Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Relieve Enlarged Prostate Symptoms

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It Feels Really Freaking Good

Foods to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms and Risk of Prostate Cancer

The male G-spot is packed with thousands of nerve endings, which means that when you stimulate it, it feels really, really good. In fact, some men report being able to reach orgasm from prostate stimulation alone.

While there is not enough research to suggest that prostate orgasms specifically can lower your risk of prostate cancer, generally speaking, having more orgasms is a good thing for your prostate health: according to one Australian study, men who had five or more orgasms per week were 34% less likely to develop prostate cancer than men who had fewer than one orgasm per week.

Ready to go on the hunt for the male G-spot? Check out our tips for how to get started. Make sure to start slow and use plenty of lube, and happy hunting.

And if youre looking for some prostate massager recommendations, look no further. Weve listed a few of our favorite sex toys below.

The Vector is C-shaped because it doesnt just massage your prostate, it also stimulates your perineum, which is the space between your anus and scrotum. The perineum is a highly erogenous zone, yet its often ignored. No one really thinks to stimulate it during oral, manual, or penetrative sex. Read our full review of the Vector here.

LoveHoneys inflatable butt plug is insane, obviously. That said, it really fills up your insides. Read our full review of the inflatable butt plug here.

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Medications For Enlarged Prostate

There are two main classes of pharmaceuticals that work to alleviate enlarged prostate symptoms: alpha blockers and alpha reductase inhibitors

  • Alpha Blockers. Alpha blockers relax the smooth muscle around the bladder neck and within the urethra.

  • Inhibitors. Inhibitors stop the conversion of the male hormone testosterone to DHT to reduce the prostate’s size, eliminating blockage.

Dont be surprised if your physician prescribes a combination of the two medications, as they have been shown to work more effectively together than alone. The downside is that combination therapy may increase the likelihood of experiencing side effects from the medications. Be sure to work with your doctor to assess the benefits and costs before starting on combination therapy.

Natural Ways To Shrink The Prostate

Men, Prostate

If you are one of the 14 million men who suffer from an enlarged prostate due to benign prostatic hyperplasia , it is understandable that you would like to find a way to shrink your prostate or at least reduce its symptoms. You may wonder how to take the prostate back to a younger, more normal size that doesnt keep you running to the bathroom all night long.

When enlarged, the prostate gland can put pressure on the urethra and cause symptoms such as frequent urination and nighttime urination. The growing prostate can also keep the bladder from completely emptying and can affect the flow of urine, making for a weaker flow, starting and stopping of the flow, and urinary tract infections. More severe cases of BPH can make it difficult to urinate.

Even though BPH is not cancerous, it does affect a man and his familys quality of life. If you are waking up several times a night to urinate, chances are you are waking up your family members at least some of the time. Having to stop activities due to urinary urgency can have an effect and cause stress and annoyance for everyone involved.

Growth of the prostate with age is normal. One-third of men experience symptoms of an enlarged prostate by age 50. By age 70, 70 percent of men are affected, according to Johns Hopkins. So what can you do about it? Actually, there is a lot you can do.

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Surgery For An Enlarged Prostate

For most men with very enlarged prostates, surgery can relieve symptoms — but there are both risks and benefits with each type of operation. Discuss them with your doctor. After a careful evaluation of your situation and your general medical condition, your doctor will recommend which is best for you.

TURP : This is the most common surgery for an enlarged prostate, and considered to bring the greatest reduction in symptoms. Only the tissue growth that is pressing against the urethra is removed to allow urine to flow easily. The procedure involves an electrical loop that cuts tissue and seals blood vessels. Most doctors suggest using TURP whenever surgery is required, as it is less traumatic than open surgery and requires shorter recovery time.

With the TURP procedure, patients can expect to have retrograde ejaculation afterwards, says Westney. This is a condition in which a man ejaculates backward into the bladder instead of through the urethra. “Retrograde ejaculation generally isn’t painful,” she tells WebMD. “It shouldn’t be an issue unless fertility is a concern.” Other possible side effects include blood loss requiring transfusion , painful urination, recurring urinary tract infections, bladder neck narrowing, and blood in the urine.

After TURP, the odds of erection problems range from 5% to 35%. However, this is often temporary — and the ability to have an erection and an orgasm returns after a few months.

What Will They Give You To Relieve Your Prostate

How to Naturally Treat an Enlarged Prostate

Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the prostate issues, but they are typically as follows:

  • Lifestyle Changes: Pelvic floor exercises, limiting caffeine, alcohol, and overall fluid intake, etc. As the first line of defense, these may reduce the need to urinate but still dont directly treat the problematic prostate growth.
  • Medication: For more troubling cases of BPH, medications attempt to solve the problem by either relaxing the Prostate muscle or blocking the production of DHT. Alpha Blockers are prescribed to relax the smooth muscle of the Prostate and allow it to release more urine however, these medications are expensive and can be counterproductive.
  • Surgery: The third and most invasive option is going under the knife and having the enlarged prostate tissue removed, or making cuts in the prostate to widen the urethra. This is a painful option that requires the use of a catheter for several days following the procedure. The questions remains:
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    How To Reduce Prostate Inflammation

    An enlarged prostate or Prostatitis is a common condition in men over 40 years of age. This condition, that generates annoying symptoms, must be diagnosed and monitored by a urologist who will determine if it is bacterial prostatitis or of a chronic nature. Changes in diet as well as some changes in lifestyle habits and the intake of certain home remedies can help to shrink the prostate and improve the quality of life of patients. At oneHOWTO we explain in detail how to reduce prostate inflammation and improve your health.

    An enlarged prostate is a condition that must be diagnosed and monitored by a urologist as it is necessary to determine the cause of this condition to then find the ideal treatment. In addition to medical recommendations that should be strictly followed there are some changes in lifestyle habits are also important to take to promote a reduction of the prostate.

    The first step is to have a diet which is rich in fibre in order to improve the intestinal transit and prevent constipation, a condition that may increase the symptoms and discomfort of patients with an enlarged prostate. Fruits, vegetables and grains are essential to achieve this and should be consumed daily, while avoiding high-fat ingredients that can hinder digestion.

    If you want to read similar articles to How to Reduce Prostate Inflammation, we recommend you visit our Family health category.

    Persistent Ejaculation And Prostatitis

    One study has found a connection between persistent ejaculations and the occurrence of chronic prostatitis, which is inflammation of the prostate over a period of time longer than 3 months.

    Symptoms and signs of chronic prostatitis include the following:

    • Post-ejaculatory pain is a hallmark of the condition.
    • Perineal or pelvic pain without any evidence of a urinary tract infection, which lasts longer than 3 months.
    • Pain can be present in the perineum, testes, tip of the penis and the pubic or bladder area.
    • Pain which radiates to the back and rectum and makes sitting down uncomfortable.
    • Arthralgia.
    • Erectile difficulties.
    • Sexual dysfunction.

    The reason for this is because persistent ejaculation causes buildup of lactic acid and free radicals. These products are not cleared properly by the liver because its activity is suppressed by stress hormones released during the ejaculatory process. The buildup of these products then leads to inflammation of the prostatic tissue.

    Masturbation and testicular size

    Testicular size can be negatively affected by the following issues:

    There are literally over a hundred conditions that can cause testicular atrophy but masturbation is really one activity that one shouldnt worry about causing this issue.

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    Tips For Relieving Bph Symptoms

    Four simple steps can help relieve some of the symptoms of BPH:

  • Some men who are nervous and tense urinate more frequently. Reduce stress by exercising regularly and practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation.
  • When you go to the bathroom, take the time to empty your bladder completely. This will reduce the need for subsequent trips to the toilet.
  • Talk with your doctor about all prescription and over-the-counter medications you’re taking some may contribute to the problem. Your doctor may be able to adjust dosages or change your schedule for taking these drugs, or he or she may prescribe different medications that cause fewer urinary problems.
  • Avoid drinking fluids in the evening, particularly caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. Both can affect the muscle tone of the bladder and stimulate the kidneys to produce urine, leading to nighttime urination.
  • For more on advances in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate diseases, read the Annual Report on Prostate Diseases from Harvard Medical School.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Prostate Enlargement

    How to Avoid Enlarged Prostate Reduce Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Symptoms

    Not every man with an enlarged prostate has symptoms. But when symptoms do occur, they are related to the prostate obstructing the flow of urine through the urethra. This can lead to problems such as:

    • Difficulty in starting or stopping urination
    • Dribbling of urine after urination has stopped
    • A weak urine stream
    • Pain in the area between the scrotum and the anus and
    • A feeling that the bladder is not empty even after urinating.

    Although these symptoms are usually due to an enlarged prostate, they may also be caused by other serious conditions . So men should always see a doctor if they notice changes in the how they urinate, or how often.

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    Does Sexual Activity Improve Prostate Health

    Regular ejaculation enhances the immune systems response to the presence of cancer cells.

    According to a report published in JAMA, men who reported having more than 20 ejaculations per month were 33% less likely to develop prostate cancer.

    These measured ejaculations included sexual intercourse, nocturnal emissions, and masturbation. Researchers evaluated nearly 30,000 patients, of whom 1,449 developed prostate cancer.

    Assuming the men answered the survey questions honestly, the results indicated that active sex life is not associated with higher cancer risk in most men.

    An Australian study of 2,338 men also came to a similar conclusion. This study found that men who averaged 4.6 to seven ejaculations a week were 36% less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 70 compared to men who ejaculated less than 2.3 times a week on average.

    The study found no connection between prostate cancer and the number of sex partners.

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    When Is Bph Treatment Necessary

    The course of BPH in any individual is not predictable. Symptoms, as well as objective measurements of urethral obstruction, can remain stable for many years and may even improve over time for as many as one-third of men, according to some studies. In a study from the Mayo Clinic, urinary symptoms did not worsen over a 3.5-year period in 73% of men with mild BPH. A progressive decrease in the size and force of the urinary stream and the feeling of incomplete bladder emptying are the symptoms most correlated with the eventual need for treatment. Although nocturia is one of the most annoying BPH symptoms, it does not predict the need for future intervention.

    If worsening urethral obstruction is left untreated, possible complications are a thickened, irritable bladder with reduced capacity for urine infected residual urine or bladder stones and a backup of pressure that damages the kidneys.

    • Inadequate bladder emptying resulting in damage to the kidneys
    • Complete inability to urinate after acute urinary retention
    • Incontinence due to overfilling or increased sensitivity of the bladder
    • Bladder stones
    • Recurrent severe hematuria
    • Symptoms that trouble the patient enough to diminish his quality of life

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    Currently, the main options to address BPH are:

    • Watchful waiting
    • Medication
    • Surgery

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    How Is Bph Diagnosed And Evaluated

    Early diagnosis of BPH is important because if left untreated it can lead to urinary tract infections, bladder or kidney damage, bladder stones and incontinence. Distinguishing BPH from more serious diseases like prostate cancer is important.

    Tests vary from patient to patient, but the following are the most common:

    Ejaculation May Help The Prostate

    Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate

    Good LovinBy Bonnie Jenkins, Advanced Natural Wellness

    OK men, listen up! Sex is good for your prostate. Thats not a moral judgement. Its a medical one at least according to a new study in The Journal of the American Medical Association.

    For years, doctors were firmly convinced that frequent ejaculation increased a mans risk for prostate cancer. But new research from Harvard and the National Cancer Institute promptly turned that old adage on its head when it found that ejaculating may actually help protect the prostate.

    In fact, men who ejaculated most often actually had a 33 percent lower lifetime risk of prostate cancer, and this relationship just grew stronger as men grew older!

    Protection or Panacea?

    The study involved nearly 30,000 men who participated in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study from 1992 to 2000. When the study began, the subjects, who were predominantly white and at least 46 years old, were surveyed about their ejaculation frequency from ages 20-to-29 years, 40-to-49 years, and during the last year.

    In general, the researchers found no association between ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer risk. However, men who averaged 21 or more ejaculations per month over their lifetime were 33 percent less likely to develop cancer than men with four to seven ejaculations per month.

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    The Fine Print

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    One Last Thing . . .

    Don’t Miss: Does Enlarged Prostate Affect Ejaculation

    What Is Enlarged Prostate

    Enlarged prostate refers to the state in which the prostate is enlarged but not cancerous.

    Hormonal changes and cell growth resulting from the aging process may cause the prostate to swell, often impinging upon and compressing the urethra. This causes the bladder walls to become thicker and can prevent the bladder from emptying completely.

    Is There A Link Between Masturbation And Prostate Cancer

    In 30 seconds

    Any link between masturbation and prostate cancer is yet to be proven categorically. However, some studies over the years have shown, perhaps surprisingly, that the more you masturbate, the lower your chances of developing prostate cancer.

    Its not just masturbating that might help.

    All ejaculation may help your prostate health, it seems including during sex. Your prostate produces some of the fluid in your ejaculate, so it does make sense that ejaculation and prostate health are related.

    However, other studies have suggested that things arent so clear-cut. Frequent masturbation appears to have different effects on prostate cancer risk at different ages. Meanwhile, your risk is affected by your genes, your diet, and your age too.

    Science doesnt know for certain what causes prostate cancer. While its known that things like genetics and diet play a role, researchers are always looking for new clues to lead them to a more concrete explanation.

    Its this approach that has led them to investigate a possible link between masturbation and prostate cancer. Why? Because the prostate is involved in the production of fluid for your semen. And if you masturbate a lot, your prostate gland will be more active.

    However, things are not yet certain. In this article, were going to look at the evidence for the potential link between masturbation and prostate cancer and explore some other causes of the illness too.

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    A Diet Rich In Fruits Vegetables And Healthy Fats Is Highly Recommended These Include:

    • Coldwater fish like salmon, trout, and sardines. They are high in omega 3 fatty acids which help to reduce inflammation in the body, as well as help with prostate reduction.
    • Tomatoes, berries, and citrus fruits are rich in antioxidants and vit C, which combat free radicals rampaging round in the body, causing inflammation and infections in many organs.
    • Leafy green vegetables contain a chemical called sulforaphane. This chemical is believed to target cancer cells and promote a healthy prostate. Good options to include are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts.
    • Nuts are rich in trace minerals such as zinc, which is found in high concentrations in the prostate. Tests have shown that zinc may help balance testosterone and DHT in the prostate, and so help to prevent enlargement. Shellfish and legumes are also rich in zinc.
    • More research is needed, but onions and garlic may also be helpful to the prostate.
    • Changing your diet can be quite effective in managing the symptoms of BPH, but other lifestyle changes may also be helpful.

    What Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

    Medications to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms and Risk of Prostate Enlargement

    Benign prostatic hyperplasiaalso called BPHis a condition in men in which the prostate gland is enlarged and not cancerous. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is also called benign prostatic hypertrophy or benign prostatic obstruction.

    The prostate goes through two main growth periods as a man ages. The first occurs early in puberty, when the prostate doubles in size. The second phase of growth begins around age 25 and continues during most of a mans life. Benign prostatic hyperplasia often occurs with the second growth phase.

    As the prostate enlarges, the gland presses against and pinches the urethra. The bladder wall becomes thicker. Eventually, the bladder may weaken and lose the ability to empty completely, leaving some urine in the bladder. The narrowing of the urethra and urinary retentionthe inability to empty the bladder completelycause many of the problems associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

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