Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Check Your Prostate Health

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Results for simple medical tests such as some urodynamic tests, cystoscopy, and abdominal ultrasound are often available soon after the test. The results of other medical tests such as PSA blood test and prostate tissue biopsy may take several days to come back. A health care provider will talk with the patient about the results and possible treatments for the problem.

Transrectal Ultrasound With Prostate Biopsy

Transrectal ultrasound is most often used to examine the prostate. In a transrectal ultrasound, the health care provider inserts a transducer slightly larger than a pen into the mans rectum next to the prostate. The ultrasound image shows the size of the prostate and any abnormal-looking areas, such as tumors. Transrectal ultrasound cannot definitively identify prostate cancer.

To determine whether a tumor is cancerous, the health care provider uses the transducer and ultrasound images to guide a needle to the tumor. The needle is then used to remove a few pieces of prostate tissue for examination with a microscope. This process, called biopsy, can reveal whether prostate cancer is present. A transrectal ultrasound with prostate biopsy is usually performed by a doctor in a health care providers office, outpatient center, or hospital with light sedation and local anesthesia. The biopsied prostate tissue is examined in a laboratory by a pathologista doctor who specializes in diagnosing diseases.

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Identifying Potential Prostate Problems

  • 1Watch for urination-related symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Many men, especially age 50 and older, experience an enlarged prostate . In most cases, its not caused by cancer, and many men have no symptoms. If you do experience symptoms like the following, however, contact your primary care doctor:XResearch source
  • Weak flow during urination.
  • Pain or burning during urination.
  • Painful ejaculation.
  • Frequent pain or stiffness in your lower back, hips, pelvic or rectal area, or upper thighs.
  • 3Undergo testing and treatment in consultation with your medical team. If youre having prostate problems, and especially if you have possible symptoms of prostate cancer, your primary care doctor or urologist will likely conduct a digital rectal exam , a PSA blood test, or both. From there, they may recommend ultrasounds, CT scans, and/or prostate biopsies to achieve a diagnosis. While you should be an active participant in making your healthcare decisions, do not take expert medical advice lightly.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Cancer SocietyNonprofit devoted to promoting cancer research, education, and supportGo to source
  • Some studies indicate that the DRE isnt a perfect test for prostate cancer since it can be difficult to reach the front side of the prostate, but many experts argue it is still a valuable test.XResearch source
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    Who Should Get A Prostate Exam

    Starting at age 50, all men should discuss prostate cancer screening with their doctor. The American Cancer Society advises men at higher risk to have this conversation at age 45.

    Youre considered to have an increased risk if youre African-American or if a first-degree relative had prostate cancer before age 65. If more than one first-degree relative had prostate cancer before age 65, you might want to consider beginning prostate cancer screening even earlier.

    The ACS estimates there will be about new cases of prostate cancer in the United States in 2016. About men will die from it.

    Prostate cancer is easier to treat before it spreads. However, some prostate cancers are so slow-growing that they dont always require treatment. A lot depends on your age and other factors.

    Discuss your risk factors with your doctor, and ask if you should have a prostate exam as part of your yearly checkup.

    Ask About Screening For Bowel Cancer

    Enlarged Prostate  Sexual Health

    Early detection of bowel cancer greatly improves chances of successful treatment. Your risk of bowel cancer increases with age. If you are over age 50, you should be tested for bowel cancer every two years.

    The National Bowel Screening Program, using FOBT, is offered free to all Australians aged 50-74 every two years. Cancer Council urges all eligible Australians to participate. Screening kits usually arrive within six months of your birthday.

    Some people have known risk factors that put them at increased risk. If you do, your doctor will talk to you about regular surveillance.

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    How Often Should Men Have A Prostate Screening

    A prostate screening is extremely important to have regularly. Because, without them, a mans health is at a high risk of developing prostate cancer. Knowing how often prostate screenings should be had can be helpful to those men who are not sure.

    A mans health is just as important to maintain as a womans. But most people are under the assumption that womens health needs more attention. However, that is not true. Men are at risk of developing prostate cancer, and it can become very problematic if not addressed.

    Keep reading to find out how often a man should have a prostate screening.

    Gp Examination And Tests

    A GP will ask about your symptoms and concerns, and their impact on your quality of life.

    You may be asked to complete a chart that records how much liquid you usually drink, how much urine you pass, how often you have to pee on a daily basis and whether you have any leakage.

    The GP may do a physical examination. They may examine your stomach and genital area.

    They may also feel your prostate gland through the wall of your bottom . This is called a rectal examination.

    The GP may order a blood test to check that your kidneys are working properly.

    They may advise you to have a prostate-specific antigen blood test to rule out prostate cancer.

    You may be offered a urine test, for example to check for sugar or blood in your pee. This is to see if you have diabetes or an infection.

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    Other Factors That Influence Psa Levels

    The PSA blood test alone cannot diagnose prostate cancer. It is possible, although rare, to have prostate cancer without raised PSA levels in the blood. A higher-than-normal PSA level doesnt automatically indicate prostate cancer either. A high PSA level is due to cancer in around one in three cases.

    PSA levels can be raised by other factors, including:

    • , also known as benign prostatic enlargement .

    For this reason, the PSA blood test isnt used in isolation when checking for prostate cancer.

    Does Zinc Supplementation Increase The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

    How To Maintain Good Prostate Health

    We have established that the results are mixed when it comes to whether or not zinc supplements can prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer.

    On the other hand, some studies suggest using zinc supplementation could actually increase a person risk of prostate cancer.

    When looking at whether zinc supplementation may cause an increased risk of prostate cancer, some factors need to be taken into consideration.

    Most studies show that the maintenance of adequate zinc levels protects against the formation of cancerous tumors within the prostate gland.

    On the other hand, one recent follow-up study among more than 45,000 health professionals provided quite interesting findings. Among the participants in the study, a very high intake of zinc supplementation seems to be linked to an increased risk of more advanced prostate cancer.

    The risk was increased 2.9 times among those who took more than 100 mg/d of zinc supplementation daily. It should be noted, however, that this risk was linked to the long-term use of such a high dose zinc supplement.

    Some people take even higher concentrations of zinc. At 150 mg/d, the supplement may cause a dysfunction of the immune system.

    The circulating levels of a compound known as insulin-like growth factor I also increases with such high levels of zinc.

    The increase in insulin-like growth factor I may be another element that contributes to an increased risk of prostate cancer, particularly a more advanced type of the disease.

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    Questions You Might Want To Ask Your Gp

    • Do I need to see a specialist? Is it urgent?
    • When will I see them?
    • Where will I see them?
    • Will I find out about my appointments by post or telephone?
    • Do I need tests? What will they involve?
    • How long should I expect to wait?
    • Where can I find out more about tests?
    • Do I have to do anything in preparation for this test?
    • When will I get the results and who will tell me?

    Your GP might not be able to answer all of your questions. They will tell you what they can at this point. Not knowing is difficult to cope with and can make you anxious.

    Speaking to a friend or relative about how you feel might help.

    Use In Men Who Might Have Prostate Cancer

    The PSA blood test is used mainly to screen for prostate cancer in men without symptoms. Its also one of the first tests done in men who have symptoms that might be caused by prostate cancer.

    PSA in the blood is measured in units called nanograms per milliliter . The chance of having prostate cancer goes up as the PSA level goes up, but there is no set cutoff point that can tell for sure if a man does or doesnt have prostate cancer. Many doctors use a PSA cutoff point of 4 ng/mL or higher when deciding if a man might need further testing, while others might recommend it starting at a lower level, such as 2.5 or 3.

    • Most men without prostate cancer have PSA levels under 4 ng/mL of blood. Still, a level below 4 is not a guarantee that a man doesnt have cancer.
    • Men with a PSA level between 4 and 10 have about a 1 in 4 chance of having prostate cancer.
    • If the PSA is more than 10, the chance of having prostate cancer is over 50%.

    If your PSA level is high, you might need further tests to look for prostate cancer.

    To learn more about how the PSA test is used to look for cancer, including factors that can affect PSA levels, special types of PSA tests, and what the next steps might be if you have an abnormal PSA level, see Screening Tests for Prostate Cancer.

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    What Tests Might I Have At The Hospital

    If youre given an appointment with a hospital specialist, they may do some of the tests you had at the GP surgery again. You may also have other tests, including the following.

    Symptom questionnaire

    You might be asked to fill in a short questionnaire about your symptoms. This is called the International Prostate Symptom Score and is used to see how bad your symptoms are and how much they are bothering you.

    Urine flow test

    Youll be asked to urinate into a machine that measures the speed of your urine flow. Men with an enlarged prostate usually have a slower flow than other men. Youll need a full bladder for the test. The doctor or nurse will tell you how much to drink before you have the test. They may also ask you not to urinate for two to three hours before the test.

    Ultrasound scan

    This shows how much urine your bladder can hold, and if it is emptying properly. You may have the scan straight after the urine flow test to see how much urine is left in your bladder after you urinate. You may also have an ultrasound scan to look at your kidneys.

    What Are We Looking For

    How to Check Your Prostate: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

    Many men experience issues with their prostate gland as they age. The symptoms for benign prostate enlargement and prostate cancer are very similar most men present first with urinary issues. When your prostate has simply enlarged the surface is usually smooth. We begin to suspect prostate cancer when the surface is hard and lumpy. Its a key difference and the best way to find out is via a rectal exam.

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    How Do Men Feel About The Rectal Exam

    I think most men are willing to do it, but some men are exceptionally opposed to it. They might be happy to hear that there are studies ongoing in the United Kingdom looking at using magnetic resonance imaging as a screening tool to be able to avoid doing a digital rectal exam in the future. There is a large African immigrant population in London with a higher incidence of prostate cancerthey didnt want to have the prostate exam because they had a lot of opposition to it. They were uncomfortable with it.

    Is It Easy To Orgasm This Way

    Lets say it may take some practice and patience.

    Actual clinical research on prostate-induced orgasms is seriously lacking, so we dont know how common it is or if its possible for everyone with a prostate to have this type of orgasm.

    Every body is different, so some experimenting to see what feels good is in order. If you do manage to have one, reproducing it will be easy.

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    When Should I Get Tested

    Visit Am I at Risk? to learn more. All men are at risk of prostate cancer, so it is important to talk with your doctor to make an informed decision. Check out our recommended age and testing guidelines, which are based on the NCCN provided recommendations.

    Detecting prostate cancer early gives you the best chance of living longer. In fact, more than 99 percent of men survive prostate cancer when it is caught early.

    Watch prostate cancer experts, Dr. Lowentritt and Dr. Siegel in this video discuss detection and diagnosis:

    What Is Your Prostate And What Does It Do

    Prostate Health Index – Do You Know Your PHI Number?

    Your prostate is a small gland that lives inside your body, just below your bladder. It sits around the urethra, which is the tube that carries pee from your bladder through your penis. Only men have a prostate.

    Your prostate produces some of the fluids contained in your semen, the liquid that transports sperm. This liquid contains special enzymes and hormones that help your sperm cells function properly, which means the prostate plays a key part in your fertility. The muscles in your prostate also help push semen through your urethra when you ejaculate.

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    How Do You Prepare To Give A Prostate Massage

    When it comes to sex, there are two kinds of safety: physical and psychological. Psychological safety starts with permission, Hong explains. Prostate stimulation is not something you surprise withit takes some preparing, Lexx Brown-James, Ph.D., L.M.F.T., tells SELF. That means bringing it up verbally before getting down to business. A simple You know, theres something Ive been really excited about trying… can help start the conversation, Brown-James says.

    If you and your partner both agree to try it, youll also need to account for physical safetywhich boils down to avoiding anal trauma. So it might be helpful to learn a few best practices before you talk to your partner, TBH. This way you can discuss any concerns they or you might have.

    The first step in safe prostate play is washing your hands with good old soap and water. You can use these handy instructions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . As you probably know from the new coronavirus pandemic, keeping your hands clean is one way to avoid spreading germs on your hands to the eyes, nose, or mouth. Its also a good time to mention that you dont need any special antibacterial soap for this. As SELF has previously reported, tried-and-true hand soap will do the trick.

    When To Get Your Prostate Checked: Warning Signs And Advice

    A healthy prostate plays a vital role in male fertility, producing fluid that helps keep sperm alive. But as you get older, particularly after the age of 40, you may find that your prostate starts to cause you problems. One reason for this is that the prostate continues to grow as you age. This is a normal process but for many men, an enlarged prostate can cause symptoms that affect their quality of life. This isnt the only problem that affects the prostate, there are several other prostate issues, which can produce similar symptoms to each other. A prostate exam can help you find out whats going on with your prostate so your doctor can then help you get relief from any symptoms you may be experiencing.

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    What Do The Results Mean

    PSA levels may be above the baseline for various reasons other than prostate cancer.

    Other factors that can raise PSA levels include:

    • older age
    • an enlarged prostate â because of benign prostatic hyperplasia , for example
    • prostatitis, which is inflammation and swelling of the prostate

    Also, people with obesity may have lower PSA readings.

    In addition, some medications may reduce PSA levels, including:

    • 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, which can help treat BPH
    • aspirin, which some people take regularly as a blood thinner
    • statins, which help manage cholesterol levels
    • thiazide diuretics, a kind of water pill that can help reduce high blood pressure

    Some herbal medicines and supplements can also lower PSA levels. Tell the doctor about any medications and supplements before undergoing the test.

    High PSA levels alone do not indicate cancer. However, if a DRE also reveals changes, a doctor may recommend a biopsy for a more accurate result.

    The PCA3 is another test for prostate cancer that doctors use in some circumstances. Find out more.

    Dealing With A Growing Prostate

    26807 " Feel For Yourself"  Prostate Exam Display

    Some men notice no symptoms of prostate growth. For the many who do, though, treatments can ease the peeing process.

    Lifestyle changes: Cut down on, or cut out, alcohol and coffee, and drink less fluid in the evening. Both strategies can lessen the number of trips to the toilet. Also, talk to your doctor about your current medications. Some drugs may worsen your symptoms.

    Medications: The FDA has approved several medications for benign prostate growth, which help by slowing growth, shrinking the prostate, or relaxing the muscles that make urination easier. Some men may benefit from a combination of drugs.

    Surgery: For men who donât benefit from medications, there are many types of surgery to offer relief. Some are minimally invasive, others are more involved. The most common, called TURP , removes the prostate tissue thatâs compressing the urethra. TURP may result in retrograde ejaculation, a condition in which semen enters the bladder rather than exiting the urethra. It is harmless, but can lead to male infertility.

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