Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How Long To Take Antibiotics For Prostatitis

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What Can You Get Following The Proposed Way Of Prostate Treatment

Best treatment for chronic prostatitis with Dr Allen’s Device relieves pelvic pain effectively
  • Total or partial elimination of prostatitis symptoms. The healing effect or relief you usually feel the next day following treatment.
  • Overall improvement of urogenital organs, health status in the pelvic region.
  • As a side effect of the treatment and depending on your age, you can feel an increase of libido, stamina, and night erection.
  • Improvement of self-feeling and self-confidence in life.
  • How To Cure Prostatitis Without Antibiotics

    People’s inertia thinking is that as long as inflammation is involved, antibiotics will be used to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation, the same to prostatitis. As prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate, people are used to take antibiotics in the treatment of the prostatitis. Fortunately, antibiotics do have effects in the treatment of acute bacterial prostatitis. However, things become different when it involve into chronic prostatitis.

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    Q& A

    Causative Pathogens In Prostatitis

    Aerobic gram-negative bacilli are the predominant pathogens in bacterial prostatitis. E. coli cause 50%80% of cases other pathogens include Enterobacteriaceae , Enterococcus species , and nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli . Some debate the role of gram-positive organisms other than enterococci , but most accept Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species as pathogens . The increasing prevalence of gram-positive pathogens may represent changing disease epidemiology or acceptance of their pathogenicity by health care providers. Limited data suggest that obligate anaerobes may rarely cause chronic prostatitis .

    Some cases of prostatitis are caused by atypical pathogens . A large prospective study of men with chronic prostatitis found that 74% had an infectious etiology the most common isolates were Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis , whereas 5% of patients had infection due to Ureaplasma urealyticum . Classical bacterial uropathogens were found in 20% of patients, and more patients with these pathogens, compared with patients with nonbacterial pathogens, had prostatic specimens with leukocytes . Other possible prostatitis pathogens include Mycoplasma genitalium, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, various fungi, and several viruses .

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    Prostatitis Testing & Treatment

    To diagnose prostatitis, your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and may examine the prostate gland by inserting a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum. Urine and prostate fluid may also be collected and evaluated for bacteria.

    TreatmentTreatment depends on the type of prostate infection.

    • For acute prostatitis, patients take antibiotics for 4 to 6 weeks.
    • For chronic bacterial prostatitis, patients take antibiotics for 4 to 12 weeks. About 75 percent of all cases of chronic bacterial prostatitis clear up with this treatment. Sometimes the symptoms recur and antibiotic therapy needed again. For cases that do not respond to this treatment, long-term, low dose antibiotic therapy is recommended to relieve the symptoms.
    • Treatment for nonbacterial prostatitis is difficult. The goal is to control symptoms because it is hard to cure this condition. Some doctors prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medications and muscle relaxants. Therapies used to treat interstitial cystitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome may also be helpful.

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    Alternative Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment For Prostatitis :

    Prostatitis (Infection of the Prostate)

    Dr.Mingâs Formulated Traditional Chinese Medicine Nanke Pills are Prescribed to the Patients Suffering From Prostatitis , Acute Prostatitis , Acute Bacterial Prostatitis , Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis , CPPS â Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome , BPH Benign Prostate Hyperplasia , Prostate calcification .

    TCM Directions of Usage for Prostatitis : The Medication comes in A Solid Balls Form with Herbal Odor and small size , Depending on the Severity and the Combination of the Diseases the Medication is Prescribed to the Patients , Usually Treatment may last for 3-6-9 Months Depending on the Severity of the disease .The oral medication Nanke Pills can be taken twice a day may differ between patients due to different health conditions .Please contact Dr.Ming For the Prescription for the Medication .

    TCM Proatatitis Medicine Is Prescribed for :ï¬ Prostatitis

    You can Not Take Traditional Chinese Medicine For Prostatitis If You are Suffering From :ï¬ Severe Heart Conditionsï¬ Digestive Problemsï¬ Kidney Problems

    Please Consult Dr.Ming Before If you are suffering from any conditions in the above mentioned list .

    Contact Dr.Ming with your Detailed Disease History Including Your Age , Symptoms , Previous Infections , So that Dr.Ming can diagnose Perfectly and Provide you with the Best Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Option .

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    Who Is At Risk For Prostatitis

    Although any man can develop prostatitis at any age, there are some conditions that put a man at greater risk for developing this condition, including the following:

    • Recent bladder, urinary tract, or other infection elsewhere in the body

    • Injury or trauma to the perineum

    • Abnormal urinary tract anatomy

    • Recent procedure involving the insertion of a urinary catheter or cystoscope

    Antibiotics For Acute Bacterial Prostatitis: Which Agent And For How Long

    Eric A. Dietrich, PharmD, BCPS, and Kyle Davis, PharmD, BCPS

    Citation:Dietrich EA, Davis K. Antibiotics for acute bacterial prostatitis: which agent, and for how long? Consultant. 2017 57:564-565.

    Acute bacterial prostatitis is an infection of the prostate that is most commonly seen in older men. Approximately 8% of men will experience prostatitis-like symptoms, but the overall incidence of acute prostatitis is unknown.1 Acute bacterial prostatitis can be diagnosed by way of a history and physical examination.1 Symptoms commonly mirror those of a lower urinary tract infection , and patients may or may not present with fever. Evaluation also should include urinalysis and cultures, as well as prostatic fluid cultures if needed.

    Antimicrobial therapy is the cornerstone of treatment for bacterial prostatitis. Pharmacotherapy should include agents with activity against traditional UTI-causing organisms. Special attention should be given to tissue penetration into the prostate and the duration of therapy.2 Which antibiotics achieve adequate penetration, and how long should clinicians treat patients with acute bacterial prostatitis?

    Patient Case

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    How Is Prostatitis Treated

    The treatment is based on the cause. Your doctor may do a rectal exam and test urine samples to find out the cause.

    An antibiotic is used to treat prostatitis that is caused by an infection. Some antibiotics that might be used are trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin and ofloxin. You might have to take antibiotics for several weeks or even a few months. If prostatitis is severe, you might have to go to a hospital for treatment with fluids and antibiotics.

    What If My Prostatitis Is Not Caused By Infection

    5 FACTS ON PROSTATITIS: Symptoms & Treatment | TIPS FOR MEN – Dr. Girish Nelivigi | Doctors’ Circle

    Because we do not understand what causes prostatitis without infection, it can be hard to treat. Your doctor might try an antibiotic to treat a hidden infection. Other treatments are aimed at making you feel better. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, and hot soaking baths may help you feel better. Some men get better by taking medicines that help the way the bladder or prostate gland work. These medicines include oxybutynin, doxazosin, prazosin, tamsulosin and terazosin.

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    Make Some Lifestyle Changes

    There are a number of things you can try that other men have found helpful. You might want to plan your day more, to allow for things like toilet trips. Trying different things can help you feel more in control, and that you are actively doing something to improve your health. If one thing doesnt work, try something else. Here are some suggestions.

    • Watch what you drink. Drink plenty of fluids about six to eight glasses of water a day. And cut down on fizzy drinks, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and drinks that contain caffeine as these can irritate the bladder and make some urinary problems worse.
    • Watch what you eat. Some foods may make your symptoms worse. Try to work out what these are so you can avoid them. Theres some evidence that spicy foods can make the symptoms of CPPS worse.
    • Avoid cycling. Its a good idea to avoid activities that put pressure on the area between your back passage and testicles , such as cycling. They can make symptoms worse. If you want to keep cycling, you could try using a different saddle, such as one made from gel.
    • Keep a diary. This can help you spot things that make your symptoms worse, and can be a useful way of showing your doctor what youre experiencing. Record things like food, drink, exercise, how stressed you feel and your symptoms.

    Is Prostatitis A Sexually Transmitted Disease

    Yes, prostatitis can be contracted through sex, so the more sexual partners a man has, the higher his odds of developing the condition. 34567

    Interestingly, Trichomonas vaginalis, a parasite and STD, has been found in prostate biopsies of men with prostatitis, and although it seems that E. Coli is a much more regular culprit, the prostates susceptibility to Trichomonas vaginalis colonization has been linked to zinc levels. The prostate is the number one home for zinc in a mans body, and when levels get low, studies have shown these types of pathogens can take a greater foothold.

    Mineral deficiencies are common in the U.S., which means supplementing with small amounts of zinc to see whether conditions improve could be worthwhile. As far as food is concerned, pumpkin seeds and oysters are both high in zinc.

    As an added benefit, zinc supplementation has also shown some promise in maintaining the cell lining of the gut, which can prevent or help to heal leaky gut, a condition that often accompanies prostatitis, and that is marked by a breakdown of the epithelial wall of the gut lining, which allows pathogens and undigested food particles to enter the blood stream. 89 I will touch more on leaky gut later in this post.

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    What Is Prostatitis

    Prostatitis is common and affects many men at some time. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. When part of your body is inflamed, it is red, hot and sore. Prostatitis can cause many symptoms. It can make it difficult or painful to urinate. It can make you have to urinate more often. It can also give you a fever, low-back pain or pain in your groin . It may make you less interested in having sex or unable to get an erection or keep it. Prostatitis is easy to confuse with other infections in the urinary tract.

    How Is It Treated

    How effective is Doxycycline for Prostatitis?

    Prostatitis caused by bacteria is treated with antibiotics and self-care.

    Home treatment includes drinking plenty of fluids and getting lots of rest. Taking over-the-counter pain relievers can also help.

    Your doctor may prescribe medicine to control pain and reduce swelling. He or she may also prescribe medicine to soften your stool and relax your bladder muscles.

    Surgery is rarely used to treat prostatitis.

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    What Are The Complications Of Prostatitis

    Men with acute bacterial prostatitis may develop . This widespread inflammation can be life-threatening. It requires immediate medical treatment.

    Antibiotics can cause an upset stomach. Men with chronic bacterial prostatitis may need lots of antibiotics to treat recurring infections. Some people develop antibiotic resistance, making treatment ineffective.

    Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis can lower sperm count, affecting fertility.

    What Is The Prognosis For People Who Have Prostatitis

    Antibiotics can cure acute bacterial prostatitis. These medications also ease chronic bacterial prostatitis symptoms in approximately 30% to 60% of men. Up to 80% of men with chronic pelvic pain syndrome feel better after receiving appropriate treatments for their symptoms using the UPOINT system. Men with asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis dont need treatment.

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    Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

    How is it treated?

    Treatment varies from man to man just like CPPS does. The treatments will help to control your symptoms and might even get rid of your CPPS completely. But CPPS could return weeks, months or even years later. You may have to try a few things until you find something that works well for you. Youll probably try more than one of the following:

    • medicines
    • treatment for pain
    • other treatments.

    Each person will respond to treatments differently. If one doesnt work, you should be able to try something else. Your treatment may be managed by your GP or by a urologist at the hospital. You may also see a specialist nurse, or a sexual health specialist.


    There is some evidence that certain medicines can help improve prostatitis symptoms. Your GP or urologist may prescribe one or a combination of the following medicines.

    All medicines carry a risk of side effects. Ask your doctor for more information about the different treatments, and whether they might be suitable for you.

    Names of medicines

    Medicines often have two different names a scientific or generic name and a brand name. For example, the alpha-blocker tablet tamsulosin is the scientific or generic name for the drug. Flomaxtra® and Diffundox® are examples of different brand names. The brand name is given to the drug by the company that makes it. Ask your doctor or nurse if you have any questions about your medicines, or speak to our Specialist Nurses.


    Exercises and physical activity

    What Is The Prostate

    Prostate health, how to heal (avoid treatments) without medication, even at age 81

    The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that is part of the male reproductive system. The main function of the prostate is to make a fluid that goes into semen. Prostate fluid is essential for a mans fertility. The gland surrounds the urethra at the neck of the bladder. The bladder neck is the area where the urethra joins the bladder. The bladder and urethra are parts of the lower urinary tract. The prostate has two or more lobes, or sections, enclosed by an outer layer of tissue, and it is in front of the rectum, just below the bladder. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. In men, the urethra also carries semen out through the penis.

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    Can Complementary Therapies Help

    Many men find complementary therapies help them deal with their symptoms and the day-to-day impact of their prostatitis, helping them feel more in control. Some men find they feel more relaxed and better about themselves and their treatment.

    Complementary therapies are usually used alongside medical treatments, rather than instead of them. Some complementary therapies have side effects and some may interfere with your prostatitis treatment. So tell your doctor or nurse about any complementary therapies youre using or thinking of trying.

    You should also tell your complementary therapist about your prostatitis and any treatments youre having, as this can affect what therapies are safe and suitable for you.

    Some GPs and hospitals offer complementary therapies. But if you want to find a therapist yourself, make sure they are properly qualified and belong to a professional body. The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council have advice about finding a therapist.

    The following are examples of complementary therapies that some men use.

    Be very careful when buying herbal remedies over the internet. Many are made outside the UK and may not be high-quality. Many companies make claims that arent based on proper research. There may be no real evidence that their products work, and some may even be harmful. Remember that even if a product is natural, this doesnt mean it is safe. For more information about using herbal remedies safely visit the MHRA website.

    Bactrim Prostatitis Antibiotic :

    The Antibiotic is a Combination of Other Drugs which is Prescribed to Patients suffering from Acute Bacterial Prostatitis , Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis .Directions of Usage of Bactrim For Prostatitis : The Antibiotic is Available In 2 Different Forms Liquid and Tablet The Tablet Form Usually taken Twice a Day which Contains 800mg sulfamethoxazole and 160 mg trimethoprim Itâs a Double Formula Medication .The Liquid form Contains 200 mg sulfamethoxazole and 40 mg trimethoprim per 5 mL and The usage depends on the Directions Prescribed by the Physician .Bactrim Prescribed For : The Bactrim is Prescribed By Physician for the Following Infections Which include :ï¬ Ear Infection

    ï¬ Mouth Sores

    Does Bactrim Can Cure Prostatitis?Bactrim is Prescribed for the Patients Suffering from Bacterial Infections , which can ease the pain of the patients and may give relief from the symptoms .The Bactrim is Usually Prescribed for 4-6 Weeks , If patients doesnât Recover from the Symptoms or Bacterial Infection other set of antibiotics are prescribed accordingly . 96% Patients returns to the Clinic Complaining the Symptoms Recur or infection recur .

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    How Is Acute Prostatitis Diagnosed

    Your doctor will likely start by asking questions about your medical history. Theyll also conduct a physical examination.

    Theyll probably conduct a digital rectal examination . During this procedure, theyll gently insert a gloved and lubricated finger into your rectum. Your prostate is located in front of your rectum, where your doctor can easily feel it. If you have acute bacterial prostatitis, it will likely be swollen and tender.

    During a DRE, your doctor may also massage your prostate to squeeze a small amount of fluid into your urethra. They can collect a sample of this fluid for testing. Laboratory technicians can check it for signs of infection

    Your doctor may also feel the lymph nodes in your groin, which may be enlarged and tender.

    They may also conduct or order additional tests, such as:

    • a blood culture to rule out bacteria in your blood
    • a urinalysis or a urine culture to test your urine for blood, white cells, or bacteria
    • a urethral swab to test for gonorrhea or chlamydia
    • urodynamic tests to learn if you have problems emptying your bladder
    • a cystoscopy to examine the inside of your urethra and bladder for signs of infection

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