Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Prostatitis Cause Birth Defects

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Does Sperm Quality Affect Baby

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Why healthy sperm matters Clearly, having healthy sperm is important. But sperm health goes beyond just conceiving. Sperm quality also plays a role in the health of the overall pregnancy and possibly the baby. In studies on mice, stress and obesity in male mice modified the genes carried in their sperm.

Natural Treatment For Prostatitis

Treatment of prostate inflammation depends on the underlying cause. If the causative agent is bacterial infection, a course of antibiotic for two weeks may be prescribed by the doctor. This is generally for acute prostate inflammation. In chronic prostatitis, antibiotics may be necessary for longer time.

However in all cases antibiotics may not be work for example if the cause is non bacterial prostate inflammation. In such situation life style alterations may prove beneficial in relieving the symptoms. The first among it is dietary changes.

  • Avoid foods that are too spicy and acidic.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
  • Foods that are prostate friendly are, broccoli, onions, red wine, fruits containing high amount of vitamin C, wheat grass juice, green tea berries, papaya etc.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Sit in warm sitz bath.
  • Sit on a comfortable chair that does not cause pressure on the prostate.
  • Avoid cycling when you are suffering prostatitis.

Interactions With Other Medicines And Other Forms Of Interactions

No medicine interactions of clinical importance have been identified. Compounds which have been tested in man have included propranolol, digoxin, glibenclamide, theophylline, warfarin and phenazone. Increases in P450 medicine metabolising activity were observed in animal studies receiving doses of > 80, 250 and 45 mg/kg/day respectively. Finasteride is metabolised primarily via the cytochrome P450 3A4 system. Although the risk for finasteride to affect the pharmacokinetics of other medicines is estimated to be small, it is probable that inhibitors and inducers of cytochrome P450 3A4 will affect the plasma concentration of finasteride. However, based on established safety margins, any increase due to concomitant use of such inhibitors is unlikely to be of clinical significance.In a study in 12 normal volunteers receiving finasteride 5 mg/day for 8 days, finasteride significantly increased theophylline clearance by 7% and decreased its half-life by 10% after intravenous administration of aminophylline. These changes are not clinically significant.

Other concomitant therapy.

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What Other Information Should I Know

Keep all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory. Your doctor will order certain lab tests to check your bodys response to finasteride.

Before having any laboratory test, tell your doctor and the laboratory personnel that you are taking finasteride.

Do not let anyone else take your medication. Ask your pharmacist any questions you have about refilling your prescription.

It is important for you to keep a written list of all of the prescription and nonprescription medicines you are taking, as well as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should bring this list with you each time you visit a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to carry with you in case of emergencies.

What Are The Symptoms

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When bacteria are the cause, you have clear signs of illness and you need to get treatment promptly. Common symptoms of a bacterial infection include fever, chills, sweats, and pain in your groin or lower back. Other symptoms of a bacterial infection may include:

  • Pain behind your scrotum
  • Pain or burning when you urinate
  • Urinating more often
  • A strong and sudden urge to urinate
  • A weak stream of urine
  • Trouble emptying your bladder
  • Trouble starting or stopping the flow of urine
  • Blood in your urine
  • Pain when you have a bowel movement

The symptoms of prostatitis that is not caused by a bacterial infection happen more slowly and are milder. They may include:

  • Slight discomfort when you urinate, often felt at the base of your penis in the area between the scrotum and anus
  • Mild lower backache
  • Aching in your penis, scrotum, or middle to lower belly
  • Pain during or after the release of semen during sex
  • Small amounts of blood in the semen

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Nonbacterial Prostatitis : References

Inflammatory response of prostate epithelial cells to stimulation by Trichomonas vaginalis. Seo MY, Im SJ, Gu NY, Kim JH, Chung YH, Ahn MH, Ryu JS. Prostate. 2014 Apr 74:441-9.

Antimicrobial therapy for chronic bacterial prostatitis. Perletti G, Marras E, Wagenlehner FM, Magri V. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Aug 12 8:

Chronic, non-bacterial prostatitis. Lilienthal C. Aust Fam Physician. 2013 Jun 42:362

Prostatitis syndrome. Wagenlehner FM, Schneider H, Weidner W. Urologe A. 2007 Feb 46:W185-96

Chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Stein A, Dekel Y. Harefuah. 2012 Sep 151:541-4, 555.

MedlinePlus, updated by: Scott Miller, MD and reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA on 10/2/2013. Accessed 2/11/2014 .

Medscape, written by Paul J Turek, MD and updated 3/08/2013. Accessed 2/11/2014 .

PubMedHealth â reviewed by Scott Miller MD and David Zieve on October 2, 2013. Accessed 2/25/14 .

What Prostatic Diseases Can Affect Fertility In Dogs

Prostatic disease accounts for 25-40% of all male reproductive problems. The prostate gland produces some of the fluids found in semen, and contributes to the forward movement of semen during ejaculation therefore, prostatic disease can significantly impact fertility.

The majority of older, intact male dogs will eventually develop a condition known as benign prostatic hypertrophy. This condition is caused by the effects of sex hormones over time, resulting in the prostate gland becoming significantly enlarged with age. This prostatic enlargement can lead to infertility.

Other types of prostate disease that can affect infertility include prostatic tumors, which may be benign or malignant, fluid-filled prostatic cysts, and prostatic infections. Infectious prostatitis is caused by a number of bacteria, including E. coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Proteus, and Brucella canis. Any of these conditions can negatively affect fertility.

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How Will My Veterinarian Treat My Dogs Infertility

Treatment will depend on the underlying cause of your dogs infertility:

  • Behavioral factors resulting in a reluctance to breed can often be addressed by changing the breeding environment, using a different female, or considering alternative measures such as artificial insemination. If your dog has physical factors that are making him reluctant to mount the female, addressing these issues may be sufficient to permit breeding.
  • Retrograde ejaculation can often be successfully treated using the injectable drug pseudoephedrine, which is administered prior to breeding.
  • Problems with semen quality may or may not be treatable, depending on the underlying cause. Some cases are genetic, or inherited, meaning that there is no successful treatment. In many dogs, however, poor semen quality can be addressed by removing drugs that may be damaging to sperm and providing hormone supplements as needed to restore appropriate hormone levels.
  • The treatment of prostatic disease depends on the underlying cause. While many infectious causes of prostatic disease can be treated, treatment does not always restore fertility. Brucellosis, in particular, causes irreversible infertility treatment is not recommended, and these dogs should no longer be bred.
  • Benign prostatic hypertrophy can often be successfully treated with a drug called finasteride, allowing the dogs fertility to be successfully restored.
Contributors: Catherine Barnette, DVM

Which Sperm Is Good For Pregnancy

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Quantity. Youre most likely to be fertile if your ejaculate the semen discharged in a single ejaculation contains at least 15 million sperm per milliliter. Too little sperm in an ejaculation might make it more difficult to get pregnant because there are fewer candidates available to fertilize the egg.

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What Is The Exposure With The Pill

The big question for women on the Pill is when does it likely happen, so that one would know when to quit hormonal contraceptives to minimize the chance of exposure? The answer is quite broad: before, during and after conception. According to Dr. Vom Saal, the impact can start as soon as the egg starts developing in the ovaries, which is 2 ½ to 3 months before conception: you are at a stage of development of the ovocite when its absolutely clear that hormonal insults to the mother can impact that process. Exposure during conception is pretty common. About 9% of women on oral contraceptive pills get pregnant. In the US, it represents about 1 million babies a year. Worldwide about 10 million. To make matters worse, it takes at least a couple of weeks for a woman to know she is pregnant, and some women wont realize they are pregnant for some time simply because the pill is already suppressing their periods, which will potentially extend the duration of the exposure.

Dr. Vom Saals focus is on the male reproductive system. There are other areas and organs that are very likely affected in a similar fashion. The same process applies to female breast tissues and their response to estrogen, which can lead to breast cancer later in the life of babies exposed.


Should I Worry About Finasteride Side Effects Even After Stopping The Drug

Q.I have heard that finasteride, which I take for my prostate problem, can cause permanent impotence. Should I be concerned?

A. Finasteride is prescribed for symptoms of an enlarged prostate its also used at a lower strength for male pattern baldness. Finasteride blocks the metabolism of testosterone. It can prevent hair loss and decrease prostate enlargement, but not surprisingly, it can also suppress sexual function. However, the side effects of a medication usually go away when you stop taking it.

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  • Research health conditions

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Supplementary Treatments And Finasteride Alternatives

Propecia is most frequently used in conjunction with minoxidil. They seem to have a synergistic effect when used together, as they effectively treat hair loss both internally and externally. Propecia, minxoidl, and Nizoral shampoo collectively form the Big 3 hair loss treatment cocktail. Nizoral has its skeptics, but evidence does seem to suggest that it can help prevent androgens from attaching to hair follicles.

As far as Propecia alternatives go, many young men look to natural remedies such as Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin Seed Oil, both of which show promise as reasonably effective, natural treatments for hair loss.

Do these natural remedies work as well as Propecia? No, certainly not. But the early research shows some potential.

Pumpkin Seed Oil Study Before-After Photos

Copyright © 2014 Young Hye Cho et al. Click to view the original. You can read my full pumpkin seed oil review here.

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Factors Influencing The Chances For A Complete Cure Of Chronic Pelvic Infections In The Male:

Treatment of BPH
  • Duration of the disease.
  • Number of different antibiotic regimens administered and the total length of therapy. The prevalence of multi-drug resistant bacteria is a significant and growing concern.
  • Sonographic appearance of the prostate, seminal vesicles, epididymis and testes. The extent of scarring is inversely related to positive therapeutic outcome.
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    Preventing Or Controlling Symptoms

    Doctors cant always identify what causes prostatitis, which makes it difficult to avoid prostatitis completely. However, men can take steps to try to reduce the likelihood of experiencing the condition. The same actions can help control symptoms of chronic prostatitis.

    • Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water helps men to urinate frequently, which flushes out the urethra .
    • Avoid irritating the urethra. Avoiding or limiting caffeine, spicy foods and alcohol can help to avoid prostatitis.
    • Reduce prostate pressure. Men who ride a bicycle frequently might consider wearing padded shorts and using a split seat to reduce pressure on the prostate region.
    • Stay sexually active. Some physicians advise that men ejaculate regularly as another way to flush the urethra.

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    What Is The Cancer Risk Of Women Who Were Exposed To Des Before Birth

    The daughters of women who used DES while pregnantcommonly called DES daughtershave about 40 times the risk of developing clear cell adenocarcinoma of the lower genital tract than unexposed women. However, this type of cancer is still rare approximately 1 in 1,000 DES daughters develops it.

    The first DES daughters who were diagnosed with clear cell adenocarcinoma were very young at the time of their diagnoses . Subsequent research has shown that the risk of developing this disease remains elevated as women age into their 40s .

    DES daughters have an increased risk of developing abnormal cells in the cervix and the vagina that are precursors of cancer . These abnormal cells resemble cancer cells, but they do not invade nearby healthy tissue and are not cancer. They may develop into cancer, however, if left untreated. Scientists estimated that DES-exposed daughters were 2.2 times more likely to have these abnormal cell changes in the cervix than unexposed women. Approximately 4% of DES daughters developed these conditions because of their exposure . It has been recommended that DES daughters have a yearly Pap test and pelvic exam to check for abnormal cells .

    DES daughters should be aware of these health risks, share their medical history with their doctors, and get regular physical examinations.

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    Precautions While Using Finasteride

    It is very important that your doctor check your progress at regular visits. This will allow your doctor to see if the medicine is working properly and to decide if you should continue to take it. Blood and urine tests may be needed to check for unwanted effects.

    Women and children should not use finasteride. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not handle crushed or broken tablets. Finasteride can be absorbed through the skin and cause birth defects in male babies. If a woman does come in contact with finasteride, the affected area should be washed right away with soap and water.

    Finasteride will not prevent prostate cancer but may increase your risk of developing high-grade prostate cancer. Tell your doctor if you have concerns about this risk.

    Finasteride may affect the results of the prostate specific antigen test, which may be used to detect prostate cancer. Make sure you tell all of your doctors that you are using finasteride.

    Some men who use finasteride have become infertile . Talk with your doctor before using finasteride if you plan to have children.

    Even Though Microwave Ovens Are Very Fast And Convenient Things They Can Cause Numerous Health Problems And Diseases

    Beyond the Data — Understanding the Causes of Major Birth Defects: Steps to Prevention

    Two scientists during World War II invented tube that made microwaves for war purposes. But, later on, Percy LeBaron Spencer of the Raytheon Company discovered that microwaves can cook food. Radar Range it the first microwave that went on the market.

    Inside the microwave are 2.45 billion hertz that can harm you if they leak through the door. To show you how much microwave oven can harm you, you need to know that even 10 hertz can harm you. So, dont ever stand near an operating microwave.

    Health Problems Microwave Oven Can Cause

    • Causes birth defects
    • Lowered resistance to viral and bacterial infections
    • More serious illnesses

    What Happens to Our Food in the Microwave Oven?

    • It breaks chemical and molecular bonds
    • Microwaves degrade and deplete food of its nutrients
    • Radiation of the microwaves destroys molecules in the food, making them radioactive

    A study from 1992 showed the participants who consumed microwaved veggies experience:

    • Rapidly increasing cholesterol levels
    • Increase in leukocyte
    • Microwave breast milk loses 96% of its antibodies
    • The microwaved infant formula can be changed structurally, changing the components in amino acids

    The EPA recommends limited exposure to EMF of .5mG 2.5mG. If you stand 4 inches from your food cooking in the microwave, you will be exposed to 100 500mG. Standing 3 feet away from the operating microwave will expose you to 1 25mG.

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    How Many Times Should A Man Release Sperm In A Week

    Twenty-one times every month, right? Its not that simple. There isnt a specific number of times you need to ejaculate each day, week, or month to achieve any particular result. Read on to find out where that number came from, how ejaculation affects your prostate cancer risk, what happens to your sperm, and more.

    Who Is At A Higher Risk For Male Factor Infertility

    Men with a history of traumatic brain injury, radiation or chemotherapy, low libido , low energy, diabetes, or a history of pelvic surgery are at an increased risk for male factor infertility, and should be evaluated promptly.

    If there is an identifiable cause of male factor infertility, correction may be advised, if possible. In many of these cases, referral to an urologist is warranted.

    However, many times there is not an identifiable cause. In these cases intrauterine insemination , in vitro fertilization or donor sperm may be appropriate.

    Sperm production requires the proper function of a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the testicle. Disruption at any level can dramatically alter sperm production.

    Similarly, anatomic defects can occur, which block the passage of sperm out of the penis. Just because a man produces an ejaculate does not mean there is sperm. Finally anti-sperm antibodies can be present, making the available sperm less motile.

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    Ddt And Urogenital Birth Defects Linked

    And women who stayed at home in sprayed villages, rather than being a student or working, had 41 per cent more baby boys with UGBDs, such as missing testicles or problems with their urethra or penis.

    The authors suggest that this is because they spent more time in homes where domestic DDT-based sprays are still commonly used to kill the mosquitos that cause malaria, even in areas where organised mass spraying no longer takes place.

    Researchers led by the University of Pretoria in South Africa studied 3,310 boys born to women from the Limpopo Province, where DDT spraying was carried out in high-risk areas between 1995 and 2003 to control malaria. The study compared boys born to women in the 109 villages that were sprayed, with those born to women from the 97 villages that were not.

    This showed that 357 of the boys included in the study – just under 11 per cent – had UGBDs. The incidence of UGBDs was significantly higher if the mother came from a sprayed village.

    “If women are exposed to DDT, either through their diet or through the environment they live in, this can cause the chemical to build up in their body” explains lead author Professor Riana Bornman from the University’s Department of Urology.

    “DDT can cross the placenta and be present in breast milk and studies have shown that the residual concentration in the baby’s umbilical cord are very similar to those in maternal blood.

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