Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Get A Prostate Exam

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What Is A Digital Rectal Exam

How to give a Prostate Exam

The most common way for doctors to check on the health of your prostate is with a DRE. Its a fairly quick and simple procedure.

For the exam, youll bend at the waist while standing or lie on your side with your knees bent toward your chest.

Your doctor will lubricate a gloved finger and gently place it inside your rectum. Theyll press one hand on your prostate, and their other hand will feel your pelvic area. It should only take a few moments.

You may experience momentary discomfort. You may also feel the urge to urinate, especially if your prostate is enlarged or inflamed.

Your doctor will be able to tell you if your prostate seems to be a normal size and shape. In general, a DRE has no risks.

When To Startand Stopscreening

The doctors and researchers who recommend screening argue that cases of prostate cancer found very early can be cured more quickly, with less chance of relapse or spread. Those who recommend against routine screening point to the slow-moving nature of prostate cancer and the side effects of surgical and medical treatment, which can be considerable.

The introduction of PSA screening in the US led to an initial increase in the number of prostate cancer cases diagnosed each year, even though many of these new cases were non-aggressive or low-risk prostate cancer. The issue was not that screening was harmful, it was that many of these low-risk cancers did not necessarily need immediate treatment. It seems strange to say that a patient might be better off leaving cancer untreated, but in some cases, it can be true. For a few years, the United States Preventative Services Task Force recommended against PSA screening. We are now seeing more cases of advanced prostate cancer diagnosed in recent years. This may be a long-tail effect of that USPSTF recommendation. It has now been changed to note that for men aged 55 to 69 years, the decision to undergo PSA screening is an individual one and should be discussed with your doctor. USPSTF continues to recommend against screening for men aged 70 and over.

Weighing Your Options For Treatment

If you test positive for prostate cancer, you have some options as to what youd like to do about it. Until recently, nearly everyone opted for surgery or radiation, while some patients choose not to undergo treatment, instead opting for active surveillance, during which the cancers are left alone but regularly monitored to be certain that theyre not growing.

Certainly, screening can lead to earlier prostate cancer detection, and with earlier detection, youre eligible for multiple different treatments or active surveillance, said Sia Daneshmand, MD, associate professor of urology at Keck School of Medicine of USC and director of urologic oncology at the USC Institute of Urology at Keck Medicine of USC. So we encourage patients who are candidates for screening to discuss it with their urologist and/or primary care physician so that we can determine whats the best course of treatment for them.

There also is a new option for those seeking prostate cancer treatment. Its called High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound , which uses ultrasound beams to non-surgically destroy prostate tumors.

If you are in the Los Angeles area, schedule an appointment with one of our urologists by calling;;or by visiting;

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Do You Also Ejaculate When You Have A Prostate

Fred: Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Occasionally Ill shoot when Ive gone through a prostate orgasm, but usually, if I ejaculate, I dont even notice.

Alan: Most of the time I do ejaculate with a prostate-induced orgasm, but the first time I didnt. Its how I learned I could climax without an ejaculation.

Drew: I generally cum from p-spot orgasms, but it’s more drawn out and less of a “shooting my load” type situation. The cum oozes out during the drawn-out orgasm and is usually accompanied by some really lovely spasming of my hole.

Oh boy, do I ever. I have been told on multiple occasions that I need to do adult film work with the amount that I ejaculate when my prostate is stimulated. Fountain, hose, shower, drain spoutjust a few of the words that humans have used to describe my cumshot when something is up my rear end.

Daniel: Many times when I’m enjoying prostate stimulation it’s difficult to keep an erection. I get lost in the waves of pleasure and just lose it. Other times, I can maintain my erection and will masturbate while being penetrated or stimulated. I can time my prostate orgasm with my penile one causing a massive surge of energy and triggering dopamine to leak in my brain.

Dominus: I practice Tantra and can have multiple body orgasms that aren’t ejaculatory, and prostate play can get me to that state. Now if I want to ejaculate at the same time, at my age, this is the only time I really shoot like I did in my teen years.

How Would You Say Prostate Orgasms Differ From Penile Ones

How To Perform a Prostate Exam

Fred: Theyre way more intense. Penile orgasms are quicker, and they dont feel anywhere near as good. I love both, naturally, but for me, a penile orgasm is a quick release, whereas getting a prostate orgasm is a full eyes rolled back situation.

Alan: The obvious answer for me is the different location of the sensations. Oftentimes, with prostate orgasms, I have engaged my entire body. On top of that, it doesnt have to mean an ejaculation, thus changing how we define what the climax of our sexual pleasure is. I often find, depending on the situation, that I can have sex longer with a prostate orgasm.

Evan: Prostate orgasms are a lot more full-body. I feel it more in my legs and torso, rather than just locally in my dick. Also, sometimes I cum kind of quickly from penile orgasms, and with prostate stimulation, I last longer in every way. The resulting orgasm is generally longer and “slower” than just stimulation from my dick.

Drew: In my experience, p-spot orgasms are really different from penile ones. When I cum via penile stimulation it feels like a quick and heavy punch to my pleasure center, followed by a really nice burst/release; prostate orgasms are much more intense and drawn out. At some point, I usually start oozing cum , which can go on for quite a while. I liken this all to an ocean wave on the beach, undulating between crashing up the shore and receding back down to the sea, only to come back once more.

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What Would You Say To Men Who Dont Want To Get A Prostate Check

A rectal exam is recommended but optional. We recommend both, but if theyll just let you do a blood test, thats better than not doing anything at all. ;

If concern about the rectal exam is the only reason youre not getting screened, talk to your doctor about it. We can discuss the risks and benefits. None of the evaluation tests are mandatory, but the reason we do that is that it improves our ability to detect cancer. So, if thats why youre not being evaluated, we can talk and decide if we can do other tests.

Routine Tests For All

There are some examinations that everyone should undergo on an annual basis. Depending on the specific markers and symptoms you may be exhibiting, having a year to year baseline to compare your numbers to can be of great benefit to getting to the root of any medical problems. The routine tests everyone should undergo include:

Yearly screenings, even when you feel healthy are crucial to assessing our risk for future problems, can encourage a healthier lifestyle, allows you to build a relationship with your healthcare provider, update any vaccinations and of course, screen for any health issues you may be having at the moment.

Depending on whether you are male or female, there may be additional tests that you should also undergo.

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What Is Screening For Prostate Cancer

Some men get a PSA test to screen for prostate cancer. Talk to your doctor, learn what is involved, and decide if a PSA test is right for you.

Cancer screeningexternal icon means looking for cancer before it causes symptoms. The goal of screening for prostate cancer is to find cancers that may be at high risk for spreading if not treated, and to find them early before they spread.

If you are thinking about being screened, learn about the possible benefits and harms of screening, diagnosis, and treatment, and talk to your doctor about your personal risk factors.

There is no standard test to screen for prostate cancer. Two tests that are commonly used to screen for prostate cancer are described below.

Touching Your Prostate With Your Finger

What to Expect from a Prostate Exam
  • 1See a trained professional if you want your prostate medically examined. Medical professionals do not recommend prostate self-exams. An untrained finger is unlikely to accurately recognize signs of problems, and there is a small but not inconsequential risk of damage to the rectum or prostate.XResearch source
  • Talk to your primary care doctor to determine if you should have a DRE to check your prostate.
  • Check your prostate if youre older than 40, have a high risk for prostate cancer, or if you have symptoms of an enlarged or infected prostates.
  • If you want to access your prostate for sexual pleasure, take all the precautions described in this article and work very slowly and gently.
  • 2Take a shower and clean between the cheeks thoroughly. Use soap, water, and a soft washcloth to clean the area as best you can, then rinse it out thoroughly with clean water from the shower. The cleaner you feel “up there,” the less self-conscious you’re likely to be when the time comes to insert your finger.
  • Dont use a rough washcloth or brush, scrub too vigorously, or try to clean deep into your rectum. You may damage the sensitive tissue in the area. Just accept that its not possible to get this area 100% clean.
  • Even when youre accessing your own rectum, its best to play it safe and wear a glove.
  • If you wear a ring on the index finger youll be using, remove it.
  • Your entire index finger should be fully coated from the tip down to at least the middle knuckle.
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    Self Prostate Exam For Prostate Stones

    How to detect prostate stones in time? Experts said that the nature of prostate stones is the same as kidney stones, and stomach stones. However, the location of stones is in the prostate. Then how do we perform self prostate exam for prostate stones?

    Self prostate exam for prostate stones

    1, under normal circumstances, the existence of prostate stones alone has no symptoms.

    2, when the prostate gland and benign prostatic hyperplasia coexist, there will be symptoms of weak, urinary frequency, urinary wait, urine droplets and so on.

    3, There will be discomfort of perineum, penis, pubic and anal and other adjacent organs. When getting up in the morning, the urethra will have white discharge when prostate stones and prostatitis coexist.

    4, when the prostate stones and urethritis or other diseases of urinary tract infection coexist, there will be symptoms of frequent urination, urgency, hematuria and so on.


    Above is the self prostate exam for prostate stones, have you learned it? Experts said that the best way for an early detection of prostate stones is to go to the hospital for medical examination. If your body has had the above symptoms, be sure go to the regular hospital for timely inspection.

    What Happens During A Digital Rectal Exam

    Your health care provider will insert a gloved finger into the rectum and feel the prostate for hard, lumpy, or abnormal areas. The test takes only a few minutes to complete.

    You may feel slight, momentary discomfort during the test. The procedure does not cause significant pain or any damage to the prostate.

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    What Does A High Psa Level Mean

    Healthy cells in the prostate produce limited amounts of prostate-specific antigen. When prostate problems occur, the cells increase production, leading to elevated PSA levels. A high PSA level may indicate:

    • Prostatitis
    • Benign prostatic hyperplasia
    • Prostate cancer

    If your PSA levels are high, your doctor will likely order additional diagnostic tests to determine the cause.

    What Happens After The Dre

    Men Film Their Prostate Exams For Movember

    If any abnormalities are found during the DRE, the doctor may order more tests and possibly schedule a prostate biopsy to see if there are any signs of cancer present.

    If there are no signs of prostate cancer found during screening, the results of the PSA blood test may help to determine the time between future prostate cancer screenings. PSA levels vary by age and other factors.

    Ultimately, you and your doctor will decide how often you should be screened since your diet, health and lifestyle habits are all factors on the timing and frequency of your prostate cancer screenings. Be sure to consult with your doctor if you notice any changes in your health.

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    What Is A Prostate Screening

    A prostate screening should be done routinely once a man turns a certain age. This in order to detect undiagnosed prostate cancer in someone who may not have any symptoms. There are two main tests that a man must undergo during a prostate screening: A PSA test and digital rectal exam. The PSA test checks the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood. The digital rectal exam consists of the doctor feeling for any abnormalities within a mans prostate.

    Both types of prostate screening tests are important to have because they test for different things. This means that complete confidence regarding the state of your prostate health requires both tests. As the most common cancer for men, it can be detected early and treated.

    How Do I Get Ready For A Dre

    You do not need to do anything special to prepare for a DRE. But there are a few things to keep in mind.

    • Tell your health care team if you have hemorrhoids or anal fissures. The DRE may make them worse.

    • If you are concerned about the cost of your DRE, find out from your insurance provider what costs they will cover beforehand. Ask how much of the cost you will have to pay out of pocket.

    • You will be asked to sign a consent form before your DRE. The form will state that you understand the benefits and risks of the DRE and agree to have the test. Your doctor or nurse will explain the test before you sign the form, and you can ask questions.

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    What Is A Psa Test

    If the doctor finds abnormalities during the DRE, then the patient needs to undergo more tests. A PSA test is very commonly requested. It is also called a prostate-specific antigen test, or a PSA blood test.

    A PSA test measures the level of prostate-specific antigen in the patients bloodstream. This is an indicator of various prostate-related conditions. The doctor may use the results from a PSA test to determine the abnormality of the male patients prostate.;

    Several conditions may be detected through a PSA test. This is because the level of PSA in the body increases when certain things affect the prostate gland.;

    When the prostate is affected by inflammation, the PSA levels will generally increase. The same happens when the man develops an infection in their prostate.;

    An enlargement of the prostate gland is also known to elevate the protein levels in the mans body. This is an indication of benign prostatic hyperplasia, a prevalent condition in men. When left untreated, an enlarged prostate can cause problems. This includes a risk of infections bladder infection and urinary tract infections can occur.;

    A PSA test can also help in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. When cancerous cells develop in the prostate gland, the PSA levels in the mans body will also rise.;

    Benefits And Risks Of Screenings

    Your Healthy Family: getting a prostate exam

    The benefit of any cancer screening test is to find cancer early, when it easier to treat. But the value of PSA screening for prostate cancer is debated. No single answer fits all men.

    Prostate cancer often grows very slowly. PSA levels can begin to rise years before a cancer causes any symptoms or problems. It is also very common as men age. In many cases, the cancer will not cause any problems or shorten a man’s life span.

    For these reasons, it is not clear if the benefits of routine screenings outweigh the risks or side effects of being treated for prostate cancer once it is found.

    There are other factors to think about before having a PSA test:

    • Anxiety. Elevated PSA levels does not always mean you have cancer. These results and the need for further testing can cause a lot of fear and anxiety, even if you do not have prostate cancer.
    • Side effects from further testing. If your PSA test is higher than normal, you may need to have a one or more biopsies to find out for sure. A biopsy is safe, but can cause problems such as an infection, pain, fever, or blood in the semen or urine.
    • Overtreatment. Many prostate cancers will not affect your normal life span. But since it is impossible to know for sure, most people want to get treatment. Cancer treatment can have serious side effects, including problems with erections and urinating. These side effects can cause more problems than the untreated cancer.

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