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Does Prostate Cancer Cause Urinary Incontinence

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Why Does Incontinence Happen After Prostate Cancer Surgery

Urinary Incontinence after Radical Prostatectomy | Prostate Cancer Staging Guide

There are two sphincter muscles that help men control their urine, also called being continent. These sphincters are:

  • The internal urethral sphincter: You do not control your internal sphincter. It is found at the bottom of the bladder, called the “bladder neck. This is removed during a radical prostatectomy . The prostate cannot be taken out without also taking out the sphincter.
  • The external urethral sphincter: The external sphincter is found below your prostate. You can control your external sphincter and use it to stop your urine stream. You can strengthen this sphincter with pelvic floor muscle exercises .

Normally, an intact, healthy external sphincter is enough to help you remain continent after surgery. However, RP can damage nerves, blood supply, supporting structures, or the muscle which can affect the external sphincter. This damage can lead to incontinence.

What Should I Do After Radiation Therapy To Reduce Incontinence

Men should keep doing daily pelvic floor exercises. Pelvic floor exercises help strengthen the muscles at your bladder outlet, which helps to improve, regain, or maintain bladder and bowel control.

To identify your pelvic floor muscles, stop urination in midstream or tighten the muscles that keep you from passing gas. If you tighten your pelvic floor muscles while looking in the mirror, the base of your penis will move closer to your belly and your testicles will rise. Do not tighten the muscles in your belly, thighs, or buttocks.

Try to do 3-10 sets of 10 repetitions every day. Some sets should be with long muscle contractions and others with quick muscle contractions:

  • Long contractions: Slowly increase the time you can hold the contraction until you can hold for 10 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds between each contraction.
  • Quick contractions: Quickly tighten then relax the muscles.

What Causes Incontinence After Prostate Surgery

Urinary incontinence is a potential side effect of prostate removal surgery. The prostate is located just below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. Removing it, or using radiation to treat it, can sometimes cause damage to the nerves and muscles of the bladder, urethra, and or sphincter, which controls the passage of urine from the bladder. This can result in urinary incontinence.

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How Well Do You Walk After Prostate Surgery

Once you are ready, you should sit down and take a few steps. Early walking is the key to quick recovery and a return to bowel activity. It also improves blood circulation in the legs and prevents the formation of clots. The best way to recover quickly is to start walking the halls the day after surgery.

How long will I leak after a prostatectomy?

Usually, incontinence should last about a year after the prostatectomy to be sure that there will be no further improvement until your healthcare professional suggests this type of treatment.

How Long Does Urinary Incontinence Last After A Prostatectomy

Prostate Removal And Incontinence

Its impossible to predict exactly how long incontinence may last because each man is different. Incontinence can be affected by your:

  • Cancer stage
  • Age
  • Level of bladder control before surgery

Symptoms may last a few months to a year, and sometimes longer. Youll typically go back to your normal state within 12 months, according to the AUA.

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Your multidisciplinary team will work with you to develop a personalized plan to treat your prostate cancer in a way that fits your individual needs and goals.

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Are There New Techniques That Reduce The Chance Of Becoming Incontinent

When removingthe prostate, surgeons try to save as much of the area around the bladder and the sphincter muscles around the urethra as possible, thus limiting damage to the sphincter. Doctors have also fine-tuned the process of placing radioactive seed implants, using sophisticated computer projections that allow the seeds to destroy the prostate while limiting damage to the bladder.

Still, at this point, any man who is undergoing radiation or surgery to treat prostate cancer should expect to develop some problems with urinary control. With newer techniques, some men will have only temporary problems controlling their urine, and many will regain full control of their bladder in time.


How Long Does Incontinence After Prostate Surgery Last

Prostate cancer incontinence isnt necessarily a permanent condition. The duration of male incontinence for survivors of prostate cancer is typically between three months to a year, and many men experience rapid improvement after a few months.

There are a number of factors that can affect this time range, including weight, age and others health factors. Because the risk of prostate cancer increases with age, it is generally older men who will experience incontinence afterward.

There are also steps individuals can take to improve continence. It can be helpful to view continence exercises and treatment options as part of the recovery from prostate surgery.

To recover control in the urethral sphincter, incorporate Kegel exercises into the daily routine. These help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, and can be beneficial both before and after prostate surgery to improve light dribbling.

UCLA Health offers tips on how to effectively perform Kegel exercises and additional pelvic floor exercises. It recommends contracting your pelvic floor muscles for a count of five, and then relaxing to complete one repetition. Start with a low number and work toward a goal of 10-20 repetitions up to four times a day.

A similar pelvic floor exercise is to contract the muscles in your anus for a count of five, and relaxing for one repetition. These exercises together can help regain control and strength throughout the pelvic floor.

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Do All Men Have Incontinence After Rp Surgery

Incontinence gets better quickly in most men during the first few months, once the urinary catheter is taken out. For some men, incontinence can be an issue up to 1 year after surgery. Most surgeons will consider a man continent if he does not regularly use incontinence pads and only has dribbling with lots of activity. They also take into account how your urinary incontinence is affecting you. The goal is to improve your quality of life as much as possible.

The Link Between Bladder And Prostate Problems

Fixing Urinary Leakage After Prostate Cancer Surgery | Ask A Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

Unfortunately, prostate issues are very common among men, and the number of those affected increase with each year. Along with prostate issues often comes Urinary Incontinence just another unfortunate symptom in an already devastating prostate condition. To better understand why men with prostate issues experience bladder problems, we need to understand the anatomy of the male body.


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Urinary Incontinence After Prostatectomy

This page was reviewed under our medical and editorial policy by

Maurie Markman, MD, President, Medicine & Science at CTCA.

This page was updated on June 1, 2022.

Urinary incontinence, or accidental urine leakage, results from a loss of bladder control. Guidelines from the American Urological Association recommend that all men undergoing a radical prostatectomya type of prostate cancer surgery that removes the the prostateshould expect incontinence after this surgery. Still, for most, urinary function gradually returns to normal over time.

Is Incontinence After Surviving Prostate Cancer Common

Every day, more men are recovering and experiencing life after a prostate cancer diagnosis. The American Cancer Society reports that prostate cancer’s 5-year survival rate is high, and treatments are improving over time.

However, any major illness presents challenges. Men who have beaten prostate cancer may now be dealing with loss of bladder control and leaking urine. How long will it last? What can they do to speed up recovery?

This article will share resources about incontinence after beating prostate cancer. The information can be used to help kick start conversations with a doctor or healthcare provider about specific health concerns. It isnt a substitute for medical advice.

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Exercise Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

Learning how to control the pelvic floor muscles can speed up the recovery process and reduce leakage. If you don’t strengthen these muscles, the leakage may persist.

Please note: Performing pelvic floor muscle exercises before and after prostate surgery is vital to your recovery. Resume pelvic floor exercises once the catheter has been removed to avoid bladder irritation and discomfort. It is recommended that you seek help from a mens, womens and pelvic health physiotherapist, Nurse Continence Specialist, or urology nurse to learn the correct technique.

More information about the pelvic floor muscles can be found on our pelvic floor and male pelvic floor pages. You can also learn more about pelvic floor friendly exercises at

How Can I Help Myself

Five Signs When You Pee That Signal Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Urinary problems can affect your self-esteem and independence, and affect your work, social and sex life.

Making some changes to your lifestyle may help, and there are some practical steps that can make things easier.

Your GP, specialist nurse or continence nurse can offer you practical and emotional support. You can also speak to our Specialist Nurses. It can sometimes help to talk to other men living with prostate cancer. We have a range of services that can help put you in touch with someone whos been there and understands what youre going through. Visit our Who can help page to find out more.

For more information look at our How to manage urinary problems guide.

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Practice Good Toilet Habits

Go to the toilet when your bladder feels full dont get into the habit of going just in case. After prostate surgery you may find that you do not experience the sensation of a full bladder. The sensation of a full bladder will gradually return as you are able to hold on longer. It is important to practice holding on to increase the amount of urine your bladder can hold.

What You Can Do To Help

Pelvic floor exercises

Pelvic floor exercises target and strengthen the muscles that control your bladder. Your doctor or specialist nurse will talk you through what to do. Research has shown that pelvic floor exercises can help you stop or reduce urine leakage.

If you have not had information about pelvic floor exercises, ask your specialist nurse. Or ask to see a physiotherapist that can talk you through them.

You can find out more about how to do pelvic floor exercises on the NHS website.

Drink plenty of fluids

Dont cut down on your fluids, drink at least 2 litres a day. You can drink plenty during the day, but it might help to limit fluids 2 hours before bedtime. Drinking plenty helps your bladder regain its tone.

Incontinence pads and sheets

You might need to wear pads when you first start going out. There are different types of pads. You might be able to get some pads for free on the NHS, although this may depend on the service in your area. Some GP practices have a continence nurse you can see.

It can also help to visit places where you know there are toilets. Or you can telephone beforehand to find out about toilets and how easy they are to get to.

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The Scrotum And Prostate Cancer

The scrotum is an external structure of skin and muscles that contains the testicles. The scrotum is an extension of the abdomen and is located in between the anal sphincter and the penis. The sperm that are produced in the testicles are sensitive to changes in temperature, so the muscles of the scrotum according contract to raise or the scrotal sac in the interest of maintaining a normal temperature. In prostate cancer hormone therapy, the testicles are removed during a procedure called the orchiectomy, also called medical castration, where a small incision is made in the scrotum. The testicles are eased out through this incision.

Treatments For Male Urinary Incontinence

Post Prostatectomy (Part 03): Why Does Radiation Therapy Cause Incontinence

There are a number of treatment approaches for urinary incontinence to improve bladder control for men, depending on how severe it is and its underlying cause. A combination of treatments might be necessary. There are several categories of medications to treat overactive bladder and relax the bladder muscles and medications for men with incontinence caused by an enlarged prostate. Neuromodulation techniques include percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation, Botox injections in the bladder, and Interstim implantation. When indicated, surgical procedures are available to help alleviate incontinence issues.

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Male Urinary Incontinence Home Remedies

There are a number of home remedies and lifestyle adaptations that are known to assist with UI, as well as help to prevent it. They can either be tried on their own, such as for mild cases of UI, or combined with other medical treatments. However, a consultation with a urologist is recommended to evaluate each individual case. With expert medical assistance, these home remedies can be adopted in addition to receiving any other necessary treatments.

  • Watch Your Diet. Certain foods and drinks can be triggers for a bladder problem in men as well as women. These include notably alcohol and caffeine, as well as fizzy drinks, spicy foods, tomato products, chocolate, and citrus juices. To evaluate what might be a possible personal trigger, its useful to keep a food diary. Note what seems to be a trigger. For accurate analysis, try eliminating one product at a time, and give it about a week to see if symptoms change.
  • Drink Fluids Moderately. Drink sufficient volumes to remain adequately hydrated, but do not overdo it as excessive fluid intake will contribute to urinary urgency, frequency and control issues.
  • Lose Weight if You Are Overweight. Excess fat, especially around the belly area, puts extra pressure on the pelvic muscles and bladder. Physical activity is a great way to lose weight and alleviate pressure on the bladder and is also good for general health.
  • Stop Smoking. If you do smoke, be aware that smoking irritates the bladder and can worsen UI symptoms.
  • How Long Will I Have Incontinence After Prostate Surgery

    Men will typically have a urinary catheter inserted which will help drain the urine from the bladder after the surgery. The catheter is needed until the urethra heals, which typically takes anywhere from 1-3 weeks. After the catheter is removed, it can take several weeks or more to completely stop leaking. Most men who experience a loss of bladder control have symptoms for 6 months to 1-year post prostate surgery. However, a small percentage of men may continue to experience problems past the one-year mark.

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    What Is Urinary Incontinence And How Is It Related To Prostate Cancer Surgery

    Urinary incontinence is the loss of the ability to control urination . Urinary incontinence sometimes occurs in men who’ve had surgery for prostate cancer.

    If youve had prostate cancer surgery, you might experience stress incontinence, which means you might leak urine when you cough, sneeze or lift something that is heavy. This happens because of stress or pressure on the bladder. There is also a type of incontinence that is called urge incontinence. When this happens, you are hit with a sudden need to urinate right away and have leakage before you can make it to the bathroom.

    How Is Urinary Incontinence Diagnosed

    Dr. Lalit Mohan Sharma

    Talk with your health care team if you have a problem controlling your bladder. They will work with you to figure out the reason. They may recommend you writing down some details about your urination, including when you urinate, how often you urinate, and how much liquid is released. This is called a “voiding diary.” Your health care provider may also give you the following tests:

    • Tests on a sample of your urine to look for an infection or other problems.

    • A test where you cough as hard as you can when your bladder is full.

    • Tests to measure pressure in your bladder.

    • Tests to measure how well your urine is flowing.

    • An ultrasound. This uses sound waves to create a picture of your bladder and the other body parts that control urine.

    • A cystoscopy. This test uses a small, lighted tube to look inside your bladder.

    • An X-ray of your bladder.

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    Why Do Prostate Cancer Treatments Cause Urinary Incontinence

    It helps to know a bit about how the bladder holds urine. When urine is emptied into the bladder from the kidneys, it is stored inside the bladder until you have the urge to urinate. The bladder is a hollow, muscular, balloon-shaped organ. Urine flows out of the bladder, and leaves the body through a tube called the urethra. Urination happens when the muscles in the wall of the bladder contract, forcing urine out of the bladder. At the same time, muscles that surround the urethra relax and allow the flow of urine. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra. Because an enlarged prostate gland can obstruct the urethra, it can cause urination retention or other problems with urination.

    Removing the prostate through surgery or destroying it through radiation can disrupt the way the bladder holds urine and can result in urine leakage. Radiation can decrease the capacity of the bladder and cause spasms that force urine out. Surgery can, at times, damage the nerves that help control bladder function.

    What If These Treatments Do Not Work

    If these do not work, you may be sent to a urologist for more tests on your bladder and sphincter. These tests will help decide what type of incontinence you have, how well your bladder is working, and what other treatments might be best for you. A urodynamic test and cystoscopy may be done. They are both done in the office, often during the same visit. The results help decide which procedure might be best for you.

    • The urodynamics test places a very small catheter in your bladder, fills it with fluid, and measures bladder activity and pressure during filling and voiding . You will also be asked to cough and strain so your provider can see if and how easily you leak urine.
    • A cystoscopy may also be done to look at the urethra, the anastomosis , and the bladder. After these tests, your provider will go over the results with you, and together you can decide what treatment would be best.

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