and symptoms you need to know possibly indicating prostate cancer. Also, discuss what you can do to lower your risk of developing this disease.

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Best Ways Men Can Fight Prostate Cancer

A prostate cancer diagnosis, like any cancer diagnosis, can feel scary and worrisome. Its a feeling of fighting a battle to win back your health from an insidious disease thats the second leading cause of cancer in American men.

Being told, You have prostate cancer, may feel like a gut punch. But when armed and ready to fight, youll be outfitted with a take-charge attitude vastly improving your outcome.

To win this unwanted attack on your health, there are three things you need most understand prostate and prostate cancer get regular checkups, and find a urologist you trust to guide you on this journey.

Prostate Cancer Risk Factor Quiz

How To Fight Prostate Cancer and Win by Ron Gellatley 1998

Take this quiz to learn about what can affect your risk of developing prostate cancer. While we don’t know the exact causes of cancer, there are trends that men with prostate cancer share.

  • How old are you? The older you are, the greater your chance of developing prostate cancer. If you are a man under 55, you have a less than 10% chance of having prostate cancer. In your 60s, your risk of developing prostate cancer can be over 30%. It is a good idea to get screened for any prostate problems as soon as you reach the age of 50. You may wish to start screening earlier if you have risk factors like a family history of prostate cancer.
  • Are you overweight?Calculate your body mass index : BMI = body weight ÷ height² and are 5’8″ tall, divide 68 by , or 2.99, to make 22.74.) If you are overweight or obese , you you may be at a higher risk for developing prostate cancer compared to at a normal weight. That stands true for most types of cancer. As well, your body needs energy to fight off diseases and illnesses. An overweight body requires more of your body’s resources to maintain itself in a normal state. That results in less energy for anything else.
  • What is your ethnic background? Men of African or Caribbean descent have the highest percentage of prostate cancer incidence, followed by Caucasians. Asian and Indigenous people have the lowest risk. Why do we see these differences? Genetics and environment may explain it, at least in part, along with lifestyle differences and diet.
  • Recommended Reading: What Are The Risk Factors Associated With Prostate Cancer

    I Was Going To Take Control Of My Destiny With Cancer

    As soon as I got home, I dove DEEP into research. Initially what I found was terrifying.The survival rates for many common cancers like breast cancer, bowel cancer, and even skin cancer were CLOSE TO ZERO once the cancer had metastasized.Youd think after all these years that Big Pharma companies would be making huge advancements in cancer treatment, but they havent.All they do is make big money off those who are sick and help heal a few along the way.In fact, most of these expensive and sickening medications only extended life by a couple months at best.But on the flipside, they also deprive your energy, vitality and crush ones mental health.

    How is that even living?I knew that I didnt want to take the normal route of toxic chemo and radiation to fight my cancer. I knew that there had to me a much more effective and ALL-NATURAL APPROACH I could take I just needed to find it.Thats when I dug even deeper into my research and took a closer look at Mother Nature herself and human biology to find the answers.

    What I discovered was truly eye-opening to say the leastIn fact, as I started to pour over thousands of research papers on alternative and natural cancer treatments what I revealed was this

    What Makes Us Different

    Leadership: Our team includes some of the worlds leading experts on prostate cancer. Their work has attracted millions of dollars in endowments and research grants. Successes include:

    • Helping win FDA approval for new prostate cancer therapies
    • Leading clinical trials to test and refine treatments
    • Publishing hundreds of papers on discoveries
    • Serving on a national Dream Team for prostate cancer research
    • Researching prostate cancer in multiple Knight Cancer Institute labs

    National research group: Were among 11 top cancer centers in the Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials Consortium. We are working with Memorial Sloan Kettering, Johns Hopkins and others to turn discoveries into better care.

    Top honors:U.S. News & World Report consistently ranks us among the best hospitals for cancer and recognizes our excellence in urology. Were the only hospital between Seattle and Sacramento to be named a Comprehensive Cancer Center, the National Cancer Institutes highest designation for research excellence.

    A world center for research: Our Cancer Early Detection Advanced Research Center is on a mission to develop new ways to find cancer earlier.

    Don’t Miss: How To Massage Prostate Externally

    Genetic Testing For Prostate Cancer

    You may hear a lot about genetics or genomics. Both terms are related to genes and cell DNA, but they are different. These tests are being used to learn more about the DNA of cancer cells, and link DNA mutations with treatments. In the future, genetic testing may be the first step doctors take when diagnosing prostate cancer.

    Catch The Ace Win Cash And Help Fight Prostate Cancer

    Prostate Cancer help from a 24 year world renowned cancer coach.

    As we head towards November – prostate awareness month – The Ride for Dad has launched a new way to help fight prostate cancer across Ontario, so that men can continue to be there for their loved ones for years to come.

    The Prostate Cancer Lottery, Catch the Ace is presented by Ride for Dad.

    Playing Catch the Ace is a fun and Covid-safe way to help fight prostate cancer and a chance to win a lot of money too – with weekly cash prizes and a progressive jackpot that grows every week until someone draws the Ace of spades. And you don’t need to know how to ride a motorcycle to get involved!

    Here’s how it works:

    1.Purchase a ticket – Purchase your weekly Catch the Ace Raffle ticket until the Ace of Spades is revealed!

    2.Pick an envelope – Select an envelope you believe will contain the Ace of Spades.

    3.See if you’ve won – If you hold the weekly winning raffle number, you automatically win 20% of that weeks sales!

    4.Pick up your winnings! – If you were lucky enough to have chosen the envelope with the Ace of Spades you also win the Progressive Jackpot!

    5.Thank you for your support! – Half of the proceeds will go directly to the charity.

    You can choose your envelope at the Ride for Dad website.

    Good luck!

    Fifty seven teams, 1,340 participants have already raised more than $557,000 and donations are still being accepted online until the end of the day on October 31, 2020.

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    Increase Your Vitamin D

    Most people dont get enough vitamin D. It can help protect against prostate cancer and many other conditions. Vitamin D-rich foods include cod liver oil, wild salmon and dried shitake mushrooms. Since the sun is a better, more readily available source of vitamin D, many experts recommend getting 10 minutes of sun exposure every day. Doctors often recommend vitamin D supplements. However, you should talk to your doctor before taking any vitamin or supplement.

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