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What Does A Swollen Prostate Feel Like

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Enlarged Prostate Signs & Symptoms (& Why They Occur)

At the start, prostate cancer does not cause symptoms. As the cancer grows, you may have trouble urinating. Some men need to urinate often, especially at night. Others have pain or burning during urination, blood in the urine or semen, pain in the back, hips, or pelvis, and painful ejaculation.

To find out if these symptoms are caused by prostate cancer, your doctor will ask about your past medical problems and your family’s medical history. He or she will perform a physical exam. During the exam, your doctor will put a gloved finger into your rectum to feel your prostate for hard or lumpy areas.

Your doctor may also do a blood test to check the prostate-specific antigen level. PSA levels can be high in men with an enlarged prostate gland or with prostate cancer. You may also need an ultrasound exam that takes computer pictures of the prostate.

If tests show that you might have cancer, your doctor will want to confirm this with a biopsy. He or she will take out tiny pieces of the prostate to look for cancer cells. Your doctor may want to do a biopsy again to re-check the results.

Treatment for prostate cancer depends on whether cancer is in part or all of the prostate or if it has spread to other parts of the body. It also depends on your age and overall health. Talk with your doctor about the best treatment choice for you. You may want to ask another doctor for a second opinion.

What Matters Most To You

Your personal feelings are just as important as the medical facts. Think about what matters most to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements.

Reasons to have surgery for an enlarged prostate

Reasons not to have surgery

I dont want to keep taking medicine every day for my symptoms.

I dont mind taking daily medicine.

Im willing to try surgery because my symptoms bother me so much.

I dont like the idea of having surgery.

I dont think medicines are helping my symptoms.

Medicines are helping my symptoms.

I dont think the side effects of surgery will be as bad as my symptoms.

I think the side effects of surgery would bother me more than my symptoms do.

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Signs Of Prostate Cancer Your Doctor Can Assess

Your doctor can tell a lot about your prostate by the way that it feels.

The back wall of your prostate is very close to your rectum. If your doctor inserts a finger into your rectum, he can feel the back and sides of your prostate through the thin, soft wall of the rectum. This examination of the prostate is called a digital rectal examination .

The DRE is used to detect possible signs of prostate illness:

  • A DRE that finds a smooth, soft prostate but that causes intense pain is commonly a sign of prostate infection, also known as prostatitis.
  • A DRE that finds a smooth, rubbery, and enlarged prostate is commonly a sign of prostate enlargement, also known as benign prostate hyperplasia.
  • A DRE that finds hard nodules, generalized firmness, or an unusual shape to the prostate is commonly a sign of prostate cancer.

DRE can be used to raise suspicion of prostate cancer. DRE can not be used to rule out prostate cancer.

Many prostate cancers produce no physical signs that can be felt by DRE. In other words, a normal DRE is not a sign that there is no prostate cancer.

It is also well known that if different doctors carry out a DRE on the same patient , they may come to different decisions about what they think they feel.

Figure 1: How the DRE is carried out.

Content on this page last reviewed and updated April 5, 2008.

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How Common Is Prostatitis

Prostatitis is the most common urinary tract problem for men younger than age 50 and the third most common urinary tract problem for men older than age 50.1 Prostatitis accounts for about two million visits to health care providers in the United States each year.2

Chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome is

  • the most common and least understood form of prostatitis.
  • can occur in men of any age group.
  • affects 10 to 15 percent of the U.S. male population.3

Foods To Avoid: Caffeine

Enlarged Prostate  Chennai

Avoiding or limiting your caffeine intake, including coffee, tea, energy drinks and fizzy drinks, is another thing that can make a big difference to your urinary health.

Caffeine has a diuretic effect which means it can increase the urge to go to the toilet. On top of this, drinking these beverages, especially late at night, can irritate the bladder and so will make it more likely that youll need to use the loo. As it is difficult for men with an enlarged prostate to empty their bladder completely anyway, consuming caffeinated drinks will only add to the problem.

There are now so many caffeine-free drinks available that it shouldnt be too much of a challenge to swap your usual brew for something a little kinder to your bladder.

Chamomile tea is particularly beneficial as it has anti-inflammatory properties. If you favour coffee, though, then Bambu, our caffeine-free coffee, is a great alternative.

On top of this, another important drink for your prostate is water. Its vital you stay well hydrated if you suffer from the condition but remember not to drink anything at least 2 hours before bedtime.

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Prostatitis is pain and swelling, inflammation, or both of the prostate gland. The cause is sometimes a bacterial infection. Pain can occur in the area between the scrotum and anus or in the lower back, penis, or testes.

Besides, can an enlarged prostate cause pain in the groin?

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Minimally Invasive Treatments For An Enlarged Prostate

When medications don’t help your enlarged prostate, several procedures can relieve symptoms — without surgery. They are performed in a doctor’s office. “These procedures use various types of heat energy to shrink a portion of the prostate,” explains Westney. “They are very effective.”

TUMT : This therapy for mild to moderate blockage reduces urinary frequency, urgency, straining, and intermittent flow — but does not correct any bladder-emptying problems. In this procedure, computer-regulated microwaves are used to heat portions within the prostate to destroy select tissue. A cooling system protects the wall of the urethra during the procedure. TUMT is performed in a doctor’s office and requires only topical anesthesia and pain medications.

Possible side effects include painful urination for several weeks. Temporary urgency and frequency of urination is also possible. There may be less semen ejaculated. Many men must have this procedure repeated, either because symptoms return or do not improve.

TUNA : This procedure also destroys prostate tissue to improve urine flow and relieve symptoms. It involves heating the tissue with high-frequency radiowaves transmitted by needles inserted directly into the prostate . The procedure does not require a hospital stay. Possible side effects include painful, urgent, or frequent urination for a few weeks.

When Should You Call A Doctor For Bph

Urinary symptoms related to enlarging prostate initially affect the quality of life, and if no complications exist, as mentioned above , the decision to treat is optional and is left to the patient. This means that if you don’t feel bothered enough to take a medicine or undergo a procedure for it, you’ll need to follow up with your doctor to ensure the symptoms are stable, and the bladder empties well. This can be assessed by prostate symptom questionnaires and a measure of the strength of the urinary stream and residual urine in the bladder. If complications develop, however, or if the bladder starts holding increasing amounts of residual urine after urination, treatment should be started.

If you experience bladder pain or burning with urination, blood in the urine associated with fever/chills or nausea/vomiting, or if the prostate enlargement condition worsens and symptoms such as blood in the urine or lower back pain are present, consult a doctor immediately. If you cannot reach your doctor when these symptoms are present, seek evaluation at a hospital’s emergency department.

For acute symptoms such as acute urinary retention , you should immediately go to the closest emergency medical facility for bladder drainage, usually with a catheter, which is a tube inserted into the bladder.

Men over 50 years of age should have their prostate checked annually by their physician even if they have no symptoms.

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You can buy it by clicking on Visit the Official Site. Just try it once for yourself or your partner

If Youre Trying To Get Off You Probably Dont Want Your Cock To Be Numb

Signs, Symptoms and Treatment of an Enlarged Prostate

The good thing about ErosTek Power Units is that the waveforms are balanced positive and negative. That means that over time there is no build up of current in one direction vs. the other. Its balanced. Its going to equal zero over time. There are just as many pulses going in the positive direction as there are in the negative. So if you add that all up, you get zero. Its neutral.

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Home Remedies For Swollen Prostate

Home remedies are also available for swelling of the prostate. These include:

  • Saw palmetto extract This is an herbal preparation used to reduce the size of the prostate and prevent swelling for normal individuals. Saw palmetto also reduces symptoms associated with swollen prostate.
  • Pygeum This is also an herbal preparation extracted from Prunus Africana bark.
  • Others Other herbal preparations for swollen prostate include hypoxis rooperi, pumpkin seed, rye grass and stinging nettle. These herbal medications may control symptoms and do not have potential side-effects.

Medications For Enlarged Prostate

There are two main classes of pharmaceuticals that work to alleviate enlarged prostate symptoms: alpha blockers and alpha reductase inhibitors

  • Alpha Blockers. Alpha blockers relax the smooth muscle around the bladder neck and within the urethra.

  • Inhibitors. Inhibitors stop the conversion of the male hormone testosterone to DHT to reduce the prostate’s size, eliminating blockage.

Dont be surprised if your physician prescribes a combination of the two medications, as they have been shown to work more effectively together than alone. The downside is that combination therapy may increase the likelihood of experiencing side effects from the medications. Be sure to work with your doctor to assess the benefits and costs before starting on combination therapy.

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How To Check Your Prostate

This article was co-authored by Robert Dhir, MD. Dr. Robert Dhir is a board certified Urologist, Urological Surgeon, and the Founder of HTX Urology in Houston, Texas. With over 10 years of experience, Dr. Dhirs expertise includes minimally-invasive treatments for enlarged prostate , kidney stone disease, surgical management of urological cancers, and mens health . His practice has been named a Center of Excellence for the UroLift procedure, and is a pioneer in non-surgical procedures for ED using his patented Wave Therapy. He earned his undergraduate and medical degrees from Georgetown University and was awarded honors in pre-medical studies, urology, orthopedics, and ophthalmology. Dr. Dhir served as chief resident during his urological surgical residency at University of Texas at Houston / MD Anderson Cancer Center in addition to completing his internship in general surgery. Dr. Dhir was voted Top Doctor in Urology for 2018 to 2019, one of the top three Best Rated Urologists in 2019 & 2020 for Houston Texas, and Texas Monthly has named him to the 2019 & 2020 Texas Super Doctors Rising Stars list.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 11 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 1,025,150 times.

Something Washes Over My Body

The Best Supplements to Support Prostate Health in 2021 ...

I have only orgasmed with my close sexual partners, and even then, its not something that is guaranteed in any way. I only have one orgasm typically per sexual activity, while some girls I know get multiple orgasms. I would describe it as something that washes over my entire body. Almost like chills throughout, but my body is heating up instead.Vanessa*, 25

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Blood In Urine/bladder Stones

A number of factors associated with enlarged prostate can cause blood in the urine: Enlarged veins in the prostate can rupture, or if youre forcing hard to urinate, that can also rupture veins. Blood in the urine can also be a sign of a UTI. Urine retention in your bladder can also cause bladder stones. These occur when urine becomes concentrated and crystallizes. They can be very painful and can further block the flow of urine. However, its unlikely that bladder stones would be the first noticeable symptom of an enlarged prostate, Dr. Linehan says.

Getting Over Fear Of Butt Stuff

In spite of all the great things you have learned about prostate orgasms, you might still considerbuttocks material as being just for particular sorts of men, like for homosexual or bisexual men.

However, you dont need to be into anal intercourse to enjoy a massage they are completely different senses. In any case, lots of straight men enjoy getting a massage from their female spouses. Everybody ought to be in a position to have a prostate orgasm without even fretting about their sexuality.

If you are concerned about getting dirty, you may discover that thats rarely a problem. Provided That you are clearing out your intestines frequently, then a Fast shower and an optional douche will be enough to make sure youre washed down.

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If Youre The Giving Partner

Cleanliness and safety are a must, even for the giver.

Cut and file your nails smooth to help avoid scratching or tearing the delicate skin in and around the anus.

Wash your hands thoroughly, even if youre planning to use a condom over your finger to penetrate your partner. For extra comfort, stuff cotton balls inside the condom or glove.

You can also get the party started in the shower together, which serves as foreplay and gets you both all nice and clean for the big show.

Youll probably need to try a few different moves and experiment with speed and pressure to find what feels best.

Here are some techniques to try, whether youre using fingers or toys.

Symptoms Of An Enlarged Prostate

How is an enlarged prostate treated – Dr. Jonathan Jay

Because the prostate is positioned so close to the bladder, penis and rectum, most disorders which cause enlargement of the prostate share several basic symptoms. These include:

  • An urgent, at times uncontrollable, need to urinate, which may lead to incontinence if the person canât make it to the bathroom in time
  • Trouble urinating
  • Sexual problems and loss of sex drive
  • Postcoital pain

In the case of prostate cancer there may be no immediate symptoms, or there may be urinary symptoms like those listed above. In addition, there may be symptoms such as:

  • Hematuria or blood in semen
  • New onset of erectile dysfunction
  • Back, especially lower back, hip or pelvic pain
  • Unexplained weight loss

Good to know: A lot of the urinary symptoms above could also be caused by diabetes or may be related to the use of certain medications. If any of these symptoms are detected, it is of paramount importance that a physician is consulted and the cause diagnosed, so that appropriate next steps can be taken.

Worried you may have an enlarged prostate? Start your free symptom assessment in the Ada app.

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Health Benefits Of Prostate Massage

What many fail to remember is that prostate massage can be beneficial for your health as well. Its a medical fact that using this method can help with painful ejaculations, urine flow, prostatitis, and sometimes even erectile dysfunction.

But even if you dont have any health issues, a prostate massage can still make you feel good. The whole process of milking can improve erections and strengthen orgasm. Furthermore, it helps the body get rid of prostatic fluid, which can build-up in the gland. As a result, it can directly prevent enlarged prostate and inflammation.

Moreover, the massage can also improve the blood flow in the prostate, allowing it to create more fluid. With a healthy prostate and circulation, a person can lower the chances of getting prostate cancer as well.

Stimulating the male G-spot can also help men reach a full-body orgasm. And, as many claim from different sex forum, experiencing one can be very relaxing and serve as a stress relief.

Is It Easy To Orgasm This Way

Lets say it may take some practice and patience.

Actual clinical research on prostate-induced orgasms is seriously lacking, so we dont know how common it is or if its possible for everyone with a prostate to have this type of orgasm.

Every body is different, so some experimenting to see what feels good is in order. If you do manage to have one, reproducing it will be easy.

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