Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What Are The Signs Of Prostate Infection

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When To Seek Medical Care For Prostate Infections

Chronic Prostatitis (Prostate Inflammation) | Causes, Treatment & Symptoms

Contact a doctor for any of the following symptoms. These symptoms are even more significant if accompanied with high fever and chills:

  • Urinary burning or pain
  • Difficulty or pain when starting urination
  • Pain in the genital area
  • Pain with ejaculation

Doctors usually diagnose and treat prostate infections on an outpatient basis. If a person develops high fever with chills or a new onset of difficulty in urinating, seek medical care immediately or go to a hospital’s emergency department because the infection may be spreading to other areas of the body.

Treating Prostatitis Without Antibiotics

> > Discover How Millions of Men Around the World Have Improved Their Prostate Health

Watermelon Seed Tea

You can prepare this tea by covering some watermelon seeds in hot water in a small or medium jar. Once the water has cooled down, you may pour out the mixture and get rid of the seeds.

You can then sip this tea throughout the day. In addition to sipping watermelon seed tea, you may also eat sliced watermelon. Watermelon is rich in lycopene that has been found to be effective in providing relief from a variety of prostate issues.


Tomatoes have also been found to be highly effective in dealing with various prostate problems. Tomatoes are also rich in lycopene which is an antioxidant that helps in providing relief from prostate issues.

Therefore, it is recommended to include various tomato foods such as salsa, tomato juice and tomato sauce in your regular diet.

Stinging Nettle Extract

This herb is used in a variety of traditional treatments for providing relief from prostate issues. It has been found to be effective in slowing down the growth of harmful cells in the prostate gland.

Saw Palmetto Extract

This herb is also widely used in a variety of traditional treatments for treatment of prostate growth. It helps in reducing the frequency of urination as well as in improving the urinary flow. In other words, it will provide you symptomatic relief from prostatitis whereas the above-mentioned herbs will help you in dealing with the root cause of the problem.


Does Prostatitis Cause Cancer

Although prostatitis can cause you trouble, it does not cause cancer. There is a blood test some doctors use for prostate cancer called the prostate-specific antigen test . If you have prostatitis, your PSA level might go up. This does not mean you have cancer. Your doctor will treat your prostatitis and may check your PSA level again.

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Other Causes Of Acute Prostatitis

Certain conditions or ailments can lead to acute prostatitis as well: inflammation of the urethra, injury to the space between the scrotum and rectum, using urinary catheters, cystoscopy, or inflammation of the epididymis, the tube that connects your vas deferens and testicles. The condition can also be caused by bladder outlet obstruction, which can occur due to bladder stones or an enlarged prostate.

Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

To Know More About Prostatitis

Once a tumor causes your prostate gland to swell, or once cancer spreads beyond your prostate, you may have symptoms including:

  • The need to pee often, especially at night
  • Trouble starting or stopping a stream of urine
  • A weak stream or one that starts and stops
  • Leaking pee when you laugh or cough
  • Not being able to pee standing up
  • Pain or burning when you pee
  • Pain or burning when you ejaculate
  • Less fluid when you ejaculate
  • Blood in your pee or semen
  • Pressure or pain in your rectum
  • Pain or stiffness in your lower back, hips, pelvis, or thighs
  • New trouble getting an erection

These arenât symptoms of the cancer itself. They happen because the cancer growth is blocking your prostate.

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The Types And Causes Of Prostate Infections

When the gland is infected, it gets bigger. Usually, the men between the ages of 30 and 50 suffer from infected prostate but this condition is observed in older or younger men too.

There are 4 types of infection in the prostate gland. They have different symptoms and they are caused by different pathogens .

The four types are:

  • Chronic abacterial prostatitis
  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis
  • Prostatodynia

The most common causes of prostate infections are fungi, genital viruses, and streptococcal staphylococcal organisms. There are two ways for these organisms to enter the prostate.

First, by entering the prostate trough the prostate ducts. The other is by leaving the infected urine and again trough the ducts, the organism will end up in the prostate gland.

Can Complementary Therapies Help

Many men find complementary therapies help them deal with their symptoms and the day-to-day impact of their prostatitis, helping them feel more in control. Some men find they feel more relaxed and better about themselves and their treatment.

Complementary therapies are usually used alongside medical treatments, rather than instead of them. Some complementary therapies have side effects and some may interfere with your prostatitis treatment. So tell your doctor or nurse about any complementary therapies youre using or thinking of trying.

You should also tell your complementary therapist about your prostatitis and any treatments youre having, as this can affect what therapies are safe and suitable for you.

Some GPs and hospitals offer complementary therapies. But if you want to find a therapist yourself, make sure they are properly qualified and belong to a professional body. The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council have advice about finding a therapist.

The following are examples of complementary therapies that some men use.

Be very careful when buying herbal remedies over the internet. Many are made outside the UK and may not be high-quality. Many companies make claims that arent based on proper research. There may be no real evidence that their products work, and some may even be harmful. Remember that even if a product is natural, this doesnt mean it is safe. For more information about using herbal remedies safely visit the MHRA website.

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Preventing Recurrent Acute Prostatitis

Sometimes acute prostatitis recurs or turns into chronic prostatitis. Lifestyle changes may reduce this risk. Maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, using protection during sexual intercourse, avoiding processed foods, and eating a healthy diet can all help prevent the condition. Also, take measures to protect yourself against pelvic trauma and injury, and ejaculate regularly.

Symptoms Of Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis

Urinary Tract Symptoms – Prostate Cancer

Bacterial infections in the prostate can be very painful.

The symptoms begin slowly and last 3 months or longer. Seek medical attention if you have any of the following symptoms:

Serious complications can arise if an infection isnt properly treated. Complications include:

  • urinary retention, which is an inability to urinate
  • , which occurs when bacteria spread into the bloodstream
  • a prostate abscess, which is a collection of pus that causes inflammation

A bacterial infection causes chronic bacterial prostatitis. Even when the primary symptoms of infection have been treated, bacteria may continue to thrive in the prostate.

Causes of infection include:

Certain factors put people at risk for developing this condition, such as:

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What Are The Most Common Prostate Problems

The three most common prostate problems are:

Benign prostatic hyperplasia : BPH is the noncancerous enlargement of the prostate. It is the most common problem in men, and it is a part of the normal aging process. Factors like changes in hormone levels and fibrosis may play a role in causing BPH. Fibrosis is the thickening and stiffness of the organ wall.

Prostatitis: Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate. Though it can affect men of all ages, it is more common in men younger than 50 years. It is of two types:

Bacterial prostatitis: Bacterial prostatitis can be either acute or chronic. Diagnosis usually involves detecting white blood cells and bacteria in the urine with laboratory urine tests.

  • Acute bacterial prostatitis: The symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis appear suddenly and usually subside with antibiotic therapy.
  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis: In chronic bacterial prostatitis, the symptoms build up gradually and stay for a couple of weeks.

Chronic prostatitis : Doctors do not know the exact cause of chronic prostatitis. The diagnosis of chronic prostatitis is done when there are symptoms of prostatitis but no signs of infection. Bacteria are absent in urine tests.

Prostate cancer: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer amongst men in America. Having your father or brother with prostate cancer makes you more likely to develop it. High-fat diets also put you at risk for prostate cancer.

When To Get Medical Advice

See a GP if you have symptoms of prostatitis, such as pelvic pain, difficulty or pain when peeing, or painful ejaculation.

Theyâll ask about the problems youâre having and examine your tummy.

You may also have a rectal examination. This is where a doctor inserts a gloved finger into your bottom to feel for anything unusual. You may have some discomfort during this examination if your prostate is swollen or tender.

Your urine will usually be tested for signs of infection, and you may be referred to a specialist for further tests to rule out other conditions.

See a GP straight away if you get sudden and severe symptoms of prostatitis.

You may have acute prostatitis, which needs to be assessed and treated quickly because it can cause serious problems, such as suddenly being unable to pee.

If you have persistent symptoms , you may be referred to a doctor who specialises in urinary problems .

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What Causes Chronic Prostatitis/chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

Chronic prostatitis/CPPS is a persistent discomfort or pain that you feel in your lower pelvic region â mainly at the base of your penis and around your anus. It is usually diagnosed if you have had pain for at least three months within the previous six months. The cause of this type of chronic prostatitis is not fully understood.

Medication For Urinary Problems

Prostatitis Treatment Bangalore

Your doctor may suggest various medications to help ease your urinary problems, including:

  • medications to reduce the tone of the muscles of the urethra and prostate to minimise any constriction to urine flow caused when these muscles contract
  • medication to reduce the size of the prostate gland. These medications work by blocking the action of male hormones produced by the prostate gland
  • medications to relax the bladder, making unwanted contractions less likely and reducing the symptoms of urgency and frequency of urination
  • the over-the-counter preparation ‘saw palmetto’ is sometimes used. This may help some men, especially if frequent urination at night is a problem.

However, recent reviews of the evidence for using saw palmetto as a treatment for mild or moderate urinary symptoms did not show any improvement, compared to no treatment, in men with BPH.

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A Brief Look At The Prostate Gland

The urethra plays a crucial role in excretion and male sexual function. It carries urine from the bladder to the penis. It also conveys semen from the sex gland to the penis. The urethra passes through the center of the prostate and thus, inflammation of the prostate may affect urination and sexual function.

Tests Used To Check The Prostate

This first step lets your doctor hear and understand the “story” of your prostate concerns. You’ll be asked whether you have symptoms, how long you’ve had them, and how much they affect your lifestyle. Your personal medical history also includes any risk factors, pain, fever, or trouble passing urine. You may be asked to give a urine sample for testing.

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Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer

Some risk factors have been linked to prostate cancer. A risk factor is something that can raise your chance of developing a disease. Having one or more risk factors doesn’t mean that you will get prostate cancer. It just means that your risk of the disease is greater.

  • Age. Men who are 50 or older have a higher risk of prostate cancer.
  • Race. African-American men have the highest risk of prostate cancerâthe disease tends to start at younger ages and grows faster than in men of other races. After African-American men, prostate cancer is most common among white men, followed by Hispanic and Native American men. Asian-American men have the lowest rates of prostate cancer.
  • Family history. Men whose fathers or brothers have had prostate cancer have a 2 to 3 times higher risk of prostate cancer than men who do not have a family history of the disease. A man who has 3 immediate family members with prostate cancer has about 10 times the risk of a man who does not have a family history of prostate cancer. The younger a man’s relatives are when they have prostate cancer, the greater his risk for developing the disease. Prostate cancer risk also appears to be slightly higher for men from families with a history of breast cancer.
  • Diet. The risk of prostate cancer may be higher for men who eat high-fat diets.

Facts You Should Know About Prostate Infections

5 FACTS ON PROSTATITIS: Symptoms & Treatment | TIPS FOR MEN – Dr. Girish Nelivigi | Doctors’ Circle
  • Prostate infections comprise only small percentage of all men with prostatitis. This small percentage is comprised of acute and chronic prostatic infections.
  • E. coli and other Gram-negative bacteria cause most acute and chronic prostatic infections.
  • Prostatic infection symptoms include groin pain, dysuria, pain with ejaculation, reduced urine output and may include fever, malaise, and periodic recurrence of symptoms even after treatment.
  • Seek medical care if symptoms develop, emergency care if fever or inability to urinate occurs.
  • Diagnosis of prostate infections or prostatitis is made by identifying the agent infecting the prostate.
  • Treatment of prostate infections or prostatitis is usually antibiotics chronic infectious prostatitis may require long-term antibiotic treatment, and severe infections may require hospitalization with IV antibiotics.
  • Home care is limited to pain reduction. Men with a prostate infection or prostatitis need medical care.
  • Follow-up is important to confirm adequate treatment results or to plan additional treatment if the infection reoccurs.
  • Some prostate infections cannot be prevented, but reducing the risk of groin trauma or injury, avoiding sexually transmitted diseases, and staying well hydrated are ways to reduce the chance of getting infectious prostatitis.
  • The prognosis of acute infectious prostatitis is usually good, but chronic infectious prostatitis is only fair because it is difficult to cure.

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How Is Prostatitis Treated

Treatment depends on the type of prostatitis.

Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Treatment for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome aims to decrease pain, discomfort, and inflammation. A wide range of symptoms exists and no single treatment works for every man. Although antibiotics will not help treat nonbacterial prostatitis, a urologist may prescribe them, at least initially, until the urologist can rule out a bacterial infection. A urologist may prescribe other medications:

  • silodo
  • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors such as finasteride and dutasteride
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsalso called NSAIDssuch as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium
  • glycosaminogly
  • cans such as chondroitin sulfate
  • muscle relaxants such as cyclobenzaprine and clonazepam
  • neuromodulators such as amitriptyline, nortriptyline , and pregabalin

Alternative treatments may include

  • warm baths, called sitz baths
  • local heat therapy with hot water bottles or heating pads
  • physical therapy, such as
  • Kegel exercisestightening and relaxing the muscles that hold urine in the bladder and hold the bladder in its proper position. Also called pelvic muscle exercises.
  • myofascial releasepressing and stretching, sometimes with cooling and warming, of the muscles and soft tissues in the lower back, pelvic region, and upper legs. Also known as myofascial trigger point release.
  • relaxation exercises
  • phytotherapy with plant extracts such as quercetin, bee pollen, and saw palmetto
  • acupuncture
  • Diagnosis Of Enlarged Prostate Gland And Urinary Problems

    If you are troubled by urination problems, see a doctor no matter what your age. If your doctor agrees that your symptoms need further evaluation and treatment, you may need to undergo a few tests.These may include:

    • general examination medical history and review of any health conditions including obesity, diabetes, obstructive sleep apnoea, depression and erectile dysfunction. A rectal examination may be done to check the size and shape of your prostate gland
    • a urine check to ensure the prostate is not infected
    • a flow-rate check to estimate the speed with which you pass urine
    • an ultrasound examination to assess if the bladder is emptying completely and to examine your kidneys
    • urodynamics a series of tests on the bladder to see how your urinary system is functioning may be recommended in some circumstances.

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    What Is The Prostate

    The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that is part of the male reproductive system. The main function of the prostate is to make a fluid that goes into semen. Prostate fluid is essential for a mans fertility. The gland surrounds the urethra at the neck of the bladder. The bladder neck is the area where the urethra joins the bladder. The bladder and urethra are parts of the lower urinary tract. The prostate has two or more lobes, or sections, enclosed by an outer layer of tissue, and it is in front of the rectum, just below the bladder. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. In men, the urethra also carries semen out through the penis.

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