Sunday, September 8, 2024

Surgery Options For Enlarged Prostate

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What Does Endoscopic Surgery Involve

TURP | LASER Prostatectomy | Enlarged Prostate (BPH) Surgical Treatment Options

Whenever possible, endoscopic surgery is preferable to the traditional classical open-surgery approach for treating patients with BPH.

Besides being less invasive, it has fewer risks of complications with the same effectiveness.

The aim of this procedure is to remove the enlarged part of the prostate endoscopically by removing small fragments of the prostate tissue.

There are several variants of endoscopic surgery.

The choice between the different techniques depends on the volume of the patients prostate and their clinical state and usual medication.

New Surgical Options For Men With Enlarged Prostate


A common rite of passage for men as they age is an enlarged prostate gland. Men over 50 years of age can typically suffer an array of bothersome urinary symptoms from an enlarged prostate. In some cases, the prostate gland may enlarge to such a size that it blocks the flow of urine, causing urinary tract and kidney infections. In patients with moderate to severe urinary symptoms, surgical treatment is warranted.

Doctors at NewYork-Presbyterian are at the forefront of new technology and surgical treatment options for patients who suffer from an enlarged prostate, also called benign prostatic hyperplasia . Specifically, doctors are performing the latest types of prostate surgery including laser prostatectomy, transurethral resection of the prostate and robotic surgery.

“As the prostate gets bigger, it constricts the urinary hole. As the hole gets squeezed smaller, the flow is restricted and urinary symptoms ensue,” said urologist Ketan K. Badani, M.D. Patients with an enlarged prostate may have to urinate more frequently, wake up at night to urinate, experience decreased force of stream, hesitancy, incomplete emptying, urinary tract infections and reduced kidney function depending on the severity of urinary symptoms. The condition tends to worsen over time if left untreated.

Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate

A TURP is performed by a urologist and is usually performed under a general anaesthetic. The urologist inserts a resectoscope through the urethra and up into the prostate gland. The urologist can view the prostate gland and bladder, either through the resectoscope or on a television monitor.

Diagram courtesy of

A heated wire loop is inserted through the resectoscope and is used to cut away excess prostate tissue a sliver at a time. The wire also seals blood vessels to help minimise bleeding.

A hospital stay of between one and five days may be required after a TURP.

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Find Your Bph Symptom Score

The International Prostate Symptom Score is a common method for screening and diagnosing benign prostatic hyperplasia . The survey asks seven urinary symptom questions and one quality of life question to help determine the severity of your BPH.

  • Abrams, et al., Neurourology and Urodynamics 2002
  • Maximilian, et al., BJU Intl 2012
  • Tubaro et al. 2003 Drugs Aging
  • AUA 2003 Guidelines
  • Roehrborn et al. Can J Urol 2017
  • 4155 Hopyard Road

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    Who Is Eligible For Pae

    Orlando Urologists Offer Breakthrough Treatment for Men Suffering ...

    The PAE procedure is best for candidates who are either ineligible due to pre-existing health conditions or not interested in traditional surgery. An exam with an interventional radiologist can determine if you are a candidate for PAE. At this appointment, you may be asked how often you have urinary symptoms of BPH, how severe they are, and how much they affect your quality of life. Men who have advanced heart diseases associated with smoking or diabetes may not be candidates for PAE.

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    Why Does Enlarged Prostate Cause Frequent Urination

    So here again in enlarged prostate, it causes frequent urination. It’s not mainly because the urine is excessively produced, it’s mainly because of overflow incontinence. Many times patient will not be able to completely evacuate or empty their bladder, in this case a person will be passing urine only intermittently and inadequately that’s why a part of urine will always remain stagnant in the bladder and that will continuously irritate the bladder to go for frequent urination. Apart from that, once a person has that median lobe enlargement which is between the two lateral lobes that will relatively open the bladder neck which is a smooth muscle sphincter that will again lead to frequent urination.

    Going The Natural Route

    Its important to remember that just because a supplement is labeled natural doesnt always mean its safe, healthy, or effective. Remember that the FDA doesnt regulate herbal remedies like it does prescription and over-the-counter drugs. That means you cant be totally sure that whats listed on the label is inside the bottle.

    Herbal remedies can also cause side effects and interact with other medications you take. Check with your doctor before trying any natural supplement.

    50 percent of males aged 51 to 60.

    While it may not be possible to prevent BPH, it can be treated especially if detected early. If you begin to experience BPH-like symptoms in your urinary tract, like a reduced urine stream, sudden urges to urinate, or the need to urinate several times during the night, its worth talking with your doctor as soon as possible to see if early treatment is necessary.

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    Why Is This Important

    An enlarged prostate can cause two main symptoms of the lower urinary tract: voiding and urinary retention. Prior to this research, some experts believed surgery did not help men with urinary retention. However, the trial found both prostate procedures are effective for treating both voiding symptoms and urinary retention.

    Although previous research suggested that the laser procedure would lead to fewer complications and a reduced hospital stay compared to TURP, this was not seen in the study. The new findings from Bristol suggest hospitals who already perform TURP do not necessarily need to invest in equipment and training for the ThuVARP laser procedure. Patients can be reassured that either surgical option is safe and effective. The researchers say new treatment approaches should continue to be compared with TURP, as NICE guidelines recommend.

    Does Enlarged Prostate Cause Kidney Failure

    Prostatic artery embolization: A non-surgical treatment for enlarged prostate | UCLAMDChat

    In a long term prostate gland enlargement with a lot of obstructive symptoms will lead to back pressure changes in the kidney and if not attended early stage may get into irreversible changes of the kidney and become a chronic kidney disease and end up into a kidney replacement therapy in the form of either dialysis or maybe a kidney transplant in the late situation.

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    Transurethral Vaporisation Of The Prostate

    This is another variant of transurethral resection whereby a special loop is used to destroy the prostate tissue by vaporisation and dissection.

    It can be used on patients with coagulation problems or who are undergoing anticoagulant therapy.

    The difference with regard to classical TURP lies in the type of current used. Although effective, it generally causes greater and longer-lasting post-operative discomfort, particularly more irritable bladder symptoms.

    Large Prostate With Few Symptoms

    Patients with very enlarged prostates may have few symptoms or mild symptoms. Doctors verify that there are no problems with kidney or bladder function. If not, they know that the enlarged prostate is not harming the body. In this case, doctors may recommend just watching the prostate or doing non-surgical treatments. Options include changing certain eating and drinking habits and urinating less often. Patients can take medications that relax the prostate, such as tamsulosin, or shrink the prostate, such as finasteride or dutasteride. Patients also may try supplements like saw palmetto to help their symptoms.

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    What Foods Are Good For Enlarged Prostate

    There is nothing like good food or bad food for prostate enlargement. So the only thing what we advise is to avoid carbonated beverages and more fluid intake in the late hours of the day so that they are not disturbed by frequent urination or the lower unit tract symptoms at night. These things are to be kept in mind, as such food has nothing to do with the prostate enlargement.

    Large Prostate With Significant Symptoms

    San Antonio Enlarged Prostate Treatment Options

    For patients who have moderate or severe symptoms that have failed medical therapy from very enlarged prostates, the optimal treatment is often surgery. For very enlarged prostates, there are four main surgical options:

  • Open prostatectomyâ The surgeon makes an incision and removes some of the enlarged prostate. This is done rarely today because less invasive surgeries through the urethra work well with fewer side effects.
  • Transurethral resection of the prostate â Going in through the urethra, with the aid of a small camera, the surgeon removes tissue to open up the channel, which can help the urine flow and take some of the pressure off the bladder. Tissue is removed with bipolar energy that shaves off pieces of the prostate. While this method is less invasive than open prostatectomy, it still can have side affects, such as bleeding, infection, need for repeat resection, erectile dysfunction, and scarring.
  • Transurethral laser ablation of the prostate â This is where the urine channel is opened up using a high-powered holmium laser to vaporize the prostate tissue. Like TURP, the procedure can help urine flow and symptoms from enlarged prostate. The use of the laser may decrease the need for a catheter or reduce bleeding after the procedure. A high-powered laser that uses âMoses effectâ pulses has the potential to remove the tissue more efficiently, so the procedure time can be shortened.
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    A New Option For Men With Enlarged Prostate

    Men suffering with symptoms from an enlarged prostate could be offered a new type of nonsurgical treatment thanks to changes in NICE guidance.

    25 April 2018

    NICE the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has for using Prostate Artery Embolisation as a treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the medical term used to describe a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate. Symptoms like needing to pass urine more frequently, trouble starting to urinate and loss of bladder control affect more than a third of men over the age of 50.

    There are a number of current treatments for an enlarged prostate including medication or surgery. However, these treatments can have side effects and do not suit all patients.

    PAE offers an alternative option. It blocks the blood supply to the prostate with small particles, which causes the prostate tissue to shrink and die. It can be performed under local anaesthetic, which will help patients who cannot tolerate general anaesthetic. And it can be done as a day case, which will mean the patient does not need to be admitted to hospital.

    NICE first looked at PAE in 2013, but felt that more research was required to determine whether the procedure was effective and safe.

    In light of this study and other new evidence, NICE has updated its guidance. It now says PAE can be offered to patients. The procedure should be carried out by an interventional radiologist with specific training and expertise.

    A New Treatment Option For Men With Enlarged Prostate

    More than a third of men aged over 50 have an enlarged prostate, which can make it difficult to pass urine. Interventional radiology consultant Dr. Nick Burfitt explains how a new minimally-invasive, non-surgical technique called prostate artery embolisation might be the best treatment for some men with this condition. on +44 203 311 7700

    The prostate, a walnut-sized gland that lies under the bladder, is part of mens reproductive system and makes fluid to carry sperm. It can grow throughout a mans life and an enlarged prostate, known as benign prostatic hyperplasia , can cause urinary problems and is common in older men.

    Although an enlarged prostate does not always need treatment, it can lead to unpleasant symptoms and affect quality of life. The condition puts pressure on the bladder, leading to a frequent or urgent need to urinate, a weak flow, an inability to empty the bladder completely, a need to pass urine during the night and incontinence. For some men, the problem is so severe that they plan each journey outside home so there are always toilets nearby.

    Fortunately, there are a range of treatments if medication is not effective. The traditional treatment, TURP , involves cutting away part of the prostate. Other treatments are HoLEP , Rezum Water Vapour Therapy and UroLift which, under general anaesthetic, use laser, steam or staples to reduce the prostate.

    For more information please contact us via or on +44 203 311 7700

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    Surgical Options For Men With Enlarged Prostate


    A common rite of passage for men as they age is an enlarged prostate gland. Men over 50 years of age can typically suffer an array of bothersome urinary symptoms from an enlarged prostate, also called benign prostatic hyperplasia .

    “As the prostate gets bigger, it constricts the urinary hole. As the hole gets squeezed smaller, the flow is restricted and urinary symptoms ensue,” said urologist Ketan K. Badani, M.D.

    Patients with an enlarged prostate may have to urinate more frequently, wake up at night to urinate, experience decreased force of stream, hesitancy, incomplete emptying, urinary tract infections and reduced kidney function depending on the severity of symptoms. The condition tends to worsen over time if left untreated. Doctors initially use medication to treat BPH. If these are ineffective, they turn to surgery.

    Why Would You Have Surgery For A Benign Prostate Condition

    Treatment Options for Enlarged Prostate (BPH), Presented by Sankar J. Kausik, M.D.

    The prostate is the walnut-sized gland that surrounds the urethra in a male. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body. One of the non-cancerous conditions that can affect the prostate is called benign prostatic hyperplasia , which is also known as enlarged prostate.

    BPH is the most common prostate problem in men over age 50. About half of men in their 50s and as many as 90% of men in their 70s and 80s have enlarged prostates.

    Enlarged prostate surgery is recommended if less invasive treatments have failed, or if you have severe symptoms such as:

    • An inability to urinate.
    • Excessive blood in the urine.
    • Bladder stones.

    Prostate cancer and infertility arent symptoms or causes of BPH. Benign prostatic hyperplasia doesnt cause erectile problems.

    Prostate procedures for BPH range from minimally invasive treatments to more extensive surgeries. Your healthcare provider will help you decide which type of prostate surgery is best for you.

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    What Food To Avoid For Prostate Enlargement

    There is no direct relation of food to prostate gland enlargement, and simultaneously there is no literature to support any food relation with the prostate enlargement. But low physical activity, central obesity and sedentary lifestyle are likely to increase the risk and the prostate enlargement symptoms.

    How Do You Shrink An Enlarged Prostate And Lower Psa Naturally

    One way to shrink an enlarged prostate is through medication, but if you are not ready to take prescription medication, there are some more natural approaches that you can explore, like changes to your diet and exercise routine.

    A 2013 review showed that many males with BPH also had vitamin D deficiency. The review also discusses additional studies that focused on increasing vitamin D intake which showed promising results in reducing BPH. Either through supplements or vitamin D-rich foods, increasing vitamin D in your diet may cause a reduction in BPH symptoms.

    Obesity may also play a role in the severity of BPH symptoms. Positive changes to your diet may also help with BPH, particularly with the inclusion of more fruits and vegetables like tomatoes that can also lower the risk of developing prostate cancer and bell peppers that are rich in vitamin C.

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    Is Prostate Enlargement Dangerous

    Prostate enlargement is a physiological change, and it can turn out to be dangerous, if at all it has chronic back pressure changes on the kidneys. So if at all it is left unnoticed and the obstructive symptoms are since long term, the kidneys will have back pressure changes and ultimately end up into renal failure and later dialysis may be an option for them once the kidneys go into irreversible changes, so this is definitely if ignored, can lead to a dangerous situation.

    Enlarged Prostate Treatment Options

    Transurethral Microwave therapy of the Prostate (TUMT)

    The prostate is a gland that sits at the bottom of the bladder and wraps around the urethra. The urethra is like a tube, where urine exits through from the bladder to the outside of the body. An enlarged prostate occurs primarily as function of genetics and time. As the prostate gets larger it may obstruct or block the flow of urine, resulting in a variety of problems or symptoms related to urination.

    Enlarged prostate treatment options are vast and variable including:

    • Lifestyle modifications:Lifestyle modifications to manage enlarged prostate symptoms in general involves adjusting diet and/or fluid intake. Many urinary symptoms that might be caused by prostate enlargement can be further exacerbated by certain foods or activities. In addition, certain chronic medical conditions can also exacerbate urinary symptoms, and so should be treated and optimized.
    • Office-based procedures and surgery:In general, surgeries and office-based procedures to treat prostate enlargement and the resultant urinary symptoms are focused on either removing or diminishing the degree of obstruction caused by tissue overgrowth.
    • Water vapor thermal therapy:Water vapor thermal therapy is introduced via a small needle into the prostate gland, which injects steam to treat and ultimately shrink the tissue.

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    Using This Guidewhat’s Covered

    Here youll find the answers to many of your questions about surgery for a benign enlarged prostate . Learn how the surgery works, what it may cost, what your recovery may be like, and more.

    To see how this surgery is done, view our animation below. For personal insights, see our patient experience videos in which HCF members talk frankly about their preparation, surgery and recovery.

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