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Does Enlarged Prostate Cause Kidney Failure

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Enlarged Prostate Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

No. TURP and other procedures for BPH remove only enough tissue to relieve urine blockage. In a few cases, the prostate may continue to grow, and urinary problems return. You should continue to have your prostate checked once a year even after surgery to make sure that BPH or prostate cancer has not developed.

A prostate removal, or prostatectomy, is usually done only to stop prostate cancer from spreading.

Enlarged Prostate Raises Chronic Kidney Disease Risk In Men

Written byMohan GarikiparithiPublished onNovember 27, 2015

Benign prostatic hyperplasia enlarged prostate can raise the risk of chronic kidney disease . BPH is an enlarged prostate that is not cancerous. In males, the prostate goes through two growth periods, once during early puberty and again around the age of 25. As the prostate enlarges the gland can press and pinch the urethra and the bladder walls become thicker. Over time the bladder can become weaker and lose its ability to fully empty. If the urethra continues to narrow and the bladder maintains the inability to fully empty, it can lead to complications associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

What Is Kidney Failure

When kidneys lose functionality entirely and do not have command over their functions, they reach the final stage of kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal disease. Another name for kidney failure is renal failure, and it is also considered the culminating stage of chronic kidney disease.

It doesnt matter that kidneys are about the size of a fist, but their role in the body is prominent. They are the ones that provide pure blood to the entire functions and organs of the body. Kidneys are composed of nephrons that are stated as their functional and structural units. Millions of nephrons are present in the kidneys and consist of filtering parts that assist in executing the function of filtering the blood carefully. The filter and disposing system of the body have a filter that separates the waste products, excess fluids, and unwanted substances from the blood. At the same time, tubules are the reabsorbing tubes of the kidneys that absorb essential matter from the blood when it is being filtered and return those useful substances like red blood cells and blood protein into the bloodstream. After that, waste products are stored in the bladder for their excretion from the body, and this is how the primary function- blood filtration takes place in the kidneys.

Kidney failure is categorized into two parts that help understand the type of causes that triggered kidney failure.

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Can Kidney Failure Be Reversed

Certain types of kidney failure can be reversed. The treatment of reversible kidney failure usually needs hospitalization. Not all kidney failures are reversible, but reversible kidney failure is more common than you think. I have personally treated and reversed kidney failure many times in the last 15 years. Most patients I treated that were hospitalized for kidney failure didnt know their kidney failures could be reversed. I am writing this article to help other patients and families that are going through a similar situation understand reversible kidney failure.

In this article, I will review different types of reversible kidney failures based on my personal experience as well as a review of relevant research articles.

Here are 8 different types of kidney failures that can be reversed:

  • Kidney failure from bleeding
  • Kidney failure from severe dehydration
  • Kidney failure from heat exhaustion
  • Kidney failure caused by certain medications
  • Kidney failure from sepsis
  • Kidney failure due to an enlarged prostate
  • Kidney failure due to kidney stones blocking both kidneys
  • Kidney failure due to a bladder tumor
  • Bph And Kidney Failure

    Urologist in Chennai  Chennai

    When you are born in the prostate is relatively small at that time, but at the time you hit puberty, then it gets double in size. The around the age of 25, the prostate starts growing again, but at the time, it grows at a prolonged rate. The thing is that if it grows larger, then it can give pressure on the urethra, and it can lead to difficulty in urinating, weak steam, etc. Have a look at the points mentioned below to know more about the BPH and kidney failure.

    How exactly does the BPH cause kidney failure?

    You might not be aware of the fact that anything which comes in the way of urine when it is leaving the body then it can lead to acute kidney failure. Kidney stones or blood clots are the leading causes of it. However, prostate cancer or BPH can also cause kidney failure.

    The symptoms of the BPH get worse over time, and in most cases, the BPH can also lead to bladder damage, kidney damage, or infection in the body. This is not at all common, but BOH can genuinely lead to kidney failure. This is the reason that it is essential for you to seek treatment for the BPH before it starts to cause damage to your kidney.

    Get to know about the symptoms of BPH and kidney failure!

    What can you do to reduce the risk of kidney failure due to BPH?

    When the medications dont work effectively, then your doctor may also prescribe you for the surgery in which they remove some of the prostate tissue.

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    What Are The Key Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer That Can Lead To Kidneys Failure

    Prostate cancer spread to kidneys leading to severe and adverse effects, which results in loss of kidney function. When this condition reaches an advanced stage, the body begins to accumulate dangerous levels of fluid, wastes and electrolytes that are hazardous. Kidney stones and prostate cancer are a clear indication of kidneys failure.

    Prostate cancer and kidney failure are characterized by the following symptoms:

    What Are The Symptoms Of Bph And Renal Failure

    The most common complaint of men with BPH is the need to get up during the night to urinate. It might feel like your bladder is full, even if you urinated recently. There might be a sense of urgency, but the stream may be weak. You may have to strain to urinate. If it gets bad enough, you may find it difficult to urinate at all.

    Symptoms of renal failure include:

    • diminished urine volume

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    When Does A Prostate Problem Need Treatment

    BPH requires treatment only if the symptoms are severe enough to be troublesome to the patient, if the function of the urinary tract is seriously affected or if there are other complications, such as bleeding, kidney infections or kidney damage. An enlarged prostate by itself is not enough reason to need treatment.

    Problems With Enlarged Prostate Gland

    Causes for an Enlarged Kidney|Kidney deseases| Very Well

    Benign enlargement of the prostate gland is more common as men get older. It can cause troublesome symptoms, although it doesnt always.

    The urethra passes through the prostate gland, so men may have problems urinating if the enlarged gland restricts the flow of urine. If the flow stops completely, a catheter is required to empty the bladder. It is rare for this form of acute urinary retention to cause kidney damage.

    An enlarged prostate doesn’t always cause urinary problems. Studies indicate that the size of a man’s prostate gland has little influence on the type or severity of his urination problems. BPH is just one possible cause of urinary symptoms.;

    Another cause of urinary symptoms can be changes to the muscular wall of the bladder, which may cause spasms of the bladder or weaken the bladder, causing problems passing urine.

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    Enlarged Prostate Treatments In The Pipeline

    Researchers continue to investigate new therapies for enlarged prostates. “Another category of drugs is under development,” says Slawin. “We’ve come a long way in treating BPH. It’s no longer the life-threatening disease it once was. Now, in treatment, we’re working on quality of life issuesââ¬Â¦ reducing side effects of treatment.”

    Also being studied is a procedure called water-induced thermotherapy , an experimental procedure that involves destroying excess prostate tissue utilizing heated water and an air-filled balloon, which protects normal prostate tissue. The procedure is performed with only local anesthesia. Results may not be fully apparent for three to four months. However, preliminary studies examining WIT have shown positive results, with a near doubling in urine flow. However, the American Urological Association has not thus far endorsed WIT as a viable treatment option for symptoms of BPH.

    Does An Enlarged Prostate Mean Cancer

    Most men who have a prostate problem do not have cancer. Cancer does occur in the prostate gland and is more common as men age. It is important for your doctor to check your prostate gland for enlargement or abnormalities, particularly as you age. In addition, there is now a blood test called the PSA, or prostate specific antigen test, which measures a substance that increases in the blood when prostate cancer has spread. The American Urologic Association recommends a yearly prostate examination for all men over age 50. However, men who have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer, such as African-American men and men who have a family history of the disease, are advised to begin yearly prostate exams at age 40. Other tests, such as ultrasound, can also give information about the prostate gland.

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    What Are Prostate Problems

    For men under 50, the most common prostate problem is prostatitis.

    For men over 50, the most common prostate problem is prostate enlargement. This condition is also called benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. Older men are at risk for prostate cancer as well, but this disease is much less common than BPH.

    Type I And Type Ii Diabetes

    What Should You Do if You Suspect You Have an Enlarged ...

    Type I diabetes occurs when your body doesnt produce insulin as the result of your immune system attacking your pancreatic cells. With type II diabetes, your body either doesnt respond to insulin properly, or your pancreas loses its ability to produce enough insulin. If you dont manage your diabetes well, the uncontrolled high glucose levels can damage the vessels that carry blood to the nephrons.

    Diabetes also makes you more prone to infections. Once bacteria enters your urinary tract, it multiplies rapidly. The infection may spread to your kidneys. This issue may affect kidney function if its a recurring problem.

    Additionally, type I or II diabetes may damage the nerves in your kidneys. Uncontrolled diabetes damages the nerves in your bladder that sense when your bladder is full. Your bladder then fills and places pressure on your kidneys, which can damage them in the long run.

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    What Is The Prognosis For Patients Who Have Ureteral Obstruction

    The outlook for ureteral obstruction depends on whether the kidneys were damaged while urine was unable to drain. If doctors fix the blockage before serious kidney damage occurs, ureteral obstruction doesnt usually have serious long-term effects. In severe cases, kidney failure and death can result from a ureteral obstruction if it is left untreated.

    What Are The Side Effects Of The Treatment For Ureteral Obstruction

    The side effects of alpha-blockers include dizziness, headaches and fainting. Side effects of finasteride , the medication used to shrink the prostate, include decreased sexual desire and increased hair growth.

    Surgery to remove the obstruction or place a stent can have side effects such as discomfort and increased risk of infection.

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    Various Studies Link Benign Prostate Hyperplasia To Chronic Kidney Disease

    Numerous studies have linked BPH with an increased risk of kidney disease. Much research has revealed complications associated with BPH obstruction as well as chronic kidney disease. Andrew Rule, M.D., specialist at the Mayo Clinic, said, Several studies show men with chronic kidney disease have increased chance of death, hospitalization and cardiovascular events.

    Epidemiologist Dr. Steven Jacobsen added, We were surprised at how much kidney disease can be attributed to BPH. An obstruction on the urethra is like a dam on a river men can still void, but the constant build-up and pressure will ultimately cause damage. BPH affects 90 percent of males in their 70s and 80s.

    Other research that analyzed the relationship between BPH and kidney disease revealed an enlarged prostate will almost always contribute to bladder obstruction, which impairs the function of the kidneys. The link comes from the residual urine that remains in the body when the bladder cannot be fully emptied.

    What Treatments Are Used For An Enlarged Prostate

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    A number of treatments are available for an enlarged prostate that is causing urine problems.

    • Medicine: Two types of medicines are now in use to treat prostate enlargement. A medicine that is normally used for high blood pressure helps to relax the muscle tissue in the prostate, relieving part of the blockage. The second type of medicine used shrinks the enlarged prostate by blocking the effect on the prostate of the male hormone, testosterone. These medicines are helpful to some of the men who have enlarged prostates.
    • Surgery: This is currently the most widely accepted method of treating enlarged prostate when symptoms are severe. Basically, the operation removes some of the enlarged tissue to relieve the symptoms. More limited types of surgery are also done, which just make cuts in the prostate instead of removing tissue.
    • Newer treatments: High levels of electric current can be used to destroy enlarged prostate tissue. Thermal therapy uses microwave or radiofrequency energy to reduce the gland’s size. Herbal extracts such as saw palmetto have been reported to help reduce symptoms in some cases. These new treatments are still being evaluated by doctors, and the long-term risks and benefits are not yet known. Your doctor will advise you about what treatment is best for you.

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    Aging Changes In The Kidneys And Bladder

    The kidneys filter the blood and help remove wastes and extra fluid from the body. The kidneys also help control the body’s chemical balance.

    The kidneys are part of the urinary system, which includes the ureters, bladder, and urethra.

    Muscle changes and changes in the reproductive system can affect bladder control.


    As you age, your kidneys and bladder change. This can affect their function.

    Changes in the kidneys that occur with age:

    • Amount of kidney tissue decreases and kidney function diminishes.
    • Number of filtering units decreases. Nephrons filter waste material from the blood.
    • Blood vessels supplying the kidneys can become hardened. This causes the kidneys to filter blood more slowly.

    Changes in the bladder:

    • The bladder wall changes. The elastic tissue becomes stiffer and the bladder becomes less stretchy. The bladder cannot hold as much urine as before.
    • The bladder muscles weaken.
    • The urethra can become partially or totally blocked. In women, this can be due to weakened muscles that cause the bladder or vagina to fall out of position . In men, the urethra can become blocked by an enlarged prostate gland.

    In a healthy aging person, kidney function declines very slowly. Illness, medicines, and other conditions can significantly degrade kidney function.


    Aging increases the risk of kidney and bladder problems such as:

    What Are The Symptoms Of Ureteral Obstruction

    Signs of ureteral obstruction reveal themselves in different ways. Patients who have stones may have severe pain. When the blockage is gradual and slow, it usually come on slowly and builds over time. In some cases symptoms may be mild at first, but can quickly get worse. Symptoms of a blocked ureter or urinary tract obstruction include:

    • Pain in your abdomen, lower back or sides below your ribs .
    • Fever, nausea or vomiting.

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    How Can Bph Cause Renal Failure

    Anything that gets in the way of urine leaving the body can lead to acute renal failure. Kidney stones or blood clots in the urinary tract can cause it. Prostate cancer or BPH can cause it as well.

    Symptoms of BPH tend to get worse over time. In the most severe cases, BPH can lead to infection, bladder damage, or kidney damage. Its not common, but BPH can lead to renal failure. Thats why its important to seek treatment for BPH before it causes damage to your kidneys.

    The good news is that most men with BPH dont develop kidney damage or renal failure.

    Symptoms Of Enlarged Kidney

    BPH (Enlarged Prostate)

    Pain: In the context of having an enlarged kidney, pain can present in the form of burning or pain during urination. It can signify a urinary tract infection, which can be a precursor of an enlarged kidney. Pain is usually localized near the pelvis, over the bladder, or near the lower part of the abdomen. Women will generally feel pain near the opening of the vagina, while men will feel pain at the end of the urethra. Pain may also travel or radiate to the lower back. As the outer covering of the kidney swells, it can lead affected patient to feel nausea and vomiting. Kidney enlargement due to kidney stones can cause severe pain that may last from 20 to 30 minutes.

    Swelling: Generally found in the legs of the affected patient and is caused by fluids not being able to pass properly through the diseased kidney. Instead, fluid accumulates and pools in the extremities, like in the legs, making them look puffy or swollen. Swelling may also be seen in the ankles, abdomen, lower back, and face. Swelling found in the legs may also be a sign of heart failure.

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