Monday, September 2, 2024

Can A Prostate Biopsy Cause Problems

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Pathophysiology Of Erectile Dysfunction And Prostate Biopsy

Mayo Clinic Minute: New prostate biopsy technique reduces infection risk

The risk of developing temporary erectile dysfunction is largely dependent on the number and volume of tissue samples obtained during the procedure. Needless to say that the risk is greater if more biopsies are taken.

There are three primary types of prostate biopsies; a typical standard one utilizes only 1 needle to take no more than 10 samples.; The risk of complications like erectile dysfunction is higher if more than 10 tissues samples are obtained or if any type of nerve block is used for pain reduction.

According to a new study, investigators evaluated the risk of erectile dysfunction in men who undergo prostate biopsy. 25% of men in the study sample who underwent standard saturation biopsy admitted that they had erectile dysfunction before the biopsy but the percentage went up to 50% just a week after the procedure. The group in which men had nerve block, erectile dysfunction rate raised to 39% from 11% after the biopsy. However, by12th week post-procedure, the transient erectile dysfunction resolved in the study sample; suggesting no nerve damage or dysfunction takes places during the procedure.

Who Is More Likely To Develop Prostatitis

The factors that affect a mans chances of developing prostatitis differ depending on the type.

Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Men with nerve damage in the lower urinary tract due to surgery or trauma may be more likely to develop chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Psychological stress may also increase a mans chances of developing the condition.

Acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis. Men with lower UTIs may be more likely to develop bacterial prostatitis. UTIs that recur or are difficult to treat may lead to chronic bacterial prostatitis.

What Is A Transperineal Biopsy

This is where the doctor inserts the biopsy needle into the prostate through the skin between the testicles and the back passage . In the past, hospitals would only offer a transperineal biopsy if other health problems meant you couldnt have a;TRUS biopsy. But many hospitals have stopped doing TRUS biopsies and now only do transperineal biopsies.

A transperineal biopsy is normally done under general anaesthetic, so you will be asleep and wont feel anything. A general anaesthetic can cause side effects;;your;doctor or nurse should explain these before you have your biopsy. Some hospitals now do transperineal biopsies using a local anaesthetic, which numbs the prostate and the area around it, or a spinal anaesthetic, where you cant feel anything in your lower body.

The doctor will put an ultrasound probe into your back passage, using a gel to make this easier. An image of the prostate will appear on a screen, which will help the doctor to guide the biopsy needle.

If youve had an MRI scan, the doctor may just take a few samples from the area of the prostate that looked unusual on the scan images. This is known as a targeted biopsy.

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How Can I Manage Bowel Problems Myself

Living with bowel problems can be distressing, and for a lot of men it’s not an easy thing to talk about. But remember that doctors and nurses often help men with these issues. They’re used to discussing the problem and finding ways to deal with it.You may find it helpful to plan ahead and find out where toilets are before you go out, and carry absorbent pads.If you are having problems with diarrhoea, eating less fibre for a short time may help. Low fibre foods include white rice, pasta and bread, potatoes , cornmeal, eggs and lean white meat. Speak to your doctor, nurse or radiographer before changing your diet.

Foods such as beans and pulses, cruciferous vegetables , fizzy drinks and beer can all cause wind and bloating so you may want to avoid these. Chewing your food slowly can also help.;

How To Make Your Prostate Biopsy Go Better

How long does Erectile Dysfunction last after Prostate ...

Before a prostate biopsy, discuss all thesteps you or your doctor can take to makethe experience as comfortable, safe, andinformative as possible.

Here is what men need to know to minimize discomfort of a prostate biopsy and get the best results.

Many men choose to have prostate-specific antigen blood tests to check for hidden prostate cancer, despite the uncertain benefits. Having an abnormal PSA test result often leads to a prostate biopsythe only way to confirm the presence of cancer. Biopsies are invasive, but they have become routine.

To reduce discomfort and get the best results, discuss the procedure in detail with your doctor. Certain practices can improve the overall outcomefor example, make sure you get a shot of anesthetic into the prostate to numb pain during the procedure. “Local anesthesia makes a world of difference between having a tolerable biopsy experience and an unpleasant one,” says Dr. Marc B. Garnick, Gorman Brothers Professor of Medicine and a prostate cancer expert at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

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Prostate Cancer Caregiver Podcast Series

We are proud to announce a new podcast series geared toward helping give support, hope and guidance to prostate cancer caregivers. The goal of this Prostate Cancer Caregiver Podcast Series is to help others connect with a diverse group of people who have felt the impact of prostate cancer in their lives and empower them on their journey.

Eating Diet And Nutrition

Researchers have not found that eating, diet, and nutrition play a role in causing or preventing prostatitis. During treatment of bacterial prostatitis, urologists may recommend increasing intake of liquids and avoiding or reducing intake of substances that irritate the bladder. Men should talk with a health care provider or dietitian about what diet is right for them.

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What Is Free Psa

The routine PSA test measures total PSA in your blood. But there are two types of PSA. Bound PSA is attached to a protein. Free PSA is not. The free PSA test breaks the results down and provides your doctor with a ratio. Men with prostate cancer tend to have lower levels of free PSA than men who dont have prostate cancer.

Its a simple blood test, but theres no consensus among doctors on the ideal ratio of free to bound PSA. The free PSA test is valuable in that it gathers more information, which can help in the biopsy decision.

On its own, the free PSA test cant confirm or rule out a prostate cancer diagnosis.

Long Term Side Effects Of Rectal Prostate Biopsy

How MRI Helps you get a More Accurate Prostate Biopsy

Hello does anyone know we what the long term effects of a prostate biopsy are. I have read that although rare they happen.

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  • Posted 3 years ago

    Thank you for your reply.; If you read my reply to Fred you will see my husband’s history re. prostate.; I do think that doctors generally should tell patients about risks short and long term when undertaking a procedure.; I have found that when it comes to medication they often don’t mention side effects.; I suppose that they hope you won’t get them but these days it is so easy to google medications side effects and interactions and make a choice based on their circumstance.; I was given a steroid nasal spray for rhinitis which worked a treat but I did query whether I should use it as I was worried about it affecting my glaucoma as I have been told by the eye hospital that I am a steroid responder.; I was assured it would be ok but when I had my routine eye check my eye pressures had gone up quite a bit and I decided with the knowledge of my gp to discontinue the spray.; When I returned 6 weeks later the pressures and gone down to base level.; Obviously I can’t prove it but I am sure it was the spray.;; Sorry if I have digressed.; As I mentioned in my reply to Fred I did not mention digestive problems as I was waiting to see if anyone might have experience of this.;;Thanks;

  • Recommended Reading: Can Prostate Issues Cause Erectile Dysfunction

    What Are The Symptoms Of Prostate Dysfunction

    Not all prostate cancer patients experience prostate symptoms. However, according to the National Institute on Aging, the most common symptoms of prostate problems include:

    • Increased frequency of urination
    • Sexual dysfunction
    • Painful back, hips, pelvis, or rectum

    If you are experiencing these symptoms, please seek medical care as soon as possible. They may indicate inflammatory conditions like BPH , prostatitis , an infection of the prostate, bladder, or other organs, or other diseases like STDs and cancer.

    How The Test Will Feel

    During the procedure you may feel:

    • Mild discomfort while the probe is inserted
    • A brief sting when a sample is taken with the biopsy needle

    After the procedure, you may have:

    • Soreness in your rectum
    • Small amounts of blood in your stools, urine, or semen, which may last for days to weeks
    • Light bleeding from your rectum

    To prevent infection after the biopsy, your provider may prescribe antibiotics to take for several days after the procedure. Be sure you take the full dose as directed.

    Don’t Miss: How Does Prostate Cancer Kill

    What Does My Prostate Do

    The prostate is beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. Itâs a walnut-shaped gland that surrounds part of the urethra. . Hereâs what it does:

    • It produces fluid for semen, which includes sperm produced in the testicles.
    • It prevents urine from being included during ejaculation.

    If it gets too big, your prostate can block pee from passing through the urethra and out the penis.

    Transrectal Ultrasound And Prostate Cancer Biopsy Procedure Best To Avoid


    Here are some recent articles about the PSA test. It is just the start of what the doctors will do. The next step is the prostate cancer biopsy which then leads to surgery and chemo. That is why the PSA test is such an outdated test.

    Just use the PSA test results to motivate you to make the needed changes to your diet but go no further with a biopsy. That is my opinion and it seems to be borne out by these stories:

    US panel recommends against PSA tests for screening prostate cancer in men “Should adult men get a PSA blood test to screen for prostate cancer? In its final recommendation on the subject, the US Preventive Services Task Force has reviewed the evidence and says no, the small benefit from the blood test does not” …

    It goes on to say:

    “Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical and scientific officer at the American Cancer Society, said over-diagnosis of prostate cancer is what makes screening appear life-saving when it actually isn’t. Most of these men may never have a tumor progress to become deadly, but since they were screened and treated, they think screening saves lives, he said.

    “Many people have a blind faith in early detection of cancer and subsequent aggressive medical intervention whenever cancer is found,” wrote Dr. Brawley. “There is little appreciation of the harms that screening and medical interventions can cause.”

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    Can Prostate Biopsy Cause Erectile Dysfunction

    If are recommended by your doctor to undergo prostate biopsy procedure for the detection of cancer, you must have a lot of questions and reservations. One of the most common question that people usually have is, can prostate biopsy cause erectile dysfunction or alter the quality of sex life at all?

    The answer is yes; erectile dysfunction may occur after prostate biopsy in some susceptible individuals; but it is usually transient and self-limiting.

    Accorded to a study published in the Journal of Urology, men who undergo prostate biopsy are at risk of temporary erectile dysfunction due to anxiety or pain; however, in most men, symptoms improve within a couple of weeks.

    Mri/ultrasound Fusion Biopsy Of The Prostate

    The MRI/Ultrasound fusion biopsy begins with an MRI of the prostate performed in the Department of Radiology. This initial exam will be done a few days or weeks prior to the scheduled prostate biopsy.; Both appointments will be made through the Department of Urology. A specially trained Radiologist will analyze the images and identify areas that appear suspicious for prostate cancer.

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    Scared Stiff Of Having A Prostate Biopsy

    Although the DRE and PSA tests are useful, they are not enough to make a clear diagnosis of prostate cancer. When results are abnormal or questionable, the doctor may prescribe a transrectal ultrasound and a biopsy. These examinations usually provide enough information for a precise diagnosis.

    Having to undergo prostate biopsies can be scary: fear of the intervention, the pain it can cause, the unknown … or knowing you have prostate cancer. But remember, if you have cancer, the sooner it is diagnosed, the greater your chances of a complete cure with treatment!

    Why a biopsy

    Abnormalities detected during a digital rectal exam and a high PSA level often lead to a prostate biopsy. This procedure consists of taking small tissue samples of your prostate in order for the pathologist to examine them under a microscope to determine if they are cancerous or not.

    That prostate biopsies are indicated does not mean that you necessarily have prostate cancer. Indeed, the analysis of microscopic specimens makes it possible to differentiate a benign hypertrophy from a cancer of the prostate.

    To this day, the actual diagnosis of prostate cancer can only be made with a prostate biopsy.

    When To Seek Medical Care

    A painless alternative for prostate cancer biopsies (Full Video)

    A person may have urinary symptoms unrelated to prostatitis that are caused by bladder problems, UTIs, or benign prostatic hyperplasia. Symptoms of prostatitis also can signal more serious conditions, including prostate cancer.

    Men with symptoms of prostatitis should see a health care provider.

    Men with the following symptoms should seek immediate medical care:

    • complete inability to urinate
    • great discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen and urinary tract

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    Additional Tests That May Aid Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

    There are few other diagnostic tools or tests, which can be performed before you have a prostate biopsy, that may help your physician gather more information about your specific case. These procedures may help determine the likelihood of the presence of cancer and its aggressiveness and increase the accuracy of a biopsy when performed. Those tests include:

    4Kscore blood test is a molecular test that helps predict the likelihood and risk of a patient having aggressive prostate cancer. If you’re a patient whose PSA values are borderline for a prostate biopsy or you have a condition that could be aggravated by a biopsy, your physician may use this test before to help determine whether you should get a biopsy or a repeat biopsy.

    Urine sample testlooks for biomarkers that may indicate the presence of prostate cancer cells in a patient’s body. This test may also be helpful when trying to determine whether a patient should be rebiopsied or not.

    Multiparametric MRI

    The use of multiparametric MRI imaging of the prostate gland before a biopsy has been a game changer in prostate cancer diagnosis, increasing the accuracy of biopsies over standard biopsies. The mpMRI doesn’t replace the standard biopsy, but by improving its accuracy, it may help decrease the number of biopsies needed.

    The mpMRI has a higher resolution than a standard prostate ultrasound. This increases the ability to see suspicious lesions in the prostate, providing additional targets for the biopsy to sample.

    Positron Emission Tomography Scan

    A PET scan is similar to a bone scan, in that a slightly radioactive substance is injected into the blood, which can then be detected with a special camera. But PET scans use different tracers that collect mainly in cancer cells. The most common tracer for standard PET scans is FDG, which is a type of sugar. Unfortunately, this type of PET scan isnt very useful in finding prostate cancer cells in the body.

    However, newer tracers, such as fluciclovine F18, sodium fluoride F18, and choline C11, have been found to be better at detecting prostate cancer cells.

    Other newer tracers, such as Ga 68 PSMA-11 and 18F-DCFPyl , attach to prostate-specific membrane antigen , a protein that is often found in large amounts on prostate cancer cells. Tests using these types of tracers are sometimes referred to as PSMA PET scans.

    These newer types of PET scans are most often used if its not clear if prostate cancer has spread. For example, one of these tests might be done if the results of a bone scan arent clear, or if a man has a rising PSA level after initial treatment but its not clear where the cancer is in the body.

    The pictures from a PET scan arent as detailed as MRI or CT scan images, but they can often show areas of cancer anywhere in the body. Some machines can do a PET scan and either an MRI or a CT scan at the same time, which can give more detail about areas that show up on the PET scan.;

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    There Are Risks To Getting Prostate Cancer Tests And Treatments

    If your PSA is not normal, you will probably have a biopsy. The doctor puts a needle through the wall of the rectum and into the prostate to take a few samples. Biopsies can be painful and cause bleeding. Men can get serious infections from biopsies, and they may need hospital care.

    Surgery or radiation are the usual treatments for prostate cancer. They can do more harm than good. Treatment can cause serious complications, such as heart attacks, blood clots in the legs or lungs, or even death. In addition, 40 men out of 1,000 will become impotent or incontinent from treatment.

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